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Toggleable Time Block Dispenser

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:15 am
by TheAbyss90
Currently the BD just picks up blocks instantly. What if a switch was added to go from the current speed of picking them up to say.. 4 seconds? Reason being would take it longer to carefully get the block in its original form. Example. Useing the current speed Smoothstone when pulled in would become cobblestone because it just pulls it apart and then jams it back together mismatched. Useing the other speed would keep it in smoothstone form.

This idea doesnt have much use right now but if Im remembering right they plan on making it so lava and water flow when they meet turn into smoothstone instead of cobble. That would make automated cobblestone generaters impossible to make. Thats basicly the main point of the suggestion. At the fastest speed when pulled in with smooth and cobble being the inputs you get cobble as the output. At the slowest speed when pulled in smooth and possibly cobble being the inputs you get smoothstone as the output.

Past that havent really though on other uses. Maybe if you accidently use the fastest speed when picking up logs you get 2 planks. Ideas for other uses? Thoughts on the use I thought up for it? Curious what people think of it :)

Re: Toggleable Time Block Dispenser

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:48 am
by Urian
Short answer: Nope
Long answer: You can already easily do this by using redstone circuitry, turntables, etc and FC has said that he likes that solutions require thinking rather than one block solutions.

Re: Toggleable Time Block Dispenser

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:54 am
by M!C
Urian wrote:Short answer: Nope
Long answer: You can already easily do this by using redstone circuitry, turntables, etc and FC has said that he likes that solutions require thinking rather than one block solutions.
Wait, we can turn smoothstone into cobble using a BD? Because that's what I think TheAbyss90 meant to do.
If there is a posibility to do it please share. ;)

Re: Toggleable Time Block Dispenser

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:04 am
by Urian
It's based on the idea that you can't make cobblestone generators. This is false, you can make both cobblestone generators and smooth stone generators, which one is generated depends on if lava hits water or water hits lava.

Re: Toggleable Time Block Dispenser

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:10 am
by M!C
Urian wrote:It's based on the idea that you can't make cobblestone generators. This is false, you can make both cobblestone generators and smooth stone generators, which one is generated depends on if lava hits water or water hits lava.
Ah, I remember now. There was a change in 1.9:

The interaction of lava and water:

Since 1.9, if lava flows on top of still or running water, it creates stone.
If lava flows horizontally into water, cobblestone is created. Using this you can create cobblestone farms.
If lava flows vertically into water, the water is removed.
If water flows horizontally into lava, a hiss and puff of smoke occur but nothing changes.
If water flows vertically into lava, cobblestone or a hiss may result.
If water flows into a lava spring then Obsidian is created. The lava spring is destroyed in the process, so unlike Cobblestone it is not continuous and renewable.
If vertically falling water touches still lava on any side Obsidian is created - even if the water would not run into the lava's square.

Re: Toggleable Time Block Dispenser

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:16 am
by TheAbyss90
Urian wrote:It's based on the idea that you can't make cobblestone generators. This is false, you can make both cobblestone generators and smooth stone generators, which one is generated depends on if lava hits water or water hits lava.
I must have remembered it wrong then. I was making the suggestion under the assumption that lava flow and water flow meeting would no longer create cobbelstone. Just smoothstone.

Re: Toggleable Time Block Dispenser

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:14 am
by Urian
TheAbyss90 wrote:I must have remembered it wrong then. I was making the suggestion under the assumption that lava flow and water flow meeting would no longer create cobbelstone. Just smoothstone.
No worries, I did have to test it myself as well to make sure I wasn't giving false information (using 1.9-pre4) :)

Re: Toggleable Time Block Dispenser

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:46 pm
by TheAbyss90
Urian wrote:
No worries, I did have to test it myself as well to make sure I wasn't giving false information (using 1.9-pre4) :)
Thanks for taking the time :) I didnt think of the wiki or actually the prelease for that matter so Ill do that first if I get any more ideas ^.^