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Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:41 pm
by finite8
Really fun idea. Will be great when they add Multiplayer and saving. Thoughts?

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:41 pm
by MoRmEnGiL
Great game. I've been following it for months, I like this alot.

It is also extremely cheap currently at 6 euros. (It is following MC's alphafunding scheme)

I'll never forget my first attempt (after I finally bought it) which ended with me setting fire to the kitchen and dying horribly without the help of any zombies.

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:21 pm
by Kwilt
I played it a while back when it first started to come up on the interwebz. When I saw that you could smother your wife with a pillow while trying to comfort her, I knew I had to have it.

Haven't played since then, though. I should download it. I mean, holy hell, you can actually download it. I remember back in the day it was just all browser-based.

PS: It's alot more fun than any other zombie game I have ever played.

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:25 pm
by Miss_Kat
I played the demo once... ended up dying during my attempt to go find food and such. I could never totally figure out the controls, like how to eat and such.

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:30 pm
by Kwilt
Miss_Kat wrote:I played the demo once... ended up dying during my attempt to go find food and such. I could never totally figure out the controls, like how to eat and such.
Don't worry. Took my mate a month of playing to figure out you had to drag food onto the character's head. That's the wondrous thing about Zomboid, in that they tell you so little.

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:38 pm
by BinoAl
I am still pretty interested in this game, I just haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I mean, its a roguelike zombie survival game. What's not to like?

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:09 am
by finite8
I intend to throw some sort of LAN party when multiplayer is enabled. Is a bit more LAN-able looking than MC to be honest.

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:20 am
by BinoAl
finite8 wrote:I intend to throw some sort of LAN party when multiplayer is enabled. Is a bit more LAN-able looking than MC to be honest.
Hm? Minecraft is easy to play over LAN, i do it all the time

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:46 am
by finite8
BinoAl wrote:
finite8 wrote:I intend to throw some sort of LAN party when multiplayer is enabled. Is a bit more LAN-able looking than MC to be honest.
Hm? Minecraft is easy to play over LAN, i do it all the time
Easy to set up and play: Yes.

Have something to do with the "I find Minecraft Boring" group: No.

I know very few people that like Minecraft and the MC Multiplayer thing is more of a "progression over time" kind of rewarding game. I can't imagine there is much to do at a LAN party other than some cheesy PvP play. Zomboid will give a challenging group survival Multiplayer game so it should be good.

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:16 am
by BinoAl
finite8 wrote:
BinoAl wrote:
finite8 wrote:I intend to throw some sort of LAN party when multiplayer is enabled. Is a bit more LAN-able looking than MC to be honest.
Hm? Minecraft is easy to play over LAN, i do it all the time
Easy to set up and play: Yes.

Have something to do with the "I find Minecraft Boring" group: No.

I know very few people that like Minecraft and the MC Multiplayer thing is more of a "progression over time" kind of rewarding game. I can't imagine there is much to do at a LAN party other than some cheesy PvP play. Zomboid will give a challenging group survival Multiplayer game so it should be good.
Hm, that's weird, most of my friends love minecraft. We've done some epic shit over LAN, even made pirate ships with tnt cannons and fired at each other :3

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:34 am
by MoRmEnGiL
Holy crap, very bad news. ... statement/

Apparently they lost 2 computers to a burglary, that resulted in a great loss of progress and code..

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:49 am
by BinoAl
MoRmEnGiL wrote:Holy crap, very bad news. ... statement/

Apparently they lost 2 computers to a burglary, that resulted in a great loss of progress and code..
Ouch. Maybe if they can recover the computers, it will save lost time, but otherwise... Wait, they weren't using any online backup? herpaderp.
EDIT: Awh hell. I just got a paypal, why not use it? Bought project zomboid, survivors of ragnarok, and dungeons of dredmor on desura :)

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:09 am
by Kwilt
Just saw my mate tweeted about that this morning. Damn well horrible, if you ask me. It's a pity that they lost everything, but they definitely should've kept things online. Ah well. :/

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:53 am
by Noodlerex
Its sad but i guess sometimes you have to learn the hard way, I'm sure they'll always have extra backups from now on in.
on a slightly different note how ironic would it be if the people that robbed them played PZ.

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:54 am
by MoRmEnGiL
It gets worse :[ (And I'm sure FC can sympathise with this one)

Apparently after they announced this publicly, there was a huge wave of name calling, bashing, trolling and general appalling behaviour from people, to the point where lemmy and binky almost quit for good..

Not only was lemmy's home invaded and torn appart, not only did he lose several thousands worth of equipment, not only did he lose a lot of code (foolishly maybe but still) and a lot of progress (which is devastating for an indie developer) but people attacked them in twitter and reddit in the worse possible manner..

Naturally, being humans and in a deeply disturbed and horrible mood, they answered in kind..And got extra flak for that, and now ended up having to apologise for than on top of everything else..

Man I feel so sorry for them..

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:24 pm
by Itamarcu
I bought PZ today, about 2 hours before the incident.
The game is great!
I hope the game won't die...

Re: Anyone else tried "Project Zomboid"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:24 pm
by finite8
I guess the foolish part is that they didn't use SVN. I mean, if you look here you can see that SVN is cheap and if you want, free. I keep all of my personal projects backed up on there. I also don't know how they had a development team function and not use some kind of source control to manage changes in the project. Hell, I'm even using spideroak to keep all my valuable pictures and stuff saved. What if my house got broken into? What if there was a fire? Power Surge? Drive Failure? the list goes on.

I feel sorry for them (also getting all your personal stuff stolen is shit) but at the same time, very foolish to not have a contingency plan and i hope they learned their lesson. It's a bit like an insurance; You may never claim, but it's there if you need it.