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Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:24 am
by akantorJojo
so as the search funktion toald me some other people mentioned this problem already but i now make a new topik for it.

the basic problem is that no one needs diamonds any longer as soos as he discoverd the tecnology to make steel... tht would not be that big problem... cause u have the same with iron and stone swords,pickaxes... but iron,stone and wood do have other uses than be used for crafting tools ... diamonds do only have this use... to craft armor,tools and weapons with them...

so i have one idear how we could solve the problem and extend the BTW tech-tree... :
u change the name of the actual diamonds dropping from "diamond" -> "rough diamond" ... and all the items u can craft out of the to "rouch diamond pickaxe" ...
then u invent a new block that need mechanical power and converts "rough diamonds" in "diamonds" ... u could use this item also simmilar to the saw to cut stone,cobblestone and other blocks into this smaller pieces. thats what I though u could do if u like it.

another thing is that i know there exist other mods that add ned types of ore... but i would be realy happy if u add one or two new types of ore with BTW too. for example u could add cooper and silver. and also some new things that can be made with them.

the third thing i was thinking about is a new mechanical-power-source ... crafthet by using a furnance, some gears and a hand cramp... it´s the evolution of the hand cramp... not that fast but using the fuel of the furnance to gain it´s power... that would be usefull to build mechanical-devices in the nether... cause whaterweels dond work down there and windmills also dont...

the last thing isn´t important but I saw something like colored-lightblocks in a video and thought why not add this to BTW... but a lightblick together with some die .. or colored wool and vouila u have a coloured light block... still emitting white light an near blocks (would be realy difficult to make it emitting coloured light on other blocks) but not having this yellow colour but any other colour like green or red...

I hope everyone could understand my bad english and someone likes at least one of my idears...

Re: Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:35 am
by Stormweaver
Before continuing, please read this thread.

Now you've read it, I hope you understand that your post is so cram packed with fail that I don't think it can even count as a fail anymore. You surpassed the limits of fail entirely. You failed to even look like you had merely failed.


Re: Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:56 am
by Thyphon
hmmm i'm thinking more like making a saw (like the one we have), that instead of iron uses refined diamonds, to accurately cut things for Advanced mechanical machines

i'm not sure how these refined diamonds should be made, but i dont think it fits Steve's current tech to make these refined diamonds.

for now i think they are just "pretty" gems

btw. i'm sorry for the bad english, i'm very tired atm :(

Re: Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:57 am
by Stormweaver
Thyphon wrote:hmmm i'm thinking more like making a saw (like the one we have), that instead of iron uses refined diamonds, to accurately cut things for Advanced mechanical machines

Re: Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:01 am
by Thyphon
Stormweaver wrote:
Thyphon wrote:hmmm i'm thinking more like making a saw (like the one we have), that instead of iron uses refined diamonds, to accurately cut things for Advanced mechanical machines
... not like the saw that 10000 other people suggest, that "oh look, i can cut everything by putting into the crafting table". more as a block that you place saw... like the one we allready have.

edit. but of cause if this also calls into the: MAY NOT BE SUGGESTED. then i am sorry.

Re: Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:05 am
by Kwilt
Actually, I think he does have a good 'idear' in his first point. Not much else has much weight to it, but diamonds do become quite lackluster after you've got steel. And unless you're just going to sit on them or make tons of diamond blocks, they are entirely useless.

Not that I'm proposing any extension to the tech tree, but I'd definitely like to see them used for something other than looking pretty after we have the damned steel of C'thulhu FlowerChild. I mean, FC just gave gold another use in 2.97, so I'm sure that he'd be able to come up with the idea.

Though, I can see as a counter argument that they do tend to be extremely rare, so for them to be required for a recipe would be quite the hurdle. But still, if you mine enough, you're bound to get quite a copious amount of the bastards.

Re: Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:22 am
by Stormweaver
KWilt wrote:Actually, I think he does have a good 'idear' in his first point. Not much else has much weight to it, but diamonds do become quite lackluster after you've got steel. And unless you're just going to sit on them or make tons of diamond blocks, they are entirely useless.

Not that I'm proposing any extension to the tech tree, but I'd definitely like to see them used for something other than looking pretty after we have the damned steel of C'thulhu FlowerChild. I mean, FC just gave gold another use in 2.97, so I'm sure that he'd be able to come up with the idea.

Though, I can see as a counter argument that they do tend to be extremely rare, so for them to be required for a recipe would be quite the hurdle. But still, if you mine enough, you're bound to get quite a copious amount of the bastards.
well, we know that dimonds are planned for use in at least the lens recipe in the new age, and that we're likely to see a couple of other optic blocks somewhere in the age; I wouldn't be surprised to see diamonds used in some quantity there.

The main problem is the whole 'strapping diamonds to a stick' thing. However you look at it, it makes no sense. at all.

Re: Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:27 am
by Kwilt
Stormweaver wrote:
KWilt wrote:Actually, I think he does have a good 'idear' in his first point. Not much else has much weight to it, but diamonds do become quite lackluster after you've got steel. And unless you're just going to sit on them or make tons of diamond blocks, they are entirely useless.

Not that I'm proposing any extension to the tech tree, but I'd definitely like to see them used for something other than looking pretty after we have the damned steel of C'thulhu FlowerChild. I mean, FC just gave gold another use in 2.97, so I'm sure that he'd be able to come up with the idea.

Though, I can see as a counter argument that they do tend to be extremely rare, so for them to be required for a recipe would be quite the hurdle. But still, if you mine enough, you're bound to get quite a copious amount of the bastards.
well, we know that dimonds are planned for use in at least the lens recipe in the new age, and that we're likely to see a couple of other optic blocks somewhere in the age; I wouldn't be surprised to see diamonds used in some quantity there.

The main problem is the whole 'strapping diamonds to a stick' thing. However you look at it, it makes no sense. at all.
I stopped looking at things for sense when we started extracting the souls of the damned and using them to make fancy armor. :P

But in all seriousness, I didn't even consider the lens. Haven't even thought about it in a while, to be honest. But that's beside the point.

Re: Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:33 am
by Stormweaver
KWilt wrote: I stopped looking at things for sense when we started extracting the souls of the damned and using them to make fancy armor. :P

But in all seriousness, I didn't even consider the lens. Haven't even thought about it in a while, to be honest. But that's beside the point.
In my opinion, trapping the souls of the damned into suits of armour makes more sense than tying diamonds to a stick. But yeah...I'm pretty sure anyone who makes anything more complicated than a cobble generator will be making lens blocks like crazy -.- gonna be amazing things.

Re: Diamonds vs. Steel and some other idears

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:13 pm
by sargunv
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