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Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:50 pm
by KriiEiter
Also known to many as a "Bear Trap." This device uses pressure to activate two "jaws" that clamp down on anything unlucky enough to wander too close to it.
Here's a basic one for you to get an idea of a possible look for it, if you've never seen one.

Now, why would we want such a device? First and foremost, it would be a way to protect your home from invading nasties (perhaps it even prevents Endermen from teleporting to you if they're clamped down?).

Another use may be to hold passive mobs in place. This would be useful for keeping adult mobs next to each other for breeding, yet still allowing the baby to wander off/be separated from the adults easier.

A third possible use would be to clamp your pesky wolves down (maybe also prevents wolves from teleporting to you?). We don't want our little puppies getting too comfortable in their lush stimulation and light free enclosure, now do we?

Feel free to discuss possible ways to fit this in to the tech tree, why it's a horrible/good idea, or anything else that relates to this.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:54 pm
by Triskelli
While I do like the idea of a specific trap, there's a way to catch the human-sized mobs already:

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:56 pm
by GabLann4
I can think of lots of traps u can make with this... :D

And this is just perfect to the tech tree because its made of steel!

Maybe made on the anvil and activating redstone when it catches something!


Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:57 pm
by KriiEiter
GabLann4 wrote:I can think of lots of traps u can make with this... :D

And this is just perfect to the tech tree because its made of steel!

Maybe made on the anvil and activating redstone when it catches something!

Oooh I hadn't thought of incorporating redstone with this. If it were to send out a signal when it closed, then you could have it set off something to also potentially kill what it caught (like pistons to suffocate it).

Or it could grab a baby, then send out a signal which sets off a timer that measures how long it takes a baby to mature and be ready for slaughter. Diabolical.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:02 pm
by GabLann4
KriiEiter wrote:
GabLann4 wrote:I can think of lots of traps u can make with this... :D

And this is just perfect to the tech tree because its made of steel!

Maybe made on the anvil and activating redstone when it catches something!

Oooh I hadn't thought of incorporating redstone with this. If it were to send out a signal when it closed, then you could have it set off something to also potentially kill what it caught (like pistons to suffocate it).

Or it could grab a baby, then send out a signal which sets off a timer that measures how long it takes a baby to mature and be ready for slaughter. Diabolical.
love ur idea man! u can try it on all the mods because they will like it!

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:10 pm
by Triskelli
Actually, I'm not convinced about how useful this would be. Let's run through your suggestions...

1.) Protect your home.
---See my linked video about the door-pressure plate trap. I'm sure I could whip up a smaller trap using trapdoors if you want to catch pigs, wolves, or spiders.

2.) Hold mobs in place.
---This would only work like how you're talking if the trap has a chain as well. In which case, why don't we implement a chain/leash instead?

3.) Keeping your wolves put.
---Make sure to right click your wolves to make them stay in place. This idea IS suitably malicious, but I can't help but feel it's a little redundant. Those door traps can send a redstone signal too! =]

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:14 pm
by GabLann4
Triskelli wrote:Actually, I'm not convinced about how useful this would be. Let's run through your suggestions...

1.) Protect your home.
---See my linked video about the door-pressure plate trap. I'm sure I could whip up a smaller trap using trapdoors if you want to catch pigs, wolves, or spiders.

2.) Hold mobs in place.
---This would only work like how you're talking if the trap has a chain as well. In which case, why don't we implement a chain/leash instead?

3.) Keeping your wolves put.
---Make sure to right click your wolves to make them stay in place. This idea IS suitably malicious, but I can't help but feel it's a little redundant. Those door traps can send a redstone signal too! =]
the thing is that it would stick things to the ground and not obstruct them!

After making that creeper trap, how would that help u to kill it without u having to face the mob or just destroying the whole thing?

I need this to my traps.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:16 pm
by KriiEiter
Triskelli wrote:Actually, I'm not convinced about how useful this would be. Let's run through your suggestions...

1.) Protect your home.
---See my linked video about the door-pressure plate trap. I'm sure I could whip up a smaller trap using trapdoors if you want to catch pigs, wolves, or spiders.

2.) Hold mobs in place.
---This would only work like how you're talking if the trap has a chain as well. In which case, why don't we implement a chain/leash instead?
How about Nether mobs? Perhaps a new EnderDragon lands on one? Endermen are too tall to be caught with that door trap as well.

Spiders apparently produce baby spiders (potential string factory?).

Seems like it's a lot of work to lure mobs to that door trap as well.

Don't think I'm trying to be harsh on you, you have some valid points, and I want this to be discussed. Discussion is the fuel of innovation.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:20 pm
by GabLann4
We need more people online to discuss about this

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:23 pm
by KriiEiter
Actually on looking again I think the baby spiders are unconfirmed. So feel free to disregard that for now.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:24 pm
by Zhil
GabLann4 wrote:We need more people online to discuss about this
BTW forum, not BTW chatbox. If you want to chat, go to the #btw channel on or on this webpage:

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:30 pm
by GabLann4
Gilberreke wrote:
GabLann4 wrote:We need more people online to discuss about this
BTW forum, not BTW chatbox. If you want to chat, go to the #btw channel on or on this webpage:
I meant that almost all the guys who work here are sleeping because they have to work or go to school, so maybe tomorrow we can discuss it better...

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:36 pm
by MoRmEnGiL
This would actually be more fun to have on SMP, provided it had low profile as not to be seen easily, hehe.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:38 pm
by Stormweaver
GabLann4 wrote:I meant that almost all the guys who work here are sleeping because they have to work or go to school, so maybe tomorrow we can discuss it better...
What the hell is this sleep you speak of?

on a more topical note, I kinda like the idea. Simple, yet effective.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:40 pm
by GabLann4
We have to hold on to this until tomorrow, so that FlowerChild can see this and discuss...

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:42 pm
by Stormweaver
GabLann4 wrote:We have to hold on to this until tomorrow, so that FlowerChild can see this and discuss...
Or we could continue to evaluate and expand on the idea ourselves. Kinda why the forum exists tbh.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:46 pm
by KriiEiter
GabLann4 wrote:We have to hold on to this until tomorrow, so that FlowerChild can see this and discuss...
Flower doesn't need to see any ideas. If an idea is good enough, the community will generally be aware of it, and a turtle will pass it on. Simple, and FC doesn't need to be bothered with it.

Honestly, there's no need to discuss about the need to discuss. Either post some discussion about a suggestion, or don't post at all.

Now, back to this suggestion.

I almost wish there was a reason to capture hostile mobs too. Seeing as how they're more dangerous, perhaps there should be a reward for capturing one alive as opposed to just killing it? Then again, I feel like it might be a nightmare to code anything like that. And I'm pretty sure FC doesn't want to have to modify any existing mobs.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:58 pm
by GabLann4
KriiEiter wrote:
GabLann4 wrote:We have to hold on to this until tomorrow, so that FlowerChild can see this and discuss...
Flower doesn't need to see any ideas. If an idea is good enough, the community will generally be aware of it, and a turtle will pass it on. Simple, and FC doesn't need to be bothered with it.

Honestly, there's no need to discuss about the need to discuss. Either post some discussion about a suggestion, or don't post at all.

Now, back to this suggestion.

I almost wish there was a reason to capture hostile mobs too. Seeing as how they're more dangerous, perhaps there should be a reward for capturing one alive as opposed to just killing it? Then again, I feel like it might be a nightmare to code anything like that. And I'm pretty sure FC doesn't want to have to modify any existing mobs.
Yeah, but there are few people wh work on the forum to discuss it...

Alternative recipe!

S= Steel
B= Brodhead arrow
P= Pressure Plate
R= Redstone


The pressure plate would activate it and make it close, and the redstone would make wires be attached to it, make it mechanical, and the brodhead would grab the mob! A new use to the brodhead! That also doesnt change the age of wood!

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:05 am
by Rugaard
uh oh, you just broke one of the rules, no recepies!

other than that this is an interesting idea

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:12 am
by GabLann4
Rugaard wrote:uh oh, you just broke one of the rules, no recepies!

other than that this is an interesting idea
Im not making the topic, im just discussing about it...

And thanks! :D

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:57 am
by grimper12341
Triskelli wrote:Actually, I'm not convinced about how useful this would be. Let's run through your suggestions...

1.) Protect your home.
---See my linked video about the door-pressure plate trap. I'm sure I could whip up a smaller trap using trapdoors if you want to catch pigs, wolves, or spiders.

2.) Hold mobs in place.
---This would only work like how you're talking if the trap has a chain as well. In which case, why don't we implement a chain/leash instead?

3.) Keeping your wolves put.
---Make sure to right click your wolves to make them stay in place. This idea IS suitably malicious, but I can't help but feel it's a little redundant. Those door traps can send a redstone signal too! =]
1. Door traps are ugly and take up 5 blocks of space.

2. It could easily enough be bolted/glued/whatever to the floor...don't see why a chain is necessary.

3. Wolves teleport to you if you get attacked near them, even when they are sitting down and encased in solid rock. They can teleport up quite a few layers actually, I've had issues with my wolves teleporting up to me from underground. I could prevent that by putting torches absolutely everywhere in the wilderness around my house, but again, ugly.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:35 am
by Itamarcu
I think that's a great idea, that fits well into BTW.
Also, I think that traps could use 3 changes:
-When a creature steps on the bear trap, it suffers damage (3 points?).
-Creatures on bear traps do not despawn, and cannot move/teleport. Skeletons still can shoot you!
-It wouldn't be made from broadhead arrows, just normal broadhead. Although the recipe really isn't important.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:51 pm
by mybumhurts
yeah i think this is a really good idea. i like setting loads of those door traps around my world and then going to see what I've caught a couple of days later(usually nothing) but thats not the point i like the idea of it and having a a trap like the one your describing would be really good.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:22 pm
by FlowerChild
GabLann4 wrote:We have to hold on to this until tomorrow, so that FlowerChild can see this and discuss...
Don't wait on me to discuss ideas. As a rule, I ignore them and only chime in when I feel like it.

Often times, even when I do post about them, it's without stating an now.

Re: Foothold Trap

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:39 pm
by GabLann4
itamarcu wrote:I think that's a great idea, that fits well into BTW.
Also, I think that traps could use 3 changes:
-When a creature steps on the bear trap, it suffers damage (3 points?).
-Creatures on bear traps do not despawn, and cannot move/teleport. Skeletons still can shoot you!
-It wouldn't be made from broadhead arrows, just normal broadhead. Although the recipe really isn't important.
I never said broadhead arrows, just brodheads...