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Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:24 pm
by Skyte Aero
Came to me earlier, that with the mobs not respawning or breeding. Plop the flesh into the millstone, and you get scoured leather out. Maybe have another step to the process, like going from the flesh to leather.

It doesn't make perfect sense, but insert "zombies have tougher flesh" explantion, and maybe it sounds ok.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:27 pm
by walker_boh_65
not a bad idea, might need a bit of "fleshing" out though

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:30 pm
by Zhil
I think I like this. What about making it so 32 rotten flesh turns into 1 tanned leather and making it the alternate tanned leather route FC is looking for?

32 is just an arbitrary number that seemed right. It needs to be high enough that it's a similar bottleneck to finding wolves in 1.7

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:32 pm
by walker_boh_65
perhaps just a 75% chance (or something so its still worth finding cows for) of not getting anything

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:37 pm
by Stormweaver
I don't think I'd want it going straight into tanned leather, but being able to scour it seems good. I'm with walker on the 'chance' thing; maybe nerf it a bit more though - 1/8 or 1/16 chance of it not falling apart (it is zombie flesh after all) and being turned into scoured leather would be fine. At least it'd be better than the expected tallow end result. And add to BTW's ambience nicely.

"Hey, that's a nice strap on your pickaxe! what's it made from?"
"Zombie flesh, boiled together with wolf dung over a fire fuelled by the tortured spirits of the damned"

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:56 pm
by GeckoDragon
Perhaps it could be used to only make straps, that way you still need to find a cow to make the bellows. You could say that the zombies don't give enough material to make a full hide and so only give scraps.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:23 pm
by Mason11987
GeckoDragon wrote:Perhaps it could be used to only make straps, that way you still need to find a cow to make the bellows. You could say that the zombies don't give enough material to make a full hide and so only give scraps.
I like the idea of having to possibly farm differently, or explore further to get enough material to get a bellows, as compared to just enough to get a saw.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:25 pm
by FlowerChild
Hehe...I must admit that I kinda like the idea of Steve making everything out of tanned human skin, but personally I think rotten flesh will be way too abundant a resource to really do this.

Also, at present, the whole tanned leather things encourages you to have both passive and aggressive mob traps. Providing this kind of workaround would largely narrow it down to just aggro being able to supply you with everything.

BTW: I'm also NOT looking for a workaround to the tanning process. I really like how no matter how clear I am about my intentions, someone always manages to warp them.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:25 pm
by Magmarashi

use the flesh to collect leather scraps, fashion scraps with string into full leather pieces?

e: On a personal level I don't really like mob traps, hunting helpless animals and dangerous beasts is more fun, but that IS a consideration for the mod as a whole. Even if I think automation is getting pretty saturated. At least BTW makes it work to automate things instead of just providing a direct means with pipes and things.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:43 pm
by MoRmEnGiL
If we give FC an arbitrary large amount of time and resources minecraft is going to become a really morbid place to live :P

And btw human flesh and animal leather are really not nearly similar are they?

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:50 pm
by Stormweaver
MoRmEnGiL wrote:If we give FC an arbitrary large amount of time and resources minecraft is going to become a really morbid place to live :P

And btw human flesh and animal leather are really not nearly similar are they?
No, I'm pretty sure human flesh can be processed into leather. It's just kinda...well, I don't know how well received it'd be if you were made into a jacket or something.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:59 pm
by FlowerChild
Stormweaver wrote: No, I'm pretty sure human flesh can be processed into leather. It's just kinda...well, I don't know how well received it'd be if you were made into a jacket or something.
I don't get the impression that it would be as thick, or durable, as cow hide though.

Again, I *do* like the idea of Steve going all Texas Chainsaw Massacre on us, I just don't think it would do good things for the mod overall in terms of the tech progression :)

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:09 pm
by Stormweaver
FlowerChild wrote:
Stormweaver wrote: No, I'm pretty sure human flesh can be processed into leather. It's just kinda...well, I don't know how well received it'd be if you were made into a jacket or something.
I don't get the impression that it would be as thick, or durable, as cow hide though.

Again, I *do* like the idea of Steve going all Texas Chainsaw Massacre on us, I just don't think it would do good things for the mod overall in terms of the tech progression :)
I dunno...I know a few people who could probably rival cows.

Not that I have anything against cows, you mind. It would be nice to see human flesh be good for something beyond tallow production...perhaps give us a nice recipe involving cactus?

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:12 pm
by Brethern
FlowerChild wrote:
Stormweaver wrote: No, I'm pretty sure human flesh can be processed into leather. It's just kinda...well, I don't know how well received it'd be if you were made into a jacket or something.
I don't get the impression that it would be as thick, or durable, as cow hide though.

Again, I *do* like the idea of Steve going all Texas Chainsaw Massacre on us, I just don't think it would do good things for the mod overall in terms of the tech progression :)
Hides only get tough once they are tanned.

Just to add to this I feed my wolves rotten flesh since pigs are now a rare commodity.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:41 pm
by DaveYanakov
FlowerChild wrote:
Stormweaver wrote: No, I'm pretty sure human flesh can be processed into leather. It's just kinda...well, I don't know how well received it'd be if you were made into a jacket or something.
I don't get the impression that it would be as thick, or durable, as cow hide though.

Again, I *do* like the idea of Steve going all Texas Chainsaw Massacre on us, I just don't think it would do good things for the mod overall in terms of the tech progression :)

It would be great for making lampshades. Human skin tends to be quite thin. It would go along way toward justifying bedrock fog reduction lamps. 'Look at me nether! I belong here! You don't need to obstruct my view!'

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:30 am
by Speltz
I was wondering before if the rotten flesh would be added as a potential tallow ingredient. No idea yet what tallow will be for, or how rare or abundant the plan for it is, but I guess the rotten flesh:tallow ratio could be adjusted for balance and could be explained by removing the rotten bits. Maybe mill it, then to the cauldron?

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:55 am
by DaveYanakov
Or soap! There are some good emulsifiers in that flesh which could be quite useful.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:28 am
by FlowerChild
Speltz wrote:I was wondering before if the rotten flesh would be added as a potential tallow ingredient. No idea yet what tallow will be for, or how rare or abundant the plan for it is, but I guess the rotten flesh:tallow ratio could be adjusted for balance and could be explained by removing the rotten bits. Maybe mill it, then to the cauldron?
Actually, I decided it would be rendered into glue, since I'd expect the fat content to be pretty low, and plus it leaves the tallow in the domain of animal-farming.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:47 am
by Beemlord
FlowerChild wrote: Actually, I decided it would be rendered into glue, since I'd expect the fat content to be pretty low, and plus it leaves the tallow in the domain of animal-farming.
Mmmmmm........ Human glue. Also, considering Steve is the only human in all of Minecraftland, where do all these god damn zombies keep coming from? Is Steve the sole survivor of a world wide zompocalypse?

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:19 am
by Urian
I want an armor made out of rotten flesh!

It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the saw again!

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:11 am
by Kwilt
Urian wrote:I want an armor made out of rotten flesh!

It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the saw again!
Dammit, Urian. I just came in here to make that joke. You asshole.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:55 pm
by the_fodder
well since you guys brought it up, how about a song.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:38 pm
by Dralnalak
Urian wrote:I want an armor made out of rotten flesh!

It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the saw again!

You could almost automate this. Put the zombie in the hole. Lower the lotion with a pulley and platform. Use a piston to control the water flow of the hose.

Now if we can only figure out how to make a detector block see if the zombie is putting on the lotion...

Thanks for posting that song, the_fodder. I hadn't heard it before and it made me laugh.

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:52 pm
by GabLann4
Maybe the Rotten Flesh Melted With Something in the Calderon could be separated into dung and leather, like a alternative way f having dung, and solve the wolf problem since zombies are found everywhere!!

Re: Rotten Flesh -> Scoured Leather

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:37 am
by M!C
GabLann4 wrote:Maybe the Rotten Flesh Melted With Something in the Calderon could be separated into dung and leather, like a alternative way f having dung, and solve the wolf problem since zombies are found everywhere!!
1.) Explain to me how you can melt flesh of any kind ...
2.) The cauldron isn't for melting stuff.
3.) FC said that there won't be additional sources of dung due to game balance (especially not something as abundant as zombies).