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Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:36 am
by Zhil

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:10 am
by grimper12341
Those filthy hobbitses....

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:13 am
by Damion Rayne
These guys are absolute douchebags, trust me I've dealt with the "Swarm" and "Goonies" in Eve Online for the last 6 years, these are the guys that tried to sue a game company 3 times in a row for stupid reasons. Not to mention sending death threats to people in game, making fun of someone's father dying, and being racist.

FC can talk till he's blue in the face, but they'll ignore anything he says if he asks them to bring that mod pack down.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:36 am
by foi
BetterThanWolves - Created by a megalomaniac rear end in a top hat, this mod adds a bunch of cool mechanical features like Windmills, Waterwheels and a bunch of other cool stuff. Unfortunately it also adds a bunch of dumb useless poo poo and has a strange, violent attitude towards wolves.
Wow! Just... wow!
These guys are absolute douchebags

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:50 am
by Magmarashi
This is the textbook definition of a losing battle, right here

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:53 am
by screally
Does better than wolves have a copyright?

Flower child would have to send mediafile an email asking them to remove

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:06 am
by Katalliaan
Yes, he does. It's right on the front page of the MCF thread, with the words "copyright notice" in all caps and bold.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:22 am
by Battosay
zalmoxes posted:

Also he's against modpacks so he's going to freak out when he hears about Technic pack.

I would absolutely love to tell him to gently caress off.
Yeah, looks like we're dealing with some real dumbass here.
I guess the best way to shut them down would be to directly contact mediafire.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:49 am
by Damion Rayne
You can't work with these guys, at all. They are all about this kind of shit, if I had it my way I'd shut their whole website down. You're going to have to go to Media-fire and have them remove the file.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:01 am
by Tekei
Something tells me someone is hating SA with a passion ;)

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:50 am
by Fracture
@Tekei: Why would anyone not hate it? It's the cesspit of the net. 4Chan, by comparison, is a daycare run by nuns.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:01 am
by M!C
Fracture wrote:4Chan, by comparison, is a daycare run by nuns.
Wow ... then it must be really ... ... ... i can't find a word ...

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:22 am
by Triskelli
In SA's defense... The Let's Plays are decent. And at least one good book has been published by the site (I own a copy of My Tank Is Fight). But yeah... They're a bunch of elitists, and getting into a fight with the Swarm isn't worth the trouble it could cause. I DO think that we should at least tell them about our grievances, and see how they react.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:29 am
by Fracture
Triskelli wrote:In SA's defense... The Let's Plays are decent. And at least one good book has been published by the site (I own a copy of My Tank Is Fight). But yeah... They're a bunch of elitists, and getting into a fight with the Swarm isn't worth the trouble it could cause. I DO think that we should at least tell them about our grievances, and see how they react.
Should be good for lulz. Swarm is as angry as Anonymous can be when roused, but pettier and less mature, not to mention almost never roused for an actual good cause, as opposed to Anon.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:44 am
by Battosay
Triskelli wrote:In SA's defense... The Let's Plays are decent.
Don't see how that's in their defense.
Because they make "decent" LP doesn't mean they're not ... une bande de petit cons prétentieux, arrogants, élitistes, avec un QI de bullot cuit.
Going through 30+ pages of their discussions remembered me that over 90% of our specie are brain dead.

I don't see the point of warning them. From the quote I posted earlier, you can see that they're fully aware of FC's statement on modpack, and couldn't care less.
Reporting their files to mediafire seems more fun.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:49 am
by Triskelli
Battosay wrote:
Triskelli wrote:In SA's defense... The Let's Plays are decent.
Don't see how that's in their defense.
Oui, I was just making a halfhearted attempt at saying they're not ALL bad, just most of them. =]

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:12 pm
by grimper12341
Triskelli wrote: I was just making a halfhearted attempt at saying they're not ALL bad, just most of them. =]
I checked a random thread in that forum and every second post someone said "poo poo".


Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:14 pm
by the_fodder
Battosay wrote:Reporting their files to mediafire seems more fun.
More like sounds like a great way to get the site hammered with professional trolls or taken down completely depending on which half of the goons put together this pack.

The say shit? Oh shit they are bad.

Also chiming in not all are bad or were back in '02 when I was there.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:20 pm
by grimper12341
No they don't say shit, they actually say poo poo <.<

I wasn't trying to censor it lol.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:26 pm
by the_fodder
grimper12341 wrote:No they don't say shit, they actually say poo poo <.<

I wasn't trying to censor it lol.
You are not signed in. Do you notice there are no fucks or shits or...?

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:32 pm
by grimper12341
Ohhhh I was wondering why everyone seemed to love loving people.

EDIT: Ah crap I found a thread that talks about cut pet habits. I'm going to be stuck there for hours u.u

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:56 pm
by Shengji

Not everyone on that forum is a complete prick - I post on there about as much as I post here. It's a vast forum that caters for a lot of people though and I'm not going to deny, a lot of them are teens going through "that" phase.

If I had posted that mod pack up, I would of course comply with any request made by any author - It seems quite a positive sign that he's not linked it through adfly, he may be open to a simple request to remove it.

If not, I don't put much faith in the moderators of the forums, I don't know those very well, but it's often a case that they are the least mature in their particular section of the forums, but may be worth a try.

Your best bet is to ignore it, I'm sorry to say, taking everything into account, including your own wellbeing. If you're up for a fight, and it could be a fight that makes yogonaughts particular brand of annoyance look like heaven, don't bother with the copyright infringement with the download service - it will be down for 5 seconds before it's up somewhere else - I would be looking at a solution which disables BTW content if it recognises that modpacks exact combination of mods, deep deep within the code. You can bet that guy can't code for sugar, just be low key, because there will be some teen code whiz who will decompile and get it working for the lolz if they get roused.

EDIT: Can I just really emphasise that your best bet will be to ignore this, there will be a few illegal modpacks out there, you've just happened to have found out about this one - it's probably actually being used by tens of people, a tiny percentage of users and if they have any respect at all, they will, as soon as they find out your stance, do the right thing, if they are not respectful, they're never going to anyway.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:26 pm
by Katalliaan
Given the fact that the person who "would absolutely love to tell [FlowerChild] to fuck off" was the person who assembled the pack, I highly doubt that they will simply take it down.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:33 pm
by Zhil
It won't be worse than the yogbox. Little known fact, but the yogbox is not made by the people behind the yogscast at all. The yogbox was a modpack on the very same forum thread in SA. The modpack author got a lot of shit for it from all kinds of modders who didn't want their mod included, so the yogscast offered to rename it the yogsbox, so mod authors would be more inclined to join.

The shitstorm FC went through with the yogbox debacle was already the full extent of the SA Minecraft goons.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:50 pm
by screally
I don't understand why people are still discussing this.

There is one realistic way to get the mod taken down, and that is for Flower Child to contact mediafire to take it down. And that is his choice at the end of the day. If he wants to go through the hassle of asking mediafire to take down any future copies, that again is his choice.

You guys talking about this bunch of kids, either in fear or loathing is pointless. There's no way they'll take it down if anyone from here asks them.