Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

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Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

Rules: Use bold for your actions and italics for the story. Act usage is completely up to you, and what everyone things the power of one act should be. When making a life form, it is 1 act for every 10 total points it has. Strength/Dexterity/Mind. Your single sphere of power grants you 1 act, having worshipers grants you 4. And you can store up to 10 acts as of the start, after the first two rounds, which are endless, the next twelve will be 1 year each. You can have other gods complete acts for you. If it is a mutual bargain, you both use your acts, but if one god was tricked into doing something for another, only the tricksters loses an act for tricking the other god. The tricked would not lose any acts. Hopefully nothing that hasnt already been solved in the other game comes up here, but i dont want you to have to play around it either.

we have enough so i will just look after this game, acts and stuff, maybe add a twist here or there

List of Gods and a brief description and who is playing them
Ichi16-Thorgorth-God of Fire and magma
Fracture-Desar-God of random and chaotic nature of the universe
blazeboy91-Absolute Zero-God of energy
Deepsniper-Thantos-God of Water
duartemad-Livaties-God of plant and animal life
noodleres-Kulgan-God of death and war
Spheres of power (when in excess give you acts, along with having followers):
Thorgorth-fire, magma/lava/extreme heat
Desar-chaos and fighting happening between both mortals and gods
Absolute Zero-energy and the transfer of (this includes the sun)
Thantos-water/waves, and the moon that causes these
Livaties-animal/plant life (but not from intelligent life)
Kulgan-death and war
And now to start us off with a place to be:
You all awake upon a newly created world, it is completely flat and barren for the gods to do with as they want, for better or for worse. Along with this planet there is a single star which heats this rock in space. Aside from that there is a dark side where one can see the universe, in all its vastness from this lonesome, barren rock...
List of acts that everyone has:
List of changes made:
Deepsniper made the seas and gave it waves with his breath
duartemad made a new race call cathound 3|6|1 and a fruit bearing tree
the booming voice made a moon to control the tides and made day and night
Fracture nudged a comet causing pieces of it to hit this rock
Ichi16 made plate tectonics
Fracture made a new race, guardians and a floating land for them to be on
duartemad increased the guardians and life
Deepsniper made Deeparians and rivers
blazeboy91 discovered mt. zero put the rock into orbit and made an ongoing storm
Ichi16 gave the humans fire and passion
blazeboy made Infinitas (Angelus Fulgor) sects at the base of Mt. Zero and in the storm
duartemad created Shoop 3|4|3, wheat and arranged a meeting between the guardians and the humans
Have fun
Last edited by walker_boh_65 on Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:28 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: Forum Game Called Goodhood! (In another realm)

Post by Deepsniper »

I'll start this.

Waking up to this new and barren world I felt sorrow for this world there was nothing. Rocks and crevices lay among this domain but there was nothing else, no life no movement, nothing. From this sorrow, I, Thanatos shed tears. These tears I gave to the world gently adding more and more water to it that these waters stretched a fair distance. Once content with the amount of water in this world I decided to call these pools of water seas. With a great breath of air I started the movement of the waves and brought something to this world.

-2 acts adding water to the world and adding new motion
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Re: Forum Game Called Goodhood! (In another realm)

Post by duartemad »

Livaties was sad, sad as there was no life to enjoy the creations of mighty Thantos.
He raises his hand, joinning from ashes on the ground a new creature, named cathound.
Livaties more happy and enjoying the new form of life decides to give it abundance in food. Looking into the ground he creates a new tree, whose vegetation is as green as light can allow it and whose fruit is as sweet as ambrosia is.
Cathound's immediately start fighting for the very few fruits, due to the lack of tree's that will spread with time.

2 acts used: -Created a new animal "cathound" (omnivore) giving it:|Strength 3|Dexterity6|Mind1| Cathounds have the head of a cat and the body of a dog, they move around like monkey's do and can leap very well due to their Dexterity
-Created a new tree type that has very sweet fruit and very green vegetation

OFFTOPIC: we should not have conversation here, it breaks the sunspence of the game...
FlowerChild wrote:
Ph1il93 wrote:and it seems 1.4.6 is comming.
Excuse me for a moment while I say:

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Re: Forum Game Called Goodhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

"Livaties, i shall help you out a bit, for your trees will certainly die if i don't," said a booming voice, "i shall set this rock you seem to have taken a likening to and set it into motion, spinning it on an axis creating a day a night cycle. Now your tress will grown flourish from the coolness if the night. And Thanatos," the voice boomed again, "I shall set into motion a moon around this rock which will control the waves, so you can save your breath.

Off topic: sure, i see no reason why we would have to break character if no one wants too. Deepsniper I have plans for the moon so i hope you don't mind
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Re: Forum Game Called Goodhood! (In another realm)

Post by Deepsniper »

Content that the world is taking care of his own and exhausted from creating wind... I shall now take a rest as I am out of acts... I do not mind if you make something out of the moon as long as she's there for my seas.
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Re: Forum Game Called Goodhood! (In another realm)

Post by Fracture »

Looking down on the world, Descar ponders. There are the new cathounds, but they are the fanciful works of a god-- plain to see. It needs something more... natural. Life from scratch can take eternity, the chances slimmer than the fabric of chaos itself. But to be fair, what is chaos if not happening on the smallest chances. Perhaps he must simply tweak the odds...

Into the vast universe that surrounds them, he sends a tiny burst. It washes over the side of a small comet, nudging the orbit just enough to send it off course. His work done, Descar stands back to watch as it plows headlong into an asteroid, sending smaller pieces out through space-- enough of which rain down on their world for his tastes.

The cycle has started, though it will need time. Time is beyond his control, but he is satisfied that with his careful watch, evolution will take its course to make the world diverse and wonderful.

For now, though, there is little more he can do. He has some power left, but it must be saved for his next plan. For that matter, in fact, he must consult Livaties... Though he has set this world on the path of nature, there is a being he wants to make that is another being of the gods. Every world needs scholars. , but if he is to have the being made, the power he has now is not enough to do them justice.

Nudging the comet's orbit: -1 Act

(Edited, realized I have 4 acts and not two. Still don't know if I can make my own creatures or not though.)

(Off topic: Descar isn't so much the god of chaos as in fighting, moreso that of the random and chaotic nature of the universe. Things happening that otherwise wouldn't simply by the incredibly low chances. Random events, basically.

Also-- can we give power to another god, or would it have to be more of a barter system (I'll use my power to your ends, you use your power to mine) kinda thing? I'd like to have a lifeform made, but I'm not sure if it's only the life-god that can do that or if others can as well. I'd still like to know the above though even if I can make them myself, for future reference of the game.)
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Re: Forum Game Called Goodhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

Sorry but a completely off game post to address a few things, you can ask any god to help you at any time, it could be anything from a barter to trickery, what ever your god would do with his power. You do not get the power, the other god is creating it for you. If it is a act for act deal, each person losing and act, but if the god is tricked into doing it, the act is lost from the trickster and the tricked keeps all the acts he had.

I think i will just keep it to the three who have posted here, so we can get the game moving faster, so we can get to a point where i can put my plan into action, also i will keep a running list of what acts have happened and by who, along with an as current as i can, amount of acts everyone has.

EDIT: ill give it another few hours and then i will skip the last two gods, and explain something as of when then
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Re: Forum Game Called Goodhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

Thanatos-made the sea and waves
Livaties-made the cathound
booming voice-made day/night and a moon
Descar-nudged comets orbit

Thanatos-4 acts (2 from before, 2 from seas/waves)
Livaties-4 acts (2 from trees/cathounds)
Descar-5 acts (1 from cathound chaos, 1 from the comet)

"This place it starting to look good," boomed the voice, "but it could use some more life. I shall add more trees and shrubs and grass to this flat world. All this greenery would over take the planet so i shall place some creatures, for you to discover on your own, to eat the fruit and leaves of the vegetation."
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Re: Forum Game Called Goodhood! (In another realm)

Post by Ichi16 »

Thorgorth looks done upon the planet and is bored he is a god of passion and only flatness pervades the world. He strikes he foot down and fractures the world into small pieces who while connected are still separate. He can feel the lava far beneath his feet and sets into motion to slowly moves these pieces to create a new world full of mountains and trenches
-4 acts creates plate tectonics and causes the land to slowly change over time
(just let me know if this is to powerful or anything ill take it done)
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Re: Forum Game Called Goodhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

Last edited by walker_boh_65 on Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by Fracture »

(He fragmented the whole world, so I think 4 is reasonable, but that's just me xD Also, just sorta rolling with the idea that any god can make their own beings...)

Feeling more assured in his strength as he drew from the comet's passing and the infighting of the Cathounds, Descar set to work on the life he wanted for this world. Every world needed chaos, of course, but the natural progression was ever to order. Since no god would rule over that domain, he would make the opposite side of his token of mortal flesh.

Their bodies were not particularly strong, but their hands were nimble and their minds were great. Tall and gangling, he christened these beings the Guardians, in the hope that they would take their namesake to heart and help the world along. One way or another, though, they would be artisans and thinkers-- scholars, never warriors.

Next, with the power he had left, he set to work on a home for them. He found one of the smaller plates that Thorgorth had made and wove the fabric of chaos into the very stone. The stone, unsure of natural order, lifted from the earth, hanging uncertainly in the sky. Satisfied, Descar set the Guardians on this stone, their new home. It had all they would need, and allow them to live untouched by other races for a time.

With luck, it would give them the time they would need to adapt to their weaker bodies and learn to use their minds to a greater advantage. It would split in time to a range of mountains and islands, but that would take long enough that the Guardians should be well prepared.

-2 Acts: Guardians: 3 Body | 7 Dexterity | 10 Intelligence
-3 Acts: Creating the floating island.
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by duartemad »

Livaties was offended by Thorgorth's actions.
Now for him this was a very sad world.
Livaties would never forgive Thorgorth's actions as he always wanted a more peacefull and living breathing world, against Thorgorth's ideas.
Livaties asks Descar for a place to rest on his barrow land promissing great advantages and security from the world's comming future, a future that Livaties feared.
As a gift to insure Livaties promisses he makes the guardians better creatures, more agile and more clever than they where.
All he wanted was peace among all the living creatures, and he saw that on Descar's actions. To protect all the creatures that were now starving due to Thorgorth's actions he reconstructs all the living creatures (animals and plants) lost on his horrifying action. All creatures were now happy again and would now help Livaties when needed, protecting him from possible future dangers.
He will now rest, awaiting the future changes and decisions of the other gods.

Uses 1 act:Increases guardians statistics, 4 Body | 12 Dexterity | 14 Intelligence
Uses 2 acts: Reconstructs all lost creatures (animal and plants), making all of the wildlife protecting livaties and helping him when needed
FlowerChild wrote:
Ph1il93 wrote:and it seems 1.4.6 is comming.
Excuse me for a moment while I say:

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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by Deepsniper »

Thanatos content with the motion of the waves feels his powers growing and growing. Looking around the world and seeing what the other gods have done he realizes the seas were missing something. The seas had life and the motion was hypnotic but they were missing a life form of their own. Knowing what to do Thanatos took a two handful of silt and clay from the shallow waters along the shores of the seas and brought them to the deepest part of the sea where the pressure was so intense no mortal could survive it yet it wasn't cold but, thanks to the magma created by Thorgorth, was hotter than the surface itself. There Thanatos molded these handfuls of clay into creatures of the deep.

Upon returning these newly made creatures to the normal depths of the seas he called them the Deeparians. Taking a look at them he was content with his work. The creatures had the faces and upper-body that was humanoid in nature but spanned the colors of the prism. Each creature had a different color and none two were alike. They had long finned tails to help them swim at speeds that were unmatched and were more agile than anything seen before. These were not strong creatures he thought but they were fast and cunning perfect for the size of these seas.

Feeling he wouldn't be able to keep an eye out on them and wanting some marine company of his own he decided to create himself a divine servant. He was a breathtaking large creature spanning many many paces in length and weighed more than a large boulder. This friend he called Aquarar.

Exhausted from his work Thanatos sat on Aquarar's back and enjoyed the sunset watching the Deeparians zip from place to place exploring their new world. Having just a bit more energy left in him Thanatos wove these oceans to spread into tiny rivers that connected to each other making a series of networking rivers that spanned the landmasses that way no god would forget him.

-3 Acts: Creation of the Deeparians: 2 Body | 15 Dexterity | 13 Intelligence
-1 Act: Creation of the Rivers.
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by blazeboy91 »

Absolute walks to the top of a mountain that he names, Mount Zero. He then lays his head on the ground. An cloak of energy surrounds him. He feels the motion of the earth, the shaking of the waves, the hammering of the heat from the sun and the beating of the hearts of the many creatures. He add the motion of the world. He creates a pull from the sun. The world begins to revolve around it. The energy of the world feels good amongst his body. He stands, worried. He fears the world, as it is currently quiet and still. The calm before the storm is the fear all know. He looks up to the sky and wishes for there to be excitement. He arose from his position. Electricity jumps from his fingers. The top of the world turns into darkness. Lightning strikes. A fire begins to burn. He enjoys this. He creates the storm to be permanent but roaming and small.

Does anyone know if we can wage war amongst each other?

-1 Act: Setting the planet into orbit.
-1 Act: Permanent storm.
Last edited by blazeboy91 on Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
* Choke Choke Die*
Victim: Damn Poison cupcakes......
Bystander: Oooo a cupcake.
And the cycle continues until someone builds an immunity to it or we all die. Either way it has got to suck being the last person alive..
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

yes, you can wage war upon one another =P
and please use bold for your acts, it makes things easier for me, thanks
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by Noodlerex »

((Can i join this one too?))
Name: Kulgan
A robed figure wielding a large broadsword, Kulgan is an imposing sight he is the god of death and war and as such has very little role in times of peace
Sphere of power:Death and warfare
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

noodle of course you can
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by Noodlerex »

((Thanks I'm about to go camping till wednesday but I imagine I'll be playing a dormant role till atleast then anyway. i dont think ill even be born yet as theres no god of war without war itself.))
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

you took the story right out form my head, im sure things will change a lot by then, and ill get you a spot in the sever no worries
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by Ichi16 »

hey walker do i have 2 acts or 0 because i thought i used all of them for the breaking of the world thing
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

Ichi16 wrote:hey walker do i have 2 acts or 0 because i thought i used all of them for the breaking of the world thing
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by walker_boh_65 »

Thorgorth- made plate tectonics
Descar-made the guardians and floating islands
Livaties- increased guardians stats and made more life
Thanatos- made Deeparians and rivers
Absolute Zero- made years and a Permanent storm

EDIT: forgot the acts
Ichi16-2 acts (heats and magma under the rick)
Fracture-2 acts (worship)
blazeboy91-3 act (energy in the storm)
Deep-4 acts (2 from rivers/seas 2 from worship)
duartemad- 3 acts (2 from life on the rock)

looks like a new story will have to be written (which is what took me so long in updating this), if one of you wants to start something cool, its fine by me
The now so familiar voice boomed again, "Now with all five gods asserting there position into this world, i give you the race of man str:8|dex:11|mind:17, these animals are a smart race, not the strongest, nor the fastest, but can use there mind to solve any task set before them. They are a worshiper of any of you, and have no reason to be, for I created them, for my own enjoyment, such a strange race they are..." and the voice disappears once again, leaving you with this new race in the world.

and each turn is one year now, as always, have fun
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by Ichi16 »

thorgoth looks observes his new race from hiding and laughs as the begin to live "such funny creatures" he watches as the shiver though the first of their nights and how they go about without anything interesting to do other then work "i shall help them" he vists them in the dead of night and hands them two gifts, he gives one man fire to shape and change the world and to the other he gives his passion so that they may striven to always be better and change their place in life.
-2 acts
-1 act give humans fire
- 1act give humans passion
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by blazeboy91 »

Absolute hates the way the world echoes. It is quiet and solemn. It is quite serious and sad. He wishes for great passion and fury. He creates companions for the storm he made. He takes a moment beneath the storm, now called Infinitas. He forged a mold out of stone. Then he willed the lightning to strike until it was full of energy. The creature rose. It was weak and not very smart. The creature was incredibly fast. It spanned its wings. That even put a smile on Absolute's face. It took off into the storm. In mere minutes, there were hundreds of creatures. He names them Angelus Fulgor. They split into two sects. One to the great storm and the other to the summit of Mt. Zero. There they quickly help the great and the weak.

-3 Acts: Angelus Fulgor 5/17/8
* Choke Choke Die*
Victim: Damn Poison cupcakes......
Bystander: Oooo a cupcake.
And the cycle continues until someone builds an immunity to it or we all die. Either way it has got to suck being the last person alive..
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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood! (In another realm)

Post by duartemad »

Livaties was impressed with the creations of the booming voice.
He soon realised that the humans had little food and had to hunt to survive.
Livaties joins a few grains and turns them into wheat, giving humans a good food source.
As always peace amongst all creatures and nature was the ultimate goal for Livaties.
He then creates a new animal called shoop. Their fibers could be turned into clothing thus protecting the humans from cold.
He then manages to arrange a meeting bettwen the humans and the guardians.
The faith of this meeting is on the hands of another god for now, as Livaties is tired and wants to rest.

3 acts used:
Created new animal: Shoop giving them 3 Body | 4 Dexterity | 3 Intelligence
Created a new plantable and harvestable plant: weat
Arranges a meeting bettew the guardians and the humans (another god can decide how the meeting went along)
FlowerChild wrote:
Ph1il93 wrote:and it seems 1.4.6 is comming.
Excuse me for a moment while I say:

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