Glass Items

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Glass Items

Post by Husbag3 »

Heres an idea,
You put glass in a stoked crucible and it turns into molten glass. you then put this molten glass on a turntable with bellows facing down from above. first you get a jar (could be used to store glue or tallow), the it turns into a lens (mentioned in the upcoming features section of the forum), but if you leave it too long it shatters into a glass pane (from the 1.8 update).
This is my first post so please don't judge me if it has already been said or is a bad idea.
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Re: Glass Items

Post by FlowerChild »

Don't worry, it's not a bad idea overall :)

Some others have mentioned something similar about blowing glass using the bellows, but I didn't much dig that due to the complexity of the system.

This one is a lot simpler by comparison, but I'd still want to do something special for the handling of a molten substance if I went this route.

There's really nothing like that in Minecraft. You'll notice that even with the forging of steel, there's the idea in there that you're melting down the iron, but you get solid steel as the product. The same could be said of smelting or what have you: the game just generally doesn't have those kinds of transitional stages to materials, so it might feel a bit out of place.

Anyways, something for me to mull over for the future, but at present, I don't really even see the need to get into a glass system when pottery can serve pretty much all the purposes I've seen proposed for glass items (like why not just a crock instead of a jar? and why do we need a jar in the first place?).
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Re: Glass Items

Post by Husbag3 »

A jar would be similar to gold, iron, lapis or diamond blocks. Its just a convinient way of storing large amounts
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Re: Glass Items

Post by water mover »

jars do not make sense, trying to put a square block in the hole of a round pickle jar?
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Re: Glass Items

Post by BigShinyToys »

with the upcommong addition of Glass botttles in vMC this feature sounds like a good way to automate the potion production process a bit . But that is not going into vMC till 1.9 bt all in all it sounds like it fits BTW.
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Re: Glass Items

Post by Kwilt »

I don't see why this would be much of a bad idea. In fact, instead of a jar, I'd think the bottle would be a nice addition instead.

That would limit us to a single new item added (the molten glass) and I'm sure the automation makes up for just a single new item.

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Re: Glass Items

Post by jorgebonafe »

Maybe you could store all the molten glass (or molten steel, or any molten items) inside a cruscible, as long as it keeps heated. If the fire is put out, the molten item will become solid. A bar of steel, a block of glass, whatever.

Also, you could use clay to make different molds, and use this molds in combination with the molten items to make different items somehow. None of that would need a new block ID as far as I can see....
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Re: Glass Items

Post by walker_boh_65 »

if only the molten glass is implemented, i think it wouldn't use a block ID, just an item ID. So with the recent changes to vMC, im all for automating some potions.
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Re: Glass Items

Post by Battosay »

First let's wait and see how the potions works. We're not there yet.