SMP Commands v1.0 (Server Plugin)

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SMP Commands v1.0 (Server Plugin)

Post by EpicAaron »

SMP Commands for CE 2.X!

This addon is a server plugin that adds new commands to the game. This is a server-side mod, so clients connecting to the server do not need to install this mod to access its functionality.

Command List:
/tpa [playername], /tpaccept [playername], and /tpcancel
The tpa commands allow players to request and accept teleports form one another without needing op.

Sends the user to the world spawn coordinates. Admin only..

/smite [playername]
Bring divine retribution down upon unsuspecting players. Admin only!!!

/tpabove [playername] [# of blocks]
Teleport a number of blocks above player of choice. Default distance is 20 blocks. Negative numbers work. Admin only..

See in the config folder after initial start up to configure some of the commands.
Enable-TPA-commands (tpa commands are on by default)
Enable-TPA-Externalities (OFF BY DEFAULT! Hurt teleporting player and wipe their inventory when teleporting with the tpa commands.. probably nothing to worry about)
DOWNLOAD~ ... E/releases

Install by dragging and dropping the jar file into the mods folder of the server. Maybe these commands work in single player too?

- Big thanks to the CE team for walking me through the 2.X addon dev process and answering my questions
- Huge thank you to Arminias, who went so far as to commit his own code for TPA functionality and introduced me to the tab completion code
- Giga thanks to the Transient community for testing the addon!
- Spicy thanks to Sockthing for always motivating me to keep coding
BTW Community Server Discord:
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