What am I looking at ?
- Install Fabric with Better Than Wolves according to these installation instructions
- Download `xxx-x.x.x.jar` and place it into the mods folder
- Enjoy! :)
About Addon
Fork of ProfMobius' WAILA mod, modified Waila 1.5.2 for BTW version, rewrote GUI.
This addon is currently a test version because porting waila to BTW involved rewriting many dependencies. In version 1.5.2, waila was still an NEI addon. Therefore, this version is likely to have many bugs. Everyone is welcome to provide feedback
Addon Introduction The highlighted content is the most recent update
Purely client-side addon, server doesn't need to install it
Rewrite the GUI to remove the dependency on NEI
Basic functions: show block icon, name, ID, block break progress bar
Added key bindings, now you can use the "H" key to turn Waila on and off
Other functions:
Sapling growth status display
Crop growth progress display
Lever state display
Redstone power display
Comparator and Repeater status display
MobSpawner type display
https://github.com/BTW-Community/Waila/ ... er/LICENSE
[Fabric] Waila beta (CE 2.0+)
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:27 am