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Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 2:45 pm
by utakataJ6
To return to the topic at hand, watching IcyNewYear's third BW video really put their uses in perspective. Like Icy, I would previously rage at the screen when wolves died to lava... now they're valuable enough that instead, I find myself wondering "Why didn't you use dirt slabs to bridge that lava?" You have to take care of that which takes care of you.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:55 pm
by Hotshot
Wow, the beast is just amazing. Genuinely the most intimidating mob in all minecraft, forget the socks. (No really, forget them like they arent even real, they dont compare to this). The skin (THE SKIN), the sounds (THE SOUNDS), the size (oh my). For the record, I've only seen one, but its the I managed to contain it before it came to be.

I have a few more tests, but I'll get back when I've done them. (Unless people have info already =P)

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 6:36 pm
by Panda
Ohh Ohh! I think im on to something.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 7:00 pm
by BrainNoMore
FlowerChild wrote:Maybe it has something to do with Tallow to make it easier to put the booties on the wolfsie footsie wootsies?
I was definitely thinking in the wrong direction... I was too focused on enhancing wool with qualities that would be useful to Steve instead of his wolves, FC's gentle push in the right direction did gave me quite a laugh. Unfortunately further experimenting will have to wait till tomorrow because I got rather nasty swell on my eye (black-eye? not sure what would be the best term for it in english) and playing minecraft with one hand holding the pack of ice on swelling is just not convenient.
Hotshot wrote:Wow, the beast is just amazing.
I fully agree, I managed to trap 2 wild wolves and then I got to idea of building a testing facility with 3 groups - beside cell with wild wolves it also contained cell with control group, which I kept well fed at all times, and in nice conditions (I even gave them flower), and finally cell with "abused" group, they where denied food, their flooring was dung blocks and initially they where exposed to weather but then I decided to try to cobble them in dark, unfortunately both times one would turn, I managed to derp it up - first time I stood on pressure plate next to door... and second time I feel from the observation platform above trying to give it food, and both times I barely managed to escape alive but had to put the beast down. But that growl... genuinely scary.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:00 pm
by ExpHP
Oh dear god.

I just heard it.

And it's coming from Sophie's box! ;_;

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:02 pm
by FlowerChild
ExpHP wrote: And it's coming from Sophie's box! ;_;
I have no idea what that means, but I suddenly feel motivated to make some kind of dentata reference.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:13 pm
by ExpHP
Hey now, me and her aren't that close.

So it does seem that tame pets CAN become The Beast (either that, or they swim like atheletes, because my place is pretty isolated). I will note that I am pretty sure that my dog did eat some rotten flesh as I was clearing out its prison earlier.

Edit: Deleted some of the info here. Spoiler thread or not, I still feel like I'm ruining the fun...

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:41 pm
by FlowerChild
Quoting Dave's post I snipped in the release thread:
DaveYanakov wrote:So back awhile when I watched The Grey it didn't seem all that interesting. Now that I have spent a couple hours actually living that experience rather than just watching it, it ranks in my top five most terrifying films of all time.
Once more into the fray? ;)

See...I kept telling everyone that wolves are evil despicable creatures, but would anyone listen? No, of course not, and now you're all fucked, so "haha...told you so".

Bet you cats are about to become a lot more popular as pets :)

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:49 pm
by icynewyear
I'm gonna call it an Icy Beast. As in I C that the beast has eaten Icy again.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:56 pm
by jecowa
I haven't had any trouble with my wolves turning into terrible monsters. But I guess that's just a bonus of the doggie booties.

I can't figure out what the howling means. It must mean something more than that it's night time, right? They seem to all howl mostly together. The group howl seems to happen two to six times per night. But also sometimes there will just be a lone wolf howling while the rest remain silent.

They howl at the full moon. They howl at the new moon. They howl at every moon. Maybe the howling has nothing to do with the moon.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:04 am
by FlowerChild
See, that's the thing: the bootsies and hatsies only further emphasize the depth of the wolves' malign cunning.

As long as you are dressing them up, and feeding them treats, the wolves know that they've lulled you into a false sense of security and can bide their time. If you ever stop however, and begin to indicate that you may not actually trust them to be the adorable doggies they try to pass themselves off as, then they know that you are no longer of use to them.

So, my best advice is to keep dressing them up for as long as they will tolerate your presence, and grow eyes in the back of your head.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:13 am
by Gunnerman21
I'm so paranoid about BTW now that I don't even trust you FC... I don't know if you're lying about things or telling the truth. At first I thought wolf dress-up was real, then I thought it wasn't, now I see it obviously is... but a change to make wolves self-conscious? I have a feeling I'm gonna go crazy if i play any more :'( i real? i think so... oh no i'm not sure anymore! ><

FC has entered the bowels of my mind and it's really freaking me out!...

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:53 am
by FlowerChild
Let me introduce you to an old friend of mine...
I used to be a rather masterful GM of that particular game, if I do say so myself ;)

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:11 am
by icynewyear
FlowerChild wrote:Let me introduce you to an old friend of mine...
I used to be a rather masterful GM of that particular game, if I do say so myself ;)
I don't think we have the clearance level required to see that picture.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:29 am
by FlowerChild
icynewyear wrote:I don't think we have the clearance level required to see that picture.
Bazinga :)

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:32 am
by TheHoboHunted
Holy.. Shit.

Having not played since 4.65b, and just diving in face-first to this update with a new world... I was not prepared.
Starting out, I feel like i'm truly bottom-bitch to the world now. The biome I started in; fucking packed with wolves, pun intended. From what I'd read, this may not have been the best place to spawn. I fucking scramble for wood. In the back of my mind I keep thinking, "Oh boy, look at all these wolves, they'll sure come in handy later." It'd be much sooner than later that I'd found out how "handy" they could be.

So now that my first dusk is approaching, I felt I should find shelter, however temporary. I fashion a shovel from a couple twigs and a plank I'd punched from a tree out of pure terror earlier. I dig partway into a cliff-side, and wall myself in with the dirt I'd just dug. It was then that I realized how much wood I actually had, and that I should really make an effort to retrieve that crafting table I'd set just outside my cliff-side hovel before walling myself in. It was at this point in the twilight that the howling started.

I've never, NEVER, had to gird my loins in this game more than when I retrieved that crafting table, four-fucking-blocks-away.


No sooner had I retrieved that CT and walled up my "doorway" with dirt slabs, Mr. Rabies decided to let himself be known. I didn't understand it. "Wh-, WHY are you mad at me?!" I attempted to ignore him until dawn, somewhat successfully, until dawn actually broke and and nothing changed with Sir Rabies McFuckyou... I soon dispatched him with a stone axe from betwixt the spaces between my dirt slab door.

Two more wolves attacked me unprovoked that day while out foraging. Something was the fuck up.
It was later that dusk I heard the other growl... Just, nope.

Anticlimactically, I went out the next day to get wood, only to receive a very intimate blow from a creeper... [insert-explicit-string-here]


In closing, I leave you what I find to be a very descriptive tune for this release, and from what i've read and experienced, recent others:

Also, this is Steve's new anthem in my opinion:

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:43 am
by FlowerChild
TheHoboHunted wrote:Holy.. Shit.
Hehe...awesome man. Thanks for the story :)

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:46 pm
by Vexalor
I don't think I really elaborated very much last time in my observation post about my first encounter with... it (for the official lack of an official name).
When I started anew out in the wilderness, I managed to kill a skeleton in a cave that I holed up in with my single stone axe (and almost died in the process). Naturally, this was after beating a number trees down with my bare hands to get the necessary nineteen wood to rev up the tech tree. I mined for the night, and, being quite close to a taiga biome (I was in a forest next door), I kept hearing howling. Dropping all my pretenses of researching wolf socks and other novelties, I decided to devote this new-game mission to discovering the darker secrets of wolves. Easier said then done, unfortunately. For no apparent reason, a pig glitched through the dirt wall protecting my home, so I had a nice little meal that way.

The next morning, I journeyed out with a few stone axes to cut more wood and hunt. Outside, I saw (I think) an angry wolf in the distance eat a pig and went the other way, of course. After hunting pigs and cows for the day, I came back to my cave/hole to find a wolf that had apparently been sated of its hunger. At that point I made the assumption that wolves now became angry from being hungry, which was reinforced when I found some dung on the ground out in part of the taiga. From the skeleton I had killed the other day, I tamed the wolf for experimentation, whenever i got to it. I also killed a couple spiders near my door.

That night, I struck four iron, and after slaying some zombies that gathered by the door, I decided to make a fishing rod. I had shoved the wolf in a corner by this point, and did not hear quite as many howls. The next morning, I went out and killed a creeper. As there were spiders about, I brought my wolf with me. I first cut some trees and searched out some new caves for more coal and iron. Then, i was suddenly attacked by a raging wolf, and I killed it. I went fishing, but made the stupid choice of shift-clicking all my rotten flesh into the crafting grid with the fishing rod, and thus dropping the extra in front of my wolf when i left my inventory. That night, just closing in on dawn, I was suddenly met with a very horrifying growl and was attacked from behind by something dark and large. The kill message said something about a "dire wolf" and thus I named that beast my other post.

Respawning, I was immediately attacked by angry wolves (three or four I think). An at that point, I saved and quit, having my fill of terror for the day.
My research continues:
Wolves will eat any players, sheep, pigs, and chickens (not cows for some reason) if they are hungry and become angry not just from being attacked but also from hunger

Upon eating rotten flesh, wolves will slowly become the Beast.

To tame a wolf with bones it must not be hungry.

Tamed wolves will not get angry due to hunger.

Tamed wolves will only become angry due to the wolf chop thing (as far as I can tell).

Untamed wolves will also become angry during the night during the full moon.

Wolves howl frequently to the full moon, and these howls do not seem to betray any sort of pattern; in fact tamed wolves don't seem to do this at all.

Wolves will also howl at random points in time during the night, and this howl will be answered by others, even tamed wolves.

I am now becoming more interested in this sock thing, especially since I heard something about wolf "happiness levels."

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:53 pm
by jecowa
Vexalor wrote:My research continues:
Wolves will eat any players, sheep, pigs, and chickens (not cows for some reason) if they are hungry and become angry not just from being attacked but also from hunger

Upon eating rotten flesh, wolves will slowly become the Beast.

To tame a wolf with bones it must not be hungry.

Tamed wolves will not get angry due to hunger.

Tamed wolves will only become angry due to the wolf chop thing (as far as I can tell).

Untamed wolves will also become angry during the night during the full moon.

Wolves howl frequently to the full moon, and these howls do not seem to betray any sort of pattern; in fact tamed wolves don't seem to do this at all.

Wolves will also howl at random points in time during the night, and this howl will be answered by others, even tamed wolves.

I am now becoming more interested in this sock thing, especially since I heard something about wolf "happiness levels."
A couple more things:
Tamed wolves will howl in response to hearing another wolf howl.

Slain "beasts" will drop zombie flesh, indicating that they may be undead wolves.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:20 am
by myrkana
whys everyone using spoilers in a spoiler thread o.O
Dire wolves seem to be undead wolves because they act just like zombies in the fact that they will attack you, drop rotten meat when they die, and they burn in the sunlight

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:32 am
by Mikko_blu
Becuase people may come in here seeking help on only one particular subject but still trying to keep other stuff unkown until they discover it themselves

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:19 am
by FlowerChild
Nah, I think we can dispense with spoilers in a spoiler discussion. Only so many veils are necessary here :)

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 9:39 am
by Mikko_blu
FlowerChild wrote:Nah, I think we can dispense with spoilers in a spoiler discussion. Only so many veils are necessary here :)
By all means, dispense away =)

it's probably habit more than anything to spoiler a spoiler

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:49 pm
by Nikkentobi
I've been checking out this thread for a week now, and i noticed that a few of us here has actually found the recipe for the booties, but no one has actually posted the crafting recipe that they found.

I know that FC have the right idea about 'don't spoil it for others, let the players found their own way'. And it does bring you great satisfaction when you found something on your own.

In my case though, since my divorce last year, one of the things that i do with my kids are playing BTW during the weekend that i get to spend time with them. Last week, the 4 of us spent the whole day just tinkering with the crafting grid trying to find the recipe with no luck. After that, I've spent probably about an hour each day after work trying to find it myself, and still no luck so far.

So i was wondering, since this is a spoiler thread, is it possible for someone who has found the recipe to post it here? (spoilered of course, to prevent ruining it for people who DOES have the time to find it themselves).

Thank you very much in advance, and i'm sorry if my request is deemed out of line.

Re: Better Wolves Spoiler thread

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:53 pm
by FlowerChild
Man...I feel for you, I really do. Without the bootsies and hatsies to soothe them, wolves will just mess you up right quick :\