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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:43 am
by BinoAl
redrew89 wrote:Just saying, a configuration file option for Harcore Bedding would have been nice. Now, instead of giving players the option of using a new mechanic, it just feels like your jamming it down our throats. This was part of my initial issue with the "hardcore everything" idea, from the beginning. Some may like that sort of thing, but who am I to judge. Then again, no one is forcing me to play.
Some may legitimately not enjoy the hardcore changes lately, but here's a question: Would you have even tried it if you could turn it off? Sure, they make things more difficult, but they do so in a way that makes the game more fun. If FC included a toggle, people wouldn't give it a chance

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:01 am
by Incomitatum
Today we realized that HC-Beds/Coords were going to be a THING. We are still 4.16. So we got together, went under our town and dig 4 5x5 tunnels as a community N S E W. It gave us something to DO as a group. Later I'll make a wishlist of things I'd like to see in MC as an Admin [ As an Admin I'd like to keep my coords, like a GM creating content and gameplay is something I am doing constantly and sometimes I _need_ those coords ], but we are learning to roll with these changes. We seem to understand the need for the change, and are working within the new parameters they set for us.

We will adapt. No foul here. Those that HATE it, well, they know where there door is, same one they came in through.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:31 am
by Azdoine
The thing is, FC is making the mod for himself. Not to please some 12 year olds.
You can be thankful for what he's sharing with you (I imagine he'd be appreciative), or you can be a dick and hate on a feature that you probably haven't even tried (To which FC turns a blind eye).

Either way, there's no reason to bitch on the mod. People will just get pissed, and ultimately, you won't have had an impact.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:23 am
by FlowerChild
There's no real ongoing debate here guys. Redrew is on a time-out. He's been a constructive member of the community in the past, and hopefully will continue to be one in the future. We all have our moments.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:14 am
by Itamarcu
I downloaded the new version, and the first thing I tested was the new chicken feature.


Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:52 am
by Incomitatum
EDIT: I was told this was not the right place.

Also, Iron Golem farm is a good idea. thank you.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:20 am
by Itamarcu
Incomitatum wrote:If this is not the place for this, I apologize. I don't want to get banned. I hope I am not being a dick.

I have just one thing to bring up, something I saw affect my players today. I am not making a demand, only asking that it be considered: a High Efficiency, recipe for rails. As we are going to be more dependant on them (and I do think rightfully so).

We are optimizing our kingdom by hand. Jadedcat has the numbers somewhere, but we need something close-to 4000 iron?

I bring this up because we are all near the end of our various tech trees as players in the community, and yet there is no way (that I know of yet) to stretch the little iron we have dug up farther.

Though, maybe I am speaking out of turn, that is, in the coming AGES there may be something like that.

Thank you for making these "game-design" changes. I have a background in game-creation as well and appreciate you approaching things from _that_ angle.
If you have a suggestion, you probably want to put it in the Suggestions forum. This is not the right place.

By the way, you might want to try creating an Iron Golem farm. It outputs a VERY high amount of iron.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:52 am
by Educated_Fool
I absolutely love this update, I recently started a new world and this definitely adds the extra challenge I needed =)
Once more thank you for making Minecraft awesome again FC.

Also; having lots of fun with the new hardcore chicken feature until...
A ghast spawns in the middle of my base, those are some vengefull chickensouls D:

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:46 am
by Black Rathalos
Server Chat wrote:You are too troubled to rest.
Love you for this FC.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:14 am
by Jay42
chickens, measuring methods, 4.20...
"Should I play when the stakes are this high?"

Well, the answer is obviously yes.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:24 am
by jakerman999
I only wish there was a release between putting stakes in and taking co-ords out, solely for a picture of a stake at max height with the caption reading "The stakes are too damn high!"

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:16 pm
by rockninja
Graphite wrote:
rockninja wrote:seriously, creeper came and blew me up while i was laughing :c
A creeper blew you up? Unless there's more to this hardcore chicken addition than I've found so far, I find that extremely unlikely...
my chicken coup is outside, i wasn't paying attention, creeper snuck up on me, blew up.
what's so unlikely?

also, thanks to steaks, i can now add warts to my giant wooden witch head. thanks again, FC.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:23 pm
by FlowerChild
rockninja wrote: my chicken coup is outside, i wasn't paying attention, creeper snuck up on me, blew up.
what's so unlikely?
Because the new aspect of Hardcore Chickens doesn't exist anywhere that creepers do?

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:27 pm
by rockninja
FlowerChild wrote:
rockninja wrote: my chicken coup is outside, i wasn't paying attention, creeper snuck up on me, blew up.
what's so unlikely?
Because the new aspect of Hardcore Chickens doesn't exist anywhere that creepers do?
ooooh... well... *runs*

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:19 pm
by OldMarriedDude
FlowerChild wrote:
rockninja wrote: my chicken coup is outside, i wasn't paying attention, creeper snuck up on me, blew up.
what's so unlikely?
Because the new aspect of Hardcore Chickens doesn't exist anywhere that creepers do?

Im gonna take chickens to the nether just to check this out

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:27 pm
by Battosay
FlowerChild wrote:Because the new aspect of Hardcore Chickens doesn't exist anywhere that creepers do?
Meow ?

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:57 pm
by DxPanxD
Oddly enough, beds encouraged me to spend more time in the Nether. Half of the people on the server I play are afraid of the dark, so every 10 minutes it was bedcheck >_> Ended up hanging out in the nether more often than not due to how annoying those got.

I welcome the arrival of hardcore beds, even if it does put an end to my rather exploity suicide fast travel :P

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:09 pm
by RezDev
FlowerChild wrote:For some reason, it reminds me of the original Zork, but I have no idea why.
Sleeping in beds causes you to get eaten by a grue? Awesome. :)

Cool update FC. The stakes look fun on a bunch of different levels, can't wait to play around with them for a bit.

And all the new hardcore modes? Well, I wasn't around for the alpha and beta days of Minecraft, so I guess I get to experience that now. Looking forward to it.

Kudos. :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:06 pm
by DxPanxD
... *sigh* The server I play is trying to find a new mod. Apparently hardcore beds is too much. Never mind the fact that we already have nether trails to everyone's bases.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:24 pm
by FlowerChild
DxPanxD wrote:... *sigh* The server I play is trying to find a new mod. Apparently hardcore beds is too much. Never mind the fact that we already have nether trails to everyone's bases.
As amusing as this is, no bitching in the release thread please. In this case, no off-topic bitching either.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:13 pm
by Extreme Boyheat
Beds can be used for things other than sleeping in, people!

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:05 am
by LaserSushi
Extreme Boyheat wrote:Beds can be used for things other than sleeping in, people!
Especially with Those stakes, iron screws and gimp-suits!

Regardless, I greatly like the new bed non-functions. Now I can go back to being that crazy guy who uses all the iron to make railways everywhere.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:22 am
by finite8
LaserSushi wrote:
Extreme Boyheat wrote:Beds can be used for things other than sleeping in, people!
Especially with Those stakes, iron screws and gimp-suits!
Leisuresuit Larry, BTW edition.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:21 am
by Ozziie
FlowerChild wrote:Version 4.20 of Better Than Wolves is ready for download!
I'd like my first post to be one of thanks.

Over the last few evenings I have used 2 things in Minecraft that have been effectively redundant in my worlds until now. Their revival has rekindled a feeling that I have not felt since the first few worlds I made when I purchased the game.

Firstly, I made a compass. After finding my spawn and making a small shrine with the basics (wood, stone and food) I noticed that I was able to navigate my way back to it without too much effort. I was unknowingly taking note of the landscape and using it to navigate. Previously my eyes would be focused on the top left of the screen watching numbers as they reached 0,0 and guided me home.

Secondly, I made a map. I was interested in the surrounding area but didn't want to stray too far and decided to discover the region to see what was in the surrounding area. It dawned on me that I suddenly feared being far from home. I was worried about the creeper that was approaching, the skeleton that was attacking or the spider that was in the tree above me. Mobs started to make me jump as I navigated the forest. I realised that if I died here I would have a hard time getting back to where I was without my compass and map.

I was being "thrilled" by the game that I had been losing interest in. I was being inspired by the mod that is reinstilling the interest I once had.

I've become attached to my world like never before and it's your doing.

Thank you :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.20)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:24 pm
by Busler
-Added Hardcore Bedding as a new mod feature. This effectively disables beds as a means to set spawn position and to skip the night. This was done to encourage construction (especially of rail networks), restore the balance between day and night activities within the game, restore the impact of weather on gameplay, and to give player death more consequence. Beds are just a bad feature, mkay?
you may think so, but others don't. I think that you should add something in the config to disable the feature. If not, then what file should I delete to remove the feature?

But otherwise, the update (and entire mod so far) is brilliant. I look forward to finding out what the Stake does!