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Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:13 pm
by DocHussey
first as I think I've mentioned before, I use the wireless Redstone mod. Keeping this in mind…
I set up a giant field of hibachi for my own version of a pottery kiln with receiver blocks underneath each hibachi. I left a one block hole at the far end to get in and out underneath my brick kiln. I chisel a hole in my obsidian base (I am paranoid about hibachi fires) and placed the transmitter block. Right next to an active Redstone torch… I did not get to the end where my hole was to get out, and lost everything. This is better than wolves related, because I would not be building a kiln otherwise, or fooling with the hibachi's.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:55 pm
by CycloneSP
T_T My tale of woe takes place in BTW's most favorite location. The nether. I was presently hunting down some soul sand so that I could progress throught the tech tree when I happened upon a large area of gravel. I'm like O.o and skirt around it, collect some glowstone then decide to cross over the gravel field and continue my quest. Well halfway across, I get the bright idea of continuing my torch trail so I can find my way back. But alas, as soon as I place my torch, I am plummeting down to a painful fire death in a lake of lava. T_T The torch caused a block update and apparently that large gravel field was unsupported.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:02 pm
by HtKsos
My tale of woe:
I had just built my elevator to my sky-farm somewhere around level 250. In building this I found that the lens fires only 128 blocks, so I had to put another lens to relay the optical signal to the elevator switch (I had two elevators that went opposite directions so I never had to wait forever for the platform)
My elevator was also in the ocean biome and on the edge of a platform because I like extreme high diving.

anyway, as the elevator approached the midpoint where the relay lens was It had just became dark, I thought to myself, that platform should be lit, just as 2 creepers came into view, I got one, but the other exploded, knocking my off the platform. I failed to miss the ocean platform by one block, launching most of my items across the ocean floor as I splatted. After returning to the elevator, I found out that the creeper explosion pushed the wicker platform over by one block before destroying the rope, and making it no longer and entity. it Baffled me why the new rope wasn't picking the platform back up, because the anchor was now one block off.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:17 am
by Minecraftgeek70
oh Mostly just the usual tales of woe. Stoking that which should not be stoked, forgetting to power that which should be powered and forgetting to remove heavy outer garments before swimming.

However it was in my new 1.3.2 world yester-eve that I met my most recent demise. I had been progressing along nicely.. found a deep ravine and build my base above it with an elevator to lower me down to the dark stygian depths. I'd also been messing around with dynamite and mining charges. a slip of the mouse wheel and instead of placing a glowstone lamp next to the active redstone I placed a mining charge on the floor. WHy I didn't just run I do not know but for some ungodly reason I thought hitting the wiring would stop it.. of course.. it didn't.

I blew a neat 3 x 3 hole in the floor damaging my elevator circuitry but more importantly removing terra firma from beneath my feet and allowing me to take the express elevator to the sickening crunch at the base of the ravine.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:16 pm
by CycloneSP
Minecraftgeek70 wrote:However it was in my new 1.3.2 world yester-eve that I met my most recent demise. I had been progressing along nicely.. found a deep ravine and build my base above it with an elevator to lower me down to the dark stygian depths. I'd also been messing around with dynamite and mining charges. a slip of the mouse wheel and instead of placing a glowstone lamp next to the active redstone I placed a mining charge on the floor. WHy I didn't just run I do not know but for some ungodly reason I thought hitting the wiring would stop it.. of course.. it didn't.
Minecraftgeek70 wrote:glowstone lamp
yeah, okay see, I think this was your problem to begin with. :P

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:17 am
by Minecraftgeek70
CycloneSP wrote:
Minecraftgeek70 wrote:glowstone lamp
yeah, okay see, I think this was your problem to begin with. :P

*Palm --> Face*

Soz.. I do of course mean .. a Redstone lamp.

Sorry and all that. but for simple lighting I do prefer the redstone lamps to the BTW Lightblocks. I use those solely for hemp growing. I know it's only a texture pack re-skin away from using the same device all over the place.. but I like the look of the Vanilla one :D

(am old, cantankerous , curmudgeonly and set in my ways XD)

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:51 am
by DocHussey
I... Can't believe what an idiot i am... I fell into one of my Pits O' Doom(tm) and got mulched by saws... Lucky me, there's a hopper that collected my things. Yes, my Pits O' Doom(tm) are inescapable without breaking things and having to tunnel to get to the parts I broke after and losing mob trap functionality.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:18 pm
by Tropa
Threw in a hellfire dust into a stocked crucible, Bam!

I didn't no it was gonna blow up like that, lmao.

this mod is full of surprises.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:32 pm
by TheAnarchitect
I played SMP with FC.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:34 pm
by walker_boh_65
TheAnarchitect wrote:I played SMP with FC.
with a Battle Axe.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:51 pm
by The Phoenixian
DocHussey wrote:I... Can't believe what an idiot i am... I fell into one of my Pits O' Doom(tm) and got mulched by saws... Lucky me, there's a hopper that collected my things. Yes, my Pits O' Doom(tm) are inescapable without breaking things and having to tunnel to get to the parts I broke after and losing mob trap functionality.
It is for this very reason that I keep a pair of Iron doors and buttons right next to the saws in my mobtrap.

The iron doors did not save me however when it was time for my mob trap to feed on my own blood: Ropes, and falling off them, have killed me more times than any other and this time there was not enough time to get away from the saws and into the doors before my damaged body was cut to pieces.

At least I got everything back from the item storage system.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:10 pm
by Gargantuan_Penguin
It had just started raining one night as I was returning to my base, and so I dashed off to my windmill to turn off the gearbox. I climbed out onto the roof and swithed the lever. Since I was up there I decided to watch the storm for awhile. In only a couple of seconds of standing there I was struck by lightning I was almost killed by it and the fall did the rest. First time ever being struck by Lightning

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:55 pm
by TheAnarchitect
Seriously, though. I may get to lay claim to being the first person caught by a BUDdy block-enabled trap. I won't get into specifics, because weapons research is a state secret. But I can say that I made a "secret" entrance into FC's base, and when I came back he'd rather cleverly trapped it. Fun was had by all.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:08 am
by Donzaffi
It was a sunny day and I was sitting in the park nearby with my laptop and makeing a small Minecraft break from work.
Suddenly my girlfriend appear in the moment where I was sorting my inventory, so I talked with her and let the inventory open.
Now the main Problem, I was sitting on a bloodwood tree and when I remembered this it was too late, died on suffication >.< .

Then I pressed Pause until I could play again with the tattemp to collect my inventory, I arrived at the tree a ghast shoot me down and all my stuff burned away in the tree. Without my stuff i don't wanted to live anymore and I drop myself in the lava.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:52 am
by xou816
I was working on my mob trap and walking close to a water channel (with a saw at its end) while holding shift. But I don't know how... I managed to stop holding shift. You probably imagine the end of the story: I was caught in the water flow and got killed by my saw that, of course, I didn't turn off. I could have placed a block to stop the flow, but you know... just panic.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:49 pm
by TheTrollerOfTrolls
Gargantuan_Penguin wrote:It had just started raining one night as I was returning to my base, and so I dashed off to my windmill to turn off the gearbox. I climbed out onto the roof and swithed the lever. Since I was up there I decided to watch the storm for awhile. In only a couple of seconds of standing there I was struck by lightning I was almost killed by it and the fall did the rest. First time ever being struck by Lightning
Jesus christ the odds of actually being struck by lightning must be something like 10000:1.

My tale of woe is simple to explain: Digging straight down whilst wearing full SFS armor. I say no more...

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:24 pm
by HaloGamefreek
My tale is more of stupidity. I updated btw today without checking the changelog and After some remodeling spent a few mins in my tree farm with bonemeal. After getting a little frustrated i came here to see why it wasnt working. by the time i got back steve was dead and my tree farm had a nice new crater...

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:12 am
by DreamsofFury
No real tale to tell except to say "rope......"

One notable one that happened yesterday though. Was working on my auto turntable/kiln/soul urn maker and climed up a rope, fell off before reaching the top and accidentally clicked a lever to turn on the hibachi's near the kilns, I also had it wired up to the crucible right next to it that I had stored some funpowder or hellfire dust in, I survived that, yet the explosion also taught me to never have a lever leading to an inverter/lever next to a stewing pot that had hellfire dust in it with the hibachi and turntable bellows off button near there.....

Short version, fell off the dam rope, miss clicked, crucible blew up destroying lever that kept the nearby stewing pots hibachi and bellows off, said pot had hellfire dust in it, i died.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:16 am
by morvelaira
I got hardcore boned to death.

Well... not really. But I couldn't avoid the suggestiveness any longer.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:25 am
by TheInfernalEnchanter
morvelaira wrote:I got hardcore boned to death.

My tale of woe is simple:shift-click dumping a load of old armor into a stoked crucible, hitting some hellfire dust( not intentional), not noticing said hellfire dust because cow randomly walked in and I had to kill it, and the wandering off, completely unaware of the impending boom. I then commited suicide after I saw the damage.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:56 am
by Indras
I made two crazy stupid first-week player mistakes today. First, I was trying to set up a tripwire across some flowing water that my cows are pushed through, in order to trigger an automatic feeder. The water flow leads to a powered saw. I alt-tabbed to google on how to set up floating tripwire (hint: you can place it across water, but it won't connect to the hooks) and didn't have my sound on, so I didn't hear as my poor Steve was chopped up and had his inventory dumped into the raw beef hopper. I'm still not sure why it didn't pause the game... I must have opened my inventory first or something.

Second, a classic noob mistake: upgrading my wolf feeder to be automated, I decided to go with block dispensers. I usually use vanilla dispensers, and just have them shoot the food into a 1x1 "chute" that ends on the wolf's platform. Using block dispensers lets you make the whole thing one or two blocks shorter, and the wiring is a bit easier, too. Finally get everything set up and hit the manual feed button to test it and I hear a loud YELP from my wolves. It only took a second to figure out what I had done, the block dispensers were *too* close to the wolves. All four of them that I owned. I literally face-palmed. Then threw back my head and laughed like an idiot. Worst part is that I've done it before, months ago! Didn't kill my Steve, but I seriously considered hopping in the cow saw again just for good measure.

The good news: I now have four cute little companion cubes to decorate my house with.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:13 am
by DocHussey
I discovered the joys of redstone wiring recently as my favorite wireless redstone mod hasn't been updated. Going hog wild, I began making intricate designs, linking gearboxes, dispensers, and anything I could with wiring. Unfortunately, I forgot that redstone can turn off a torch.
Cooking up some concentrated hellfire, I decided to take this opportunity to continue wiring. I broke a connection that was driving me nuts and was promptly wiped off the map because of the now powered torch lighting a hibachi. A stoked one. I jumped like five feet back, it jumped me that badly.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:17 am
by The Phoenixian
Ah, Finally a fun tale of misfortune that ended in death.

Today, on Lifewater's SMP, I had my first run in with the groth. My first several in fact. During one of them, I happened to have lost my SFS Boots and gotten my stuff stranded in the middle of a groth field. Naturally given that groth is half slabs, the only way to get it back was to walk back onto the groth.

So I did, Repeatedly. Dieing and losing my stuff again and again until I finally got everything back into a chest I had set up.

Of course by that time I had gone slightly crazy and, noting how the lag ridden groth will bounce you up again and again even after you've gotten into midair, decided to attempt flying. Count more victories towards the groth.

Since then at least it's been give and take either way: I try to contain it with concrete, lava, and even breaking it by hand and taking poison when I have to in my quest for containment. Some times I get the groth, sometimes the groth gets me.

Final score
Nix: 7 Groth: I don't even know.

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:52 am
by SterlingRed
Fortunately, this didn't kill my Steve. Unfortunately, I no longer have a workshop.

When breaking through the mechanical power bottleneck I instantly built a workshop and started pushing to steel on my server. I needed Redstone so I tossed two stacks of hellfire dust into my crucible. My stoked crucible. My workshop is now a crater at least 25 wide and 10 deep. Back to hemp farming for me....

Re: Tales of Woe: how has a feature of BTW killed your steve

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:40 pm
by DocHussey

I never thought that HEMP would kill me. So, here I am, playing Farmer John, and I start getting hurt. I look around, trying to find what was smacking me around to no avail. I'm running around my hemp farm (96 plants long, three hemp plants/one sugarcane/one waterblock x 6 wide) and can't see the skeleton plinking away at me for the plants. Felt like I was back in Afghanistan, weeds higher than ones eyes... I went to bed and retrieved my stuff the next morning, followed by some depressed hoeing and replanting. Sweet justice was served, sa his two bones served to fertilize part of the replanting process. HA!