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Re: [4.899999][Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Server

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:37 pm
by FlowerChild
...and standard procedure here is to at least take the time to read the OP for a server thread before spamming people with join requests. If you had read this one, it would have been obvious that you won't be admitted. Plus the entitlement you've demonstrated by asking server ops to take the time to PM you about joining their servers does not indicate you'd fit in well here on these forums.

Also: I ban people, not accounts. Creating alt accounts to bypass a ban will just get them banned as well. You aren't welcome here. Move along.

Re: [4.899999][Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Server

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:34 am
by npauwels1988
FC, mind please adding me to your whitelist? I'm dying to get some multiplayer experience. I never played single player so long in my entire minecraft career before.
in game name is nickpauwels1988.

Also please, no ban for asking o.o
I see how most get fired down..

Re: [4.899999][Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Server

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:55 am
by FlowerChild
npauwels1988 wrote:Also please, no ban for asking o.o
Always amazes me when people do stuff like this knowing exactly what's coming.

Re: [4.899999][Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Server

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:04 pm
by Rianaru
So...I think I might have been whitelisted on the old anarchy server ages ago, but I can't seem to find any evidence of that, and besides, it's probably reset since then. Anyways, looking to get back into BTW for a bit with some other people. I've played a few minutes with Flower and Battosay(well, more like exchanged a witty remark or two over chat, but who's counting), but I've been on the forums for a while and I thought I'd try my luck with a server that's not likely to go down. Am I trusted enough for a whitelist? :)

PS-I have read and accept all server rules as posted in the OP(just in case I missed reading that we have to agree to them)

Re: [4.899999][Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Server

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:52 pm
by Worldspawn
Obligatory/mandatory worship and praise:
Man, now I wish for a Time Machine to go back and tell myself to register here immediately! I've been playing BTW for too long without actually contributing anything, which shames me. FlowerChild, you've made an exceptionally engaging "mod"! It's a concept unto itself, and I apologize in advance for wasting your time. Keep doing what you love, keep having fun and keep creating wonderfully innovative concepts and gadgets! Okay, sorry, that was it. Great respect for your work! Now, I'll put this in a spoiler to keep the thread short, but just in case I do come across a Time Machine I'll leave my name here in hope of acceptance.
Worldspawn is the name, pleased to finally have the courage to post here.
FlowerChild wrote:Let the age of fuzzy bunnies and reach arounds commence! :)