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Re: [4.81][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:22 pm
by SterlingRed
CycloneSP wrote:Hey sterling, judging from you massive builds, you must have done a ton of mining for redstone and such. Could you (or anyone really) share with me your secrets for getting stockpiles of redstone and other deep earth ores? Cuz tbh, I really dislike staring at a wall of stone for hours as I mine for redstone and lapis. Please! what is your secret to amassing such huge stores of goods?
Just created this off topic thread to discuss this :)

Re: [4.81][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 8:28 pm
by TheGatesofLogic
Ok, not trying to be rude, but... Massive builds? That's a pretty laughable statement with regards to my own structures. I think I may soon be building a structure large enough that the Great Entrance near Pumpkintown(that's what we are calling it from now on, it has a certain ring to it) would look like the back door. The Observatory of Forgotten Realms (I like this name too!) will tower over even the fuzziest of bunnies! Mwahahaha!!!

Re: [4.81][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 11:37 pm
by Six
TheGatesofLogic wrote:Ok, not trying to be rude, but... Massive builds? That's a pretty laughable statement with regards to my own structures. I think I may soon be building a structure large enough that the Great Entrance near Pumpkintown(that's what we are calling it from now on, it has a certain ring to it) would look like the back door. The Observatory of Forgotten Realms (I like this name too!) will tower over even the fuzziest of bunnies! Mwahahaha!!!
Yeah yeah, brag once you've actually built your plan. I think everyone on the server has had grand 'plans' to build massive things, but they remain just as grand as everyone else's 'plans' until they are actually built. And until that point, things people have actually built remain grander in my opinion.

Also, that's the Pumpkin Gate, there's a sign on it.

Re: [4.81][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 12:15 am
by TheGatesofLogic
Oh, yeah I know about the pumpkin gate I was talking about the nether portal.

Also, excuse my post but I may have not been sober at the time of posting :P
My cockiness gets multiplied by the presence of alcohol. To be honest I haven't even been on the server in like 3 weeks. It's been busy IRL for me

Re: [4.81][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 12:23 am
by FlowerChild
Sorry guys, but fragnet is throwing up on me on the update again. Will try again tomorrow, but the server will likely be down for the night.

Re: [4.81][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 2:32 pm
by FlowerChild
Server is back online and working fine!

Re: [4.81][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 3:03 pm
by FlowerChild
CycloneSP wrote: Anyway, FC, as you know, I've got myself the makings of a small sky base above my current base. And I've been thinking about expanding it from 'sky base' to 'sky town' by offering those that wish to do so the privilege/permission/ability to add extensions to what I've already set up to make a cool sprawling network of skyroads and eventually create a 'sky town' near spawn where ppl can have a 'home away from home' kind of deal. I mainly wanted to bring this by you before I started offering it to the others due to the fact that it may grow to be rather large with time, and I was uncertain how you'd like having a large network of roads and buildings in the sky so near spawn.
Actually. I didn't know as I rarely venture towards spawn. I just did though.

Let's just say that plopping a cobble mega-build right next to spawn and everyone else's smaller decorative builds was in exceedingly poor taste. I now "get" the black and white sculpture that was being built as the character of the spawn has changed rather dramatically based on your build. If I had known about your sky-base, I doubt I would have objected to the sculpture.

No idea what to do about it at this stage, but yeah man...that wasn't particularly cool.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:14 pm
by CycloneSP
Oh... sorry about that FC. At the time I originally began constructing it (which was quite a while ago) I wasn't even thinking about the potential to eclipse the smaller aesthetic builds. I can stop expanding it post haste if it's going to become a problem.

My original reasons for building was to capitalize on the mob spawning mechanics to maximize out put for my mob trap. But since it's so high up it doesn't produce anything while I'm in my base, so I had planned on putting facilities up there so that I can kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

I apologize for my careless lack of forethought.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:27 pm
by FlowerChild
Like I said: I don't know what to do about it at present. I'll think it over.

If other players have opinions on the subject, please weigh in as I'd like to gauge how others react to this kind of thing. Honestly, while there aren't really any server rules that cover this kind of thing, it's a little beyond what I expected anyone to consider within the realm of reason and everyone else seems to have exercised a degree of restraint when building in communal areas without having to say anything specific about it.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:48 pm
by SterlingRed
I think since minecraft allows so much variation in play styles, each of us has our own definition of what's reasonable, size and aesthetically speaking. That's compounded by btw, which encourages expansion, so each of us may have individual 'plans' in our heads of how we want our builds to expand in the future, and others may not be aware we intend on taking something further/larger down the road.

It does however, seem silly to have to state rules or size restrictions on builds in the spawn area. That opens up a whole can of worms.

From what I can tell, a lot of the problem lies in some players (seems to be post anarchy players, I'm one of them), have established their main and only bases near spawn. Others, like FC and Batto, have their main bases in other locations based on old anarchy play. As for me, well, I'm a noob so I stayed at the first hcs location that I didn't die in before getting my bearings.

I suppose it comes down to what the spawn area is intended to be for. Community projects? Personal bases? Small personal outposts? Something else?

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:58 pm
by FlowerChild
Well...I think one of the reasons that we have a strict whitelist in place even post anarchy is in the hopes that other players will exercise sound judgement about such things, and if you don't log in for a week, you won't suddenly find a sky-limit cobble tower sitting in your back yard. Similarly, you'd think that people would realize that spawn is the first exposure that a player has to a world, thus being greeted by such a sight sets a certain precedent as to what you can expect to see on a server and probably how that player will decide to build themselves.

You're right in that there are no rules to cover it, nor should we probably attempt to create any, and it's more on the level of " That probably isn't a good idea" when you do see it begin to happen.

In this case, that crucial "wtf?" stage seems to have been missed for whatever reason, and the build itself is now so large and prominent that I'm a bit at a loss as to how to handle it. The rest of the server looks great (at least the parts I've seen), but unfortunately its most prominent feature, and the one players are likely to first see when they enter it, is now this huge cobble thing that blots out the sky :)

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 6:03 pm
by SterlingRed
Hmm, yeah I wasn't thinking in the mindset of a new player hoping onto the server for the first time.

As far as the build in question goes, I think if a 'sky city' were to be built, it should be outside of the spawn area. I like the idea of the server having unique remote locations to visit, pumpkin town, a sky city, the gigantic temple, my desert castle...thing, etc.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 6:08 pm
by FlowerChild
SterlingRed wrote: As far as the build in question goes, I think if a 'sky city' were to be built, it should be outside of the spawn area. I like the idea of the server having unique remote locations to visit, pumpkin town, a sky city, the gigantic temple, my desert castle...thing, etc.
Yeah...for sure. I have no issues with people claiming their own areas and working on whatever their heart desires, in whatever style they choose. I think having those kinds of distinct styles in different areas for people to visit is just awesome.

BUT, at a certain point, I think we'd all agree there are limits when it comes to common areas, even if they are generally unspoken. Like, if one day someone decides to build a giant cobble dome encasing the spawn area, I doubt people would react well to it, or consider that acceptable, especially if they've already put time into their own builds in the encased area, and have now had a completely different aesthetic imposed upon them by a third party. That can easily be looked upon as a form of griefing.

I guess that's part of my problem here in that it's rather difficult to define where that line is, when it's been crossed, and what should be done about it. I've been on servers that have gone on a long time where such decisions were obviously not made, that wind up looking like Disney Land on an acid trip. It's not pleasant, and really doesn't encourage anyone to play there or invest time in their own builds as whatever you do, it's guaranteed to look like ass by virtue of its neighbors (or will likely be turned to ass when they decide to move in right next door).

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 8:04 pm
by CycloneSP
Well, if it would make you feel better, I am willing to tear it down. The only thing I'm really proud of about it would be my skylift that comes right down into my base. But that stupid thing has killed me more than any hard core feature while I've been on that server, so I've kinda grown to dislike it. (stupid lag) But yeah, while it looks like a big construct with a lot of stuff, its mostly just cobble, a small tree farm, and a mob farm.

I wouldn't have a problem tearing it down if it is that much of a problem, as I'm not too terribly attached to it.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 8:31 pm
by TheGatesofLogic
As the one of the only players who joined the server after the thing was built I recommend tearing it down. The spawn is cool, until you notice the massive bland tower of ugliness. I'm sorry cyclone, but in all honesty it's in bad taste. I didn't want to offend you before now, but now that the issue has come forth I recommend you tear it down as I don't see it going anywhere in a positive direction.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 8:45 pm
by CycloneSP
Okay. I understand. I apologize for the distress I've caused. Also, I never find honest criticism offensive as long as it's done politely. :)

So yeah, I'll try to get around to tearing it down over the next week or so.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 10:20 pm
by CueballSWR
Am I fitting for a white list?

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 10:39 pm
by FlowerChild
CueballSWR wrote:Am I fitting for a white list?
Decided to do a quick check of your post history first, and given your last thread, I'd say no.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 10:51 pm
by CueballSWR
Aww man, i thought all was forgiven. Was a bad night.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 11:17 pm
by FlowerChild
CueballSWR wrote:Aww man, i thought all was forgiven. Was a bad night.
Was it? I honestly don't have much recollection of the event, by I do have fond memories of our exchanges in IRC, so it seems out of character.

Let me think about it.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 1:30 am
by CueballSWR
Thank you, i was hoping you would remember me.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 6:33 am
by Justicevalla

I would Like to Join the Server. Been trying to find a server that will stay BTW and not change to FTB and what better place than the Source for BTW!

I am a older player and like to explore. I build pretty much everything. I Miss BTW and would really enjoy the friendly group you have made here.


Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 11:09 pm
by FlowerChild
Sorry guys...updating just threw up all over me again. Will try again tomorrow like last week.

Re: [4.82][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:01 pm
by FlowerChild
Server is back online and updated to 4.83.

Re: [4.83][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:08 pm
by TheAbyss90
I was wondering if I might be able to get put on the whitelist. I honestly don't know how much Ill be on due to time and such, but I've kind of been itching to sink some more time into minecraft ^.^