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Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist [BTW 4.891]

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:28 am
by lifeiwater
ehsanmp wrote:So when is everything coming back up? Tis my day off, was hoping to get in some serious non-afk gaming before my clients are back on my case.
When I get home, sometime between 5pm EST and 7pm EST :P

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist [BTW 4.891]

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:30 am
by ehsanmp
Thanks life, I'll go do something for a while.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist [BTW 4.891]

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:37 am
by andreinawolf
ehsanmp wrote:So when is everything coming back up? Tis my day off, was hoping to get in some serious non-afk gaming before my clients are back on my case.
Forgot to post that bit. Life said in an IM yesterday that he won't be able to figure out what's wrong with it till 6-7pm tonight.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist [BTW 4.891]

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:03 pm
by Fredgar
So can I be whitelisted now? I made an edit to my post a while back, and I was waiting to see if anyone noticed.
I have read, and accept, both the forum and the server rules.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist [BTW 4.891]

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:24 pm
by ehsanmp
LOL FRED. You can't just say that you agree, you have to tell us a little about yourself!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist [BTW 4.891]

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:40 pm
by Fredgar
ehsanmp wrote: You have to tell us a little about yourself!
Fredgar wrote:My IGN is Fredgar, and I'm 14. I play a lot of Minecraft, and I don't get out enough. I used to play this mod quite a lot, but after a few weeks, all my single player saves seemed to just grind down into repetitive mining to build the next thing along the chain, which sucked.
However, looking at the forum and wiki, lots of new stuff has been added, and I want to play again, on a server this time, so I get the most out of the mod. I just spent some time looking at the wiki to get used to all the new things, so you won't have to worry about me being too much of a noob if you accept my application.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist [BTW 4.891]

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:13 pm
by coolio678
I'd like to get on the whitelist, if you'll accept me. I've been following BTW for at least a year and a half, but I never made a forum account until recently. I generally lurk and post rarely, but I check the forums daily. I still haven't reached full automation in any of my worlds current or in the past, but what better way to learn than with others (and a wiki)? I have been part of several other BTW servers, but they've all closed, which is quite a bummer.

IGN: Coolio678
read all the rules, they're pretty standard for a server to have. And I read them again!

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.891]

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:21 pm
by andreinawolf
With the changes to the copyright, I formally request permission to continue development of mods for the servers I manage. These mods will not be distributed, and will only used by myself on the single physical server that lifeiwater hosts.

The modifications will be limited to those that assist with server administration and those that improve the multiplayer experience.

"Server adminstration" includes profiling, logging, and changes to mechanics that are not related to gameplay in order to improve server performance. I have a specific list of changes I can provide to clarify what this means.

The "multiplayer experience" is limited to only changes that would not create a different gameplay experience for an isolated player (with chat disabled) compared to SSP, except for those caused by vMC itself (i.e. shared spawn limits).

I also have a top-down mapping mod that generates a map as chunks are unloaded. This was created to allow me to plot entity locations and regions that have high tick time based on profiling. The map (without the admin features) is also available to players.

Finally, I will remove any existing mods that do not follow the above request. Most are no longer necessary or only for aesthetic reasons.

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8911]

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:34 pm
by andreinawolf
As part of the 4.8911 update, various changes that effect gameplay have been removed. Of particular importance, HC spawn is now in effect on Ivalice.

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8911]

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:31 pm
by coolio678
It's been over a week, and you haven't responded to my whitelist request. If you could give me some update on that, it would be much appreciated.

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8911]

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:38 pm
by Ethinolicbob
coolio678 wrote:It's been over a week, and you haven't responded to my whitelist request. If you could give me some update on that, it would be much appreciated.
Ok. You missed something important in the whitelist application.

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8911]

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:43 pm
by Ethinolicbob
Oh Andre,
Ender chests aren't working on Ivalice.
I noticed it a while ago but I thought it was just personal lag.

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8911]

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:24 am
by myrkana
Ethinolicbob wrote:Oh Andre,
Ender chests aren't working on Ivalice.
I noticed it a while ago but I thought it was just personal lag.

he had to stop almost all of his mods, so enderchests now only work on the beacon I believe..

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8911]

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:49 pm
by coolio678
Ethinolicbob wrote:
coolio678 wrote:It's been over a week, and you haven't responded to my whitelist request. If you could give me some update on that, it would be much appreciated.
Ok. You missed something important in the whitelist application.
Was it that I didn't say that I read and accept both the the forum and server rules? Because I have read and accepted both the forum and server the rules.

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 3:33 pm
by andreinawolf
Changed the DNS entries so they now point to life's dynamic DNS domain name (

This will allow, and to automatically update when his IP changes.

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:41 am
by npauwels1988
Hi, I'm looking to be whitelisted.
My ign is nickpauwels1988 (You'll find more results relating to me if you google - tekkitized nickpauwels1988 - ;) )

Currently aged 25 years old. In my previous minecraft experiences I've ran
some servers for the tekkit modpack and I am currently working on my own.
Better than wolves interested me a long time ago and I started playing again recently
I'm quite happy that it evolved into a multiplayer mod, but finding a server to play on seems
like a difficult task.

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:43 am
by JuanXo_
Hi, my IGN is JuanXo_ I'm 24 years old and I'm from Spain. I recently finished my university degree and I'm now venturing into the real world of looking for a job (mission impossible in Spain if you dont have working experience). As you can see I am not a forum guy (this is my first post), I like to read them, but I mostly never post.
I`ve been playing BTW for about 2 weeks and I´ve made really good progress but I feel the need to share the experience with others. This is the reason I am applying to join your server.

I have read all the rules, both betterthansolo and the forum rules and ofc the "Guide for New Players". Btw I like the graveyard you have, I had never seen that mod before.

Hope you consider my application.


P.D. It would be nice if my girlfriend could also be whitelisted, her IGN is Flowergrass, she is a 25 year old biologist.

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:34 pm
by tyr116
I leave for a while and when I come the server is...... gone?! What happened guys :(

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:37 pm
by tyr116
tyr116 wrote:I leave for a while and when I come the server is...... gone?! What happened guys :(
I tried connecting to the server and it even says my worst nightmare......

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:14 am
by devak
So after a while i tried this again and...

for some reason can't be "resolved"

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:01 pm
by lifeiwater
Hello everyone,

I've made the decision to shut down Leviathan and Ivalice maps permanently.

I've lost interest in BTW over the last few months, and user logins were on a steady decrease even when I was playing, they are almost non existent now. Since Andre has no time to work on compiling his additions into BTW, I've no desire to really upgrade to newer revisions of BTW anyway. I've received no PM's either so I assume people have moved on/lost interest as well.

I had a lot of fun starting these servers. It was great to have such a large community around to play with and learn from. I've hosted a few bukkit servers over the years but this by far was the best community I've ever had. I really was a pleasure to login and talk with you all every day.

For those who want to have a copy of the world to keep forever, I've uploaded the last map backup for everyone (warning: These map files are huge (2.0GB - 2.5GB):

Ivalice Map

For those who want to keep in contact, you can always PM me here, but I do not check this often. My other methods of contact are:

AIM: wvwjoewvw
Google Hangouts:
Steam: lifewater

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:25 pm
by OlbaiD
Hello all :)

It was Aboot time to post here ;)

(First of, be prepared to a not-so-good english XD)

... I'm not one of the oldest players in this server, but i also am not a newer one... i met many good people in this community, learned a lot playing in team and i also made ​​many friendships... and i thank you all for that!

That being said, it somehow kinda hurts to read about the server closure...
Life, i assume that you have thought a lot about this hard decision... i would say to you to keep it open so i could play sometimes, but in the last months i havent played much, since i rarely logged on... so i believe saying that wouldn't change your mind.

Sometimes, i feel that i still could be playing with you all on the server (which is unfortunately empty) but the truth is that a lot of things changed in my personal life in those last months, which started to happen sometime after the creation of the leviathan server... good changes ... after some years living alone and away from everything, i changed my workplace, left the house where i was, also moved to another city, which is the city where my girlfriend is from, and i'm FINALLY living with her :) YAY!!!!! but all those changes occupied me a lot of time and mind (and they still do)

I feel like i should have shared that good new with you already, but as we use to say here "i remember to do it when i can't do, but i don't remember doing it when i can do".... well, its better late than never XD

Thank you all for everything , and especially: thank you for the friendship :)

If you feel like regrouping this community again by reviving the server, you can count with me (if i have more free time) so i would like you to tell me about it :)

So, i hope the server closure will not mean Goodbye, but a Be Back Much Later :)

I hope all your life dreams will come true, one of mines had come true :)

I'll leave below my contacts for those who want.



Steam : aboot
Google : (i dont check this one very often)

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:08 pm
by Ethinolicbob
Hey guys!

Unfortunate about the loss of our old haunt but these things happen. I have come to love the wee family we had created here on BTS.
In my absence from the server I have gotten married and had a child.

I have downloaded the (Ivalice) world and will be hosting it on my private server.
What I will probably be doing is setting spawn to my castle and erasing the rest of the world however since the server is in my home in NZ I could entertain the idea of preserving a few bases of people in the Australasian area who would want to keep playing. If this interests anyone let me know.

Assuming that many of us use steam for games I have created a Steam group for the members of the Better Than Solo community:
(the page needs some polish)
My steam nam is: SB_Eth

Hope to catch up with everyone at some point in time!

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:21 pm
by OldMarriedDude
Sorry to see this server go. Tried to do the download but when I extracted the files there was no world folder - any one else have this issue?

edit: all i get is a file tmp_tar.bw3t9x

Re: Ivalice (Original Server) Better Than Solo [BTW 4.8912]

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 11:20 pm
by Ethinolicbob
Yeah I just noticed that too.
I changed the extension to .tar and opened the archive but I got a lot of folders with a lot of different contents, some mcmmo some world. many the same.
Speculating that it might be an incremental backup file or something... I'll ask life