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Re: [4.66][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:35 am
by Bunnyboy40
ANYWAY, um, i abide by the terms you said at the first page of the post, i will not grief, spam, steal or anything else.
- IGN : Bunnyboy40 -

Re: [4.66][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:44 am
by SterlingRed
Bunnyboy40 wrote:ANYWAY, um, i abide by the terms you said at the first page of the post, i will not grief, spam, steal or anything else.
- IGN : Bunnyboy40 -
FlowerChild eats bunnies for breakfast.
Also if you had read the first post and were abiding by the rules you would not have posted here.

Edit; just noticed the name. Little slow this morning haven't had coffee yet. Its a troll. I'll stop feeding it.

Re: [4.66][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:00 am
by murzyn
Hello. Please add me (nick mc: polendwa) and my frend (nick mc: Reptil) to white-list.
thx. ;)

Re: [4.66][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 6:53 pm
by The Phoenixian
CycloneSP wrote:Yeah man, go right ahead. Just keep the typical road convention that most everyone's been using and it should be fine. If you need extra cobble, I've got a cobble gen down in my base somewhere.
Thanks for the cobble offer; I've taken you up on it. Feel free to avail yourself to my own facilities in return if you ever find yourself out east.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:25 pm
by SterlingRed
By the way, a wither can 1 hit you in full mail armor at full health. Back to hardcore spawning and resupplying.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:23 am
by Six
SterlingRed wrote:By the way, a wither can 1 hit you in full mail armor at full health. Back to hardcore spawning and resupplying.
With all the death I've seen on the server since the recent updates, I'm actually starting to wonder if it should be changed to normal difficulty? The damage in the game post HC Hunger / Health / Armor seems a lot more balanced to normal. Hard is doable, you just have to play a whole lot slower and more cautious.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:33 am
by SterlingRed
Six wrote: With all the death I've seen on the server since the recent updates, I'm actually starting to wonder if it should be changed to normal difficulty? The damage in the game post HC Hunger / Health / Armor seems a lot more balanced to normal. Hard is doable, you just have to play a whole lot slower and more cautious.
Well in my scenario above I think I took direct damage from him running into me, as well as an explosion hit at the same time. And one tick of the wither effect took my last hp. The reason this happened is not difficulty. It's me being used to ssp and forgetting the smp rule of "entities are closer than they appear". I always forget I have to give myself a lot more distance in smp than I do in ssp as where the wither is visually at any given time may not be where it actually is.
Yeah putting the game in sissy mode would make it easier. But the root problem is me not taking into account smp lag.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:03 pm
by SterlingRed
Update: My senseless equip, assault wither, die, and respawn routine was wearing on me quite a bit. It was wasting a lot of time and left me rather frustrated so I decided to take a bit off from smp. But I felt bad just leaving it there and anytime I played ssp I felt guilty for not being on the server dealing with the problem I created. This resulted in me not playing btw much at all for about two weeks.

I've decided on a new approach that doesn't get me burnt out. I'm continuing on with my play in smp as if the wither wasn't there. Meaning, I'm continuing the tech tree and automation builds. When I have a sustainable supply of feathers and xp for enchants, then I'll tackle the wither again.

So my current projects are mob farm, vine farm, expanded chicken farm. In parallel with those I have a hemp shortage so I need to automate a hemp farm. I also need to collect clay and iron as my supplies are empty. After the wither is dealt with, I'll launch my next large scale project which will be a base near spawn. I'll be needing enormous amounts of quartz and white stone for this project so after the wither is dead my first priority will be to get an enderman farm going.

So that's where things are at. Anyone who wants to kill the wither is welcome to.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:10 pm
by Six
SterlingRed wrote:Update: My senseless equip, assault wither, die, and respawn routine was wearing on me quite a bit. It was wasting a lot of time and left me rather frustrated so I decided to take a bit off from smp. But I felt bad just leaving it there and anytime I played ssp I felt guilty for not being on the server dealing with the problem I created. This resulted in me not playing btw much at all for about two weeks.

I've decided on a new approach that doesn't get me burnt out. I'm continuing on with my play in smp as if the wither wasn't there. Meaning, I'm continuing the tech tree and automation builds. When I have a sustainable supply of feathers and xp for enchants, then I'll tackle the wither again.

So my current projects are mob farm, vine farm, expanded chicken farm. In parallel with those I have a hemp shortage so I need to automate a hemp farm. I also need to collect clay and iron as my supplies are empty. After the wither is dealt with, I'll launch my next large scale project which will be a base near spawn. I'll be needing enormous amounts of quartz and white stone for this project so after the wither is dead my first priority will be to get an enderman farm going.

So that's where things are at. Anyone who wants to kill the wither is welcome to.
Dude, don't worry so much about it. It hasn't rampaged and destroyed anyone's base and it's stories like this which make games interesting. "Remember that time the Wither got loose and no one could kill it for weeks on end?"

On a related note, Gates and I may make an attempt on it once we gather up the materials. I've got a decent mob trap producing iron now, so I feel a lot safer gambling it on an attempt.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:51 am
by SterlingRed
Yeah well actually, it's possible for the blue heads the wither shoots to hit bases at spawn from where the wither is if someone is at spawn, and someone is near the wither at the same time.
Basically I feel as if the wither is a griefer and I let it out. But like I said, I'm taking my time now instead of senselessly feeding it mystery meat :p

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:02 pm
by BobSlingblade679
I would like to be whitelisted. I would first build up a sustainable food-source / base (so I don't need to mooch), but I'd really like to work with others and help them with building and possibly gain some inspiration for my own buildings. I've automated everything except carrots/potatoes and overworld trees so I could help with a lot of the redstone contraptions.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:16 pm
by Six
BobSlingblade679 wrote:I would like to be whitelisted. I would first build up a sustainable food-source / base (so I don't need to mooch), but I'd really like to work with others and help them with building and possibly gain some inspiration for my own buildings. I've automated everything except carrots/potatoes and overworld trees so I could help with a lot of the redstone contraptions.
Pumpkintown always welcomes travelers! I've got a lot of my semi-automation down already, but there's several buildings I'm still needing to make, like a good foodhouse.

As for the Wither, I have a plan and I think I can take it down, if lag doesn't end up killing me.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:34 pm
by FlowerChild
SterlingRed wrote:Yeah well actually, it's possible for the blue heads the wither shoots to hit bases at spawn from where the wither is if someone is at spawn, and someone is near the wither at the same time.
Basically I feel as if the wither is a griefer and I let it out. But like I said, I'm taking my time now instead of senselessly feeding it mystery meat :p
Instead of focusing on killing it then, how about trying to draw it away? Personally, I feel the only really big mistake made here was summoning a wither so close to people's builds.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:39 pm
by BobSlingblade679
Six wrote:Pumpkintown always welcomes travelers! I've got a lot of my semi-automation down already, but there's several buildings I'm still needing to make, like a good foodhouse.
That sounds fun. I like farming crops and such. Makes me reminisce of playing Harvest Moon.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:36 am
by Six
FlowerChild wrote: Instead of focusing on killing it then, how about trying to draw it away? Personally, I feel the only really big mistake made here was summoning a wither so close to people's builds.
That was why I drew it back underground when I had the chance. It seems a lot safer when in a corner underground, so long as it doesn't chase bats back out.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:45 am
by Six
So, let me tell you a story.

I mentioned earlier I had a plan for fighting the Wither. You see, my laptop I play on isn't terrible good with cpu intensive stuff and has gives me enough client lag / fps drop when fighting regular mobs. I would have very little chance in a fair fight against the Wither, using arrows and axes.

But who ever said anything about a fair fight?
The plan
(That's a protection II chestplate from one of my handy Pumpkintown priests)
With the plan ready, I set off towards the location I'd last seen it at.

I could tell when I was getting close by the stray skull projectiles I could see high in the sky, and then the small hut that had been built for the mining operation that had originally led to it being spawned.
Unassuming little shelter
As I slowly approached close enough to see the health bar, I knew it was time to get equipped.
Locked and loaded
The explosions and bat squeaks were audible from above ground while still a distance from the mining pit, so I could tell it had indeed been chasing bats and had burrowed a bit underground, away from the pit. Hopefully not too far though.

I carefully jumped into the pit, then down into some of the blast caverns which had been dug out by the explosions. I had to use a few potions to fix up fall damage and take out an inquisitive zombie, but I could hear the wither just around this corner up ahead.
Now or never
Rounding the corner I could see it through a narrow gap, with quite a cavern dug out behind it. Then it saw me and opened fire. My armor was taking the brunt of it all, so I threw the first few potions at it and managed to get it to come up closer to me where I wanted it. It took a bit of trouble, staying close, tossing potion after potion, trying to deal with the ground around us changing with explosions and flipping through my hotbar stack by stack. But it did appear to be working!
Half way, both it and me
I kept at it, trying not to let it get away. If it managed to get too far in the air I would be doomed, so I tried my best to keep it backed into a wall. By this point I could hear skeletons shooting and other mobs nearby, but there was no way I could break my attention from the Wither. Running low on potions in the hotbar, I took a blue skull directly to the face and was sent soaring into the air with a single potion left in hand.
Better make it count
(All that cobble was picked up from stone he exploded around me)
The exciting conclusion to the story, spoilered for the purpose of suspense
I tossed the last potion at the Wither, knowing that it wouldn't take off that much health, so as I hit the ground I pulled open my inventory to click more potions into the hotbar. Only at that point the server finally caught up, realized the crapload of potions I'd already thrown, and the Wither went down with a roaring cry.

I stood there for a second, stunned that the plan actually worked.
Taking care of the few mobs hanging about, I moved up to get a picture of the cavern it had dug out with explosions. This is where it had been sitting, shooting at bats, creepers and spiders.
The natural habitat of a Wild Wither
There was more to it, but I didn't want to chance fate more than I already had.

And for interests sake, this was the remains of my inventory after the fight (and a few mobs later):
39 potions remaining
Finally, I returned to the safety of Pumpkintown, carrying my newly won prize. As an added reward, I ate a cake sitting atop my soon to be activated most-powerful-beacon-of-them-all:
Nothing will stop me once this is active!
So scratch one Wild Wither problem, and let peace return to the server.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:29 am
by FlowerChild

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:00 pm
by ignika42
Six wrote:So, let me tell you a story.

-snipped awesome story-
While not a player on this server, I have been following this thread closely since the wither incident, and I'm glad to see it finally go down!

Never knew healing potions were that effective against it, I'll have to remember that.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:46 pm
by SterlingRed
Spamming health potions was going to be my next strategy haha. Nice work six! You have more skills than me!

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:55 pm
by CycloneSP
Haha, wow, that's such an awesome story. Good job six.

but man, I feel so small and stupid and cowardly right now. Ya'll have been actively trying to stop this thing for so long, and I haven't even popped back on since the fiasco started. I am greatly ashamed of myself and will completely understand if you wish that I not continue to play on the server, as honestly I don't think I deserve to do so anymore. :( I'm really sorry guys.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:32 am
by Six
CycloneSP wrote:Haha, wow, that's such an awesome story. Good job six.

but man, I feel so small and stupid and cowardly right now. Ya'll have been actively trying to stop this thing for so long, and I haven't even popped back on since the fiasco started. I am greatly ashamed of myself and will completely understand if you wish that I not continue to play on the server, as honestly I don't think I deserve to do so anymore. :( I'm really sorry guys.
Dude, this has been one of the most fun and entertaining happenings I've been through on a server. As ignika42 showed, people have been actively following the thread just to see how things were going with it. Minecraft is inherently a game that produces stories though play, and this has been a great story.

Don't feel so bad about it, get back on the server, have fun and just be a little more careful in the future.

Plus, I need you to be my tallow supplier.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:50 am
by CycloneSP
Haha, thanks for the encouragement man. But I won't be able to supply you will tallow for a while now. If you remember, I died when I logged out, and now with all the recent changes, it'll be a long time before I get back to my base. Not to mention I have very little in the way of automation, just a lot of semi-automatic machines. But if you need mob drops, I have a sky mob farm that is seeing little use in my absence.

Speaking of which, I plan on expanding and putting some of my water-less designs up there cuz atm it suffers from the same problem spawner farms do. being on the surface won't let the mobs spawn. Maybe we can work something out in the way of making a gigantic planter-based wheat farm built up there.

btw, has anyone managed to open that northern end portal? I'd like to get my hands on some gunpowder if possible. Oh and six, were those potions of healing I or II? Cuz one of yer snapshots had the name of em, but I didn't see anything indicating what strength it was.

(oh, and as a random side note, from playing my ssp world, I have come to find that spruce logs make for a very lovely building material)

EDIT: only sad thing about my sky base is that I am utterly terrified to ride my epic lift. simply cuz I keep glitching through it. I even have it set as a double stacker not just a single stack.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:30 am
by DiamondArms
The Elevator glitch can be overcome by using minecart seats.

Got to say that Rogue withers are harsh on the Enviroment. Props to Six for removing it from the world!
Jack'o Lantern Beacons sound like awesome.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:24 am
by The Phoenixian
Six opened the North portal a little while ago.
I haven't taken the time to reveal the entrance to the the East Stronghold just yet but the positions of both are marked on these maps, courtesy of Six.
Red dots for strongholds, Black for Spawn.
The third stronghold remains stubbornly hidden, as Ender eyes refuse to lead to it no matter where they are thrown from.

Re: [4.67][Fuzzy Bunnies - Whitelist] BTW Official Co-Op Ser

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:55 am
by SterlingRed
Cyclone I owe you about a stack of feathers. Need to do a little expanding and design around the vanilla bug of baby chickens dying in 1 high water streams but I'll pay you back ASAP.