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Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:44 am
by Zhil
George RR Martin said they are skipping Lady Stoneheart. I assume that still holds (he said it a while back, so they might have changed their minds).

As for theorycrafting about the wall. I kinda expect Bran to fuck up big time and let the walkers through the wall. Maybe it's as simple as the mark on his arm nullifying the magic of the wall when he crosses it, letting the walkers in?

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:27 am
by Wafflewaffle
Gilberreke wrote:George RR Martin said they are skipping Lady Stoneheart. I assume that still holds (he said it a while back, so they might have changed their minds).
I still half expect them to use her this season to explain away why the brotherhood turned evil. Its probably easier to blaim the ressurrection's hollow effect for it and Dondarrion thought.
Gilberreke wrote: As for theorycrafting about the wall. I kinda expect Bran to fuck up big time and let the walkers through the wall. Maybe it's as simple as the mark on his arm nullifying the magic of the wall when he crosses it, letting the walkers in?
Yeah that theory sprouted mainly cuz the magical horns that appeared kinda the same time with the King beyond the Wall and Euron Greyjoy but this whole time traveling threw me for a loop. I really like how sometimes this show catches you off guard like that. If we never saw the white walkers in the first episode we would not have seem magic again until the last episode of that season with the dragons. I think Martin could blame aliens at the end of it all and i would not bat an eye.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:48 am
by Zhil
There's actually quite a solid theory that the world of Ice and Fire is set in the far future after an apocalyptic event. The theta symbols that keep popping up are a nod to Martin's earlier sci-fi work, which featured biological weapons (greyscale disease?) and humanoid races that needed each other to be able to breed (white walkers), etc. I don't buy into him ever going that route, but I do think it's a small nod to his earlier work, if not a silly nod to writers forcefully trying to fit universes together.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:58 am
by DaveYanakov
You think it might be a particularly powerful Ace that's responsible for the random length of the seasons?

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:02 am
by Zhil
Well, latest episode: Arya's storyline is moving to Westeros and since Bran has become the raven, that means Dany is free to move to Westeros too, I assume we'll see that this season. Her bay is full of ships from the masters with the iron fleet a few miles further out. Next episode we'll probably see the big war of the bastards and the one after that will probably be white walkers getting ready to cross the wall. Shit's about to hit the fan. Maybe we'll even get to watch Cersei burn a city to the ground and she's said she will do so many times now.
DaveYanakov wrote:You think it might be a particularly powerful Ace that's responsible for the random length of the seasons?
I'm pretty sure the seasons are purely due to the white walkers, as you can see some areas in Bran's older visions that haven't seen autumn for thousands of years now, while they are clearly in autumn in the visions.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:52 pm
by Ancilangeli
I have a long standing theory that tv show writers ( land some books) are game masters and they get their story details through table top role playing.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:42 pm
by Zhil
Ancilangeli wrote:I have a long standing theory that tv show writers ( land some books) are game masters and they get their story details through table top role playing.
Any proof for that? I assume if this were a thing, we'd know about it.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:43 am
by jorgebonafe
I assumed he was joking

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:00 am
by Wafflewaffle
jorgebonafe wrote:I assumed he was joking
This is the internet. We dont assume things, we take them for absolute truth and pretend not to be involved if they turn out wrong.

@Gil yeah I heard about this Martinverse spanning all his books but im not familiar with the rest of his work. I only read ASOIAF and the Dunk and Egg tales. Are they really good scify? Im itching for some interesting setting latelly.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:29 am
by Ancilangeli
@gil: no real proof but the show that made me start thinking like that was Stargate (everything after Daniel ascends). add in the fact that a few writers (the Walking Dead as example) have said that even they don't know what's coming in future seasons.
@jorge: no joke, maybe a tinfoil hat though.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:06 pm
by Zhil
Ancilangeli wrote:@gil: no real proof but the show that made me start thinking like that was Stargate (everything after Daniel ascends). add in the fact that a few writers (the Walking Dead as example) have said that even they don't know what's coming in future seasons.
@jorge: no joke, maybe a tinfoil hat though.
The reason I think you're wrong is that I specifically know about 5 or 6 fantasy authors that were asked the question and none of them even played RPGs.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:40 pm
by DaveYanakov
Most fantasy authors are rearranging Tolkien's furniture. The parallels to tabletop RPGs is that they tend do the same thing.

I wonder if there is any wyldfire left underneath King's Landing...

I do like Martin's other works. The Wildcards collaborative series that he started and curates is one of the best examples of superhero fiction out there

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:28 pm
by Zhil
DaveYanakov wrote:I wonder if there is any wyldfire left underneath King's Landing...
There is IIRC. I think there was a scene after Blackwater Bay where Cersei orders more to be made and I don't think Tyrion even used all of it.

I think the vision Dany had about the throne room being blown up will come to pass, not due to dragon fire, but due to wyldfire. The question is, we've seen that White Walkers are impervious to fire, but are they impervious to wyldfire?

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:46 pm
by FlowerChild
DaveYanakov wrote:The Wildcards collaborative series that he started and curates is one of the best examples of superhero fiction out there
Oh wow, was that him? I read some of those maybe 25+ years ago and had completely forgotten they existed until you just mentioned the name. Had no idea he was involved in that.

Hehe...and in terms of the RPG connection, you wouldn't believe what I just stumbled accross on the Wild Cards wikipedia page:
Wild Cards was inspired by traditional superhero comics, and many of the authors play with the conventions of the medium, while some characters are based on existing heroes (for example, Jetboy was modeled on the Hillman Periodicals' character Airboy). Many of the original authors were also inspired by a long-running Albuquerque, New Mexico campaign of the role-playing game Superworld, gamemastered by George R. R. Martin; many modeled their characters on their in-game persona.[1]

How's that for a random encounter with relevant information? :)

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:47 pm
by Zhil
Haha awesome. Ancilangeli, I admit defeat :D

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:28 am
by Ancilangeli
Nice find FC, i think I'll keep my hat though... It's good for baking potatoes on the run

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:56 am
by FlowerChild
On this week's episode: holy shit.

I'll leave it at that for now :)

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:45 am
by LiquidAngel
Agreed, I just want to say this:

Spoiler warning
Some legends hold the door. Others open it.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:00 am
by Zhil
That was insane. I loved it :)

favorite scene: Yara and Dany becoming BFFs

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:58 pm
by Wafflewaffle
Those were perhaps the best 60 min of television I have ever experienced. God damn battle went from Saving Private Ryan to the Battle of Helms Deep and it was still awesome.

Perfect dude... just fucking perfect.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:19 pm
by FlowerChild
Wafflewaffle wrote:God damn battle went from Saving Private Ryan to the Battle of Helms Deep and it was still awesome.
Lol..."Saving Private Ryan" was the closest comparison I could come up with for the Cavalry portion of Snow's battle as well. I don't think I've seen that level of chaos in a battle scene anywhere else.

Was what really blew my mind about that episode and elicited the "holy shit" response.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:05 am
by Zhil
Ramsay's main guy leading the charge over the friggin mountain of dead bodies was pretty damn epic :D

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:09 am
by FlowerChild
Gilberreke wrote:Ramsay's main guy leading the charge over the friggin mountain of dead bodies was pretty damn epic :D
To me it was that first minute or so when the two cavalry charges break like a wave against each other and Jon is fighting / stumbling through the carnage. I found the level of chaos going on to be bordering on sensory overload, and I don't think I've felt that way before outside of the opening beach landing in Saving Private Ryan, and maybe some scenes in Fury Road.

Just absolutely loved all the little details in there. I watched it a second time tonight and it managed to leave me rather dumbstruck once again :)

It occurred to me tonight that it must be really weird for George Martin to be watching this right now, having not even released the corresponding book, and maybe not having even written this bit yet. I know I'd be severely intimidated seeing something like that, wondering if what I would wind up writing would do it justice. Must be a very odd spot for an author to be in, having a work of fiction take on a life of its own like that, and being in the position of trying to keep up with it.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:28 am
by Zhil
FlowerChild wrote:It occurred to me tonight that it must be really weird for George Martin to be watching this right now, having not even released the corresponding book, and maybe not having even written this bit yet. I know I'd be severely intimidated seeing something like that, wondering if what I would wind up writing would do it justice. Must be a very odd spot for an author to be in, having a work of fiction take on a life of its own like that, and being in the position of trying to keep up with it.
He keeps claiming it doesn't affect him, but I'm not sure how true that is. I know that for example the Hodor scene isn't a problem, since that will be radically different in the books, but there's bound to be some stuff that needs to happen almost exactly like in the series. I wonder how hard that is.

It reminds me of this interview with Trent Reznor, where he explains that he gave his permission to Johnny Cash to cover Hurt, thinking nothing of it. Then when they sent him the video of the song, he said it was like seeing someone french kiss your girlfriend and that the song wasn't his anymore, it belonged to Cash now.

Re: Hodor!!!!! - Game of Thrones spoilers

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:43 am
by Zhil

Making of the battle