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Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:00 am
by Durandir
Hi guys and gals!
I am Durandir, the fellow who is maintaining the Recipe list (which I don't even know where you can find on this new forum, as I went straight here). Or, I am trying to maintain it, but FlowerChild adds so many new things every day now it is impossible! >_>
I kid, I kid.
I am mainly a forum-lurker, as I only post when I feel I have something important to say. Thus I will probably never become one of the "elite" here. But at least I will be able to follow the progress of the mod.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:06 am
by Verloren

I've been lurking on the Minecraft forums for a while and began adding to the .jar file around a month ago. BTW was the first one I added and I love it.

Looking forward to seeing what gets added in the future.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:07 am
by FlowerChild
Durandir wrote:Hi guys and gals!
I am mainly a forum-lurker, as I only post when I feel I have something important to say. Thus I will probably never become one of the "elite" here. But at least I will be able to follow the progress of the mod.
MOUHAHAHA! Saying you shall never become an Elitist Swine, automatically makes you one!

This only works once however. Sorry guys, but Durandir just happened to get to it first...

That, and I would have made him one anyways ;)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:09 am
by Fracture
FlowerChild wrote:
Durandir wrote:Hi guys and gals!
I am mainly a forum-lurker, as I only post when I feel I have something important to say. Thus I will probably never become one of the "elite" here. But at least I will be able to follow the progress of the mod.
MOUHAHAHA! Saying you shall never become an Elitist Swine, automatically makes you one!

This only works once however. Sorry guys, but Durandir just happened to get to it first...

That, and I would have made him one anyways ;)
Confound! There goes the primary plan. The right moment came and passed. On to plan B for Project: Swine-Time!

...By the gods I have been up way too long to be involved in social activities. I think I'm completely nuts by now.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:14 am
by Ele
Hey all; long time MC/BTW player, but I dislike MCF, so I never was too keen on registering there. Especially since the downward spiral of the old thread, which just reinforced my decision - it got way too annoying sifting through all the crap to find actual relevant posts, I eventually just gave up completely. So thank you to FC for going the distance for a dedicated forum. :P

Also a thanks to Durandir - there's so much stuff in the mod, it can get real hard to remember specific recipes, so I for one appreciate your work ;)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:24 am
by Demonwolf002
Hiya followed BTW after the yogscast made there video but unlike pretty much all of them didn't flood the old forum thread with stupid or outrageous posts but did keep up with it at least until it got to over 200 pages after that it was pretty much nothing of use after that point until I looked back to see if the mod had been updated and saw that a forum had been made and immediately came here. So defiantly a big thank you to the creator of the forum. and an even bigger thank you to Flower child for the mod and the laughs for reading some of his IMHO smarta** with some class posts (no insult intended mean it as a compliment) keep up the good work FC with mod and the intentional smack down post (even if that means you do it to me) {and by all means I expect it may be me from time to time and more than likely I will still get a laugh from it} :)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:28 am
by Fracture
Demonwolf002 wrote:Hiya followed BTW after the yogscast made there video but unlike pretty much all of them didn't flood the old forum thread with stupid or outrageous posts but did keep up with it at least until it got to over 200 pages after that it was pretty much nothing of use after that point until I looked back to see if the mod had been updated and saw that a forum had been made and immediately came here. So defiantly a big thank you to the creator of the forum. and an even bigger thank you to Flower child for the mod and the laughs for reading some of his IMHO smarta** with some class posts (no insult intended mean it as a compliment) keep up the good work FC with mod and the intentional smack down post (even if that means you do it to me) {and by all means I expect it may be me from time to time and more than likely I will still get a laugh from it} :)

Also, periods. D:

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:31 am
by Demonwolf002
....... ops forgot them got so excited about new forum forgot. :p :)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:38 am
by Nayoko_Ventila
*clears throat* i have been watching the old forums for some time and recently found an interest in the "Better then Wolves" mod upon watching the yogscast who did a shoutout about how amazing this mod is. I'm actually fairly excited, though i just barely got it active before the update, i can be patient on that. X3 Anyways, my name is Nayoko, or just Nay and i am glad to be here, i hate MCF anyways. o.o
ps: also i draw and craft random crap all the time.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:40 am
by Case
Good day ladies, gentlemen and gender unspecified.
I'm Case. I have no cool name or handle. The next time I see my mother I'll inquire why I wasn't named "L33tSnipper889".

Aaanyway, I enjoy building Period buildings usually from around the 1600's. Don't ask me why, I just do. This mod has inspired me to build a castle, my first ever castle infact.
Good work on the mod and the separate forum is a very welcome thing indeed.


Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:43 am
by Dodsferd

Canadian Minecrafter here. Have been forum lurking since the (Unfortunately spam-filled) Yogcast video. Haven't had the chance to play BTW yet due to incompatibility, but am looking forward to the opportunity.

Glad to be here.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:45 am
by worbat
I am now on the new forums, does this make me a cool cat?

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:17 am
by TheTJackson
I've been playing MC for a while but only got into mods with the Millenaire Mod; needless to say I quickly progressed deeper and found BTW. Many thanks to Flower,
TheTJackson :D

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:25 am
by Marmalade_Smile
Hello guys, hope this makes it easier to keep the spam down!

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:08 am
by Thalmane
It's a me! Thalmanio!! Been followingthiss mod since 1.4.01. Must say that I love the simpler forum pages. My phone loads them much much faster! So now I can lurk more efficiently mwuhahaha

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:09 am
by VonGod
Introduce myself? Sure.

I'm me. Made a dumb post in the old thread without knowing it.
Allwell, after the crazy that went on there, hope I can add to this community rather than make a 404.

Either way, allo~

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:40 am
by a bear
As you can see, I am a bear. I am also better than wolves.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:47 am
by Kaleopolitus
<--EchoPhyber's new nickname

If you followed the recent pages on the former thread, you know who I am. It's as simple as that.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:54 am
by Himochi
^ This was going to be the whole post but then I saw the guy above me:
a bear wrote: As you can see, I am a bear. I am also better than wolves.
So I wanted to think of of something more clever to say but I couldn't, and I'll go with the generic introduction.
Hello, I've been playing mc since the last weeks of alpha and got really bored of it, even SMP got boring (maybe because the server I was a regular on started dying too).
I stumbled upon BTW waaay back but never bothered with mods until 2 weeks ago, when I decided that I must have this mod, so BTW took my vanilla-virginity and I've been deeply in love since then :D

~The end~

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:09 am
by Supernaut
Ello ladies and gents! I've been a reader of original thread just for a few weeks and never thought to actually register, but figured this was a good a time as any! Anyway, I'm still relatively new to minecraft having only been playing for a month or so. I'll come right out and say it now that redstone still hurts my head...Alas I've had no experience yet with BTW, but by the looks of things it's fantastic, and it's an exciting prospect.

So yeah... Hi =)

P.S. The name is in no way linked an over-inflated ego...just the name of a song I love which has been a username ever since!

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:14 am
by walker_boh_65
Im walker_boh_65 no im not the 65th walker_boh i just have always used this name and wanted to keep things consistent here its in reference to a character in the Terry Brooks Books. I am one of the lowly peasants and bow before are Flying Turtle overlords, but i usually have a good idea of how things work in this mod

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:17 am
by HavokSCOUT
Hello, friends! It's HavokSCOUT, the self proclaimed Grammar Nazi, back to terrorize to populace with my superb command of the english language.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:37 am
by SirSnapback
I probably wont be posting a lot on these new forums guys, its a bit overwhelming for me when theres so many topics, hard to pick one where people will see what i have to say, even though it may not be of the utmost importance. >.<
Ill be lurking in the shadows. ._.
(off topic- but FC i made my mod! It works great i just need to get that texture override thing in there which is really confusing me, IRC isnt helping much.. :P)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:29 am
by Xetian
New Forum! I, Xetian, live in Northern Georgia in the USA and have been playing MC since about 2 months before Beta began. I've admin/hosted 2 strong servers among friends (about 10 active build junkies, one as bukkit and our newest as vanilla with pistons). Followed BTW since stumbling across it about the time FC first added the saw and lurked every post up until the yogpocalypse, at which point I just skimmed for FC and Battosay. Hope to have a lot of meaningful discussion here, and have plans with a friend to host a moderately public server as soon as BTW SMP is functional.

In real life, I'm going into my second year as an ME major, play classical piano and drums, read tons of books, and work as a server at IHOP over the summer. (Tip your waiter)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:51 am
by Thieme
Hey hello everyone,

I have been lurking and doing a occasional post on BTW thread since 1.6 i think as i can't find it in modbackups of 1.5 :P
I am more of a lurker and only really post if i feel the need to. So i hope on this new forums i can just peacefully lurk and get some good inspiration for building stuff because mine sucks :P.

Edit: to add i will still ocasionally give Flower a virtual beer if he needs it :P (would be a real one if he wasn't so stubborn on donations but he has his reasons ofc)