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Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:01 am
by Prof_Ion
Server has been patched up and things are good to go again. There may have been some whitelist problems, so for the newer players please let me know if you have any troubles at all, so I can get that fixed. All should be well world is running correctly, and things seem to be set to go. I tested it out shouldn't be any world breaking stuff :D also will be performing a backup. So happy times :)
I hope you all enjoy your stay at Edolas :D

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:22 pm
by HavokSCOUT
About you:
Pirates or Ninjas? Pirates
Bannanas or Apples? Apples
Shinies or Pretties? Pretties

Your environment:
Is your fridge running? Yes
Does your vacuum suck? Yes
How many fans do you have? 4
Where is your biggest fan? Kitchen

Skill Questions:
How many types of people understand binary? 10
What kind of bra does Ariel wear? c-shell
Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? Peace of mind, so as to get rid of any zombie viruses on the needle.
What do you dilute your water with? Acids
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan? Antimatter
A chicken attacks you. What do you do first? c
a.Throw broth at him like it was holy water?
b.Take an egg hostage?
c.Whip out a KFC container and look menacing.

MC related Questions:
What comes first, pretty or functionality? Functionality
Mobtrap or Mining? Mobtrap
Baked potatoes or Steak? Steak
What kind of biome is prefered building land? Plains
Have you ever gotten a chicken to cross the road? Yes

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:29 pm
by Prof_Ion
added Havok_SCOUT to the whitelist. Enjoy your stay man :)

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:32 pm
by Prof_Ion
We have a team speak now! :D Ip for the TS will be added to the OP and ask in chat or PM me for the password. The guys on the IRC can also help you find it. I may or may not take the password off of the TS and just add it to the Edolas channel instead. If you have an opinion either way let me know. :)

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:48 pm
by myrkana
can you pm me the password ion? :) so i can access it next time i get on Macaber's computer ^^

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:07 pm
by Prof_Ion
Alright guys we all know that the hosting is NOT perfect, please shut up about it in the server chat. Keep in mind our host can occasion see that, and I am the only one who can do shit about it anyway. I understand frustration, but please PM me here on IRC or the TS or something. I will take care of it ASAP so please just keep it quite and keep it between me and you. So pleases no comments about bad ping and shit, the server is very close to where it has always been hosted in the past, the ping is no worse it has always been like this. That is all, I just need all server problems reported to me directly with minimal discussion on the server.

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:10 pm
by Prof_Ion
DNS IP has changed I added it to the OP the old one will still work for a while though, but please change ASAP, or just use the numeric IP.

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:23 pm
by SinisterBro
Where is the server located btw?

Pirates or Ninjas? Pirates
Bannanas or Apples? Apples
Shinies or Pretties? Shinies

Your environment:
Is your fridge running? Yes
Does your vacuum suck? Yup
How many fans do you have? 0
Where is your biggest fan? The one in my basement who isn't plugged in so it doesn't make woosh sounds.

Skill Questions:
How many types of people understand binary? 1?
What kind of bra does Ariel wear? Sea-cup
Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? Healthcare??????
What do you dilute your water with? nothing :)
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan? Magic.
A chicken attacks you. What do you do first?
a.Throw broth at him like it was holy water?
b.Take an egg hostage?
c.Whip out a KFC container and look menacing.

I choose C

MC related Questions:
What comes first, pretty or functionality? Functionality.
Mobtrap or Mining? Mining.
Baked potatoes or Steak? Baked potatoes.
What kind of biome is prefered building land? Does the nether count?
Have you ever gotten a chicken to cross the road? Yes :d

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:33 pm
by Wgurgh
Nice way to read the original post man. We have no idea who you are, you have 2 posts in 6 months, both asking for a whitelist on a server. Sorry, but just not going to happen at this point. Like was stated, some of us have years in this world, we have had enough problems in the past with people messing things up.

Not saying not ever, but we really feel we want to have a chance to get to know people before we let them in our world.

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:23 am
by SinisterBro
Okay, no problem.

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:35 pm
by Razzle
I know that you said that the white list has been carried over but I don't know if I was still on it ;) *looks at FaceFoiled* And also such an awesome questionnaire I wanted to fill it out! <3 I will endeavor to come on at some point again!

About you:
Pirates or Ninjas? Ninjas!!!!
Bannanas or Apples? Bannanas obviously!
Shinies or Pretties? Deffinetly shinies... if you'd put preciouses up there that would have been another story!

Your environment:
Is your fridge running? Yes!
Does your vacuum suck? Enough to scare the dogs :P
How many fans do you have? People or ones that blow air (sometimes the same thing ;)), 7 that blow... (2 house ones) and... people? No idea :P
Where is your biggest fan? Computer - Top fan, House - Kitchen, person - unknown ;)

Skill Questions:
How many types of people understand binary? 10
What kind of bra does Ariel wear? Like the mermaid? Shells...
Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? No idea but I would assume so, due to medical needles normally being steralised
What do you dilute your water with? Double strength blackcurrant or lemon squash!
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan? They sew it on like Peter Pan and his shaddow!
A chicken attacks you.
a.Throw broth at him like it was holy water?
b.Take an egg hostage?
c.Whip out a KFC container and look menacing.
Aw... I wrote out an answer before seeing it was multiple choice... Silly Razzle... Um, b.
My first answer :P
Scream and run around with a wooden sword bemoaning what the world has come to!
MC related Questions:
What comes first, pretty or functionality? Functionality personally but I love other peoples pretty builds :)
Mobtrap or Mining? Well you know me... mobtrap! And not always by choice!
Baked potatoes or Steak? Steak... Love that protein goodness
What kind of biome is prefered building land? Well... depends on what your building, I like ocean (thanks to Dark_Tundra and his builds) but when choosing an 'easy' land I go for plains as there's not so much to clear out for a standard build.
Have you ever gotten a chicken to cross the road? No... and I don't think I want to! Evil chicken poo EVERYWHERE! The poor road!


Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:30 pm
by Prof_Ion
Razzle wrote:-Snip-
You should still be on the whitelist! Feel free to drop by anytime, If you aren't though just give me your IGN and I will re-add you to the list. :) Enjoy your stay... again :D

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:47 pm
by ThePowerofTower
Hey! TPoT here. Would love to join the server. Just got a mic yesterday for TS. Loving it.

About you:
Pirates or Ninjas?
Bannanas or Apples?
Shinies or Pretties?

Your environment:
Is your fridge running?
-Both of them.
Does your vacuum suck?
-What's a vacuum?
How many fans do you have?
-Central heating?
Where is your biggest fan?

Skill Questions:
How many types of people understand binary?
What kind of bra does Ariel wear?
-Shells or something.
Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?
-Clean kill?
What do you dilute your water with?
-Tea! Minty tea.
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?
-Chicken grease.
A chicken attacks you. What do you do first?
a.Throw broth at him like it was holy water?
b.Take an egg hostage?
c.Whip out a KFC container and look menacing.

MC related Questions:
What comes first, pretty or functionality?
-Functionality, for sure.
Mobtrap or Mining?
-Ravines and caves!
Baked potatoes or Steak?
What kind of biome is prefered building land?
-Hills. Lots of bridges.
Have you ever gotten a chicken to cross the road?

Thanks for the consideration!

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:43 am
by Wgurgh
ThePowerofTower wrote:Hey! TPoT here. Would love to join the server. Just got a mic yesterday for TS. Loving it.

About you:
Pirates or Ninjas?
Bannanas or Apples?
Shinies or Pretties?

Your environment:
Is your fridge running?
-Both of them.
Does your vacuum suck?
-What's a vacuum?
How many fans do you have?
-Central heating?
Where is your biggest fan?

Skill Questions:
How many types of people understand binary?
What kind of bra does Ariel wear?
-Shells or something.
Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?
-Clean kill?
What do you dilute your water with?
-Tea! Minty tea.
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?
-Chicken grease.
A chicken attacks you. What do you do first?
a.Throw broth at him like it was holy water?
b.Take an egg hostage?
c.Whip out a KFC container and look menacing.

MC related Questions:
What comes first, pretty or functionality?
-Functionality, for sure.
Mobtrap or Mining?
-Ravines and caves!
Baked potatoes or Steak?
What kind of biome is prefered building land?
-Hills. Lots of bridges.
Have you ever gotten a chicken to cross the road?

Thanks for the consideration!
Well looks like your post count and content checks out, unless I am missing something. Being on vacation I didn't read all 41. So welcome aboard man! Enjoy your stay, also bear in mind your next post is post 42. Make it a good one man!

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:44 am
by myrkana
I'll be playing a lot mroe now :) my new computer is built and minecraft is up and running with btw :D

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:30 am
by Prof_Ion
That last post by Wgurgh was actually me. I took his old laptop with my on vacation and didn't even think to check what account I was logged in under. :P also would one of the ops please add him to the whitelist?
/whitelist add <username>
not that hard. but I don't really have a ton of time ATM. Also after that do /whitelist reload thanks :)

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:24 pm
by Wgurgh
Assuming your IGN is TPoT, and I managed to do it correctly, you should be added now. Hope to see you around.

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:24 pm
by Prof_Ion
Wgurgh wrote:Assuming your IGN is TPoT, and I managed to do it correctly, you should be added now. Hope to see you around.
His IGN is his actual log in here on the forums man. If you could re add him to the whitelist that would be great. He sent me a PM about it, which I would take care of but I have to update the instance on the laptop. And not really feeling like putting up with the console.

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:47 am
by Chuck721t
My IGN is Chuck721t. Looking forward to playing on a Better Than Wolves server that is actually up.
About you:
Pirates or Ninjas? Pirates
Bannanas or Apples? Apples
Shinies or Pretties? Pretties

Your environment:
Is your fridge running?yes
Does your vacuum suck?no
How many fans do you have? 1
Where is your biggest fan? my attic

Skill Questions:
How many types of people understand binary? 1, Nerds.
What kind of bra does Ariel wear? One that shouldn't be there.
Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? Germs are bad
What do you dilute your water with? Happy Thoughts
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan? toothpaste
A chicken attacks you. What do you do first?
a.Throw broth at him like it was holy water?
b.Take an egg hostage?
c.Whip out a KFC container and look menacing.

MC related Questions:
What comes first, pretty or functionality? Function
Mobtrap or Mining? Mining
Baked potatoes or Steak? Steak
What kind of biome is prefered building land? Plains
Have you ever gotten a chicken to cross the road? No

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:04 pm
by Prof_Ion
Chuck721t wrote:My IGN is Chuck721t. Looking forward to playing on a Better Than Wolves server that is actually up.
About you:
Pirates or Ninjas? Pirates
Bannanas or Apples? Apples
Shinies or Pretties? Pretties

Your environment:
Is your fridge running?yes
Does your vacuum suck?no
How many fans do you have? 1
Where is your biggest fan? my attic

Skill Questions:
How many types of people understand binary? 1, Nerds.
What kind of bra does Ariel wear? One that shouldn't be there.
Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? Germs are bad
What do you dilute your water with? Happy Thoughts
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan? toothpaste
A chicken attacks you. What do you do first?
a.Throw broth at him like it was holy water?
b.Take an egg hostage?
c.Whip out a KFC container and look menacing.

MC related Questions:
What comes first, pretty or functionality? Function
Mobtrap or Mining? Mining
Baked potatoes or Steak? Steak
What kind of biome is prefered building land? Plains
Have you ever gotten a chicken to cross the road? No
Nope read the first post more carefully. You are barely a member of the forums. You have only this post so just nope.

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:05 pm
by Prof_Ion
Server will be down a while and things with the server will be getting patched up. No more dealing with digi. He was fired. I will get FTP access and will be using a better more refined panel.
Down time expected to run around a day. At max two days.

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:43 pm
by Prof_Ion
Well the server is back up! I know it is a bit late the server has actually been running for a day or so now... I have just been enjoying my vacation, so I am a bit late on the ip updates. Also the TS works a bit different. We don't have our own TS anymore, but we are part of a group one owned by the server guys, but we have a channel, I will update the TS IP, the password to the channel is the same as the pass to the old server. I will go and update the OP now. :D Enjoy your edolas visit. Hopefully much less downtime now that digi is out of the question.

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:10 pm
by Rianaru
OK, so my situation is this:

I think I finally found a way to get my mac updated to v4.98PHILLIP, haven't tried it yet on account of multiple midterms this week, but this means I'd be able to get on the server finally!

The other thing is that I just got to the nether in a single player world after my main one got corrupted -.- So I'm a bit sick of the early game at the moment. Does the server have a public blaze farm that I could use to jumpstart myself to the mid game?

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:37 pm
by magikeh
Rianaru wrote:-snippy-
Does the server have a public blaze farm that I could use to jumpstart myself to the mid game?
Yerp, it has lotsa stuff up and ready. However the hard thing is finding space to settle/

Re: Edolas 2.0

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:13 pm
by Prof_Ion
We will help you find the blaze farm as well. Let us know if you need anything else. (:
(I wasn't aware we had a blaze farm is it automatic?)