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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:39 am
by Thalarctia
I started completely fresh with a friend under the 4.61 version, having both extreme luck in finding a village and our mining trips - We spent 2 hours in the caves below, emerged with 3 stacks of iron ingots, full iron tools and armor for both of us - The impression at the time was that this contrasted very much with HCH, which keeps your attention throughout endgame as well (not getting fat). The changes to iron here not only seems to fix this, but it also very much further creates a wish for that crucible sooner rather than later, makes leather actually useful and greatly improves the value of diamonds (if you only carry one piece of armor, it would make sense to make it count!), which often gets a bit overlooked in BTW, with the exception of the incredibly useful fortune beacon. Awesome job FC, very much looking forward to playing with it!

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:55 am
by TSA

I Am speechless.

FC how dare you to make Minecraft fun once more? I am totally loving all of this last updates.
They make so much sense to me that i cannot tell what minecraft was. (because i feel embarrassed if i do so)

I think this is more a game of your own then Mojangs itself.
Terrific job you made there.

For you sir i will take my hat off and clap gently.


Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:33 am
by topguy
Ah Hardcore lactation, I was thinking of an idea like that, except way different. Yours is much better too. Milk had so little uses before and cake isn't the best food anyway. Thanks :D

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:57 am
by Wibbles
Epic change log. I think what you've done with iron & armour is genius, and I haven't even tried it out yet! Can't wait for a chance to try out all the changes later. I did wonder as someone else did if gold ore would act similarly i.e. refined to nuggets or if there's simply a higher content of gold in gold ore and therefore still produces ingots, but I imagine I'll find out very shortly :-)

FC, I don't know how you do it; you just do it very, very well and the MC experience would be a far less richer one without BTW and I hugely appreciate what you've done. It essentially makes the difference between having MC at the top of the list of games I enjoy playing, and right at the very bottom and forgotten about. Again, thank you!

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:09 am
by Lars
Son of a,... I was kind of reserved about the whole HCH thing, but I quickly got used to that. These changes are just plain awesome though. I love the changes to iron, and the addition of chain mail =D I can't wait to see what it looks like! Personally I always lamented the fact that leather armor was useless, since it kinda looks cool. N more lamenting to do now however!!
You show vanilla what you're made of, you boss of a man, Mojang should be awarding you dividend!

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:52 am
by Graphite
Just a random observation here, but measured in ores this change makes the BtW dead weight is effectively twice as expensive as the vanilla anvil now (63 vs 31) ;)

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:15 am
by ThePuzzleMasher
Now to burn all my wheat and 8 ninths of my iron in my world.

BTW you can tell when a mod is this hardcore when it takes 72 of an ore to move water up a single block...

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:17 am
by MrPlatypus
Well that solves my mooshroom dilemma from the earlier release... And about the iron, my zombie spawner farm now has a much more practical use as an iron farm considering its output was just multiplied times nine. Thanks for the update!

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:29 am
by Sage
Wow, that's disgusting! You put mushrooms instead of potatoes your kebab? People have really different tastes :P

Anyway, I'm really digging how you solved the problem of iron too common! Simple, but genius in its nature. I'm also kinda scared by the HC lactation, it kinda reminds me of the placenta changes...can't wait to try it out. Impressive release, to sum it up, and too much to comment on everything :)

Oh, but the changes to iron apply also to gold? I don't have my game pc now, and this question is tickling me...

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:04 am
by Magnavode
Oh god the wolves just ate me o_o

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:05 am
by Larmantine
Marvelous release! Minecraft now truly some survival aspects I've always wanted! Thank you.

On a side note, regarding the HC iron, are you planning to do something about recipes like saw or the screw? Making farms involving many saws now will truly be challenging...

Edit: without a mob farm, that is.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:24 am
by STrRedWolf
FlowerChild wrote:As I've said previously man: wrapping up BTW means dragging vanilla kicking and screaming into being a complete game as well ;)
jakerman999 wrote: I think it's time to redefine what BTW brings to the table, because it isn't a tech mod anymore. It's just about at the point of total conversion.
FlowerChild wrote:Not sure whether to ban you or agree with you, but I do definitely agree on the last point. I plan on changing the title to be a "total conversion" once I port to 1.5.
I have to be with jakerman999 here. This definitely is feeling like a total conversion, which requires a different mindset over vMC with additions. This is no longer a rather casual but curiously interesting game.

It's making me worried. I think I'm going to hold off BTW for a while.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:15 pm
by ExpHP
Man, I was terrified enough of mobs already in 4.61! Hard mode certainly earns its name, now. Although, come to think of it, BTW is balanced around Normal, right? Perhaps it is high time I switched...

Still, I'm not fully complaining. When I remember how I used to play way back when, when I was paranoid beyond belief about mobs -- setting up traps at my front door, making every building spider- and skeleton-proof, closing off mob spawners and lighting them from outside -- that was fun. And now I have good reason to do it again, as opposed to the way I've been playing the game lately, which is more akin to punching a police officer and then wondering how I was arrested.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:23 pm
by Simurgh
jakerman999 wrote:I think it's time to redefine what BTW brings to the table, because it isn't a tech mod anymore. It's just about at the point of total conversion.
This. A million times this. You've made a sandbox into an actual game (vanilla survival was basically creative with mobs which don't spawn due to beds)

Personally I don't play BTW as a tech mod, I'm more a survivory explorer type by default. The recent changes have gave minecraft a new lease of life.

Also - time to start a new world AGAIN lol

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:34 pm
by CreeperCannibal
Oh My Moo. Yet another great release Flower :3

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:01 pm
by Eriottosan
... FC stop teasing me when you know I can't play. You've found a natural way to make the early stages of MC actual stages rather than fleeting motions. I can't wait to play again. Well done, FC!

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:25 pm
by FlowerChild
Wow, thanks guys! A couple of pages of excitement since I went to sleep last night. Always awesome to wake up to that :)

To answer the lingering question: nope, the nugget change doesn't apply to gold ore. As someone said above, the ore is considered to contain a higher concentration of the metal than it does with iron.

I feel the gold balance in the game is actually pretty good at present. I have a nether mob farm (two now actually), but I still mine gold in my main world whenever I see it, so I don't want to mess with its value. I consider it one of the few resources in MC that still makes branch-mining feel worthwhile.

Anyways, glad to see people are so excited about the release. I think it will take a lot more play testing for me to really be happy with the overall balance, but I'm definitely much happier with it than I was previously. Given there don't seem to be an emergency bugs I need to take care of, I plan on setting aside the day today to give it all a good play :)

Re: !

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:59 pm
by FlowerChild
Shengji wrote:Ironically you changed the hunger drain from using the handcrank, I had written a post in the ideas thread taking back my previous feedback but you locked the post in the time it took me to write it! I had started again to double test my findings and where I was much more experienced with HCH, doing things correctly I found my previous feedback was too strong! I know you didn't just take my word for it though and tested it yourself, and I see you described it as a slight change so all I can say is thankyou for taking my feedback seriously and not slamming it down, even though you probably knew in advance that it was too strong because I wasn't doing HCH quite right :)
Hehe...well, while I wasn't responding to each and every post in that thread, I was certainly listening to everything :)

In the case of the Hand Crank, your post served to remind me that I had originally balanced its hunger consumption to be significant *by vanilla rules*, and thus I obviously jacked it way up, since hunger is trivially easy to satisfy there.

It's still painful to be sure, but in a way that I think fits much better with the feel of HC Hunger now. Like, it's punishing, but without feeling like it was expressly exaggerated just to be punishing.

Keep in mind too, that now the armor you're wearing affects the rate at which hunger drains, cranking included, so players may even run smack into that in the early game if they decide to grind while decked out in iron or what have you.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:16 pm
by FlowerChild
Gormador wrote: With regards to iron consumption early game I saw you mentioning wooden buckets. Is it something you really consider?
Yeah, it certainly is. The balance on buckets in particular feels "off" right now, so I'll definitely be taking steps to resolve it. Just had way too much on my todo list for this last release, and had to pull some pretty heavy triaging towards the end. A lot of times I triage the items that I would still like to ponder a bit more first (I hate rushing decisions), and I wanted to get these changes out into the wild so that people could experience them and provide further feedback to help me in the balance process.

For the buckets, I may go to wood, or I may go for a recipe involving 7 nuggets in a 'U' pattern, or something similar. I'll put some more thought into it before making a final decision on it though, but one way or another, I think a change is definitely in order there.

Given the way Hardcore Buckets work with regards to lava though, I think if anything, wooden buckets for the mod would be more intuitive overall (since you'd more naturally expect not to be able to collect lava with them drawing a clear distinction between vanilla and BTW behavior), and I think also fits the early game much better.

Anyways, will continue to ponder :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:27 pm
by jecowa
FlowerChild wrote: For the buckets, I may go to wood, or I may go for a recipe involving 7 nuggets in a 'U' pattern, or something similar. I'll put some more thought into it before making a final decision on it though, but one way or another, I think a change is definitely in order there.

Given the way Hardcore Buckets work with regards to lava though, I think if anything, wooden buckets for the mod would be more intuitive overall (since you'd more naturally expect not to be able to collect lava with them drawing a clear distinction between vanilla and BTW behavior), and I think also fits the early game much better.
That's a good point with it being intuitive for wooden buckets to be unable to gather lava. If you would still like to include iron in such a recipe, though, you might like to know (if you don't already) that wood buckets often have metal bands. (Google image search for "wood bucket")

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:38 pm
by Yhetti
Sarudak wrote:Wow... Impressive. The change to iron feels a little brutal... I'm still processing that....
Same here, my friends are gonna be mad when I update the server.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:41 pm
by The Lord of Brick
FlowerChild wrote:-Added Hardcore Lactation-
Oh mai...

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:44 pm
by Mud
jakerman999 wrote: Also - time to start a new world AGAIN lol
I'm tempted to do the same, but I was just getting ready to lay down the parameter for my desert-to-swamp village migration. Choices.

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:31 pm
by AddyBaha
FlowerChild wrote:-Added Mystery Meat
I don't know wether to be happy about I found out which mob drops this or not...

Re: New Release! (BTW V4.62)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:40 pm
by DrakenMinisco
First post on for me around here, been using BTW mod for some time now, stopped playing minecraft for about a month just came back and I am very pleased with your work. Keep up the good work.

Can't seem to find it on the site, but did you remove wheat seeds from grass drops? Just started on a fresh install and found around 35 hemp seeds but not a single wheat seed. Thought maybe you changed how the seeds dropped, as I stated haven't played in a while