Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by FlowerChild »

MoRmEnGiL wrote:If you make your own game, I hereby officially request collecting dung to be a central gameplay element :P
Lol! I will make every effort to do so, and also to provide as much detail as possible when it comes to various consistencies, uses, flammability, and of course buoyancy depending on source animal and diet ;)
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by BlackCat »

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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by devak »

I would like to take this opportunity to say:

you made the money i paid for MC worth it. You give direction to a directionless game. You give power to the player, enough to make the effort of getting it worth it. But not too much, so it leaves us craving for more.

Your mod adds fun, aethetics, and power in balanced amounts, and the occasional dark humor i can very much appreciate. If you have to leave MC, well, to me it was living on borrowed time anyway. I just wish that in whatever shape, way or form you continue, you have the thing you gave us in spades:

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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Argama »

First of, like all other here you have my support and thanks for giving me hours and hours of fun (giggity).
Wether BWF truly comes available or not, the audience it will be serving is not the audience you have been pleasing for years on end.
I believe choosing BtW for most of us wasn't just the idea of the mod, it was how it played and promised to remain because of the thought process you putted behind it, the knowledge we all share into knowing quality will be maintained on technical and gameplay level. Its like choosing this high quality phone over a chinese ripoff. I can perfectly understand where you are coming from, this proces of modding is technical and creative and the fruits of hard labour should be appreciated and above all, respected. And we all do, sure some kids (not generalizing) don't know the gravity of work and love putted behind this but we, the once whom play within the boundaries you want it to be played, appreciate the choices, the reasoning and the hard labour gone into the mod. Don't be discouraged because some talentless git wants internet-kudos from the cesspit of the playerbase to keep him warm at night.
Whatever the outcome of you decision is, I fully support it.

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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Caboose »

I don't pipe up much, but I gotta say Thank You for the hard work and dedication you put into this mod. You've got my full support in whatever way you decide to go with RTH, even, or rather especially if it means waiting a long time for more content. I'm pretty into the idea of a Flowerchild original, and I know I can trust in you to deliver.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by ScubaPlays »

The BWF situation is terrible and upsetting that they've had a detrimental impact on the development of BTW (questioning whether to fix code because it makes it easier for them to duplicate). On the bright side, I think RTH as it's own game entirely is the best solution in the long run.

Your point of value is true, the consumer likes what is obviously a benefit to them. However, dealing with Minecraft as a base all this time, a smooth running game without a ridiculous amout of obvious bugs would be of great value. Being excited for every update instead of worried about how the game is going to break now would be of great value. Having things work as intended instead of waiting for patches after the feature's release would be of great value (not to mention removing the feeling of "okay...why was this even necessary?").

Sure at the start there will be a lot of waiting and that's not fun, but the main group that will be doing the waiting is the BTW community. We are the people who have seen and played with your work, and as you can see from this thread are willing to wait and see what you can do when you're not constrained by Mojang (if anything, I'm sure some if not most of us are excited by that prospect). Also with how active as you are in the community, I'm sure we will all still look forward to your cryptic updates while we anxiously wait to see what you've done for ourselves.

Whatever path you decide to take, you are supported.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by ExpHP »

I usually try not to post in these threads, because I don't have much to add that everyone else hasn't already said. But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to add my voice to the collective every now and then.

I, for one, value your mental well-being over having a new toy to play with here and now. On top of that, I know you have the commitment to follow through on what you say. It's one thing to say "I'm going to make a game," but I have no doubt that you would actually do it.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Psion »

As scubaplays pointed out, seeing an update come and not worrying about the vast amount of bugs it will introduce would be a nice benefit to making your own game. You're one game developer i trust for each update to squash more bugs than it creates, leaving us free to enjoy the content instead of worrying about whether a new build will cause our houses to spontaneously explode into nullpoint errors. And it goes without saying you sure know how to make updates something to look forward to!

Plus, think of all the time you'll save not having to read through all those "WHY NO FORGE?" and "UR MODS BROKEN, MY INSTALL CRASHED" posts on MC forums! That's bound to make up some time lost by having to code from the ground up! (plus some sanity)

Regardless of what way you choose to do RTH though, I'm behind it 100%. Like others, I wouldn't be playing minecraft still if not for your mod. It's the only one I've enjoyed for more than a week, other than Thaumcraft 2. (that one lasted 2!) No matter how many mods I tried, yours is the only one I consistently come back to play on and enjoy even months later. Thanks for all the hard and wonderful work you've done for us, and for making minecraft playable!
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by skrat6009 »

Well, lord knows I rarely come out of my hole to actually say something, but I have been actively following this whole situation. As a programmer myself, I hate this whole situation that you are going through. Generally, I program in C#, so I usually don't have this kind of problem.

I know you try to make it easy for mod authors to extend BTW functionality by making your code less confusing and adding so many hooks, but by doing so you end up having to leave yourself with a certain amount of vulnerability. I know it would probably suck for mod authors for a while but have you considered temporarily using code obfuscation tools. If nothing else it would make it more confusing for him to follow the flow of your logic. It might frustrate him enough to quit. I know that's not something you should have to do but unfortunately he isn't really giving you a whole lot of options. Also, I know it wouldn't stop him from having access to what you've already released, but I figured it might ease your mind about optimizing your code and adding new features.

This website has a couple of links to some free java obfuscators. http://www.excelsior-usa.com/articles/j ... ators.html

I don't know. I just know this is frustrating and I hope it comes down to you not needing to do this, but I figured I would point out the link in case it would help put the brakes on this guy's attempts at stealing your code.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Marasambala »

I, too, rarely post and can't add much to this thread.

I would much rather see you happy with what you're doing, whatever that takes.
BTW would not be such a great experience for us if you hadn't been enjoying yourself throughout (most of) the process.

Here's to you finding the next thing that keeps your creative self inspired.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Ulfengaard »

Caught up on this thread, and I thought I would add my name to the pool of people who were inspired by you to take up programming. I've been learning python and working on a survival roguelike for a little while now.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Benanov »

skrat6009 wrote:Well, lord knows I rarely come out of my hole to actually say something, but I have been actively following this whole situation. As a programmer myself, I hate this whole situation that you are going through. Generally, I program in C#, so I usually don't have this kind of problem.
C# is just as easily decompilable as Java is. There are free obfuscators for it, too. The decompilation tools tend to be a little more "oh look someone asked us not to let you decompile this so we're not going to let you" though, but that's due to the tool makers, not because C# is inherently better at this than Java is.
skrat6009 wrote:This website has a couple of links to some free java obfuscators
Minecraft *is* obfuscated; MCP deobfuscates it. That the obfuscator was defeated is in fact the very reason that so many Minecraft mods exist today.

The only solution I see is that FC either to makes his own game or ignores the haters and carries on anyway, because it doesn't matter how many mods try to copy BTW, they'll always miss *something* - I can't imagine these compatibility people actually putting in the hardcore options, and that's what actually *forces* players to use the features of BTW. Why would you grind bonemeal at the rate of 3 per 10s when you can just convert it in a crafting table or autocrafter and be done immediately?

A lot of the fun of BTW is the initial challenge yields to the joy of a solution and then slowly morphs into appreciation of refinement and automation. It was awesome when you made your first millstone and set it up to grind most of the bones in your inventory, or the realization that now you don't need furnace fuel to cook all those potatoes.

With just the machines but no motivation, they're just an unused pile of mods, which is more or less my experience with half the Technic pack.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Wafflewaffle »

This whole situation sucks balll, but be sure that the great majority of us (forum dwellers) will support you in any decision you take FC. Minecraft is turning more and more like an high school, where popularity and bullying come hand-to-hand, while the people that want to study (read "play a good game") are robbed of our lunch money... not to mention that the girls never look at us but i digress.

May i present you with a fourth and maybe not so groundbreaking option?

Modding another game.

In my years with modding communities around the internet i have never met one so agressive and so overlooked by the game developers as Minecraft's. They are normaly very sharing and friendly, focused on good gameplay experiences instead of internet fame and glory. These good communities still exist and there are good games out there that could be very interesting and fun to mod. Games ripe with possibilities and whose infrastructure is "complete".

The amount of freedom may not be the same as creating your own game, but having a wider array of game options may help, maybe its impossible to have BTW in Half Life but most strategy games have mod support and there are even some minecraft clones worth a damn.

Of course like all the other options there are problems with this, some minor and one that i believe to be the major proplem. FC modded Minecraft becouse he loves Minecraft, and love is not something you create out of thin air, its something you find.

Its very hard to propose something like this. I and everybody here love minecraft, and love BTW even more, but staying in a game whose continuous development will eventually destroy it is even worst. I rather have my experiences in Minecraft/BTW to be good memories then a tumultuous reality.

Dont get me wrong I would really enjoy playing a game made from the ground up by FC, but as i dont doubt you development and creativity skills i worry that this BWF situation can happen in a comercial level (someone ripping off you own game for money instead of dickheadness). The gaming industry can be very dangerous for small developers and i always thought that minecraft only survived becouse of the unprecedented rise to glory it had. Good ideas are copied but great ideas are stolen.

Im sure you have considered this, but i would like this to be maybe a reminder that there is life beyond minecraft.
Just a thought.

You have earned my trust and i wish you good luck and fun in whatever direction you choose to take.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by brab »

Add another voice to the chorus of "Thanks FC". I've been playing Minecraft a lot again thanks to you, did my first automatic machines and even a mob trap (which I hadn't done before) ... and all this while constantly dying with hardcore spawn on. Which led me to start building my first ever railroad system.

I love the way you've taken Minecraft and made it more Minecrafty, to make it live it up to the "lego building survival horror" style that makes it so special.

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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Mac »

First of,
since I did quit my previous job over the matter of having all the joy in your work sucked right out of you, among other
Which means I kinda know how that feels.
In the end though, with a bit of luck, I found a new one that I am kinda happy with.
It's hard work for sure, but it beats having none at all.

Long story short,
most of the time there is light and hope at the end of the tunnel.

I therefore voice my outspoken support for you and whatever decision it will be.

My one single wish would be that you can continue doing what brings you joy.
Even if it would mean leaving MC behind and having to wait for an unspecified amount of time.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by johnt »

Lol! I will make every effort to do so, and also to provide as much detail as possible when it comes to various consistencies, uses, flammability, and of course buoyancy depending on source animal and diet ;)
I'm sure you can fit this into the dung metadata.


Also should add corn as a crop.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Gears »

You have my support with whatever path you choose to take, FC. If you decide to make a game, I will gladly throw money your way. If you stay with minecraft, I will still enjoy your mods immensely and support you.
FlowerChild wrote:For example, I'm feeling such a whim right now, and look forward with anticipation to the feeling of satisfaction that shall come from acting upon it.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by IzBatt »

Hey FC, I just recently started playing your mod and following in the community. First off I'd like to thank you for giving life to this beautiful mod child of yours.
I'm deeply sorry for the crap you have to walk through on a day-to-day basis.
I also want to say I'm extremely impressed with how good you are at what you do. I want to be you when I grow up (although i'm already grown up). I think that the people ripping you off are just extremely jealous that you are a BAMF at this while they can't come up with any original content and can only rip you off.
I'm hoping you never stop modding and creating because your brain works in an original way that just makes everyone else want to be you and be as good as you.

Keep up the good work.

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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Sarudak »

FlowerChild wrote: Also, just to clarify: when I'm talking about making my own game, I'm currently talking about making RTH as my own game. In the past I was reluctant to start a new project that would be so heavily based on the underlying concepts of MC, but what I'm realizing with time is that *this* is what I want to be working on right now in terms of design (i.e. the style of gameplay that MC represents), and that the situation with MC itself is rapidly becoming intolerable for the various reasons I describe above.

As I've also said before, RTH is going to be different enough from MC, whatever form it winds up taking (extension to BTW, sequel and separate mod, or full game), that it pretty much qualifies as its own game. Similar underlying concepts to MC (game based on blocks, survival, and player creativity), but really, my entirely own take on those ideas.
I just wanted to mention that I'm really really happy to hear this. I had been afraid based on some of your previous comments that you would move on to some kind of radically different game. While I believe I would enjoy any flowerchild original that you ended up producing I think the genre that MC represents specifically the three things you mentioned (game based on blocks, survival, and player creativity) is the most in need of your talent and also what I would most enjoy and would most like to see what your particular genius would come up with. The meeting of survival and creativity in a voxel world is I feel something of a perfect storm for emergent gameplay and I would eagerly play any game that was going to take advantage of those aspect but having you at the helm of such a project makes me all the more confident that it will be amazing.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by FlowerChild »

Sarudak wrote: I just wanted to mention that I'm really really happy to hear this. I had been afraid based on some of your previous comments that you would move on to some kind of radically different game. While I believe I would enjoy any flowerchild original that you ended up producing I think the genre that MC represents specifically the three things you mentioned (game based on blocks, survival, and player creativity) is the most in need of your talent and also what I would most enjoy and would most like to see what your particular genius would come up with. The meeting of survival and creativity in a voxel world is I feel something of a perfect storm for emergent gameplay and I would eagerly play any game that was going to take advantage of those aspect but having you at the helm of such a project makes me all the more confident that it will be amazing.
Yeah, I feel precisely the same way man. As I've said before *this* is where I want to be right now. I consider this kind of voxel-based gameplay to be on the cutting edge of game design, and while I don't particularly like the concept of working on an MC "clone" (or a clone of any game really), I think I'm coming to the realization that continuing my work in that regard is too important to me to just drop in order to avoid being perceived as working on one.

As I've said before, MC represents what I consider to be one of the most innovative game designs of the last twenty years, which is a big part of my passion towards it. My ideas with regards to it have also come nowhere close to being exhausted, and I see no real end to that. To completely turn my back on that just doesn't make very much sense when push comes to shove.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Sarudak »

I think people throw around the world clone far too freely when it comes to minecraft. I think that's largely because the creative, survival, voxel building game genre doesn't have a name yet. Similar to when all these DotA 'clones' came out wheras now it's coming to be recognized as it's own genre of game although I don't know everyone agrees on the genre name. People don't call RTS games warcraft/starcraft/dune clones anymore.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Wafflewaffle »

Sarudak wrote:I think people throw around the world clone far too freely when it comes to minecraft. I think that's largely because the creative, survival, voxel building game genre doesn't have a name yet. Similar to when all these DotA 'clones' came out wheras now it's coming to be recognized as it's own genre of game although I don't know everyone agrees on the genre name. People don't call RTS games warcraft/starcraft/dune clones anymore.
Dota clones are now MOBA games... Minecraft clones should be Survivoxel games!! Although vMC has nothing to do with survival anymore.

The possibilities of "RTH: The standalone game" are frighteningly huge, good thing we have FC's mind to guide us if this is the future of RTH.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Litar »

I think any creative person who takes pride in his work would hesitate from creating a clone. And I understand that it would take longer to create a new game, but... I'm sure it'd be rewarded in the long run, giving you unrestricted creative possibilities and us a better game, more consistent, polished and with brilliant design.
Sorries for my english, it's not ny native language. If you are a grammar nazi and feel an imposible to suppress urge to correct me, feel free to do so in a private msg. I'll try to keep it in mind and not make the same error again:)
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Gormador »

As other already said (Sarudak in particular), it's been a while now that we see you being tempted with the "fuck MC, I going solo" thing... and to me, it always seemed that in the end – and even though it might not have been particularly clear at the time – you would go that way.

Reading you in the last pages haven't scratched that feeling one bit.

Sure, it means a lot less fun for you in the beginning but as you said : those days it's no fun anymore for you to mod MC. On the other end, us player won't have anything *new* to play with but hey, BTW is still a big huge freaking fun mod!
I'm sure a lot of people would rather wait a year for this new platform to be ready than seeing you pestering every day a bit more against all the drama (I lack a better word here) going on (as I sadly don't see any end to that in the near future), which is bad for you, hence bad for the mod and no fun for us either...

So in the end, to whatever is the best for you as it means good stuff for us.

It sure is selfish. However this whole "modder"/"mod user" relationship is all about what each side can get from the other.

With Better Than Wolves I (speaking for myself as I don't want to speak for others) get to play with a great mod that gives it fun back to Minecraft, while you get to do what you repeatedly said being what you love doing and occasionally some donations from people that can afford them.
It doesn't seem to be a fair trade, which is why you gain my respect above that.
FlowerChild wrote:If you have a suggestion, I recommend that it have pure manna from heaven flowing forth from its vagina to warrant posting it at this point in time.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of December 31st)

Post by Sarudak »

I think it would be a good point to mentally add up how much time and energy all the collective bits of drama plus painful vMC update/migrations including having to account for stupid features have added up to over the last year/year and a half and consider. Is it more that the few months of infrastructure work you would be commiting to on your own game? And then consider the design freedom those months could buy you. It looks to me like going your own way is a clear win and that's why I've always supported it.

Really modding minecraft is like working under a producer with no design experience who doesn't really like or play the game you're designing making changes to the game without even consulting you about it.
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