No more turtles

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Re: No more turtles

Post by FlowerChild »

Sarudak wrote:It's not her fault she copied buildcraft pipes! She drank to much absinthe and in a blacked out and woke up later with tubes in her mod. She told me that herself. Clearly an accident... :P
Hehe...yeah. Her giving me that same excuse directly when I asked her why she pulled a move like that was specifically what caused me to leave the Forge. There were a shit-load of incidents leading up to it, but that was absolutely the final straw.

Before then I was questioning myself with regards to whether I was being paranoid or not about her behavior, as she had been a tad more subtle. After that one though, I had no doubts whatsoever.

I suspect that incident is actually the motivation behind "In Vino Veritas" being one of the splash-screen texts for the mod ;)
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Sarudak »

Hehe... I thought it was weird back then even though I was a bit of an RP fan at the time.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by finite8 »

You okay FC? It sounds like you were really let down, considering only a few weeks ago you were still letting more people into the turtle community. This political crap in the MC modding community just hurts everyone, and people betraying the trust you've given to them is just... low. I hope it doesn't dishearten you.

It is a sad end of an era. Don't stay too distant mate; i dare say there are a fair few people on this forum that are here more for the community than the mod (I definitely spend more time on the forum than playing).
Flowerchild (IRC) wrote:I'm not trying to stop you BTW ..., I'm saying that I think you're a piece of shit...not the same thing
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Re: No more turtles

Post by FlowerChild »

finite8 wrote:You okay FC? It sounds like you were really let down, considering only a few weeks ago you were still letting more people into the turtle community. This political crap in the MC modding community just hurts everyone, and people betraying the trust you've given to them is just... low. I hope it doesn't dishearten you.
Nah, it's cool man. Honestly, I think it's a wiser policy for me to keep everything public.

Yeah, it's definitely a let-down, but I've certainly weathered worse. I made a very strong move last night (and one which is giving me an ongoing chuckle), and was anticipating retaliation to be sure. I may not have expected it to come from so close to home, but I'm perfectly capable of dealing with it.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by DaveYanakov »

Last_Jedi_Standing wrote: I know there's a lot of bad blood between BTW and RP, but that seems a little bit extreme. I find it hard to imagine that someone was so bored they actually decided to infiltrate a forum, be nice for months or years until they became a moderator, and then leaked information from the private subforum. No-one's that dedicated to a making one mod win against another.
What you have just described is exactly the sort of tactics the goons have been using for years in Eve Online to destroy alliances. Internet spaceships aren't any more serious a business than the Minecraft mod scene and the Goons are very much RP/Tek fans. I have no difficulty at all believing that scenario.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Sarudak »

But now where will we have fun game design discussions? Out in the open? Among all the Yahoos? No offense yahoos of the forum...
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Re: No more turtles

Post by finite8 »

Well, if there is ever anything you need, i hope you still have people you can trust. I know I'm not a very private person and tend to blab my insane ideas to those close to me, i hope you have the same.
Flowerchild (IRC) wrote:I'm not trying to stop you BTW ..., I'm saying that I think you're a piece of shit...not the same thing
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Sarudak »

Also off topic remark... 10000 posts... Man that's impressive. A symbol of the blood, sweat, and tears you've poured into this mod...
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Re: No more turtles

Post by FlowerChild »

Sarudak wrote:But now where will we have fun game design discussions? Out in the open? Among all the Yahoos? No offense yahoos of the forum...
Let's give it some time to settle. I'll start considering alternative options later.

Simply returning to the days when the turtle forum was publicly viewable, but could only be posted to by turtles might be one option. People will only bother infiltrating if they actually have something to gain from it.

We'll see. I won't put any serious consideration into it until the dust has settled and I'm done updating to 1.4 at the very least.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Sarudak »

Alright alright no need to rush things. At least this is gonna be nothing like the 1.3 update right? :)
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Re: No more turtles

Post by FlowerChild »

Sarudak wrote:Alright alright no need to rush things. At least this is gonna be nothing like the 1.3 update right? :)
Highly doubtful, but that's probably a conversation for the dev diary thread :)
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Sarudak »

FlowerChild wrote:Highly doubtful, but that's probably a conversation for the dev diary thread :)
Have I told you how much I enjoy reading your dev diaries? I only wish that you could give more information without spoiling things... :)
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Azdoine »

FlowerChild wrote:
Sarudak wrote: She once again decided to mimic one of the mod features right down to the exact dimensions of her sail blades (no joke...check for yourself)
I thought she just had no imagination, but that...
No. I can't even.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by FlowerChild »

Azdoine wrote:I thought she just had no imagination, but that...
No. I can't even.
No man, that's not even close to covering it. Yes, she herself argues that "ideas are cheap" (which is rather ironic considering she doesn't seem to have any of her own), but it's not just a matter of taking them from other mods.

There has always been an element of trolling involved that goes all the way back to her deciding to name her sub-blocks similarly to mine, or making her "fibrous two-block high plant" function almost identically.

There's being inspired, and then there's blatant imitation to stir up shit. She's not just copying ideas...she intentionally aggravating people to draw them into open competition with her *on her terms*, which has been the death of more than one mod.

Modding quickly becomes a total drag if all you're doing is playing "keeping up with the Jones'". Nobody (except her apparently) wants to continually just be implementing revisions of their old features to try and outdo her slightly improved (i.e. overpowered) copies of the same.

That's why I've always refused to engage her at that level, with the one exception of last night's release. Falling into that trap basically sucks the soul right out of a mod, and kills the joy a modder gets out of the process of creation.

She's a programmer. An extremely talented one, but that's it. As I've said before, she couldn't design her way out of her paper bag, and she uses these tactics to try and undermine the efforts of people that can.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Sarudak »

You know I've heard you say multiple times that that was her intention. Basically to 'win' the modding community and that she intentionally stirs up hostility and tries to break down other modders by fostering competition and I found it consistently incredible (I mean that literally as in hard to credit). Although with the evidence seeming to fit that scenario my mind consistently goes to "surely no one would do that intentionally, there must be some other explanation." Perhaps I'm naive or just have an overly positive view of mankind... I just don't know. *shakes head*
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Re: No more turtles

Post by LaserSushi »

Ugh confidentiality is a bitch to maintiain, Sorry to hear things went down that way. My own job consists half of just hunting this kinda leak and its a bit disheartening when its someone personally trusted, and sadly its often just a matter of when someone breaches confidentiality and causes a headache for all.

Anyhow just my 2 cents.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by FlowerChild »

Sarudak wrote:You know I've heard you say multiple times that that was her intention. Basically to 'win' the modding community and that she intentionally stirs up hostility and tries to break down other modders by fostering competition and I found it consistently incredible (I mean that literally as in hard to credit). Although with the evidence seeming to fit that scenario my mind consistently goes to "surely no one would do that intentionally, there must be some other explanation." Perhaps I'm naive or just have an overly positive view of mankind... I just don't know. *shakes head*
Hehe...believe me man: I know most people find that argument incredulous (which I think is the word you were looking for).

Generally, the only people that agree with me are other modders it's happened to, and I'm the only one that has been willing to go public on it due to their fear of public reprisal.

So yeah...I'm very used to sounding like the lone lunatic by now, but I've also always had an affection for being in a "minority of one", so it's all good ;)
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Extreme Boyheat »

I guess we're eating turtle soup for tea tonight lads.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Sarudak »

Hehe thanks but i used exactly the word i meant. Credulous or incredulous refer to the thing doing the believing where credible our incredible refer to that which is to be believed. In any case i think you're probably right about her. All the pieces fit. And if you consider she has her own game in the works that provides a credible motivation. It's just so... For lack of a better word... Evil that i have a hard time with it. It's like seeing some people happily building a sandcastle and joining in so you can get personal information to steal their identity our something.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by FlowerChild »

Sarudak wrote:And if you consider she has her own game in the works that provides a credible motivation.
Although on that point, I don't expect Minia/Zeta to ever release. IMO she thrives on big technical challenges (again...programmer), and one of the reasons she's burning out now is I think she's run out of them in her planned "tech tree". I personally don't think her plans really extended beyond Frames, and now that that's done and out of the way, what comes next?

Now, what she's faced with is the hard work of going through the haphazard mess she's made on one-off "oh wow!" features and actually turning it into a game. For a person like her, I personally think that is hell, whereas it's just my standard day to day as I thrive on design challenges...not technical ones.

Basically, I think she's coming to the realization that she doesn't really want to make an entire game now that she's exhausted the supply of what turns her on in her own mod. Heck, I don't think she even wants to be making a mod anymore.
It's just so... For lack of a better word... Evil that i have a hard time with it. It's like seeing some people happily building a sandcastle and joining in so you can get personal information to steal their identity our something.
Dude...seriously, people behave in very evil ways. That aspect of humanity is not just relegated to history books :)

I'm a self-admitted prick, but I do have what I believe to be an internally consistent system of ethics that I place a great deal of importance on adhering to. However, in terms of public perception, it makes it very easy for me to be portrayed as the bad guy in all this while she constantly winds up smelling like roses.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Litar »

This is my first post (EDIT: no it's not, i forgot about the other one:P), but i have been lurking for quite some time. Why now? I just way to express my sympathies towards you, FC. Your mod gave me countless hours of fun, and i always liked and respected the way you handle different situations and people. Whatever happend you were always fair, and yet you were mistreated by many. But what happend now just put everything over the top. It doesn't make me angry, just very, very sad and disappointed. Please know, that there are many people like me, silent, but having great time with your mod, respecting you and your work.
Thank you. Please Don't let this situation put you down.

(sorry for my english, it's not my native, but i really wanted to tell you this FC)
Sorries for my english, it's not ny native language. If you are a grammar nazi and feel an imposible to suppress urge to correct me, feel free to do so in a private msg. I'll try to keep it in mind and not make the same error again:)
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Re: No more turtles

Post by FlowerChild »

In case any of you would like to discuss recent events, I'm over on the IRC channel for my usual Friday night activities.

I'll even entertain dissenting opinions as long as they are kept reasonable.
Litar wrote:This is my first post (EDIT: no it's not, i forgot about the other one:P), but i have been lurking for quite some time. Why now? I just way to express my sympathies towards you, FC.
Thanks man, I appreciate the support, and welcome to the forums!
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Re: No more turtles

Post by simanick »

while i dont talk much (i dont think my injections matter much to anyone) i would like to say thank you to FC and the other moderators of this community and this community as a whole for what this community is. I think that this action is just another example of deplorable behavior that people commit out of jealousy. I for one am sad to see the turtles go as they have generally been a prime example of some of the best parts of this community.
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Re: No more turtles

Post by htothetml »

Sarudak wrote:No offense yahoos of the forum...
None taken haha. On a serious note, it truly is sad that someone would do something like that. So now there are only three people with fancy colored names right? And I know it does not matter anymore since the group is no longer there but if you don't mind me asking how did the name Hardcore Turtles come about?
FlowerChild wrote:A witch! A witch! Buuurrrrrn her!
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Re: No more turtles

Post by Last_Jedi_Standing »

htothetml wrote:
Sarudak wrote:No offense yahoos of the forum...
None taken haha. On a serious note, it truly is sad that someone would do something like that. So now there are only three people with fancy colored names right? And I know it does not matter anymore since the group is no longer there but if you don't mind me asking how did the name Hardcore Turtles come about?
They were Flying Turtles first. I don't know where that comes from.
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