DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

Well I am finally home and ready to play some DayZ, what server are you playing on FlowerChild? I tried to play one my own but within 10 minutes the server crashed so no fun stories to tell so far :(

Anyway I am looking forward to finally be able to play, and having the expansion has paid off sense it seems way more stable and optimized compared to the original :) I believe Arma has a clan tag option, what do you think about adding a BTW tag to our names? it would make it easier to identify each other if and when we decide to join up? I am all for having a BTW tag for those who are playing :)
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

Well my first run didn't last very long, even though I only ran into about 5 zombies! I had scavenged a few building and came across a barn and found myself a Winchester and a hunting rifle, and no sooner after taking them into my person and backpack I turn around and get a face full of led by another player :(

I am going to try playing agian, hopefully I can find some friendlies who would like to group up.

Some advice for new players:
  • Double press Shift so that your character walks by default, You can get pretty damned close to a zombie crouch walking! I was able to avoid 90% of them this way.
  • Always lean out of corners to see what around them, default for those is Q/E
  • Alt key will allow you to look around without moving your characters body, really helpful when you need to get the hell out and check your flanks. You can still shoot doing this as well.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings, specially with sound! turn off the music it's more harmful then good, if you here gun fire find a place to lay low and see if you can find the culprit, often times your best bet is hiding in a room. Surround sound helps a lot :)
  • Aiming dead zone should be very small, it helps you in perfecting your aim when using your sights. I keep it around 10% at most, any higher and it's to annoying
  • Make sure you have Direct communication binded to an easy key to use, it's the primary way to communicate vocally to nearby players without anyone else hearing it on the server.
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by FlowerChild »

kregoth wrote:[*]Aiming dead zone should be very small, it helps you in perfecting your aim when using your sights. I keep it around 10% at most, any higher and it's to annoying
Wha wha what? Can you please elaborate on this setting and what it does? I was unaware of it :)
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

FlowerChild wrote:
kregoth wrote:[*]Aiming dead zone should be very small, it helps you in perfecting your aim when using your sights. I keep it around 10% at most, any higher and it's to annoying
Wha wha what? Can you please elaborate on this setting and what it does? I was unaware of it :)
It's under controls the same area you choose mouse sensitivity. The dead zone option allows you to move your gun without moving your view. really high settings tend to make turning much harder, but keeping it low can make adjusting for a head shot a lot easier :) You can tell it's on when you are able to move your crosshair out of the middle of the screen.
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by FlowerChild »

kregoth wrote: It's under controls the same area you choose mouse sensitivity. The dead zone option allows you to move your gun without moving your view. really high settings tend to make turning much harder, but keeping it low can make adjusting for a head shot a lot easier :)
Hmmmm...interesting. I've been getting the impression that I'm not actually aiming where I want to while playing. Maybe this setting is responsible. Thank you :)
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

Wow I actually had around a 3 hour run without a single crash or disconnect :) was a lot of fun, I got lost in the forest, discover 3 players willing to cooperate, and ended with only me and one other finding a lighthouse just before the session was lost :( even though majority of the time I was just running around looking for a place to rest, I never felt a game give me an experience as good as this!

I started of on the beach near a small town, I decided it was best to head straight into the woods and ignore the town looking for someplace safer. The games forests are probably the most realistic seen in any game! Although rare, you can find places with loot in them. I found what looked to be an abandoned sniper nest and got myself a smoke grenade, some extra food, and some ammo for a gun I didn't have. After that I was lost, I was lost for what seemed forever (about an hour, pretty pathetic right?)

Eventually I found myself back near a town along side the coast, sadly I was low on food and water, so I had to go. I stuck to the thick trees and observed the town for a while while keeping my eye on the road and beach. After about 5 minutes checking around I spotted someone heading down the road in my direction, he didn't see me but I knew there was potential for trouble. Luckily for me he didn't see me until I decide to speak, he was startled and began looking frantically trying to discern where I was. He was friendly and wanted to cooperate, but I wasn't the only one near by! Two other player came skirting out of the house nearby, I never got to see inside of it so they must have been in it the whole time, luckily for me again they where friendly!

First off communication is important, you have no way of discerning who is who unless you ask for there names, so chatting is damn near impossible when they are new and don't know how to use direct communication. I was using my mic to direct the 3 other players on what to do, eventually I discovered that they just didn't care and only 1 player was willing to follow me and work together. What happened after that is where my first real session in DayZ shined, it was working with this other random strangers! it's a tense heart pounding shallow companionship that we shared, you constantly questioning whether or not your going to get shot in the back, or that they actually want to work together! The other 2 players that where there ran into town and just caused a mess of things, both of them where running around like idiots, while me and one other crawled prone along side the docks not once getting spotted by a zombie! The best part is we didn't have to communicate tactics, we just knew what to do while the other 2 idiots where being chased and distracting the town for us. sadly the only thing I found was some binoculars, but they do prove very useful. eventually we decided to run along the forest hillside looking for our next stop.

Eventually we came across a lighthouse in the distance, I took out my newly found binoculars and scouted the lighthouse. Luckily it was empty, and we decided to go check it out, sadly when we did finally make it down and the other player looted to top, the server gave me that all to familiar session lost message. Oh well, it was still the best DayZ run I have had sense trying to play the damn thing :)
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

Looks like Rocket is gearing up to release the patch in a few more hours so waiting for that

But in searching for a good map of the game world I found this.

The largest one is best at 13718x13716px, you can really zoom in and allowed me to really pin point where I logged out last game. I hope this make it a lot easier to meat up with fellow BTW players :)
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

Not to do a triple post, but the newest verison is rolling out and although the server are having trouble handling the load of everyone grabbing the update it's none the less a pretty nice update and change to everything

UPDATE : 21 MAY 2012
Affected addons:
* dayz_code 1.5.8
* dayz_equip 1.2.4
* dayz_sfx 1.1.2
* dayz 1.2.5
* dayz_weapons 1.1.2

Developer's Note:


* This is a pretty major update. I don't really know what affect the new sickness and temperature system will have on player behavior especially with antibiotics being so scarce.
* It is the genesis of an idea, so please remember this might cause havoc. You need to be careful.
* To light a fire, you need matches and wood in your inventory. Place more wood in the inventory of a fireplace to keep the fire going.
* A fire that does not have wood in it will go out when you try to light it.
* You can tell you have an infection, because your character will start coughing. The infection causes you to loose blood down to a minimum of 6000. This leaves you with reduced blood until you take antibiotics.

* [NEW] Server cleanup system replaced with a more agressive one
* [NEW] Inventory Interaction system (right-click on items in gear screen to bring up interactions)
* [NEW] Temperature System now implemented (effects are limited)
* [NEW] Chance of catching an infection the lower your temperature
* [NEW] Chance of catching an infection from already infected players
* [NEW] Water can be filled in ponds, all water pumps, wells, but not the sea
* [NEW] Forced disconnection saving for abort and alt+F4
* [NEW] Zombie's will investigate player deaths
* [NEW] Adrenaline rush from panicing causes greately increased hunger for a while
* [NEW] Bandaging Sound when bandaging yourself/someone
* [NEW] Coughing sound when you have an infection
* [NEW] Camera Shake when temperature drops extremely low
* [NEW] PROTIP: Use Global Chat/VOIP in populated areas
* [NEW] Fire requires wood to keep burning
* [NEW] Various Loot spawn balancing changes
* [FIXED] Should not be pellets for the Winny
* [FIXED] Whinny is way to powerful and quiet (mmmm your tears will be delicious)
* [FIXED] Helicopter loot despawning too fast
* [FIXED?] Too many zombies for the Carebears to be able to play
* [FIXED] Fog is way too thick
* [FIXED] Climbing a ladder with a pistol will cause you to fall
* [FIXED] Zombies not attracted to Flares and Chemlights
* [FIXED] Panic noises going apeshit all the time
* [FIXED] Zombie spotted alert far too quiet (increased slightly)
Is it me just me, or does this guy give off that feeling of my shit don't stink type attitude? Don't get me wrong I am not bitching about it at all, I am glad hes not caving in to all the dumb asses asking for stupid features. He's doing a damn good job of keeping true to what he wants to create, which is great and that how I want it, but he sure is snarly about it...... wait I know someone who gives off a similar, yet much less pungent attitude :P I for one get a kick out of some of the replies I seen him make on the forums.

EDIT: Lols already a HOTFIX out now!
Build Hotfix
HOTFIX : 21 MAY 2012
Affected addons:
* dayz_code

* [FIXED] Loosing temperature way too fast
* [FIXED] Not enough wood available for spawn
* [FIXED] Matches way too rare
* [FIXED] Reduced impact of infection (coughing amount and blood loss, will only loose 2000 blood)
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by FlowerChild »

kregoth wrote: Is it me just me, or does this guy give off that feeling of my shit don't stink type attitude?
Lol! The funny part is that as I was reading his changelog, I was thinking "wow, this guy kinda sounds like me". Then I read the above comment, and cracked out laughing :)
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

FlowerChild wrote:
kregoth wrote: Is it me just me, or does this guy give off that feeling of my shit don't stink type attitude?
Lol! The funny part is that as I was reading his changelog, I was thinking "wow, this guy kinda sounds like me". Then I read the above comment, and cracked out laughing :)
I know I was like did he just pull a Flowerchild change log? this is what made me think of you more then anything!
[FIXED?] Too many zombies for the Carebears to be able to play
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by FlowerChild »

kregoth wrote: I know I was like did he just pull a Flowerchild change log? this is what made me think of you more then anything!
Lol! Yeah, that one cracked me up :)

Keep in mind, like me he's a professional developer that suddenly finds himself getting bombarded with suggestions from non-professionals telling him "how to do his job". A bit of attitude is to be expected ;)
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by jorgebonafe »

PROTIP: Use Global Chat/VOIP in populated areas
... Is this a trick?...
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

jorgebonafe wrote:
PROTIP: Use Global Chat/VOIP in populated areas
... Is this a trick?...
What I think he means is that when your in a town infested with zombies that using voice communication will alert zombies to your presence. whether that applies to global or just direct is unsure as I haven't gotten a chance to test it out, or find out on the forums.

EDIt: OOps didn't see this
FlowerChild wrote:
kregoth wrote: I know I was like did he just pull a Flowerchild change log? this is what made me think of you more then anything!
Lol! Yeah, that one cracked me up :)

Keep in mind, like me he's a professional developer that suddenly finds himself getting bombarded with suggestions from non-professionals telling him "how to do his job". A bit of attitude is to be expected ;)
I know what you mean, like I said I actually enjoy how he is handling it. I wouldn't even bother giving people the time of the day if I was in his position, I would most likely just reply with "Not Happening, Deal with it!"
Last edited by kregoth on Mon May 21, 2012 8:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by FlowerChild »

kregoth wrote: What I think he means is that when your in a town infested with zombies that using voice communication will alert zombies to your presence. whether that applies to global or just direct is unsure as I haven't gotten a chance to test it out, or find out on the forums.
Bah, if that's the case, it's totally fucking awesome, but at the same time, I wouldn't be promoting global-chat as an alternative. Kinda wish he'd disable it actually, and make all voice coms direct.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by jorgebonafe »

kregoth wrote:What I think he means is that when your in a town infested with zombies that using voice communication will alert zombies to your presence. whether that applies to global or just direct is unsure as I haven't gotten a chance to test it out, or find out on the forums.
I though it was something like this, except I was thinking alerting potential hostile players, not zombies :P
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

FlowerChild wrote:
kregoth wrote: What I think he means is that when your in a town infested with zombies that using voice communication will alert zombies to your presence. whether that applies to global or just direct is unsure as I haven't gotten a chance to test it out, or find out on the forums.
Bah, if that's the case, it's totally fucking awesome, but at the same time, I wouldn't be promoting global-chat as an alternative. Kinda wish he'd disable it actually, and make all voice coms direct.
If I remember correctly he is planning on it, right now he can't without one of the BI devs fixing the direct voice chat. Right now third party VOIP is better, I think the idea behind this is mostly to teach people that making any noise in town is a bad idea, then adding radios you can find for larger long reaching voice communications.
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by Moldiworp2 »

Oh man I've been wanting to play this sooo bad. My computer can't run it though :P although it is one of the reasons I'm getting a new laptop, the other being Overgrowth (looks like its going to be the most polished fighting game ever on release, near seamless character movements even when jumping and spinning through the air in slow-mo)

But the Dayz Mod! My god it looks unreal. I reckon it would be terrific for over the top roleplay (imagine wailing with emotion when someone you've been with a while goes down) Also..... you can steal from peoples backpacks while they're alive. Or just shoot them and loot their corpse. ... re=related
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

I figured I would update what's coming in the next patch. NOTE: not out yet but should be later today by what Rocket said.
* [FIXED] Bodies being deleted immediately (now will stay around for 15 minutes)
* [FIXED] Player profiles sometimes corrupting and causing stuck in loading issues (error handling by engine)
* [FIXED] Temperature listed in percent and not degrees (now displayed in degrees)
* [FIXED] Loosing temperature inside vehicles (now will slowly gain or be static in vehicles)
* [FIXED] ItemPainkillers popup error (no longer happens: thanks Norbert!)
* [FIXED] Spawning in Ocean when switching models (player morphing optimized by TeeTime)
* [FIXED] Loosing gear when switching models (player morphing optimized by TeeTime)
* [FIXED] Wrong M107 is spawning on occasion (Correct one spawns)
* [FIXED] Crashed heli uber-loot not spawning (does now thanks to GhostBear!)
* [FIXED] Wire Fencing Kit caused graphical glitches (new model)
* [FIXED] Tank Trap Kit caused graphical glitches (new model)
* [FIXED] Invisible character models occuring (No longer invisible models)
* [FIXED] Panic not being activated (Your character will sometimes panic)
* [NEW] Hatchet for chopping wood in forests
* [NEW] Wire Fencing kit model by Artyom Troshin
* [NEW] Tank Trap kit model by Artyom Troshin
* [NEW] Construction options moved to items in gear menu (right click wire fencing kit to use etc...)
* [NEW] Hospital Loot Spawn probabilities changed
* [NEW] Players can choose to be a female survivor (once only per CD-Key)
Also I been keeping up with Rocket's post in the forums, and I saw this and couldn't but help laugh my ass off!
Rocket wrote:RE: Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9
(Today 10:58 AM)Sonata Wrote: Does this mean if we choose to be female, we can't go back to male?
(Today 10:54 AM)rocket Wrote: That's correct
(Today 10:51 AM)theReaper Wrote: Is there a reason why we can't switch back?

Because your character reflects YOU.

This isn't fucking WoW
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by FlowerChild »

Lol! Classic :)

I probably would have inserted something about the lack of skilled surgeons in the post-apocalyptic world, but I definitely approve :)
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

Ya I am liking his style! He really does give off the same vibe as you do, even on his stance on donations is a mirror of you.

Rocket is definitely one of the developers I will follow and keep track of. For the amount of shit that gets thrown at him, and the fact he is doing this all of his own volition while also working for the very company his mod is for, He does know what he is doing and is not willing to compromise is core values on what he is trying to create. It will be interesting to see how this mod grows, and what happens when or if he decides to make something commercially based of the mod :)
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

Oh and also best Operations Manager EVER! Remember kids never trust a friend with a embarrassingly horrid picture of you, or you could end up like this!
Introducing some team members - Matt Lightfoot
This is Matt Lightfoot, my operations manager.


Yes, that's right.

This is the man who manages operations for me.
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by FlowerChild »

BTW: If all this talk about anarchy keeps going on, I think I may take a page out of his book and start using the term "Care Bear" ;)
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

Well if it's a BTW themed anarchy server, they would be called Wolfaboos :P
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by kregoth »

FlowerChild, I think you and Rocket both have had the same arguments today. ... er&uid=198
Read his post's on the "WTF is happening to the server community" stuff, rather hilarious read! It's funny that you both had a very similar discussion going on today :)
FlowerChild wrote:My theory is that stupidity acts like an infectious organism on the net. Unless it's regularly pruned from your "garden", it will inevitably overwhelm it and kill off everything else.
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Re: DayZ an Arma II mod you have to try!

Post by FlowerChild »

Lol...favorite quote from his collection of rants:
So the DayZ world has gone to shit? Good. We're on track then. Because its a fucking Zombie Apocalypse.
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