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Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:41 pm
by walker_boh_65
im am a little confused as far as the regaining of acts go, would someone please care to explain to me how that works just a little bit, for future stuff i may or may not do. And also, is this turn sensitive, i.e. each god has an order to 'act' in?
joetalbot1 wrote:Walker looks like Gandalf the Grey
i bit like that, but i was thinking a bit like this, Odin, a Norse god
and if that doesnt work,

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:01 pm
by joetalbot1
no order, just do what ever. And now, for a Decree! At this point, you can earn a minor wish which can be earned by being good at writing and demonstrating said writing skillz in flavor text twice in a row. And you can combine 2 minor wishes into a wish and 2 wishes into a major wish. A minor wish can be used as acts. A wish can grant what 5 acts currently can, i.e. making a star, planets are 2 acts, and moons are 1 act. A major wish can be used to gain an increase in act power for all, or a new sphere of power for yourself.

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:10 pm
by Triskelli
And what about Lord Fido himself? I'd like to try making a sketch for you as well, but I'm stuck on the idea of a more ancient breed of dog as being the God of all dogs.

Anyway, back to the ol' grind.

Triskel flew above the land of Atrium, the Heart at its apex in the heavens. He enjoyed this new sense of liberty and challenge a pair of wings offered. He saw an enormous crack in the planet, and a massive plume of dust. A string of profanities drifted up from the chasm, in a recognizable voice.

Chouette ruffled his feathers in distaste. In these ancestral days words held far more power... and words as strong as
these! How uncouth!

Triskel felt his acolyte's distaste. "That's Bino for you! Always at work and grumbling at somebody. Don't worry, he's a big softie at heart and in love with his job."

"I just wish he wasn't quite so vocal about it!" the owl lamented.

Triskel swooped in for a landing on the lip of the valley, his wings turning into a feathery cape. Chouette resumed his perch on his master's left shoulder. The god peered into the chasm... It was a magnificent sight, the multicolored bands of rock exposed like some giant onion. It reached down into the darkness, where not even Triskel's gaze could not pierce.

"AHOY!" he called in his loudest voice.

"Wha?.. Who be that?!" rose the reply.

"Your brother Triskel! Surely you would not begrudge a visit from me!"

The stout god grunted, and climbed up to the surface. "Never! You are always a welcome guest Triskel." The Lord of Flame gave the Story Weaver a mighty hug, then gestured to the ravine. "So what do you think of my latest work?"

"It's awe-inspiring. A true testament to your incredible might! Tell me, how deep is it?"

"Here? We've lost track, but it gets deep enough in some spots to crush almost any living thing." Bino boasted.

Chouette interrupted, "Why in all of Atrium would you make something so pointless? Why, it makes..."

Hush!" hissed Triskel, as he took a swipe at the mouthy bird.

"So it TALKS, eh?" the stony god chuckled. Chouette returned to his master's shoulder, quite riled by the turn of events. "That's quite the trick, brother! Of course, I should expect no less from one as clever as you!"

we should expect no less from the one that set the world spinning and placed the Coeur in the night sky. My apologies brother! This is Chouette, my owl and companion. I've taught him how to speak, but he has trouble remembering his manners." Triskel changed the subject. "Earlier you said 'we've' lost track. Have you brought your Stonemen with you?"

Bino scratched his beard. "Nope. Got some new helpers here, call 'em the Steelwalkers. They've been digging out this trench , and they're damn good at it too. Marvelous workers, but not the brightest bunch. I gotta keep an eye on 'em to make sure they don't bring the whole thing down! Gwa-ha-ha!"

Triskel took another look into the crevasse. "So will they be living down there?"

"If you can call what they do livin'! They eat rock and metal, and I want them helpin' my Stonemen in their travels."

"I see... So there's a vacancy?"

Bino gave a grin behind his mustache. "Trisk, your people can live in the valley with my blessing."

Chouette ruffled his feathers in shock. "How could he..?"

"I'm not as slow as you think, bird-brain! Brother, he may be able to speak the words of men, but the language of the rocks is my native tongue. I've crafted this world with my own hands... don't you think I'd know what was going on in it?" Bino turned back to the gorge and hopped in. His voice came drifting from the depths once more."


"Yes, Brother?"

"Next time you see Walker, tell him I have a bone to pick! His storms rusted one of my Stonemen's tools, and now Shale won't stop crying about it! Gwa-ha-ha!"

"Of course, Brother!"

With a running start, Triskel lept off the edge of the ravine. With an explosion of feathers, his cape turned back into a set of wings. Wheeling in the air he headed back to Picturesque Point, to tell the Choumen of their new home.

-1 act: Triskel introduces civilization and religion to the Choumen, and they begin to spread across Atrium.

They worship Triskel as the guardian and creator of their people, they honor Noodle for the nature that surrounds them, and they praise Bino for his mighty works. They also appeal to Walker for favourable winds

A howl pierces the night sky. Blood flows on Atrium for the first time. Deep below the earth Bino trembles. A Fidonian lies dead, killed by his host. The stone knife quivers, as its owner realizes what he has down.

Murder has come to Atrium.

And somewhere deep in the night sky,

Triskel cackles with glee.


"Now remember Chouette, I want you on your best behavior. Do not speak unless spoken to."

Triskel entered the Sarguntine Pantheon and sat on his throne, a trail of feathers following him. He's a rare sight there, preferring to visit his own people in disguise. They have done well for themselves, discovering fire and tools, and have begun trading with the Fidonians. While both are friendly at the market, they often laugh amongst themselves about how silly the other looks. It's harmless ribbing, but may become more aggravated in the future. But that's the future... at present, the God of Intelligence enters the room. The king of canines greeted his fellow divinity.

"Glad you could make it, Featherhead!" Fido joked.

"And you wonder why I'm never around!" Triskel whined. "So what was it that you simply had to show me?"

"This!" The dog-headed canine produced a board with an array of black and white squares. Two lines of pieces stood at each end; one white, one black. "This is what is known as Chess. I want to teach it to my Fidonians, but I think your owls would appreciate the challenge as well. So what better way to introduce it to our people than for us to play a game?"

Triskel chuckled. "Heheh, and I thought you were too good for such frivolities! Still, what a story this will make! The God of Intellect challenging the God of cunning in a game of wits! I accept your challenge! Are we playing for anything?"

Fido grinned at his opponent's enthusiasm. "We are playing for the sake of the game itself, and that is enough for us to enjoy it."


Triskel understood the rules easily enough, although they had to be repeated a few times for the sake of Chouette. Fido picked white, while Triskel chose black. As the Dog went to move his first pawn, his peices transformed into statues of Fidonians, gazing intently at their opponents. The Owl moved forward a pawn to meet it, as his changed to visages of choumen. Play continued without interruption until one of Triskel's pawns was captured. Triskel noticed that Chouette was especially perplexed.

"It seems my friend here has a question. What is it, Chouette?"

Fido grunted. "I already told you that the knights can jump over other pieces, bird."

Chouette ignored the slight and asked "I still don't understand what happens to the pieces when they're 'taken'... Where are they taken, precisely?"

Triskel tried to explain, "They're taken off the board, it's not comp..."

"It IS complicated..." the little owl continued. "It's just that..."

"Hush, I want to keep playing." Triskel motioned the bird to be silent. The game went on. Triskel was able to preform some tricky moves, his knights giving Fido some tough decisions to make. But ultimately, the God of Intelligence defeated the God of Deceit. He was the one that invented the game after all.



Triskel left soon after, fabricating some matter to attend to. In reality, he merely wanted to be alone with his thoughts. Soaring through the air he felt at ease, especially now that Walker had lost his bitter edge.

"I know what you were puzzled by, Chouette. A piece in chess is captured because it has died, and can no longer move."

"Oh dear! What kills it? Old age? Disease?..."

Triskel replied with a twinge of bitterness. "It is killed by the piece that captured it. In cold blood, not knowing why, for no better reason than because its god told it to do so. We two gods lament the pieces lost only because they can no longer attack, they can no longer maim, destroy, or kill opponents. But no matter! We can always place the pieces back where they were, and try again!"

Triskel landed on a mighty tree in Noodle's newly formed rainforests, and Chouette flew down beside him. They surveyed this land, so overflowing with life. A Vinewalker could be seen in the far distance, tending to the forest canopy, its' spindly arms caressing a delicate flower. Into this scene entered the eternal question;

"Triskel... What happens after death?"

With a heavy heart came the answer;

"I do not know... We are merely removed from play."


From there flows one of Atrium's immortal stories...

A missionary from the mountains, come to preach his ways to his kin of the plains.

A woman's attraction to an exotic stranger, and for this forbidden fruit.

A jealous husband, overcome with rage and shame, led by a voice in his ear.

A shapeshifter pulling the strings, taking joy from the game he plays.

A knife that has only known mundane tasks.

A murder.


And above it all, Triskel flies laughing though the inky night.
"For the sake of the game, and that is enough!"

-1 act: Triskel sows discord and deceit amongst the Fidonians, playing off the differences between them.
-1 act: His trickery is not discovered by the other gods.

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:20 pm
by Noodlerex
Noodle-god looks around once more, and realizes that even with all the animal life the planet is still devoid of many plants he sets right away to correcting his error.

Creates dense rainforest surrounding half of Mt Charleston and stretching along the River Noodle
-1 acts

Ahh yes this planet was sorely lacking something, but still I do believe I have left myself in a hole, I have created all this space but there is nothing to inhabit it...

-3 acts
NAME OF SPECIES Vine Walkers (Vine Ingredior)
Description- Extremely tall and spindly creatures and the new inhabitants to the rainforest. on an average stroll through the rainforest you would never see them there as they are very shy and cunning. although they loathe to do so the are fully capable of defending themselves by way of strength and the use of Walkers vine poison.

Noodle infests the Rainforest with Insects and a large array of potent herbs.
-2 acts

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:23 pm
by Noodlerex
(( How about something like Anubis for Fido, its kind of how I picture a gigantic dog god))

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:26 pm
by Triskelli
Noodlerex wrote:(( How about something like Anubis for Fido, its kind of how I picture a gigantic dog god))
((That's exactly what I was thinking, but I wanna hear his opinion, as I thought the Fidonians would look the same... also sounds like he wants to be a Greek techno-god rather than an Egyptian one.

Just wanna ask again, why can't we include Deepsniper in the game? The more the merrier!))

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:43 pm
by joetalbot1
Deepsniper will be in a different pantheon, in a different universe that sometimes collides with ours, causing the gods to be trapped on the mortal plane. That is my reasoning, and if you want to join him, keep asking for him to join us. And also, I look like a dog standing on it's hind legs, but with bigger arms, feet, hands, and a toga+leaf-crown-thing, holding a scroll.

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:45 pm
by Deepsniper
I'm still here :P And so you mean I can be the sole god of my own pantheon XD

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:49 pm
by Triskelli
Just want to ask while you're here, Joe; What kind of dog is Fido, and would you rather him be Greek or Egyptian?

Also, I wanna make sure I haven't overstepped my boundaries by tampering with the Fidonians... I'll give a story coming up, but let me say that I will not harm a single one of them personally... their fall from grace will come from their own emotions.

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:52 pm
by walker_boh_65
While watching over this world, from the clouds where I work and live, a lonely environment, a little bird (the only creatures who care to visit me)told me about Triskel having a problem with my rain. I will create a race of cloud men, very angry and bitter people, as they are kept away from the world at all time. It would be in your best interest, for they control the day to day weather from now on. As to show my sincerest apologies to Triskel and in hopes that the immortals will never again cause harm to each other, i shall create an arc across the sky, filled with streaks of every color imaginable. As far as the mortals go, it is just another wonder they do not understand.

NAME OF SPECIES: The Weather Makers (iratus nubem)
STATS: STR: 16 DEX: 3 MIND: 16
DESCRIPTION: These men have an average height for just over 7' tall (thats about 2m 30cm) and have a very short temper. And will change the weather on a wimp just to get a laugh. Not the fastest or most agile of the bunch, but it makes up for that is brains, needed to know how to keep this world in one piece, for the most part.

-1 ACT for the RAINBOW

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:04 pm
by joetalbot1
that's gonna cost 3 acts, the weathermen are.

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:05 pm
by walker_boh_65
joetalbot1 wrote:that's gonna cost 3 acts, the weathermen are.
im not arguing at all, but can i have an explanation as of how/why

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:10 pm
by Noodlerex
walker_boh_65 wrote:
joetalbot1 wrote:that's gonna cost 3 acts, the weathermen are.
im not arguing at all, but can i have an explanation as of how/why
I do believe its because the amount of skill points you placed in them add up to a number between 30 and 40 and its 10 points per one act I think that's how it works that's how I did my vine walkers at least

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:11 pm
by blazeboy91
Can I join here/with DeepSniper?

If the first,
NAME: Subterfuge
DESCRIPTION: God of Rage and Power
SPHERE(S) OF POWER: Rage, Power and Anger
If the second,
Tell me when I can join with those characteristics

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:12 pm
by walker_boh_65
Noodlerex wrote:
walker_boh_65 wrote:
joetalbot1 wrote:that's gonna cost 3 acts, the weathermen are.
im not arguing at all, but can i have an explanation as of how/why
I do believe its because the amount of skill points you placed in them add up to a number between 30 and 40 and its 10 points per one act I think that's how it works that's how I did my vine walkers at least
my understanding was that there was a base to add on to, but i shall accept this and edit it to three, leaving me actless

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:03 pm
by joetalbot1

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:41 pm
by Triskelli
And heck, I'll throw in a freebie.

Triskel went to visit Walker in his cloudy palace, from whence the four winds blew. The Weather-Maker was busy crafting that week's rainstorms, and was adding the thunderbolts as his airborne friend flew in.

"Hmm? Oh, it's just you Triskel. Have a seat, I'll be with you in a second. Lightning is volatile, and I don't want them shooting off in every direction."

Triskel found a seat in the laboratory, and lounged in it.

"Walker, I just came to thank you for your rainbow. We gods have been acting boorish to one another, and it's heartening to think that we are coming together when the world needs us most."

"Yes, terrible things are going on down there how about 23 bolts in this cloud... I can only imagine you're happy about all the discord though. ..and 12 strikes in this clould"

"While I can always appreciate a good story, a tragedy such as this is too much to bear... my only hope is that things will settle down soon."

"I bet you do this storm's probably big enough without lightning. Do you have anything other to do today? I'm rather busy. The monsoons are coming up and I have a lot of clouds to make."

"I understand, Walker. Say, if you have any favors to ask, just let me know!"

And with that, Triskel lept from the window.

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:49 pm
by joetalbot1
Round 00110100
Fido invents chess, computers, and builds the City of Indeos.
Triskel sows evil in the hearts of dogs everywhere.
Bino makes mountains, valleys and 2 creatures to inhabit them.
Noodle does something.
Walker tweaks the weather.

Fido-6 worship and intelligent life
Triskel-5 worship and lies and deceit
Bino-4 worship
Walker-4 worship
Noodle-5 worship and lifee from?
Fido's acts
First blood is what I would say if completely tactless. Alright then. Time to fix some shit. Time for the Great Purge! First, all the saints and good people will be assured a spot in... Well, what should I call a place where you go upon death that rewards you for your good deeds? Afterlife, I guess... Wait! Better name: Haven! That'll work! So, on to the next bit. All the truly evil, shall be removed from the mortal plain, and put into a world of punishment until they repent and prove themselves not evil, then they will be reincarnated. Purgatory, I guess it would be named. Everyone else, I will purge the evil from them and use it to punish the truly evil. Or... No! Bad Fido! No divine black magic! Well, in the meantime, I'll just put it into the far edge of the universe. Now, to nudge civilization towards the creation of Arcane Power, so it can work in tandem with Divine Power... bwe heh heh... the hell did that come from?
Creation of Afterlife -4 acts
Creation of pamphlet detailing in simple words how to bring the source of Arcane Power into existence -1 act
Creation of the Order of the Ventricle and giving them the damn pamphlet -1 act
Watching one of them turn himself into a zebra -Priceless

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:50 pm
by Fracture
Don't want to try balancing being two gods at the same time, but if any of you get frisky with eachother/mortals and open room for demigods/avatars, I'd be interested in joining :o

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:52 pm
by joetalbot1
Triskelli wrote:Just want to ask while you're here, Joe; What kind of dog is Fido, and would you rather him be Greek or Egyptian?
Mixed breed. Beige coat, ears like a beagle and a medium length muzzle.
EDIT: And dude above,<rant> WE ARE ALL MALES. And as for the mortals, why? We are not a bunch of horny teenage football hooligans, we are men who draw pleasure from things other than biological needs, like a good game of chess, or a good game of soccer. Maybe a good book or a thought provoking conversation.</rant>

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:08 am
by Triskelli
^...says the furry.^

(Sorry! Sorry! It's late and I thought that would be funny! And honestly, it kinda is.)

I'll try my hand at doing Fido's regal figure justice tomorrow. Just want to say that I hope I'm not railroading the plot too much, and if I am, I hope you guys are enjoying the ride. =]

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:22 am
by Fracture
joetalbot1 wrote:<rant> WE ARE ALL MALES. And as for the mortals, why? We are not a bunch of horny teenage football hooligans, we are men who draw pleasure from things other than biological needs, like a good game of chess, or a good game of soccer. Maybe a good book or a thought provoking conversation.</rant>
I was joking xD

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:22 am
by BinoAl
At times, it is best to appreciate the small things. Not forming mountains, further shaping my canvas of earth, but simple carving. I will create 4 Statues, given to my StoneMen to scatter around the planet. They will each hold the power to shape the land to the user's wishes, whether the user be god, sentient life, or otherwise. They may not have my full power, but it shall be enough. Evil comes from all the power in one group. This way, I am not shaping this world alone. This is the only fair way.
Created 4 Statues, which will be randomly placed throughout the world. Each statue can be used to form an area to the user's wishes. -4 Acts

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:46 am
by Triskelli
Ooh, that's awesome, Bino! I call dibs on one, but I don't want to use it just yet.

---Also, Joetalbot, I think we would all appreciate a map of the world so far. Doesn't have to be a detailed chart on a piece of parchment, just something whipped up in Paint to show us what's east, west, north, and south, with the major landmarks pointed out.

---And to cut off any potential criticism of how I handled my latest act... They say that the mind is the greatest story-teller of all. Rather than write out a gripping tale of love and revenge, I thought it would be better to lay out the plot-points and let you have a chance to decide the details for yourselves.

In addition, just want to say again, if someone doesn't like the way I've portrayed their character or if a plot element I introduce seems overpowered, then please let me know! I want this to be a fun, collaborative story-telling experience! Hell, the more elements you guys introduce, the better I can write and the more detailed this world becomes!


---Triskel wandered through the hustle of Indeos, in the guise of a Choumen. The city on the plains had quickly become the capital of the Dogs, and the most prosperous place in all of Atrium. Markets, Libraries, Granaries, all the benefits of civilization were here in one place. All the downfalls were here as well; crime, poverty, and corruption. It was paradise for any god that meddled in the ways of mortals, and Triskel couldn't have been happier to reap what he had sown.

---Still, he had come for a specific purpose... he had heard of some new form of magic created by Fido, involving numbers. It sounded like nonsense to him, but it could prove useful. He arrived at the Grand Library of Indeos and stepped inside, talons clicking across the marble floor. He greeted the first scholar he could find.

"Good morrow! May Fido protect us both!" Triskel said as cheerfully as he manage.

"Oh! Good morrow! Is there anything I can help you with sir?" The owls were a rare sight in the library, but were common at the market trading exquisitely crafted woodwork and salted fish for tools and grain.

"I heard that you had some marvel of the Gods here at the library, and was wondering if I could learn anything about it?"

"My my, word DOES travel fast... It's barely been a week since it had been given to us from Fido himself! I might be able to show it to you, but we're not entirely sure what it does yet ourselves. This way" The retriever walked deeper into the library, and Triskel followed.

---Down into the basement, and then deeper still, until they reached a massive room. A strange, black device could be seen humming in the back, consuming almost all of the space. A number of dogs stood around one end of the device, huddled in front of a screen. Triskel could see a window, with an array of numbers and symbols on it. Triskel's tour-guide explained that this was a computer, and it could perform math as quickly as the numbers could be entered. The dog paused, and then asked,

"I don't believe I caught your name, friend..."

Triskel grinned back. "I don't believe I dropped it! Ha! *ahem*... but yes, my name is Jean-Luc. Thank you for showing me this wonder of the world. If you don't mind my asking though, what is the computer good for? Abacuses can do the same without being so large.

"Well, right now it's just a novelty" the canine replied. "But I've been trying to see if we can use it to keep track of the library's scrolls. We've gotten so many it becomes hard to remember where they all are. Why just the other day..."

---Triskel was finally able to make his way back out onto the street. The dog had been insistent on explaining all the trials of being a scholar. Triskel flew off, and thought about what he had seen in the catacombs. This was a very limited kind of magic, but it had potential... Still, why worry oneself with organization when a well-placed fireball could destroy it. The Arcane and Divine arts were much more practical areas of study in the Deceiver's mind.

-2 acts, Triskel gives magic to the Owls.
-1 act, Triskel teaches metal-working to the Owls.

Re: Forum Game Called Godhood!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:39 pm
by BinoAl
Triskelli wrote:Ooh, that's awesome, Bino! I call dibs on one, but I don't want to use it just yet.
Remember, any life can use one, even unintelligent life like atrial fowls. The only race who cant use them is the stonemen, because i used them to hide them :D I figured since the fidonians seem to be spreading and settling, they would find at least one... ;D