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Re: Soylent (But not green)

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:20 am
by Whuppee
Larmantine wrote:How do you feel? How is the metabolism? Have you noticed any weight loss? Do you experience cravings?

The longest I stuck with Soylent was about a month, and I felt great. But I don't think I lost any weight. My activity levels aren't what they should be. Insofar as I understand nutrition, which I may not, I think the initially 70ish percent carbohydrate makeup of Soylent may have been less than ideal. As dietary shifts go, it was far better than what I would have been eating otherwise, but my impression is that those ratios are better tailored to a more active, healthier person. In combination, I expect it should come as no surprise that I observed no rapid shifts in my composition.

I experience notably more acid reflux on Soylent than not, but this is to say that I experience it, if less, regardless of my diet. I've experienced no gastric distress otherwise. By version, they have changed their ratios, protein source/granule size, reduced sugar content, and added various enzymes intended to aid digestion. I'm not sure how much success this has met with. The only change I've noticed is that I like the taste less now, though it's still quite tolerable.

I experience less cravings than usual while on Soylent, but it may have just been the usual variance, cycles of discipline and will, some placebo, etc. I do think it likely that I had a number of dietary deficiencies that were at least moderately well addressed by it, and perhaps consequently less cravings.

My energy levels were good (relative, but much better than my usual). Mostly I would emphasize the lack of highs and lows, crashes. By contrast, I tend to oscillate between eating well and being disciplined and, well, binge eating with abandon: the Louis C.K. bit where I eat until I hate myself. In either case, though greatly exacerbated by the latter, my energy varies and variously plummets. Something to do with glycemic indexes, blood sugar, many other factors, I expect. Then I level off, feel good for awhile, and repeat. By analogy, the highs and lows of caffeine. On Soylent, I experience none of that. I'm never hungry nor ever uncomfortably full. I experience instead a great, consistent, comfortable peak. Aside being a relatively healthy, time-saving alternative to food, I think this is one of its best selling points.

Re: Soylent (But not green)

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:20 am
by Larmantine
Whuppee wrote:Belatedly
What about finances? How did it impact your social life?

Re: Soylent (But not green)

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:19 pm
by Whuppee
I spend less when I'm eating tons of chicken and veggies, but it's pretty easy to match the cost of Soylent the moment snacks or variety get included. While it's possible to eat for less, even while eating well, I don't think I've ever spent less on groceries in a month than what Soylent would cost. At times, I've spent significantly more per month eating most of my meals out. Overall, it saves me money, and it never exceeds what I would have spent anyway.

My social life is the same, but I haven't tried mixing the two. I eat whatever everyone else is having. Otherwise, I live and eat most of my meals alone, so I try to fit eating well or Soylent here.

Re: Soylent (But not green)

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:42 pm
by Larmantine
Cool, thanks for sharing. Well, I'd try it out, but in a country where the minimum wage is ~300 EUR (taxes deducted) or less, not entirely certain, kind of unsure if its worth it.

Re: Soylent (But not green)

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:25 pm
by Whuppee
You're welcome. Also, I've never used the do-it-yourself resources, but if it may be of interest, consider and the discussions at

Re: Soylent (But not green)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:58 pm
by Whuppee
This was brought to my attention: ... lent-faqs/. As counterpoint: ... oposition/

Unless you're on a particularly conscientious diet already, my impression is that you're still likely to be doing better on Soylent than not. Anyway, heads up, and your mileage may vary.