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Re: Say hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:04 pm
by Rekablade
Hello, I am glad to be on the forums. I don't have much experience with this mod yet but I'm looking forward to using it more and maybe getting help from the community. :D

edit> I'm already having fun keeping up with all the post already, hope i can keep up with the community.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:22 pm
by finite8
Thanks to whoever made my topic a sticky before. Was replying to someone when i looked over the topic and realised that it was turned into a sticky, the other persons post removed and i was replying to myself. lol.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:27 pm
by Zraupp
Hello my name is Zachary my MineCraft gaming name is Zraupp, I am 19 years old I turn 20 in November I really would like to try this mod out looks like FUN! and was thinking to make an adventure map with this mod to make it look SWEET not sure how that will go...

I play mostly PFS game // Call of Duty 1/uo/2/4/5; BattleField: 2; BattleField: Bad Company 2; Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory; and others

I make 2d/3d models of homes; pc parts (pain) ect; also looking to get back into photoshop again :-D

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:34 pm
by wolf
hi everybody :D feel free to call me "spak" or "wolf" lol had to pick that name

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:37 pm
by legox97
Yeah! Excited about the new forum and good luck to flower with all the future of this mod and site. Glad to see that we can finally have a controlled forum for ACTUAL discussion and show off amazing structures using this wonderful mod. :)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:41 pm
by Mattaccount
Hello BTW forum. I'm looking forward to awesomeness, and the thread getting back to what it was... Well thinking of that there have always been trolls.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:50 pm
by darahalian
Hey everybody!

I'm darahalian, and even though I like wolves quite a lot in real life, the wolves in minecraft really are kind of annoying, and so I have no problem with the premise and name of this mod. I would definitely have to agree that everything in this mod really is better than wolves, or at least minecraft wolves! :D

I'll have to get used to the new format here, but these new forums should be quite enjoyable without all the constant trolling!

Cheers!! :)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:55 pm
by Triskelli

The name's Triskelli, but y'all can just call me Triskelli. I was a bit of a lurker on the main thread, and hope to become a dedicated lurker of these new forums too.

Note: No Avatar options? :cry:

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:57 pm
by cheechako
cheechako (way back on June 7 - page 172) wrote: For me, the challenge is just putting all the pieces together. I'm 100% legit - I bought Minecraft. :) But what I bought was a toy more than a game, a bit like the ultimate Lego set.
FlowerChild (in response) wrote: See, I can respect and appreciate that. You're the type of person that the construction challenges themselves are what motivates you to keep playing.
Don't mean to bring up the past, but then again, I do - just because I feel I should identify myself as a (somewhat) long-time but infrequent poster who stayed out of the recent mess(es) on MCF. In fact, I don't think I even posted in that BTW thread since before the crash.

I'm a fan, but not a fanboy. I doubt I would play MC were it not for BTW. I'm working on a mod which is taking forever, inspired in part by FC and BTW. Of course, I also think of going back to OpenTTD or something, which is inspired in large part by the MCF "community".

Oh, I'm also the "Nick Arcade " guy for anyone from SA/IRC.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:02 am
by FaceFoiled
Hi there! :)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:15 am
by redrew89
Hello, everyone! I'm ReDrew, and I've been using Better Than Wolves (on and off) since Minecraft version 1.4_01. In recent releases, I've been thrilled to see the work and thought that has gone into the newest features, and have found that BTW has replaced much of the functionality I had previously relied on other mods for. (For example, the release that added hoppers ended up with me abandoning Paeff's mod [The Allocator Mod, for those un-aware].) I have lurked the MCForum thread for several weeks, and, after recent events, am very excited to see this new, dedicated forum, up and running. (That new forum smell is just lovely.)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:20 am
by Danyo
Adjudicator79 wrote:I am very pleased to see the new forums up and running. I was lurking for the last several days at the official Minecraft BTW thread, just reading the entire thing and doing my best not to post, given the coordinated troll attacks.

I did learn about the BTW mod from the Yogcast video. To be honest, the real reason I stuck around through 400+ pages of thread was because it was the first mod I saw that seemed to have a clear design philosophy behind it. I never was one for mods, feeling like they altered the game too much.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here and I look forward to diving back into meaningful Minecrafting with the BTW mod!
Hey, I'm danyo, and I quoted part of Adjudicator79's post because it's pretty much the same as my story :P Just had to delete a few lines to make it perfect!

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:33 am
by SirSnapback
Ayee! Whats up, im Ryan or SirSnapback but call me Ryan. :)

Found out about BTW through yogscast and has been active on the old forums for about a week.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:40 am
by the_fodder
Hey nice digs. I like this classic look so much better then the look of the official forums.

Are we going to get a link to the wiki?

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:41 am
by Fracture
Heyo. Was Descar on the MC forums, couldn't go by my typical screen name on those forums since someone took it before I got around to registering there haha.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:52 am
by PlayerZero
Just Saying HI, and thank you for reorganizing. Took me hours of reading your old forum just to glean any true info. This place is much better.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:13 am
Hey all! Kept my mouth shut for the Yogaboos but now I'm FINALLY... ABLE... TO!!!!...... *Enjoy a nice quiet conversation filled with many pleasantries* Oh yeah, and did I forget to mention? ... Mention what exactly
"Damn, I forgot what I was going to say before I even forgot it..."
FlowerChild wrote: If people thought I was a prick before, wait until they see me mad with forum-administrator power!!!!!


Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:42 am
by TheYaMeZ
Hey everyone! Very happy about these new forums. Now things won't get lost so easily and things will be less.. spammy..

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:59 am
by Fracture
In retrospect, probably should have kept with Descar for continuity's sake. Any way I can change my profile name? Doesn't seem to be under "Edit Profile"...

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:38 am
by Flesh_Engine
Present to lurk :)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:41 am
by morvelaira

My name is morvelaira, and I hope to be a good part of this community. Just a little note about myself - I suffer from kidney problems, which sometimes builds toxins in my bloodstream, impeding my thinking process. I think slowly, and when I do manage to put words together, it does not always make sense or get my point across. Since this was not always the case, it can be frustrating!

Please, have patience with me, and I will do my best to have patience with myself. I can't wait to start working together with you all in this happy place.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:51 am
by Dralnalak
All right, I'll bite. (Though I do have to admit that this thread feels like we're coming here just to admit we're addicted to the Better Than Wolves mod.)

The handle is Dralnalak, which is really just a gibberish name but was used for a character in a pen and paper RPG. I was trying to avoid using any of my normal handles when I registered Minecraft. I kept it for the forums, and now here.

I have only been playing Minecraft for a few months. I mostly lurked in the BTW thread until the whole Yogbox chaos, where I posted in part because I was trying to answer some questions that seemed to be getting buried and in part because the Yogaboos were annoying me. (The latter being a poor reason to post, I know.)

In Minecraft, I have played a number of worlds. Once I've got things flowing along well, I tend to get bored and want to try starting over someplace different. I also get a kick out of just exploring the world. In one my worlds, there was a lot of water so I spent hours sailing around in my boat just seeing what was out there. (I'm one of those people who explore the whole map in most other games too, especially randomly generated ones where you never knwo what interesting thing might be just over the next hill.)

I am also working on some mod code of my own, in the most part because I want to expand my skills with Java and this seems like a project I'd actually put time into rather than deciding it felt too much like I was spending my free time on work. Most of what I've done is nothing I'd even consider releasing as they're either small things put in to add a couple of things I wanted into the game or they're experiments to see what is possible and whether I can acomplish a task. If I can get some of the additional farming things working well, I may end up releasing that as an actual mod, though I will need to find a texture artist before I do that as I'm currently using artwork I borrowed from the Painterly Pack and from other mods.

Yes, I do in fact like farming in Minecraft. It's not just about resources, it's about creating a sustainable system and protecting it from the creepers.

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:50 am
by FlowerChild name is FlowerChild, and I'm an alcoholic.

Wait, is this the right forum? :)

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:52 am
by Fracture
FlowerChild name is FlowerChild, and I'm an alcoholic.

Wait, is this the right forum? :)
Of course.

...And how does that make you feel?

Re: Say hello!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:59 am
by Urian
FlowerChild name is FlowerChild, and I'm an alcoholic.

Wait, is this the right forum? :)
Hello FlowerChild.

Wait, I might also be in the wrong place. :)

Um, yeah. I came here to say "hi". Hi. If you've changed your username or avatar, I will most likely not recognize you (at least not for a while) :p