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Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:48 am
by Miss_Kat
Holy crap. That's some list of "tweaks" and small additions! Thanks for the awesome update, FC.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:49 am
by Damion Rayne
PatrickSJ wrote:Plate Armor requires Steel and Armor Plates.

Helm - Use Steel like a normal helm and also place 1 armor plate as a chin strap.
Leggings - 3 steel across the top, 2 plate down each side for legs.
Breastplate - 6 steel across the bottom, 1 plate on each side for shoulder straps.
Boots - Same as usual boot recipe; just use steel.
Thank you patrick.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:53 am
by Mrchaim
The bow recipie is 3 bones 3 mouldings both arranged in a >> shape on the crafting grid, then a piece of string in the lone remaining middle slot, and two glue/slime in other two remaining slots.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:58 am
by Haidaes
I so knew that your "nothing major" would result in me playing another 20 hours of minecraft :D.
Thanks alot and have a nice vacation.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:00 am
by Lighthouse
Mrchaim wrote:The bow recipie is 3 bones 3 mouldings both arranged in a >> shape on the crafting grid, then a piece of string in the lone remaining middle slot, and two glue/slime in other two remaining slots.
Shouldn't really mention 'gear' on your first post to confuse everyone else. Oh you ninja edited. :P

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:16 am
by Lighthouse
Broadhead Arrows are made by using broadhead, moulding and feature with same fashion as making normal arrow.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:17 am
by M!C
Thanks for the update and keep up the good work, after your vacation of course.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:36 am
by Mrchaim
Lighthouse wrote:
Mrchaim wrote:
Shouldn't really mention 'gear' on your first post to confuse everyone else. Oh you ninja edited. :P
Yup, i'd gotten confused - Although it is true, real life modern day composite bows use gear/pulley systems to make it far easier to pull the bow vs the power you get out. Personally, i always prefered using a proper recurve - better exercise than a compound bow.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:47 am
by TheGuy
Lighthouse wrote:
Mrchaim wrote:The bow recipie is 3 bones 3 mouldings both arranged in a >> shape on the crafting grid, then a piece of string in the lone remaining middle slot, and two glue/slime in other two remaining slots.
Shouldn't really mention 'gear' on your first post to confuse everyone else. Oh you ninja edited. :P
Yeah gear would really only make sense if he called it a Compound bow. Thanks for the recipes. I'm updating the wiki with that data.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:52 am
by Fracture
Damn, awesome update again FC!

Played around with some stuff, decided to test the whole proportions thing, and kinda leveled the entire house-area of my estate. Thank the gods I had the sense to make a nice long fuse for starting the hibachis, and that I wanted a new house anyway. I didn't realize it would be THAT big.

Love all the simple little additions that make things flow much smoother, and of course the new and interesting ways you've given me to blow myself up. Stoked cauldrons with unpowered hibachis are now my favourite landmines ;D

Edit: Quick question I don't have the time to test at current, will hibachis in a circle of 8 around the base of a cauldron/crucible properly power it, or is the center block absolutely necessary? Either way I can make an automated process that's roughly as efficient, but it'd be simpler if the center block is not necessary.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:58 am
by FlowerChild
Mrchaim wrote: Yup, i'd gotten confused - Although it is true, real life modern day composite bows use gear/pulley systems to make it far easier to pull the bow vs the power you get out. Personally, i always prefered using a proper recurve - better exercise than a compound bow.
As the poster above just kinda mentioned, that's a compound bow that you're talk about with the pulley system ;)

Glad everyone is enjoying this release so much! Seriously though, I don't consider it anything major as it doesn't really include any new super-cool mechanical blocks or what have you. On the other hand, I think it more just represents me trying to put some finishing touches on the "Age of Wood" to make it a more complete experience.

Plus, I've got to say, it's nice to have the gloves taken off with regards to having infinite texture indices. It really allows me to put in small little touches, that I might not have otherwise, like the composite bow. It's not exactly the kind of thing I normally do, but on the other hand, I think those kinds of things help to flesh out the mod and make it a more complete experience that fits into the overall feel of vanilla a little better.

Besides, it's so damn easy for me to put in a new weapon or piece of armor, relative to the other kind of stuff I normally do, why the hell not? ;)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:04 am
by Fracture
FlowerChild wrote: Plus, I've got to say, it's nice to have the gloves taken off with regards to having infinite texture indices. It really allows me to put in small little touches, that I might not have otherwise, like the composite bow. It's not exactly the kind of thing I normally do, but on the other hand, I think those kinds of things help to flesh out the mod and make it a more complete experience that fits into the overall feel of vanilla a little better.
On this note, something I've kinda wondered for a while-- Have the new functions you have with the Forge allowed you to change direction, somewhat, from the way you were taking BTW before integrating Forge? Apologies if you covered that in your interview, hectic times lately have left me unable to listen to more than a few clips from it.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:12 am
by FlowerChild
Fracture wrote: On this note, something I've kinda wondered for a while-- Have the new functions you have with the Forge allowed you to change direction, somewhat, from the way you were taking BTW before integrating Forge? Apologies if you covered that in your interview, hectic times lately have left me unable to listen to more than a few clips from it.
Hmmm...not much really. The texture index thing is the only area where I can say it's really changed things for me design-wise, and I was already looking into alternative solutions for that when I discovered the Forge (which was one of the reasons I decided to join it).

Other than that, most of the Forge functionality I've been using is stuff I code myself. Like version 1.05 of the Forge included functions for retexturing the player-model with new armor types, specifically because I knew I wanted to put the steel armor in (planning to include those hooks was actually why I didn't include the plate armor in the previous release to begin with).

Other than that, the main thing it allows me to do though is make those kinds of base-class modifications without completely fucking over compatibility with other mods (on the contrary, now when I do it, I'm generally providing additional functionality for other modders, like the armor anyone else can do that very easily). You'll notice now that with each new version I'm releasing, the number of base-classes I modify is decreasing, and that's because most of that functionality is migrating over into the Forge.

Granted, that will likely change in the future. Once we include stuff like sound-support in the Forge, I'll likely be making much more extensive use of it. At present, it's really only got a fraction of the functionality it will eventually have as myself and the other modders involved continue to add to it.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:13 am
by grimper12341
Something to watch out for with this release:

Minecraft Forge 1.0.6 is not compatible with MCPatcher, so can't use HD textures. Also, to get rid of any effects MCPatcher had you have to reinstall minecraft (ie, back up your saves, delete the .minecraft folder, run launcher)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:14 am
by Fracture
grimper12341 wrote:Something to watch out for with this release:

Minecraft Forge 1.0.6 is not compatible with MCPatcher, so can't use HD textures. Also, to get rid of any effects MCPatcher had you have to reinstall minecraft (ie, back up your saves, delete the .minecraft folder, run launcher)
Nah, all you have to do is delete version.txt and run the launcher for fresh files.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:46 am
by darahalian
Fracture wrote:
grimper12341 wrote:Something to watch out for with this release:

Minecraft Forge 1.0.6 is not compatible with MCPatcher, so can't use HD textures. Also, to get rid of any effects MCPatcher had you have to reinstall minecraft (ie, back up your saves, delete the .minecraft folder, run launcher)
Nah, all you have to do is delete version.txt and run the launcher for fresh files.
Or you can just make a habit of keeping clean backup copies of each version of Minecraft as they come out...

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:49 am
by grimper12341
<.< me just trying to help peeps

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:15 am
by Mrchaim
Actually, it's perfectly compatible - you just need to install the mods first, THEN patch the game with the HD Patcher. At least, that's what i've done, and I'm yet to see any problems (Albiet i had a bought of world corruption hit a couple of my saves, but they were backed up and i'm inclined to think it was something to do with me fiddling with them with MCedit). Still, thank you for trying to give a heads up to people Gimper - it is appreciated.

As an aside - 64 string = 1 glue, and 16 Wool = 1 glue. Something to do with the excesses of a hemp farm at least =)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:18 am
by grimper12341
ohs nice o.o

So seems we just gotta do the reinstall then patch. Trying to install a the new version of Forge over the top of a patched game will cause it to crash.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:20 am
by Urian
Note that if you're getting a saving chunks crash then it might be because you're using Zombe's fly mod. You can't use overwrite Forge's gs.class with the one from Zombe or it will crash.

With this and the incompatibility with the HD-patcher, I must say my liking of Forge has plummeted...

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:28 am
by Mrchaim
Urian wrote:Note that if you're getting a saving chunks crash then it might be because you're using Zombe's fly mod. You can't use overwrite Forge's gs.class with the one from Zombe or it will crash.

With this and the incompatibility with the HD-patcher, I must say my liking of Forge has plummeted...
Nope, it wasn't that - the chunk error was limited to some savefile corruption from McEDit (Resulting in the world's seed trying to reinsert mountains in chunks... where they didn't actually belong. ooops. Hilarious looking, if sort of destructive.). I don't actually use Zombee's fly mod.

But as said, i do belive MCPatcher and Forge are compatible, you just need to switch up the install order - Then again, the only reason i use the patcher is to get different looking water/lava, as i personally use Jolicraft for my stuff, so i may be simply not noticing some more deeply hidden compatibility issues.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:05 am
by FlowerChild
Urian wrote: With this and the incompatibility with the HD-patcher, I must say my liking of Forge has plummeted...
That's rather unfair man. The Forge represents a group of modders deciding to work together to make more mods compatible with each other.

If other mod authors have yet to choose to participate in that, and their mods are incompatible as a result, it seems rather backwards to dislike the standard that is trying to rectify that problem.

As the old saying goes "you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs".

In this case, you can not create a modding standard without breaking compatibility with mods that do not adopt it. Player support, and patience with the temporary incompatibilities that result is crucial to that process.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:13 am
by Urian
FlowerChild wrote:
Urian wrote: With this and the incompatibility with the HD-patcher, I must say my liking of Forge has plummeted...
That's rather unfair man. The Forge represents a group of modders deciding to work together to make more mods compatible with each other.

If other mod authors have yet to choose to participate in that, and their mods are incompatible as a result, it seems rather backwards to dislike the standard that is trying to rectify that problem.

As the old saying goes "you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs".

In this case, you can not create a modding standard without breaking compatibility with mods that do not adopt it. Player support, and patience with the temporary incompatibilities that result is crucial to that process.
I might have been unclear and a bit harsh(morning without any coffee yet when I posted and English is my third language). I do like Forge and I think that it's a great initiative that I fully support. Perhaps it would have been better to say that I'm annoyed with the incompatibilities and that it's more the incompatibilities that I dislike. I know that Forge is meant to overcome just these kinds of problems, it's the waiting for it to happen that I don't like :)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:21 am
by ilovekintoki
Thanks for the update FC!

Re: New Release! (Version 2.93)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:29 am
by Deepsniper
And I thought you were just going to do a few tweeks... FC you are incredibly AWSOME!