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Re: Jesar's BTW Video Log of Sorts

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:02 am
by Jesar
Update! Entry 14 is now up!

Re: Jesar's BTW Video Log of Sorts

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:36 pm
by FlowerChild
I've watched the first episode and a half of your series man, and am quite enjoying it so far. It's great for me to get some insight into the minds of players that are having a rough time with the mod like this.

Anyways, keep at it man. I get the impression I'm a bit behind to be giving advice on your playstyle given you've logged so many episodes since, but I'll be sure to do so once I reach the more recent episodes.

Re: Jesar's BTW Video Log of Sorts

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:33 pm
by Jesar
FlowerChild wrote:I've watched the first episode and a half of your series man, and am quite enjoying it so far. It's great for me to get some insight into the minds of players that are having a rough time with the mod like this.

Anyways, keep at it man. I get the impression I'm a bit behind to be giving advice on your playstyle given you've logged so many episodes since, but I'll be sure to do so once I reach the more recent episodes.

To be honest, I'm actually not even focusing on the video log world right now. I've recently started a new world and had a sudden burst of insight and inspiration. I'm having a blast with the mod right now, and the only problem I'm having is finding the time to actually record more episodes for the series. I am going to, don't worry about that, but now I'm kinda split between two worlds, and having fun in both. :D

Also, I record a bunch of the episodes at once, and slowly upload them over the course of the week. If you don't mind having a ton of episodes sitting there waiting for you, I can just do burst uploading.

Re: Jesar's BTW Video Log of Sorts

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:42 am
by eternal8phoenix
Ok, not to be rude or anything, but I'm finding it really difficult to watch. In the latter half your editing software is zooming the camera on a corner of the screen and the sudden lurches when you start moving around again is actually making me a little queasy.

I do enjoy watching your videos though. They are really entertaining :)

EDIT: Ok, I just read that back and realized I made a mistake. The above comment so far only noticed in episode 14. The rest are great. Sorry for any confusion.

Re: Jesar's BTW Video Log of Sorts

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:11 am
by Jesar
Entry 15 is up!
eternal8phoenix wrote:Ok, not to be rude or anything, but I'm finding it really difficult to watch. In the latter half your editing software is zooming the camera on a corner of the screen and the sudden lurches when you start moving around again is actually making me a little queasy.
Whoah, sorry about that, that's youtube's doing. I didn't notice it, because I watched it before I told youtube it could add stabilization to it. Never doing that again, thanks for catching it. Let me know if you catch stuff like that in the future. Thanks!
eternal8phoenix wrote:I do enjoy watching your videos though. They are really entertaining :)
Thanks alot, I enjoy making them.

Re: Jesar's BTW Video Log of Sorts

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:40 pm
by eternal8phoenix
Ok, thanks for fixing it. :) I'd hate to have to stop watching because of something stupid like that.

Onwards to 15!

Re: Jesar's BTW Video Log of Sorts

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:51 pm
by Zhil
I watched a fair few of these, was entertaining, thanks :)

Re: Jesar's BTW Video Log of Sorts

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:55 am
by Jesar
16 is up!

I'm planning of doing a default BTW with default texturepack playthrough from scratch with every moment recorded, with maybe some of the digging or tree punching cut out. These will be 20-30 minute videos and eventually will trickle out to project build videos as I get up the tech tree and simple survival is no longer the subject of concentration. Thanks again for watching guys, and I surely came a long way from the dying 20+ times before I started this series.

So next release will be a new series, but I will keep it in this thread.

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:22 am
by Jesar
Episode 1 part 1 of the new series, A New World, is up.

I chose to discontinue the video log because my play style has improved drastically since it began, and I wanted a fresh install of BTW 4.891 with no issues from addons or texture packs getting in the way of the experience. I've decided that I'm not using any extra content with this world (except up to date texturepacks if I'm off camera) so that I can avoid issues with the world becoming too discontinuous. I just don't like the feeling of having a default world generated with various other terrain jarringly shoehorned in.

Since I want a continuous world and be up to date with BTW at all times with no issues, default is the way I'll go. And I'm quite happy with how the new world is turning out to be honest.


Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:08 pm
by jorgebonafe
Wow.... You sure are giving me lots to do with my free time XD

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:18 am
by Jesar
I kinda forgot to update the op in a little while. Now there are about...21 episodes of A New World. XD (some are still uploading as of this post)

There are some changes I want to make. Firstly, I don't really like the title of the series. This is my main and only world, and with the great progess I've made in it (got a diamond pick and about to make my first nether portal) I can safely say that I'm never restarting again. At least, I don't want to. I'm attached to this world now, and genuinely care for it. So "A New World" doesn't really fit anymore. Now it's mory like "The Only World." That doesn't sound healthy for a video game world though. :P

The next change is that I'm messing around with audacity thanks to a recommendation from a viewer. I didn't realize how easy noise cancellation is, and with it I will make my videos easier to listen too. To make editing the audio a less daunting task, and to make the episodes less time consuming (seriously, we all have limited time and I'm honored that anyone would use some of theirs to listen to my mic static and tired rambling/silence), I'm going to try to cut the time of episodes down to 5-8 minutes. I think that this will be possible with more diligence in the choosing-when-to-push-record area.

Sorry Jorge, but I'm going for the short side now. :p

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:36 pm
by jorgebonafe
The last world I played I called "The Last Journey" in an effort to convince myself never to restart again :P

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:39 pm
by jorgebonafe
Jesar wrote:5-8 minutes
Jesar wrote:5-8 minutes
Jesar wrote:5-8 minutes

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:21 pm
by Jesar
I got episodes 6<17<23 up, and put episode 22 up as the featured. I'm happy with episodes 22 and 23's format and audio quality, at least for the time being. I may go into further detail with audacity in future parts (when I have the time) and try to normalize the volume and such. Also, I'm going to do extensive testing to get my Minecraft volume to be loud enough to be heard. When I'm recording, the Minecraft Volume is usually really, really loud and I turn it down, but in the videos, it's almost undetectable.
jorgebonafe wrote:The last world I played I called "The Last Journey" in an effort to convince myself never to restart again :P
Squaresoft tried something similar back in the day. :>

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:02 am
by Jesar
Part 24 is up.

I'm thinking of building a network of roads out to hcs limits soon. First, I want death protection. Second, I want to get some animals/wolves to my base without leading them over hills and mountains. Roads will help with that.

What I'm thinking of is dying at least once more (this time on purpose) to get these roads started. Not because I need to, but because I want to experience a real hardcore spawn at least once, and I've gotten so good at this game that I think I may not die before I get some sort of nether portal/road system in place to drastically reduce the impact of dying.

If I do this, would anyone be interested in actually watch all that first days stuff again, or would you want me to cut back to when I reach base again to continue in the tech tree? I'm getting close to a major breakthrough at the moment...

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:59 pm
by Jesar
I can't believe I didn't put episode 25 up on this thread until now. Oops...

This episode was actually really fun for me. I didn't get any new things built, but I still enjoyed the wandering and pet gathering. I feel that windmill taunting me though. :<

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:49 am
by Jesar
Episodes 26 & 27 are up. 26 is featured because 27 was rather boring by comparison. Rainy days ruin everything. Also of note, I've changed the name of the series from "A New World" to "Better Than Wolves" because the title got old. And so people who don't read descriptions know what mod it is I guess.

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:35 pm
by Jesar
I got 28 and 29 up, and I have to say, I'm very much enjoying not having to eat melon anymore. I can't believe I went that long without making a chicken coup. I can't imagine how many arrows I've missed out on because of that.

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:14 am
by Rob
Hey Jesar, the series is going great. Really enjoying it.

Ignore the spoiler if you don't want unsolicited 'advice'. >.>
I did want to point something out to help you with making the videos more professional.
Icy did a great howto video on sound recording here: . It should help you with removing background noise.

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:51 am
by Jesar
Rob wrote:Hey Jesar, the series is going great. Really enjoying it.

Ignore the spoiler if you don't want unsolicited 'advice'. >.>
I did want to point something out to help you with making the videos more professional.
Icy did a great howto video on sound recording here: . It should help you with removing background noise.
I'm glad you're enjoying the series so far! Also, thanks for the link. I've already tried some noise removal in audacity, but kinda use it off and on. However, I'm currently uploading an hour long build special that I took a little more time with. I removed the noise and normalized it. Again, I'm no video editor, but I can improve slightly over time. I'm not totally against editing, especially when my mic is so shit and my computer so loud, but if I do too much I won't be able to make as much content as I want. As it stands, I just hop on btw with my mic on and turn the camera occasionally to capture some magic. Nothing special, I'm not trying to be a big let's player or anything. At least, I don't have plans right now for it. I just want to share my experiences.

At any rate, "unsolicited" is a strong word considering I welcome criticism. :)

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:33 pm
by Zhil
I could help you with your mic issues if you want. Signal-to-noise seems rather bad, so I'm assuming that you're using Windows to boost its volume, which is crap. Probably better ways to do it.

What mic do you have? Headset? Model?

I can highly recommend the Dicsong DM-10, which is less than $10 with free shipping (for me at least). ... ipod-41017

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:33 pm
by eternal8phoenix
Jesar wrote: I'm currently uploading an hour long build special
:D yay! I like long videos, and you are simultaneously hilarious and infuriating to watch. This is gonna be awesome. :)

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:34 pm
by Jesar
Gilberreke wrote:I could help you with your mic issues if you want. Signal-to-noise seems rather bad, so I'm assuming that you're using Windows to boost its volume, which is crap. Probably better ways to do it.

What mic do you have? Headset? Model?

I can highly recommend the Dicsong DM-10, which is less than $10 with free shipping (for me at least). ... ipod-41017
I use a logitech headset and it is a bit crap. That mic looks interesting, so I'll give it a try. Thanks!

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:55 pm
by Zhil
Jesar wrote:I use a logitech headset and it is a bit crap. That mic looks interesting, so I'll give it a try. Thanks!
I doubt it's that much more crap than the Dicsong, I think you just have horrible settings in your audio control panel and I think it picks up too much of your PC, which the Dicsong won't fix.

You can use a gate to easily get rid of the PC hum when you're not talking.

Re: Jesar's BTW Videos

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:46 pm
by Jesar
Part 30 and 31 are up. In these, I revisit an old discovery to acquire the power necessary to explore the nether!