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Re: Animal Suffocation Bug Info Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:11 pm
by weldaSB
There is another VMC bug that can potentially harm animals. this may or may not be related to the suffocation bug. if an animal is standing on the same block as a fence on chunk save, they will not necessarily be on the same side of that fence on chunk load. this causes animals to 'escape' their pens and could be attacked by monsters/lost in other ways. I have no idea if this is fixable/worth the time, but for that reason I have always built my animal pens the same way ItchyFlea's second pen is built with the floor 1 block lower then the fence level.

Re: Animal Suffocation Bug Info Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:23 pm
by FlowerChild
weldaSB wrote:There is another VMC bug that can potentially harm animals. this may or may not be related to the suffocation bug. if an animal is standing on the same block as a fence on chunk save, they will not necessarily be on the same side of that fence on chunk load. this causes animals to 'escape' their pens and could be attacked by monsters/lost in other ways. I have no idea if this is fixable/worth the time, but for that reason I have always built my animal pens the same way ItchyFlea's second pen is built with the floor 1 block lower then the fence level.
Sounds like another rounding issue to me, and I have a good idea of where to look for it.

And yeah, that's definitely part of what I'd like to resolve. Given that animals are in limited supply and how hard you might have to work to pen them, I want their behavior to be predictable and reliable once you do. Also, given that they're so abundant in vanilla, and given some of the comments they've made, I doubt Mojang will ever get around to resolving this stuff.

Re: Animal Suffocation Bug Info Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:40 am
by Six
You may very well be on to something with the chunk boundary thing, this is a shot from my villager housing on the server soon after I'd logged on a while back, with the chunk boundary highlighted:
I'll add that I only started noticing this kind of thing on the server (and other people on there too from what I could tell) after there seemed to be considerable 'server-lag'. Coming along with things like mobs managing to glitch through fences and single block walls from time to time when chasing you.

Re: Animal Suffocation Bug Info Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:15 pm
by TheGatesofLogic
On the server today I found some of six's piggies had suffocated. The pen is in the very middle of a chunk so it clearly wasn't a chunk boundary problem this time. Server - Client sync problem maybe? It very well could have bugged into the floor

Re: Animal Suffocation Bug Info Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:17 pm
by FlowerChild
TheGatesofLogic wrote:Server - Client sync problem maybe?
As I mentioned above, those don't kill animals. They just visually offset them (sometimes appearing through a floor) in a manner that usually resets if you reload the world.

Actual death shouldn't occur on the client, only on the server.

Anyways, no point guessing at the causes in general. Just letting me know the details of what happens is sufficient.

Re: Animal Suffocation Bug Info Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:15 am
by Sockthing
What happened to me recently is that, when I try and push around a baby sheep it sometimes gets pushed into a block and suffocates. Even when I remove the block it is stuck in. Maybe this is something you want to know?

Re: Animal Suffocation Bug Info Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:27 am
by Peter5930
I left these pigs to wander around the large walled-in area surrounding my base, and found a large number of them crowded into this small depression, with dragon orbs and pork chops where pigs had expired. I saw several phasing into the dirt blocks and suffocating in the space of about 30 seconds. The sheep were fine, I think because their heads are higher. I managed to get a shot of a pig in the act of suffocating.
