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Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 8:03 pm
by jorgebonafe
It seems to me like Mojang was joking with that feature, really. I wonder if anyone actually plays like that...

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 8:19 pm
by FlowerChild
jorgebonafe wrote:It seems to me like Mojang was joking with that feature, really. I wonder if anyone actually plays like that...
That's the thing man: yes they do.

Some players will take any edge they can get in a game, whether that be headache inducing or ruins their own fun in the process.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 8:31 pm
by jorgebonafe
I tried playing like that once... It was quite disorienting... Like I was turning too fast, idk... Anyway, its just silly anyone would subject themselves to that just to have an edge...

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:02 pm
by Pucc
Um I play with my FOV maxed, I get an overwhelming sense of claustrophobia with the low setting being so small. I play most games like that perhaps I'm just used to it, that and my monitor is a little on the small side. Your visions around 110 degrees with quake pro so its not like its giving you eyes in the back of your head it just feels more natural, creepers still get the jump on me. The min FOV is 70 degrees in MC I'd only play with that setting if I was some kind of small mammal with tunnel vision. It just feels like someones holding two sheets of paper by the side of my head on low FOV its just irritating.

The brightness to me is far more game breaking in my opinion, I mean that maxed gives you instant night vision.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:09 pm
by FlowerChild
Pucc wrote:The brightness to me is far more game breaking in my opinion, I mean that maxed gives you instant night vision.
Yeah...people maxing their gamma is something I really need to combat through gameplay as it's definitely hurting the early game right now. It was the main thing I observed in Icy's last LP.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:32 pm
by Ethinolicbob
Aye we already have access to that via gameplay. Glowstone beacon FTW

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 11:14 pm
by Sarudak
I just tried the quake pro thing. That is really disorienting. Also I wonder how you could combat the gamma thing without hurting legit players who need more brightness because they're playing in a well lit room..

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 11:31 pm
by FlowerChild
Sarudak wrote:I just tried the quake pro thing. That is really disorienting. Also I wonder how you could combat the gamma thing without hurting legit players who need more brightness because they're playing in a well lit room..
Through gameplay. I think I mentioned it before, but I've been considering various gameplay effects to stumbling around in full darkness whether you can see as a player or not.

I just basically want there to be an impact to such behavior that goes beyond graphics, and also further encourage huddling around your furnace in the very early game. I really like the idea of being afraid of letting your furnace fire go out. I've had those moments in game, and they are good :)

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 11:32 pm
by CycloneSP
Aye, and let's not forget all those LP'ers that need to brighten up the screen so that their viewers can actually see what the LP'er is doing half the time...

EDIT: In response to FC's post: Not the grau! Whatever you do, don't put the grau in BTW! x_x That would just be too scary, and I can't play as Willow in MC.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 11:37 pm
by FlowerChild
CycloneSP wrote:Aye, and let's not forget all those LP'ers that need to brighten up the screen so that their viewers can actually see what the LP'er is doing half the time...
Yeah, well as much as I like watching LP's, that's not the kind of thing I can allow myself to give a fuck about. It's about as non-standard a gameplay situation as you can possibly get.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:15 am
by DaveYanakov
FlowerChild wrote:
CycloneSP wrote:Aye, and let's not forget all those LP'ers that need to brighten up the screen so that their viewers can actually see what the LP'er is doing half the time...
Yeah, well as much as I like watching LP's, that's not the kind of thing I can allow myself to give a fuck about. It's about as non-standard a gameplay situation as you can possibly get.
I may be wrong on this but it seems like LPs are becoming a larger share of what draws people to play a game. There are a lot of games that are expanding their player bases because someone did an LP of a niche title and brought it to the attention of other people who like that niche.
Sarudak wrote: Hey man. Maybe I'm role-playing an alien life form. People should be able to play how they want. You need to support player choice!
I will support that as soon as they add a small dead zone directly in front of the player where targets are between those offset eyes of yours and effectively invisible.

edit Actually, if anyone knows of a game like that it sounds like a really interesting mechanic...

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:20 am
by FlowerChild
DaveYanakov wrote: I may be wrong on this but it seems like LPs are becoming a larger share of what draws people to play a game. There are a lot of games that are expanding their player bases because someone did an LP of a niche title and brought it to the attention of other people who like that niche.
Yup, I'm aware man, but like with everything else, I try very hard to not let popularity influence design.

Again...I like LP's. However, if I start specifically catering to them I know that I'm sending myself down a slippery slope.

Anyways, it's not really relevant to this whole gamma point, as it's not something I'm looking at removing because I know it serves a practical and necessary purpose. Just a bit of a tangent based on someone making a point for consideration that I wouldn't have considered anyways :)

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 5:47 am
by Stormweaver
I can't remember which TP it was, but I tried one a while back with custom lighting colours and the like (one of the MCpatcher options) and that had light level 0 areas look the same dark-wise in both moody and bright.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:08 pm
by Gunnerman21
Mhmm, I tried having the viewbob off a long time ago and it felt like i was hovering across the ground. And who is total biscuit?

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:17 pm
by jorgebonafe
Stormweaver wrote:I can't remember which TP it was, but I tried one a while back with custom lighting colours and the like (one of the MCpatcher options) and that had light level 0 areas look the same dark-wise in both moody and bright.
It was Misa's Realistic, I believe. I know the textures seemed to change with the time of day, I don't know if they changed with light level. But the BTW patch has been discontinued. A pity, it was one of my favorite TPs....

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:14 am
by Benanov
I turned it off when I played Doom, because it was too much - I didn't get sick, but it basically disabled my already really shitty internal navigation for some reason. I like the view bob in real life. I hate it in games.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:47 am
by Sockthing
I cant remember when it was implemented, but I've been playing with it since. Turning it off feels like others said, too much as sliding through the world. Feels strange.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:54 am
by dawnraider
I keep it off always. While I do prefer the slight movement of the screen, I cannot stand the large movement of the item in your hand. When I try to concentrate on something while moving, I get drawn to the item instead.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:48 am
by Vexalor
I really don't see how you guys can turn it off :). I've had it on since the day it was implemented, and it just feels way too artificial without it, which bugs the hell out of me for some reason.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:15 am
by Detritus
I think I really agree with Dawnraider. The jiggling of the item is probably what gets to me about it most.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:17 am
by ExpHP
Seems to me every post in this thread says one of two things. "I keep it on and it feels wrong without it," or "I keep it off and I feel sick with it on."

I keep it off all the time, but you know what? I'll try turning it on.

Re: View Bobbing

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:05 am
by Mud
I turned it off once and really disliked the way it made me feel like I was "gliding" across the ground. Never had issues if motion sickness playing with it on.