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Re: Mushrooms

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:49 pm
by tom_savage
FlowerChild wrote:The bit said above is correct. The 9X9X3 test is done on the mushroom checking for spread. Then, it may place a mushroom somewhere in its vicinity.

Thus, if you have a mushroom out on the edges that doesn't have 4 others within that area, it can then place a mushroom in an area that already contains 5 or more.

I went through the code myself for it when mushrooms became relevant as I was finding the growth parameters rather unintuitive, and found the wiki to be rather sparse on actual info.

I *may* do a revision pass on mushroom growth at some point, as yeah, it's rather whacked as a system. It was just never really relevant before HC Hunger.
Thanks for the verification FC!