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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:10 pm
by FlowerChild
dawnraider wrote:I have no idea why I am not dead.
Is that a suggestion? :)
dawnraider wrote:I must say this is some of the most fun I have ever had playing MC. Thank you, FC, for making such a great game.
Awesome man, and great story :)

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:24 pm
by dawnraider
FlowerChild wrote:
dawnraider wrote:I have no idea why I am not dead.
Is that a suggestion? :)
Nah. The strange Eldtritch gods just seem to have smiled upon me today :) Though one in particular I always worry about, for the slightest mistake can be a fast death sentence.

I also forgot to mention the 3 endermen I angered when running from a pack of skeletons. Didn't do a lot of damage (down to hurt) since they de-aggroed for some reason, but it scared the shit out of me.

EDIT: spelling and grammar

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:29 pm
by SterlingRed
Fully equipped, Captain Sterling set sail on a grand adventure to discover the elusive potato. After many days at sea, wheat villages looted, new continents discovered, many helpless creatures slaughtered, Sterling fell to skeletons three. Upon emerging once again barren and naked, he found himself in a desert in the dead of night. With lightning crashing into the swamp nearby, Captain Sterling struggled through the sand sucking at his feet. What's that up ahead? A Light? Could it be testificate shelter for the night? Captain Sterling made it to the tiny village just in time, injured and with a gnawing ache beginning to grow in his stomach. He turned at the doorway to the guard tower to see he'd been followed. A Zombie had seen him struggle here. He quickly climbed to the top of the tower to escape the grasp of the undead. Captain Sterling knew instantly what he'd done. He had doomed them all.
He watched helplessly from his perch as the zombie shattered the first door. He saw them try to run, only to fall prey to the zombies or begin their second life and turn on their friends. Sterling listened through the night with the thunder rolling as door after door shattered and splintered. After some time, there was silence interrupted only by the occasional hungry groan of the undead punctuated by light streaking across the sky. Soon dawn arrived, bringing with it the permanent death of the once thriving village. Without a second thought, Captain Sterling climbed down from his tower, collected the villagers remains, cooked them over the fences he tore from their yards, and settled his growling stomach with extra meat to spare for his long journey home.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:44 pm
by FlowerChild
"Zombies eat Mystery Meat" added to my todo list :)

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:59 pm
by SterlingRed
FlowerChild wrote:"Zombies eat Mystery Meat" added to my todo list :)
-.- ... Well I guess I'll have to do the deed myself next time with a hardcore spawn in the desert at night :)

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:00 am
by FlowerChild
SterlingRed wrote: -.- ... Well I guess I'll have to do the deed myself next time with a hardcore spawn in the desert at night :)
Indeed. I just love little opportunities for potential emergent gameplay like that, and it struck me while reading your story how cool it would have been if you had climbed down to find that the zombies had literally eaten the villagers :)

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:13 am
by SterlingRed
FlowerChild wrote:
SterlingRed wrote: -.- ... Well I guess I'll have to do the deed myself next time with a hardcore spawn in the desert at night :)
Indeed. I just love little opportunities for potential emergent gameplay like that, and it struck me while reading your story how cool it would have been if you had climbed down to find that the zombies had literally eaten the villagers :)
It would also provide a sense of urgency to engage the village quickly before the food supply is consumed by zombies.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:35 am
by Xeo
SterlingRed wrote:Fully equipped, Captain Sterling set sail on a grand adventure to discover the elusive potato. After many days at sea, wheat villages looted, new continents discovered, many helpless creatures slaughtered, Sterling fell to skeletons three. Upon emerging once again barren and naked, he found himself in a desert in the dead of night. With lightning crashing into the swamp nearby, Captain Sterling struggled through the sand sucking at his feet. What's that up ahead? A Light? Could it be testificate shelter for the night? Captain Sterling made it to the tiny village just in time, injured and with a gnawing ache beginning to grow in his stomach. He turned at the doorway to the guard tower to see he'd been followed. A Zombie had seen him struggle here. He quickly climbed to the top of the tower to escape the grasp of the undead. Captain Sterling knew instantly what he'd done. He had doomed them all.
He watched helplessly from his perch as the zombie shattered the first door. He saw them try to run, only to fall prey to the zombies or begin their second life and turn on their friends. Sterling listened through the night with the thunder rolling as door after door shattered and splintered. After some time, there was silence interrupted only by the occasional hungry groan of the undead punctuated by light streaking across the sky. Soon dawn arrived, bringing with it the permanent death of the once thriving village. Without a second thought, Captain Sterling climbed down from his tower, collected the villagers remains, cooked them over the fences he tore from their yards, and settled his growling stomach with extra meat to spare for his long journey home.
Ha ha... I happened to be listening to this while reading your post, It reminds me of an old vintage adventure movie. This tale is just 10 times greater set to a waltz.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:49 am
by FlowerChild
Xeo wrote:Ha ha... I happened to be listening to this while reading your post, It reminds me of an old vintage adventure movie. This tale is just 10 times greater set to a waltz.
Or with a side of fries.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:12 am
by Solymr
This night, a wolf propulsed a turd through a window. Since I'm in the early stage I wanted to collect it, but outside there were creepers and skeletons. Even if I had full iron armor I wouldn't want to go outside since they're OP now, and I didn't have any arrows left.
I decided to let the sun take care of dem bones and I would suffocate the creeper from a safe distance with gravel.
I climbed on my roof and got to the edge above where the creeper was, and dropped only one block of gravel. I watched it drop on the creeper and it jumped on it and almost reached me, and it scared me enough to fall off the other side of the roof.
I climbed again and dropped two blocks at the same time, and enjoyed the cries of the creeper when the air was replaced with gravel. It died, and I saw what it dropped: its head.

Weirdest night ever... This wouldn't have been possible if HCH wouldn't have compelled me to try a different way of solving this situation instead of going Leeroy Jenkins.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:19 am
by Simurgh
I've settled in a location I can make a go of things, pumpkin/chicken farm started and a small log cabin overlooking a lake. I plan out a small pier where I can do some fishing. I found a nearby abandoned mineshaft which I'll plunder as time goes on and I saw a jungle temple as I was felling trees for my cabin. I started construction of a perimeter wall as the sun started to set which I am starting to put the finishing touches to (while killing the occasion errant spider). Suffice to say, I am started to get invested in this location. As I finish putting my slabs on top I spot something in the distance, a skeleton with iron armour. I can't see from here exactly what, but I can tell its at least chest and helmet. Boy, thats a lot of iron.

Looking round, I have to go through another skele, a couple creepers and a zombie to get to him, then risk the run back. Damn. I already know I'm going to do it. I press e to check my supplies. Leather pants, two rotted arrows and a stone sword. That sounds about as feeble as it really is. Damn. I curse myself for being a bloody reckless fool, it's bloody night time and I in no way have the gear to survive. I loose my arrows at the nearest creeper then run in to finish him. I rush the first skele taking an arrow in the process. Seeing the damage this does past my armour I make a snap decision, theres no way I'll survive a protracted fight. I kite the other creeper and zombie and sprint towards my target. He gets another couple of arrows in me before I dispatch him and claim my loot.

Im hurt (about 3 or 4 hearts). I can jump but I'm walking really slow. The creeper and zombie are moving in and my home looks REALLY far away right now. I switch to my bow and use the arrows the skeleton dropped to kill the creeper and continue limping to base. The thud of another arrow impacts nearby and I hear the screech of a spider. I shout a profanity, I continue limping. Turning round to fight now isn't going to help me. I look round anyway and see them closing in as I keep going. The rest I could take, but that skele has me scared. I get to the door of my wall and realise that its wood, the zombie will bash it into kindling. I go through while silently cursing myself for not upgrading it to iron when finishing the wall. I go into the cottage to hide and stash the armour into a chest in case I die. The perimiter door crashes down and in stumbles the zombie, he wanders about in the garden oblivious to me watching from my window.

The sun starts to rise and as the zombie burns I craft myself a pressure plate, button and use most of my iron for an iron door. I look at my spoils, a beat up chestplate and helmet, both in the red durability.

They go into my chest marked "Valuables"

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:17 pm
by DaveYanakov
I was surprised that zombies didn't already eat mystery meat they pick up but I wasn't about to suggest it.

So far the only stories I have revolve around making it home, dyding horribly within a day or two and then spending another week building up a new respawn area. Ive taken to building actual bases before digging for redstone after that time I starved to death in the bottom of a mineshaft. Took ten minutes to breathe my last with no opportunity for suicide to be found.

Always build stairs, kids.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:45 pm
by Ethinolicbob
I must say I have loved all these recent changes to the game. Really hit the nail on the head IMO.
Because of these changes I have found myself doing a few different things.
Early game I settled near a river that fed into an ocean and that has become my primary method of transport in and out of my base.
As my surroundings had a dominant wolf presence (I'm talking at least 100 in a large radius) I survived early days of wolf meat. A small challenge as every time I hit one, more would come. Think I had finished? Walk around a bend and more pissed off wolves waiting to eat me.
With a supply of wolf meat I went spelunking. As I wanted to reduce the amount of jumping I kept a supply of slabs and stairs in my inv and would place them every time I had to descend or ascend a block. This ended up saving my life as a creeper nailed me to 0.5 of a heart and whilst blinded I staggered back retreating from the groaning of a nearby zombie I was able to get back to the safety of my bunker.
Now food is a bit more reliable:
Pumpkins > seeds > Chicken > eggs,
Mushrooms all through my cave networks.
Mushroom omelets are now my staple :)
However I still find myself laying down access ramps whilst I spelunk as it might one day save my life again.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:23 am
by DNoved1
Since mushrooms are now rather valuable as a food source and I suck massively when it comes to building automated mushroom farms I decided to convert a nearby jungle island into a mushroom island and manually grow mushroom trees there.

Unfortunately, the tops of these mushroom trees are completely dark and while chopping a few down one night, I was greeted with a rather sudden and surprising death by exploding creeper. Fun fact: a creeper dropping on your head while wearing only leather armor (to preserve food supplies) on hard = instadeath.

Anyways, none of this would be possible if mushrooms were not suddenly useful for things other than poison potions and if leather armor was not encouraged for domestic use, so thanks for that "fun" (as in DF fun) experience.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:41 am
by Jay42
Ok, here's my 4.62 adventure:

Day 1:
I spawned in the middle of a jungle. Great. I quickly fought my way through the foliage to reach a more navigable space, killing a few chickens on the way. On the border to a swamp I found - first time ever - a jungle temple ruin thing. Free cobble, a shelter a the prospect of loot - great! I fell a few trees nearby, killed more chickens, crafted myself some stone tools and entered the temple. I didn't expect it to be inhabited however. A bunch of skeletons quickly reminded me how fragile Steve now is. However, since it was an enclosed space, I was able to take them down with my stone sword. I carefully explored the temple (pulling those levers randomly, as I had no ideas what I was doing, lol), taking anything that could be considered valuable with me, and , to my great joy, finding a coal vein. Half-dead and hungry I re-emerged from the depths of the temple. Since it was almost night, I decided to spend the night inside. I made a few torches and cooked my chickens. I turned the tripwire I had harvested into a fishing rod and made a window facing a pond so I could fish during the night.

Day 2:
As I heard the zombies and skeletons burning away outside, I decided it was time to start my search for a village. I put everything that would not be useful during my adventures in one of the dispensers I found, so I could retrieve it if I ever found back to the spawn. I packed in everything else and set out. But first, I harvested a few stacks of mushrooms from the swamp. I made myself a boat and began travelling the shore in hope of finding either plains or a desert. I came across some pigs and cows. More food.

Day 3:
After spending the night in the middle of a pond, next to a floating furnace (?...), I continued my search. Around noon, I finally discovered a desert at the border of the swamp. I picked up my boat, and climbing up the first dune, I found a least a dozen cows. hooray! Food and a breastplate!
My mood took a bit of a hit however when I took a look at the desert. There simply seemed to be no end to it. And I had already noticed the movement penalty of sand. I decided to travel along the deserts border.

Day 5:
I had been walking through the desert for two days straight now. I had been chased by monsters all night long. Arrows are scary. My food was running low even though I had used my stack of dirt halfslabs and I felt like I was running in circles, had it not been for the biome border. I was close to getting desperate when I spotted a desert temple in the distance. Never had seen those before either. Seeing hope, I rushed over. It was still day, and there was no one inside. I managed to retrieve the loot. Well, most of it. My inventory was getting full. I put back into the chests what seemed to be of least use to me. My most important find: Bread. I would have a few sandwiches the next days. High in spirits, I wandered of into the desert again.

Day 7:
Where the hell was I? I had come across plains and tundra, but now I stood in frond of a jungle bordering the desert. Did I do a complete circle? Confused about where to go next, I wandered into the desert.
And I nearly couldn't believe my eyes. Desert village! A village! Laughing madly, I ran towards the sandstone buildings.
Wheat fields! Black smith! Potatoes! Carrots! (... I had never bothered with either of those before, too...). I started harvesting.
When night fell, I locked all of the testificates into their houses. Content, I started making home at the black smith's.

Day 8:
After I had to put up with zombie noises all night long, I decided to build a town wall. I left the blacksmiths, thinking about how to build one, when a creeper blew up in front of me. Whoops. Crippled, I crawled back inside.
I decided I needed cobble to build a spider-proof wall. As soon as I had regenerated, I started to make a cobble generator by using the smith's lava and the village well.
There was a patch of grass nearby where I could farm trees. all was well. Also, there was a mob spawner half-buried in sand below one of the fields. Jackpot?

Day 9:
I had built about one eighth of the town wall, when my cobble generator stopped working. Confused, I opened the casing to look at its inner workings. For some reason, the lava flowed one block shorter than the day before. Why? What was wrong? I placed a sand block to stop the flow. The sand block sunk, the lava started flowing over it, right unto my feet. Why was I on fire? Why didn't it stop burning? Argh! No!
I stood in some plains somewhere. I didn't recognize any of the landscape. @#°§"¬*ç&!?!!!

To be continued...

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:38 pm
by OldMarriedDude
Im down here building a dirt path while my son is some 50 blocks above me working on his "sky castle" suddenly an arrow strikes the ground beside me. I look around in confusion as it is daylight, then I here my son laughing as a second arrow strikes my head a third arrow nearly kills me. he promises not to shoot at me anymore when I tell him one more and I'm dead. Then I explained to him that we dont heal as quickly. He stops shooting - but the damage is done I fell into a 3 block deep pool we had built and i cant swim. So I drown. I let loose a string of obscenities that would make a sailor blush. I respawn close to an abandoned village in a desert. Shortly after I respawn I hear my son yell and cuss - he fell off his castle trying to get down to pick up my inventory. All I said to him is " aint karma a bitch"

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:56 am
by JakeZKAM
I recently started another test world (one I'm getting unfortunately attached to now :P) and during my nomadic travels managed to get a couple fish while in a jungle. I noticed a couple ocelots a debated whether to save the fish for myself (I was fairly low on food) or spend it on getting a cat. Previously I had never gotten a cat in minecraft since I hate fishing ever so much, but I thought what the hell, it couldn't hurt. So I tamed the cat, and continued on to explore a nearby jungle temple. A creeper came to meet me, backing me up into a corner about to explode and, AND.... waited right there rather nicely. It turns out my cat was upstairs and was just close enough to keep the creeper about 2 blocks away from me, and from exploding in my face :) So I guess the cat was indeed worth 3 fish ;) I still had to slaughter the next village I found though but it seemed like a fair trade.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:02 pm
by kjbrona
So I started a new world for 4.64.
Day 1 - Spawned in a nice little forest next to some jungle a desert. Nice but not an animal is sight. Right at the limit of my render distance was a desert temple. I grabbed some wood, made some tools, then headed for the temple to see what has changed in the last couple of versions. Hopefully there would be bread in the chests. I did my standard make the walls into a stairway when I was surprised by the thinness of the walls. Spider knocked be off the stairs and directly onto the pressure plate. Oh Shiiiii<BOOM>!! - Dead on day 1

Hard core respawned in a tundra with probably 15 cows on the visible landscape. Jungle to the north but snow and hills as far as the eye could see in the other directions. With only about a quarter of a day left, I quickly chopped some wood, made some tools, and killed some cows before digging in to hide from the night. While waiting for the sun, I dug down to make myself some stone tools and get my beef cooked. I realized that I only got 1 leather from the 4 cows I killed so it looked like I was going to have to do some serious slaughtering to get myself some protection. Spent the night digging, looking for coal, and making stairs & tools from the cobble.

Day 2 dawns - Ranged across the snowy hillsides, I killed around 25 cows and 12 pigs. Stacks of delicious meat in my inventory but only 17 leather. I explored some of the surrounding area, chopped down stacks of jungle wood, and wandered into the jungle to see what was there. I immediately found a swamp a short distance in with TONS of both types of mushrooms. I made a boat and paddled out to the first "island" in the swamp. Mushroom were everywhere! 1 tree literally had 14 brown mushrooms under it's normal sized canopy. There were more cows wandering around so more animal slaughter ensued. Feeling very good about how well life was going with 6 stacks of meat, stone tools, and enough leather for half a suit of armor... I got careless. The sun dipped down below the horizon and it seemed to get very dark very fast. Battosay's texture pack caused me to not notice a short dark creeper sneaking through the vines. When I did notice him, I ran to my boat hopped in and start off ... only to be stuck on a lily pad. The delay was just enough that the creeper was able to kill me. <BOOM> - Dead on day 2

I have respawned right by my last HC spawn location but now it is dark, no trees close by, all the animals in the area are dead, and I of course forgot to leave a chest with survival items in my cave in case I needed it again. I quickly blocked the entrance with dirt and shiver in the dark with no tools and no food hoping that no monsters spawn in the lower part of my cave. I still have 3/4 of the night to go before I can venture out and maybe find some of the abundance I have lost.

I am REALLY enjoying the new feel of BTW in the early game with HC hunger and HC coal! I would never have spent as much time searching out food or being so distracted by finding a bunch of it that these situations would have happened.

Thanks FC for this mod. I even mostly ignored playing the new Bioshock to play your latest version.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:36 pm
by eternal8phoenix
I've been introducing my little sister to the mod, so we've been playing together on a LAN. We'd found an inhabited village and had been fencing off and lighting it when disaster struck. She was ambushed by a skeleton jockey. We managed to punch it to death (As a large area had been lit up pre-coal nerf, we'd foolishly felt safe enough to be without swords) but she was dying, and as this was her first time taking that amount of damage, rather scared. So, sneaking along in front of her, I carefully guided her back to the house, where she could find some food and recover. I'm too nice to cannibalise my little sister. ;)

It really felt immersive, one player guiding and severely wounded comrade to safety while keeping an eye out for danger. Made me feel like somewhat of a badass too, keeping an eye out for my little sister. This is the first mod she's ever played, and she usually plays on peaceful in vanilla, so the difficulty bump was scary and hard for her, but I think she's beginning to enjoy it.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:11 pm
by nmarshall23
I've just got a nice new iron sword, time to try it out!
Gotta get some bones so that I can tame a wolf. Keep on finding wolves but I got no bones..

Today I learned that skeletons are a naturally aquatic creature.
Approaching them without full armor when they are in their natural habitat, is a death sentence.

Then I got into a snowball fight with him.
The knock-back would push him out of the water onto the shore, he would start to burn, and then he would jump back in the water. I got bored after a while..
Stupid Skeleton. Fishing is more fun.

Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:12 pm
by CycloneSP
Well, I've had a recent close scrape with death just now.

It was the middle of the night in my ssp world. I was in the middle of repurposing my light blocks to be used in my auto hempfarm->auto chicken grinder when I saw off in the distance a fully armored skeleton.(I thought it was a zombie but meh) I instantly dropped my current activities and drew out my trusty bow and took aim. Being the horrible shot I am, I wasted about ten arrows before finally deciding to close in for a better shot. I managed to kill the armored skeleton's buddy(nothing special bout him) but before I was done dispatching the normal skelly, the armored skelly fell into a large cave network not too far from my base. Being the greedy miser I am, I took chase.

I managed to hunt down my prize and rip the armor from it's now twice dead corpse, however I first had to perforate a creeper that insisted on hindering the retrieval of my prize. After collecting the goods, I realize that I had not paid any attention to where I was and thus needed to go back tothe surface to regain my barrings. Upon exiting the cave network the morning sun greets me... along with 2 skellies in the fore and 2 zombies to the rear. I manage to break past the skellies and kill them both, and turn to the quickly approaching zombies, one of which was wielding an iron sword. I manage to kill the sword wielder but his comrade takes up his fallen brother's arms and continues the chase. I'm backed into a corner at half health already, I take a hit, then another, I put two arrows into him, but my weak limbs cannot pull the string hard enough for a fatal blow. Three hearts remain as the burning zombie is on to of me, I draw back one last arrow before I give up all hope....

The combined damage from the sun and my last arrow was enough to slay the beast, but now I am gravely injured and was forced to use the 1x2 coffin technique to avoid any further harm.

It was a harrowing experience that was entirely avoidable had I not let my greed get the best of me.