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Re: An honest critique of BTW 4.2x

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:35 pm
by muggsbud
I think allowing the fishing rod to dynamically use string or hemp fiber from your inventory would fix morv's problem; or at least my understanding of it. throw the bobber down then walk until you have X string removed from your inventory. You're looking for a way to measure from a to b quickly not any kind of coordinates/navigation right?

it would be nice if the hook could stick to the side of blocks, unnecessary though.

Re: An honest critique of BTW 4.2x

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:07 pm
by haphazardnuke
The problem I see with the fishing rod idea is that you'd need to carry a stack of string whenever you wanted to go fishing.
Personally, I see the stakes more as a double-checker, a way to make sure I haven't miscounted the length of a wall when building. It's also a faster way of checking the size of pre-existing buildings.
Having a GPS-like display takes the fun out of the game for me. I've always had a love/hate relationship with the Nether and getting lost there, and since I never bothered to note the portal coords, nothing changed there. Building epic structures is supposed to be difficult; the Giza Plateau pyramids weren't built with GPS coordinates. Sure, we're only one person in-game to the Egyptian's millions, but has anyone seen/done the calculations for how much a Minecraft player can carry, compared to a human IRL? I have. I don't remember the number, but it's lunacy.

"Quick and Easy" is incompatible with Better than Wolves. Try using the patch, "Sense of Accomplishment".

Re: An honest critique of BTW 4.2x

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:16 pm
by Foxy Boxes
And height, don't forget height! I was building some towers (going to start on building one of those town/fortress things) and wanted to know if they were at the right height. So I stuck a stake atop of the tower wall and then, when building the other tower, built up until I could connect to the first stake.
haphazardnuke wrote:Building epic structures is supposed to be difficult; the Giza Plateau pyramids weren't built with GPS coordinates.
No, they were built by alien parasites with spaceships

Re: An honest critique of BTW 4.2x

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:50 pm
by milkmandan
haphazardnuke wrote:...Sure, we're only one person in-game to the Egyptian's millions, but has anyone seen/done the calculations for how much a Minecraft player can carry, compared to a human IRL? I have. I don't remember the number, but it's lunacy.
Assuming 2500kg per cubic meter of rock, and that each block is a cubic meter, you can carry 5.7 million kg. Not quite neutron star dense but an order of magnitude more dense than the core of the sun.

Re: An honest critique of BTW 4.2x

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:56 pm
by Katalliaan
milkmandan wrote:
haphazardnuke wrote:...Sure, we're only one person in-game to the Egyptian's millions, but has anyone seen/done the calculations for how much a Minecraft player can carry, compared to a human IRL? I have. I don't remember the number, but it's lunacy.
Assuming 2500kg per cubic meter of rock, and that each block is a cubic meter, you can carry 5.7 million kg. Not quite neutron star dense but an order of magnitude more dense than the core of the sun.
Alternatively, if you're carrying around the good golden apples (the ones that take 8 gold blocks), you're carrying around ~355 million kg, which is a bit more than the mass of the Empire State Building.

Re: An honest critique of BTW 4.2x

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:59 pm
by FlowerChild
Off-topic guys.

Re: An honest critique of BTW 4.2x

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:03 pm
by FlowerChild
Still don't want to get heavily into this one, but post that is relevant to this topic: ... ry18905885

Re: An honest critique of BTW 4.2x

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:44 pm
by nmarshall23
I've been thinking about the OP all day.

The changes in 4.2x have also changed my play style.

For the first time, I when back to my spawn point and built a house there. Including a portal to the nether, and a portal back on the nether side. This wasn't an easy build, because my original nether portal at my base is in the air over a lake of lava. I had to build out over lava to where I thought my spawn point was, luckily where was a nearby patch of floating nether rack.

I've always gotten lost in vMC, so I tend to put up signs everywhere. However, I back in 1.2.5 I was one of those people who had a mod for a real GPS Hud. Including arrows pointing to way points. But then the update killed those mods..

Now I've reformed. FC thinking on maps makes sense to me. I do wish, I had someway of mapping underground. Hmm, I may look at writing my own mod that makes maps of caves.

Back on topic.

Stake and string. Gotta say I love them. Was invaluable when I was laying out my nether-railway. Yea, changed how I go about building and laying out things. I tend to sketch my builds on paper. Well, more like semantics; those classes on drafting I took in high school are finally paying off. :-D

On Exploring. I don't really, back in 1.2.5 I used to roam the lands.. Could be HC beds, me missing Raust's doggies, or my focus on automation. I know that I've done less exploring because, it's easier to trade with Villagers, then kill a bunch of endermen. Or brave the nether for glowstone.

On torches everywhere, I really hate it. I would like to play with light in the design of my buildings.. But then I really hate creepers blowing up my hard work. Too random for me. So I've got a mod that fixes that, creepers only spawn in the desert. were I don't care about craters.. It feels weird that Monsters can spawn en-mass inside of a walled off village. Maybe if villagers were not so damn helpless, sigh. Really HC beds has made no change in my playstyle, I've always hated creepers in my village. More of a vMC gripe. And I can't wait to see what FC as in store for new Villager and Mob behaviors..

On Food, Maybe it's because I tend to find Villages and build those up that I don't starve? Now, that my chicken farm is running, I'm ready to host a big party of my friends so that we can take on the EndDragon.

Which brings me to the end.. I've never cared to explore it, or even been bothered with it. But now, that's my goal. My play has been focused on everything I need to take on the end. Because I want marble damn. I've even mugged a few Endermen for it. ;-)