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Re: Better With Renewables v0.19 for BTW 4.32 SMP

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:25 am
by walker_boh_65
I am having trouble trying to figure out how to install this thing. -__- (Ironic, no?).

This is completely foreign to me, so if someone wouldn't mind dumbing it down a bit for me, that would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.19 for BTW 4.32 SMP

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:23 am
by Ancilangeli
walker_boh_65 wrote:I am having trouble trying to figure out how to install this thing. -__- (Ironic, no?).

This is completely foreign to me, so if someone wouldn't mind dumbing it down a bit for me, that would be greatly appreciated.
i think it says use unix and know how to actually use it, not just as an end user. kinda sucks having to do it that way but i understand why they have to, and they did a pretty good job of spoon feeding the install instructions.
for anyone having a hard time i would say go research good unix/linux style operating systems (most are free) and dual boot your system (instructions all over youtube). you can just build your jar in the coder os and copy it over to windows to play (though i would imagine minecraft would run better the other way).
i know this is still pretty intense but well worth it if you want to give this a try.
(anyone feel free to correct me if i misunderstood the install instructions)

Re: Better With Renewables v0.19 for BTW 4.32 SMP

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:01 am
by DaveYanakov
We have setup the #BWR irc channel on Follow the instructions for joining the #BTW channel found in the sticky or simply follow one or the other of the following links.
[url]irc://[/url] For those who already have an IRC client, such as mIRC For those who prefer a browser interface. Simply choose a nickname and enter #BWR (you can also join #BTW here, seperated by a space) and hit connect.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.19 for BTW 4.32 SMP

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:16 am
by Warr1024
walker_boh_65 wrote:I am having trouble trying to figure out how to install this thing. [...]
Detailed install instructions for the latest release are included in the source distribution, available on the project website at I'll be keeping these up-to-date with the source itself, in case anything changes.

We've recently successfully tested new installation instructions for Windows. They should also work with the current 0.19 release, and you can preview them at ... e4/INSTALL.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.19 for BTW 4.32 SMP

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:37 am
by Benanov
We've also, per community request, added a recipe to automate the production of blocks "with a low pH."
It's available fairly early on in the tech tree. We've also set it to a low priority, so that if you're attempting to use the raw material for its traditional use, that will happen first.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.19 for BTW 4.33 SMP

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:45 pm
by DaveYanakov
BWR v0.19 is updated for BTW 4.33

Installation instructions now include environment setups for OpenBSD, Debian systems and Windows

Re: Better With Renewables v0.19 for BTW 4.33 SMP

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:53 am
by Warr1024
0.20.0434 has been released for BTW 4.34 SMP on Windows, Debian, and OpenBSD.

  • Significant villager trading nerfs. Villagers now only sell some finished tools and buy items for emeralds. Emerald can now be treated as a distinct resource with its own purpose, rather than an medium for shortcuts around existing gameplay.
  • Dung can be stewed into blocks similar to string to wool.
  • Fixed Soul Press fire creation.
  • Made animal cross-breeding habitats easier to construct.
  • Added low-efficency recipes for extracting raw gold from tools collected from ZP's, for obtaining hellfire from ground netherrack, and for mixing gold and hellfire into redstone, using equipment lower on the tech tree.
  • Soul Press now uses dung instead of sand for making soul sand, resolving tech tree cycle when naturally-occuring sand is not available.
Full details can be found on the project website,

Re: Better With Renewables v0.20 for BTW 4.34 SMP

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:36 pm
by Warr1024
0.21.0435 has been released for BTW 4.35 SMP, on Minecraft 1.4.4, for Windows, Debian, and OpenBSD.

What's new:
  • Update check: checks project website every 4 hours for new version, notifies players on login if a new version is available.
  • Animal/plant/fungus cross-breeding light requirements loosened, so ender spectacles can be used to check light levels.
  • Fixed "dud" villagers with no available trades.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:36 pm
by Psion
This looks really interesting, but I'm not following part of the install instructions. I've done the enviornment setup section for windows without issues... but now for actual installing of the multiplayer, it tells me to "place the btwmod*.zip file at the root of the project. That's great and all, but what the heck is this root of the project it's talking about? I'm assuming im supposed to use one of the environment thingies i installed, but I've no clue what any of this stuff does. :s

The only thing I see that has a project option is when i open netbeans IDE, and when i select new project, i see like 5 categories (java, javaFX, Maven, NetBeans Modules, and Samples), each with different options in that category. I have no clue which I'm supposed to select.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:21 am
by Warr1024
Psion wrote:This looks really interesting, but I'm not following part of the install instructions. I've done the enviornment setup section for windows without issues... but now for actual installing of the multiplayer, it tells me to "place the btwmod*.zip file at the root of the project. That's great and all, but what the heck is this root of the project it's talking about? I'm assuming im supposed to use one of the environment thingies i installed, but I've no clue what any of this stuff does. :s
By "root of the project", we mean the place you unpacked BWR in step 1 of the build instructions. This would be the place that has files like README, INSTALL,, Makefile, etc.
Psion wrote:The only thing I see that has a project option is when i open netbeans IDE, and when i select new project, i see like 5 categories (java, javaFX, Maven, NetBeans Modules, and Samples), each with different options in that category. I have no clue which I'm supposed to select.
There are no IDE's involved anywhere in BWR. Most of the build stuff takes place at the command line.

EDIT: If you're still having trouble, you might also try asking for help in the #bwr IRC Channel.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:47 am
by Psion
Ok, so When I unpacked it with winrar, I put the zip files in the folder with the readme and other files. Done that, but now the last question i have ( i think) is what this means:

"In a shell in the root of the BWR project, run "make clean"."

I don't follow this, i'm afraid. What is a shell, and how do i run this "make clean" command? I think if I can get past that part I'll have pulled it off... hopefully. lol

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:46 am
by Uristqwerty
MSYS. When you have all of the prerequisites in the right places (all the .zip files and the server jar), open the MSYS console, navigate to the place you unzipped everything to, and then run the command "make clean && make". "make clean" cleans up and files from previous installations (if there are any), "make" does the actual work, and the "&&" between them means "do the first command, and then, once it is finished, do the second one if the first one didn't fail" (you don't need that part, if you run "make clean" and then "make" separately, but with the && you don't have to be there when "make clean" finishes).

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:56 pm
by Benanov
Uristqwerty wrote:MSYS. When you have all of the prerequisites in the right places (all the .zip files and the server jar), open the MSYS console, navigate to the place you unzipped everything to, and then run the command "make clean && make". "make clean" cleans up and files from previous installations (if there are any), "make" does the actual work, and the "&&" between them means "do the first command, and then, once it is finished, do the second one if the first one didn't fail" (you don't need that part, if you run "make clean" and then "make" separately, but with the && you don't have to be there when "make clean" finishes).
Uristqwerty - maybe some (spoiler-coated for slower connections) screenshots may assist? I think the "navigate to the place you unzipped everything to" might also need explanation.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:20 pm
by DaveYanakov
Screenshots and video walkthroughs are on the to do list. If anyone is able to record a video of the install procedure for the Mac operating systems it would be appreciated as it's the one that would be difficult to cover ourselves. I can do a voiceover for video as well if that would make it easier to record.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:01 am
by Uristqwerty
Well, when you start MSYS, it opens a command line (or terminal, or console, or any other name you have for it). The main difference being that it's set up to use unix style commands rather than windows ones, which allows the install process to work.

Type cd followed by a space, then drag the folder where you unzipped BWR to onto the console window. It will automatically type out the full path to that folder. Press enter, then go ahead with the make commands. This only works if you already put the correct versions of BTW, MCP, and minecraft_server.jar in the directory you extracted BWR to (the one with README and other files).

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:39 am
by Psion
My issue is that it seems to not recognize the make command at all. I tried the cd "grab folder and drag it here" thing, and that also didn't work, saying that it wasn't to be found. If i added another \ after drag and dropping, so it was like cd c:\downloads\bwr\, instead of the cd c:\downloads\bwr that i get from just drag and dropping, it seemed to go through. at least, it didn't spit out any error, though it didn't really show anything either.

But typing:

make clean && make

then hitting enter, gets me an error about c:downloadsbwrmake - command not found. Like it's not recognizing make as a command or something. It's really weird, I checked the readme file and the versions of everything i downloaded to make sure they were all the correct versions, which they were... I managed the setting up environment part of the instructions without a hitch, but I can't get this part of the installation to work, which makes me wonder if I downloaded the bwr file wrong. I downloaded it from the non-git user link, and selected download as tar.gz file, which is something i've never heard of. I unzipped it with winrar, which gave me a bwr.tar file.... which I had to unzip again to obtain the folders and files. x-x is that supposed to happen?

I'm not exactly new to a computer, but this installation process is nearly as confusing and terrifying as my calculus class to me, lol.

I was in the IRC channel too for tech support, but we were unable to figure it out D:

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:50 am
by Benanov
Psion wrote:But typing:

make clean && make

then hitting enter, gets me an error about c:downloadsbwrmake - command not found. Like it's not recognizing make as a command or something.
make (in this case) is part of mingw, it's not part of bwr. That would make me assume that your path did not get updated correctly or something like that. Are you using Windows 7 or Windows XP? I only have an XP box here (not for too much longer) and I have never connected it to the internet...if you're using XP I can try replicating the setup.
Psion wrote:I downloaded it from the non-git user link, and selected download as tar.gz file, which is something i've never heard of. I unzipped it with winrar, which gave me a bwr.tar file.... which I had to unzip again to obtain the folders and files. x-x is that supposed to happen?
.tar.gz / .tgz is a very common compression scheme but you don't see it much in the Windows world. The "double uncompression" is correct: gzip only compresses a single file; tar makes a big file out of a bunch of files. ("Why" this is the case is outside the scope of this thread.) Most archive tools are smart enough to do both steps if you select "extract now."

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:56 am
by Psion
I'm using windows 7 64 bit, i'm afraid.

The only other thing i saw as odd was that things like the readme file and such were just listed as "file" under the type, not things like txt or exe or the like. I can open the readme by manually choosing notepad from the list of applications to open it with, and it displays fine other than a total lack of proper spaces and paragraphs, but my computer isn't recognizing them as anything but random files. That's partly why i had wondered if i had done something wrong in extracting it.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:33 pm
by chai
That's also pretty standard practice; UNIX-based operating systems (such as Linux or even Mac OS X) generally use "magic numbers" at the beginnings of files to determine the file type, rather than relying on something as variable as the filename.

As to the formatting oddities, that's just because MS Notepad doesn't play nice with files not created on a Windows computer (Windows uses different hidden characters at the ends of lines than do other operating systems). You might try opening the files with Firefox, if you're not going to edit them; Web browsers have to know how to deal with files regardless of where they were written.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:56 pm
by Benanov
chai wrote:That's also pretty standard practice; UNIX-based operating systems (such as Linux or even Mac OS X) generally use "magic numbers" at the beginnings of files to determine the file type, rather than relying on something as variable as the filename.

As to the formatting oddities, that's just because MS Notepad doesn't play nice with files not created on a Windows computer (Windows uses different hidden characters at the ends of lines than do other operating systems). You might try opening the files with Firefox, if you're not going to edit them; Web browsers have to know how to deal with files regardless of where they were written.
Spot on, thank you! Wordpad will work too, and I think that ships with Windows these days.

As you have noticed, Warr and I do not run Windows - it's why we're sort of going "umm..." a lot here, as we really can't reproduce this without finding a Windows machine. My brother-in-law is coming over for Thanksgiving and has a Windows 7 machine, so maybe I'll run through it a few times on his machine just to shake out the bugs and get some screencaptures for a manual. I apologize for this - the only Windows machines I use are at work, and therefore not mine to use for gaming.

DaveYanakov does run Windows (and helped write the instructions), but his time is pretty scarce these days and he's admitted he's not so hot at phone support.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:25 pm
by chai
Benanov wrote: Spot on, thank you!
Glad to oblige, and thanks!
Wordpad will work too, and I think that ships with Windows these days.
Oh, cool. I'd assumed the same bug applied to most of their tools, but I'm glad to hear that's not the case. (I'm making a mental note for future reference, for when my typical advice, "use a *real* text editor," doesn't go over so well.)
As you have noticed, Warr and I do not run Windows - it's why we're sort of going "umm..." a lot here, as we really can't reproduce this without finding a Windows machine.
Ditto; but I've had this crop up before when sending files to Windows users, since I tend to use non-marked-up text files unless there's a specific need for complex formatting.

Anyhow, after following this thread, I'm looking forward to actually trying your mod whenever I get around to updating to the next version of vmc & btw. I do enjoy challenge maps sometimes, and non-renewable resources are obviously always an issue. Even when the map creator has provided more of some resource than I'll ever possibly need (or would be likely to find in regular play), I'm still reluctant to use anything of which there's a finite amount. (-:

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.35 SMP

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:06 am
by Warr1024
0.21 has been updated to BTW 4.36 (and MC 1.4.5 / MCP 7.23).

Some of you may have noticed this already... if the update check feature is working correctly.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.36 SMP

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:56 am
by Psion
Oh by the gods, I can't believe the reason my install kept failing was due to the direction of my slashes. All this time I gripped about having to use the \ for dos programs and the like because programmers are sadistic and make me try and hit that tiny little button with my pinky, and this time they actually use the / button instead for c:/Users/blahblah/bwr. I finally got the make clean and make command to work. XD (the weird thing is, if you drag and drop the folder to copy the address... it uses \ instead of /, which causes minGW to yell at you. -,- )

So for windows users, the install process is just do what the install instructions say, but for BWR file, you download it as a tar.gz, and you have to extract that with winrar or the like... then extract the .tar file that's inside the folder you just extracted. the folder inside the second extraction is what you want. Place the btw, minecraft server jar, and the mcp zips inside that folder, in the same place as the README.file and such is.

Then when you use the MinGW thingie, make sure you use / to directing it to where that root is. so the command would look like:

cd C:/Users/Psion/Downloads/bwr-bwr-release/bwr-bwr

Hit enter, then type:

make clean && make

and hit enter again.

Success! Once it's finished, open up the minecraft server jar in your bwr folder, which will generate a world for you. If you want to have a different world, such as skyblock, then put that world into the root with the readme file and all that, delete the world folder that was already there, and rename the folder of the world you plopped in to world. Don't forget to add your name to the whitelist if you enable whitelist in server properties file, and also add your name to the OPs list too so you can change difficulty or the like. :P Also, you will need to install modloader/btw like normal in your .minecraft folder. Then, just open the bwr minecraft server jar file and leave it running (or else you can't connect to it lol), open your minecraft like normal, go to multiplayer, and add a new server to join, with the address just being "localhost" (without quotes). Voila, you now have bwr installed! :D

Re: Better With Renewables v0.21 for BTW 4.37 SMP

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:58 pm
by DaveYanakov
For those who may not read the SMP servers board, Benanov is running a desert superflat co-op server. Details can be found here.

Re: Better With Renewables v0.22 for BTW 4.4 SMP

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:08 pm
by DaveYanakov
The MCP issue preventing updating to BTW 4.38 has been cleared up and Better With Renewables is now available for BTW 4.4