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Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:24 pm
by Sarelth
Some screens for people

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:09 pm
by Six
Wow, it just struck me how much awesome lore this adds to Minecraft.

Endermen can teleport around freely.
When mobs spawn, it is essentially a one time teleport onto the map.
Ender spectacles show you where mobs can be teleported in.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:17 pm
by The Phoenixian
FlowerChild wrote:
The Phoenixian wrote:It seems that spectacles can get false positives: When lighting up a room they will detect if the floor is at or below light level seven even if the block above is 8 or higher.
You very sure about that man? The spectacles use what is basically a copy/paste of the mob spawning code to determine what they see. To my knowledge, mobs only check the light-level of the block they spawn on (as in, at their feet), not the one above.

If there is indeed an issue, I will of course fix it, but I think you may be misinterpreting how mob-spawning works.
Don't have the appropriate resources to do a proper check but when checked with a mob spawner: It would appear I was laboring under a false conception. Apologies for wasting your time.

And here I had thought you had left something in in preparation for a new threat.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:24 pm
by TheAnarchitect
Aha! The fact that this conflicts with Rei's Minimap is the hidden feature!

Seriously, I consider people using Minimap on an anarchy server to be a real problem, so the idea that they no longer work together pleases me.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:51 pm
by BinoAl
TheAnarchitect wrote:Aha! The fact that this conflicts with Rei's Minimap is the hidden feature!

Seriously, I consider people using Minimap on an anarchy server to be a real problem, so the idea that they no longer work together pleases me.
Yeah, same here. Anything beyond Optifine and BTW in anarchy is cheating, imo

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:08 pm
by FlowerChild
Six wrote:Wow, it just struck me how much awesome lore this adds to Minecraft.

Endermen can teleport around freely.
When mobs spawn, it is essentially a one time teleport onto the map.
Ender spectacles show you where mobs can be teleported in.
Nice. I'm glad someone picked up on that. The description I plan for MCF will go something like this:

"Endermen possess a natural affinity for inter-dimensional travel, and through crafting Ender Spectacles, the player can gain their ability to sense weak-points in space and time through which creatures may slip."


Thought of the day: just about any gameplay can be properly justified through backstory, which is yet another reason why story should adapt to gameplay, not the other way around.
TheAnarchitect wrote:Aha! The fact that this conflicts with Rei's Minimap is the hidden feature!

Seriously, I consider people using Minimap on an anarchy server to be a real problem, so the idea that they no longer work together pleases me.
Wow, ok, I was just wondering about that in my dev-diary thread. Sweet :)

It wasn't my intention to create that incompatibility, but I won't look a gift-horse in the mouth ;)

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:13 pm
by Sarudak
Hm... Does this mean that endermen are/will be limited in where they can teleport to by light levels?

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:58 pm
by Last_Jedi_Standing
Sarudak wrote:Hm... Does this mean that endermen are/will be limited in where they can teleport to by light levels?
I'd guess that once they've gotten into a universe, it's fairly easy to move around inside. It's getting from universe to universe that's tricky. That's a totally uninformed guess, based on no information whatsoever.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:06 pm
by Inatun
Sarudak wrote:Hm... Does this mean that endermen are/will be limited in where they can teleport to by light levels?
Well according to FC, the areas highlighted by the specs can only spawn mobs because they're weak spots in space-time and that's why ordinary hostile mobs can spawn in. The thing is though, none of the other mobs have the innate ability to teleport, so it makes sense that while they may need these spots to get into the overworld initially, once they're there they don't need to work as hard to move around.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:08 pm
by FlowerChild
Yay! In-character speculation! Love it :)

Soooooo much better than "Hurr durr...monsters spawning in the dark and falling into mob traps makes no sense because all the monsters I know don't act that way" :)

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:30 pm
by Prof_Ion
So does this mean that torches posses the ability to strengthen these weeks spots? or is it light that does it? So suddenly magic torches or light strengthens weaknesses in time and space preventing monsters from teleporting to that spot with the exception of endermen?

WOW this day just got so much better! Love how FC does this stuff! He makes us think and adds fun rather than making it all easy. There is so much to be analyzed! Now I am gonna be up all night!

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:47 pm
by Vellt480
I think the spectacles are great but I fell in my own trap not used to the green. The entites are spawned only if the conditions are right. for example: a zombie spawns when light level 7 or lower, and cannot spawn on half blocks. If u place a redstone torch it could spawn probably showing a particle effect. Sorry if im wrong im am going to test. this theory and more.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:22 pm
by magikeh
So we can assume that light is what is the 'bonding element' in a dimension and what holds it together, now as we know in our reality, light is both a particle and an energy (because of the way that it acts in certain circumstances) So since the end is a place where there is no light whatsoever (until a player comes along) it is the weakest of the dimensions that exist in minecraft (therefore the most easy to manipulate and move) and so it must be a created dimension (hence its small size) a dimension that was created by the endermen. The end is now 'tethered' to the overworld and the endermen are constantly going to the overworld to look for something? or to catalog the overworld? anyways thats my feeling on the whole thing, that and i have no idea of how the enderdragon fits into the whole scheme of things. xD its fun to think of the possible backstory that exists in Minecraft!! ^_^/
So these spectacles, they highlight a part of the floor where a mob is able to spawn right? What if there is a spider spawner on one side of a wall and the floor is completely lit but the spawner can spawn spiders on the wall because the wall isn't correctly lit. Do the spectacles make the swirls there too or do they not recognize walls as a possible spawnable area?

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:33 pm
by Inatun
Prof_Ion wrote:So does this mean that torches posses the ability to strengthen these weeks spots? or is it light that does it? So suddenly magic torches or light strengthens weaknesses in time and space preventing monsters from teleporting to that spot with the exception of endermen?
That's what I've been wondering about too, and so far I haven't come up with a satisfactory answer. However, there's one thing that's been skipped over so far though. We know where endermen come from, but if all the monsters are slipping through these holes into the overworld, then where are they coming from?

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:41 pm
by Last_Jedi_Standing
Inatun wrote:
Prof_Ion wrote:So does this mean that torches posses the ability to strengthen these weeks spots? or is it light that does it? So suddenly magic torches or light strengthens weaknesses in time and space preventing monsters from teleporting to that spot with the exception of endermen?
That's what I've been wondering about too, and so far I haven't come up with a satisfactory answer. However, there's one thing that's been skipped over so far though. We know where endermen come from, but if all the monsters are slipping through these holes into the overworld, then where are they coming from?

Zombies are obviously dead Steves. They're even wearing the same clothes. Something similar probably applies to skeletons. Steves that were killed with fire? Spiders are dead cows. Cave spiders are dead cows that didn't quite make the grade. Creepers are just magic. Slimes are the manifestations of Cthulhu's bad dreams. The ones in the Nether were born in the Nether. Silverfish are just big bugs.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:42 pm
by FlowerChild
Inatun wrote: That's what I've been wondering about too, and so far I haven't come up with a satisfactory answer. However, there's one thing that's been skipped over so far though. We know where endermen come from, but if all the monsters are slipping through these holes into the overworld, then where are they coming from?
<cues dramatic music>


Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:02 pm
by simanick
FlowerChild wrote:<cues dramatic music>
*click*... home, home is dead...

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:33 am
by DocHussey
I'm wondering if that's all there is to these specs... I've never had any mobs spawn within my central area, however there are alot of swirls emitting from my home, both inside and near it. Maybe they have another use, FC went a little heavy on the code, or that I'm really frigging lucky...

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:28 am
by TheAnarchitect
Friggin lucky. If you've got a few squares where things can spawn, then you'll mostly get spawns out in the large open fields and down in the caves. As you light up your world, though, those dark corners would start to be a lot more active.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:31 am
by Dreambolt
FlowerChild wrote:<cues dramatic music>
>:D oh this sounds like what is coming will be oh so fun, <Runs off to sharpen swords, and plan new base filled with water> (Edit: Then I remembered hard core buckets... OFF TO THE OCEAN! Though gives me a reason to finish extending my second rail to my ocean stronghold.)

Very very nice addition FC, I've wanted an intuitive "light sensor" for a long time, and not only did you make it, but you made it cooler then I had hoped.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:39 am
by Six
DocHussey wrote:I'm wondering if that's all there is to these specs... I've never had any mobs spawn within my central area, however there are alot of swirls emitting from my home, both inside and near it. Maybe they have another use, FC went a little heavy on the code, or that I'm really frigging lucky...
Perhaps you are within the safezone of the world spawn? Has anyone checked there to see if that has swirls when dark? I wonder if that being the spot where Steve was hurled into the world and seemingly bound to has anything to do with there not being monster spawns there...?

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:00 am
by Devdisigdu
Prof_Ion wrote:So does this mean that torches posses the ability to strengthen these weeks spots? or is it light that does it? So suddenly magic torches or light strengthens weaknesses in time and space preventing monsters from teleporting to that spot with the exception of endermen?
And would Mob Spawners would be arcane artefacts that actively weaken the area around them when they sense a nearby sentient presence?

Who or what would make such a thing?

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:35 am
by Donzaffi
Awesome additon, and the thing with the Minimap don't bother me much ( I use the mod with BTW for a long time) now that we can see whjere mobs can spawn and have book and quiln to write down landmarks I don'T have longer a use for rei minimap ^^

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:53 am
by M!C
TheAnarchitect wrote:Aha! The fact that this conflicts with Rei's Minimap is the hidden feature!

Seriously, I consider people using Minimap on an anarchy server to be a real problem, so the idea that they no longer work together pleases me.
You're right in that there's a baseclass conflict BUT the minimap still works when you overwrite said class with the BTW version. In fact I was unable to find out what this class does for Rei's.

Re: Ender Spectacles spoiler thread.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:20 am
by jakerman999
M!C wrote:
TheAnarchitect wrote:Aha! The fact that this conflicts with Rei's Minimap is the hidden feature!

Seriously, I consider people using Minimap on an anarchy server to be a real problem, so the idea that they no longer work together pleases me.
You're right in that there's a baseclass conflict BUT the minimap still works when you overwrite said class with the BTW version. In fact I was unable to find out what this class does for Rei's.
Try the waypoint marker, the ones that float in the world itself instead of just on the map.