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Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:41 pm
by th3m1ner
Can you add a fear factor, if you put a backpack that was made with a soulurn in to another backpack it could explode, such as the consequence of hellfire dust into a stoked cauldron.

Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:53 pm
by FlowerChild
OptX wrote: Like a basic backpack with one row and only 4 slots being the current recipe without the soulurn. That would better fit into BTW's ages I think.
Just from experience, I'd be careful about balancing more "mundane" functionality around mystical elements like the Soul Urn.

While I can understand your desire to balance the cost relative to the benefit of the functionality you're providing (which is huge), a back-pack is a very mundane item in terms of it being easy to create in real-world terms. I find the soul-urn then creates a certain disconnect in terms of suspension of disbelief, as there's really no intuitive justification of why it needs to be there.

You'll notice that I generally use Soul Urns in recipes only when there's a certain mystery to how they actually function, like with the Block Dispenser, where the magical elements then serve to fill in that logical gap, or, if I want to use it to balance more mundane aspects, I make sure to add a mystical element to the target object so that it fits (eg. Soulforged Steel).

I like your idea of having a progressive series of back-packs that provide increasing amounts of space relative to their place in the tech-tree. In that case, I'd probably reserve the top-tier for some form of magical pack, kinda like a D&D "Bag of Holding", that provides more space than its physical dimensions would seem to allow (like a full player inventory worth or something). I think if you had a more conventional pack earlier on in the tech-tree made out of say just tanned leather and a couple of pieces of rope, it would also serve to support the idea of a magical pack later on, by hammering the point home for the player that they need to do something special to get more space This idea may also have a conceptual vanilla tie-in with the upcoming Ender Chest, so you might also want to consider a recipe tie-in there with regards to the crafting ingredients used to create a magic pack.

Anyways, just a few tid-bits to consider from someone who has been through this process many times :)

Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:57 pm
by jorgebonafe
Actually, when I saw the soul urn in the recipe, it kinda made sense to me. I mean, to carry that much stuff in a small backpack has to require some mystical or magical quality... Like the magical backpack Hermione uses in Harry Potter, is like the Tardis (bigger on the inside :P ). If you think about it like that it kinda helps with the suspention of disbelief.

Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:14 pm
by weldaSB
OptX, look at the backpacks from forestry. I think forestry does a great job with the backpacks, and progression of them. I also think the limits of what you can put in them helps to balance them. Ever since using Direwolf's modpack, I missed forestry backpacks. Please look into them, I personally think they would balance well with BTW.

Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:38 am
by The great randomo
I had literally just found out that MightyPork's mod wasn't compatible, and was really annoyed. This is just awesome!

Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:22 am
by Calcifire3691
FlowerChild wrote:
OptX wrote: Like a basic backpack with one row and only 4 slots being the current recipe without the soulurn. That would better fit into BTW's ages I think.
Just from experience, I'd be careful about balancing more "mundane" functionality around mystical elements like the Soul Urn.

While I can understand your desire to balance the cost relative to the benefit of the functionality you're providing (which is huge), a back-pack is a very mundane item in terms of it being easy to create in real-world terms. I find the soul-urn then creates a certain disconnect in terms of suspension of disbelief, as there's really no intuitive justification of why it needs to be there.

You'll notice that I generally use Soul Urns in recipes only when there's a certain mystery to how they actually function, like with the Block Dispenser, where the magical elements then serve to fill in that logical gap, or, if I want to use it to balance more mundane aspects, I make sure to add a mystical element to the target object so that it fits (eg. Soulforged Steel).
I rememberfrom the MCF Equivalent Exchange thread, I had a discussion which ended in calculating how much mass a player could hold (it was to see if we could hold enough klein stars to make a black hole (we used gold as the base for determining the energy in 1EMC because alchemy) in the process we found out that the player can hold 26127360kg in gold blocks. your comment a bit ago about "maybe you should wonder why the world's physics are so messed up" is the only thing that has allowed me to rationalize this :P

if you think about it, one of these bags will hold 2304m^3, and can lift 26,127.4 tons (assuming we fill one full of gold blocks)
(and all 16 results in a carrying capacity of 0.3 MEGATONS (313,732,440 kg))
if that doesn't logically require a bit of supernatural assistance, I'm not sure what does :P

(and that isn't taking into account the density of SFS blocks since they're made with 16 SFS istead of 9 gold
(in-post edit: and I just realized with 1.3, we get tier 2 gold apples, which would be roughly 2.4 megatons of capacity)
th3m1ner wrote:Can you add a fear factor, if you put a backpack that was made with a soulurn in to another backpack it could explode, such as the consequence of hellfire dust into a stoked cauldron.
ah, the D&D "no recursive bags of holding for you" rule :P

Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:16 pm
by FlowerChild
Calcifire3691 wrote:if that doesn't logically require a bit of supernatural assistance, I'm not sure what does :P
The thing is, there's already a precedent for Steve being able to do it in-game without any magical assistance. This also applies to chests or any other block with an inventory, none of which require magical ingredients. It might be magic in our world, but it isn't in Steve's.

Anyways, feel free to take or leave my advice, but I do think being more specific about the magical nature of the bag, whether that be through the name or graphics, would help with immersion. Yes, I did discern why the Soul Urn was there, however, I find that clashes with the more "mundane" presentation of the backpack.

Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:31 pm
by duartemad
Why not making the backpack open when it is on your platebody slot of the armours.

Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:46 am
by Siege Wizard
Well when I read your post I had 3 ideas, but two of them have already be written somehow.
  1. Add more sizes:
    Posible recipes

    Tier 1: 3 slots
    Could be another wool, an empty slot or a chest

    Tier 2: 9 slots
    Hemp fiber
    Scoured leather
    Tier 1 backpack

    Tier 3: 18 slots
    Tanned leather
    Tier 2 backpack

    Tier 4: 27 slots (inventory/small chest size)
    Tier 3 backpack

    Tier 5: 54 slots (large chest size)
    Armor plate
    SFS ingot
    Tier 4 backpack

    This way, you will make it quite more expensive as you are upgrading it, requiring the last tier:
    • 7 coal
    • 7 iron ingots
    • 10 clay (3 back)
    • 56 netherrack (56 hellfire dust back)
    • 7 feathers
    • 11 leather (2 straps back)
    • 6 dung
    • 20 hemp (3 hemp fiber back)
    • 2 string
    • 5/6 wool
    • 0/2 wood
    And requiring to reach the steel age.
  2. Adding filters: remove the name change ability and add the filters or similar prefix to the bag name.
    1. BTW filters
    2. Other filters
    Every time you get an item from the floor and a bag you have in your inventory can hold it, it goes directly there. The problem of the BTW filters is that most of the items are accepted by more than one filter so this could be a bit more tricky for the user. If you set other filters, some examples you could use would be:
    • smoothstone for dirt, sand, gravel, cobblestone, smoothstone, sandstone
    • sampling for seeds, sampling, wood, hemp, bloodwood samplings, netherwart and even planters and charcoal
    • iron ingot for all ores, ingots, diamonds, redstone, lapis, coal and their blocks
    • netherrack for netherrack, soulsand, glowstone, and netherbrick structures
    • sword for loots of mobs (hostile and passive) that had not been mentioned
    • soulsand for dragon orbs? I would ask FC about this one, because it will make mob farms filters a bit less complex and I think its not a really good idea, but i write it just in case
    • ...
    The recipes could be used the same than in the previous point but adding the filter in the top center slot.
  3. Portable crafting table/anvil in a backpack:
    Combining a back pack (if u follow the tier suggestion tier 3-4 for a crafting table and tier 5 for anvil should be balanced) with a crafting table/anvil gets you a portable one, so that when you hold them in your hands and right-click, you open the crafting interface, but loosing their storage functionality.

Re: Backpack Mod for 1.2.5

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:00 pm
by TaterBoy
Just wanted to let you know that I really love this add-on. The only thing I worry about is that sometimes I accidentally hit Q when I mean to hit W (I have one of those Ideazon Merc keyboards with the big red buttons, so if I am in a hurry I sometimes hit both buttons.) I know I would just cry if I were carting a bag full of Soul Urn stacks and accidentally threw it into a lava lake. Guess I'll have to be more careful won't I?

No complaints or suggestions, the one thing I can't seem to figure out is the naming feature, my bags open just fine, but shift right clicking opens them as well, with no interface to change the name. I'm sure I'm just doing it wrong, but any tips would be appreciated.

:D Once again, thanks for making a dream come true.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:21 am
by OptX
I have uploaded a new version and updated the op.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:57 am
by Syruse
After looking over the OP, this mod doesn't seem that over powered in the latest version. I quite like what you did with limiting the stack size in each type of backpack and keeping the number of slots of each rather low. I may end up using this mod, it looks pretty solid.

I'd like to report 2 bugs with this mod;

-Placing a Sturdy Bag in its own inventory deletes the bag upon closing the inventory menu.

-If you are dragging an item with your cursor and click on a Sturdy Bag when its in the Sturdy Backpack causes a crash.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:50 pm
by Azdoine
Oh, good job with this. It's a lot more balanced than it was before, and infinitely more so than the original mightypork backpack. If this is really your first mod, than that's pretty cool.
I'll definitely give this mod a try.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:51 pm
by OptX
Syruse wrote:snip
Thanks for the report, I uploaded a fixed version now... I forgot to add two little variables

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:04 pm
by Syruse
OptX wrote: Thanks for the report, I uploaded a fixed version now... I forgot to add two little variables
Just did a quick test and everything looks to be working. :D

May I make a feature request?
Would it be possible to add shift-clicking items into and out of bags and backpacks?

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:47 pm
by OptX
Syruse wrote: May I make a feature request?
Would it be possible to add shift-clicking items into and out of bags and backpacks?
Just had a eureka! moment. Will be coming tomorrow.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:55 pm
by Eriottosan
OptX, I felt I just had to comment ...

I am not a fan of - nor will I use - backpack mods. That's just the kind of player I am.
However, I am really impressed by your work, so nicely done (:.

That is all (:.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:56 pm
by walker_boh_65
I like the changes you made, mainly the stack size restrictions. That is a great reason to want to upgrade to the sturdy backpack.

Nice work! :)

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:24 am
by Ribky
You went and made this mod sexy for v1.1. Very well done. I don't know know how i feel about the name bagpack for that middle one... but that's just me being nitpicky about words that don't exist when there are other words that would work (haversack, knapsack, rucksack, duffle, etc). Other than that, I love the improvements, keep up the good work man I'm enjoying seeing the work you're putting into it and it's development.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:02 am
by embirrim
Pretty cool addon, I Believe I'll be trying it out =D I quite like the rebalancing of recipes you did, and I find the adding of bags to the backpack to be a nice feature. It makes sense.

Great job man, keep it up.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:09 am
by Folrig
I had an idea. What if the player only has a hot-bar, and no inventory? Instead of an inventory there is backpacks. And the player can hold as many backpacks as he has hot-bar slots.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:41 pm
by Elevatator
Folrig wrote:I had an idea. What if the player only has a hot-bar, and no inventory? Instead of an inventory there is backpacks. And the player can hold as many backpacks as he has hot-bar slots.
This and HCB and you will get a extreme Survival mode, that would even make the chest cart for mining useful.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:23 pm
by th3m1ner
Folrig wrote:I had an idea. What if the player only has a hot-bar, and no inventory? Instead of an inventory there is backpacks. And the player can hold as many backpacks as he has hot-bar slots.

Although it may require base class changes :(

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:52 pm
by walker_boh_65
I really want to throw my support into this as well, but I just don't know. I am on the fence as to whether or not this would be too hard. It would have to be done in a way that still keeps the fun, well adding some difficulty.

Just throwing ideas out into the wind, maybe a single separate slot for a backpack, so that the whole hotbar is not filled with backpacks. If that backpack could be open with the inventory button it wouldn't feel too out of place, but that might take away some of the point of the now dubbed. . .HCI (Hard Core Inventory).

Ehh, just some incoherent ideas coming from a guy who needs more sleep then he his willing to allot himself.

Re: Backpack BTW-Addon v1.1

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:40 pm
by Folrig
Well, the backpack tiers would have to be teased. I think going so far as to add things like a "wicker basket" made out of sticks and a "woven bag" made of reeds.

I was thinking if a particular backpack was selected in the hot-bar pressing "e" would open that pack. Then right clicking when in the inventory screen would access different packs. It may have to be something like ctrl+click though.