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Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:41 pm
by Eriottosan
TTKRickJames wrote: As long as they don't move to follow you when you are moving around. That would be unnerving, but also pretty cool.
They move, but don't follow you :)

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:13 pm
by LordHumungus
I'm really excited about this pack. It looks great! Two questions:

1. Do you have any plans to put the pack on MCCustomizer?
2. Will it support connected textures?

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:06 pm
by Eriottosan
LordHumungus wrote:I'm really excited about this pack. It looks great! Two questions:

1. Do you have any plans to put the pack on MCCustomizer?
2. Will it support connected textures?
1. Is there any point of putting it on the customizer if I don't make alternate textures? (I'm not taking the mick - I don't really understand how it works, just had a quick look though, so maybe I'm missing something?)

2. Is that the mod which causes a bunch of TPs to have "CTM" files? If so, I don't have the first clue how to make it support it - I've never used it or really understood what it does, and can't find a current version after a google search?
But if you know how, or can direct me to somewhere to show me how, then I will make it so, even if it's not in it for the first release (which will be soon, but only vanilla terrain textures).

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:23 pm
by dawnraider
Hey, I am wondering how you animated the mod blocks. On the MCPatcher thread, it says to specify the terrain tile, with "custom_terrain_###.png". How do you make it specify the BTW sheet? I assume the way of choosing the tile is the same though. Am I correct?

EDIT: Spelling error

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:03 pm
by Katalliaan
Eriotto, CTM as a standalone isn't being made anymore because Optifine has added it as an option.

That's the template from the old CTM thread (for 16x16 packs).

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:36 am
by Eriottosan
dawnraider wrote:Hey, I am wondering how you animated the mod blocks. On the MCPatcher thread, it says to specify the terrain tile, with "custom_terrain_###.png". How do you make it specify the BTW sheet? I assume the way of choosing the tile is the same though. Am I correct?

EDIT: Spelling error
Never stop reading, my man! When was the last time you checked the MCPatcher thread over at MCF? There's a spoiler labelled "Information for Texture Pack Authors". In the subsection "Custom Animations" it details the bit you mention, but then it says "NEW!" and tells you how to animate any game texture. Basically, it involves making a .properties file, it's not as scary as it sounds, so go have a look :).

Katalliaan wrote:Eriotto, CTM as a standalone isn't being made anymore because Optifine has added it as an option.

That's the template from the old CTM thread (for 16x16 packs).
Thanks Katalliaan. Does this mean it's an Optifine thing? I don't like Optifine, it doesn't support fully animated graphics, and does nothing for my FPS ...
Can anyone tell me what it actually does?

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:42 am
by dawnraider
There is a way to use mcpatcher's HD features by removing a few of optifine's files. It says which ones on their page. And thanks for the help. It was late at night and I was brain-dead. I didn't realise that applied to BTw textures

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:17 am
by Eriottosan
dawnraider wrote:There is a way to use mcpatcher's HD features by removing a few of optifine's files. It says which ones on their page. And thanks for the help. It was late at night and I was brain-dead. I didn't realise that applied to BTw textures
It's literally any texture :). If you want to learn more about it, I suggest downloading Wolfcraft (it's a texture pack, doesn't have BTW support though). It's got loads of these animated textures - the mobs blink and the title screen's eyes flash, &c. If you're making your own animated TP, I'd suggest downloading it and looking at how it organises its .properties files :)

Regarding Optifine, I may have a look at doing that ... But what does CTM actually do?

EDIT: Ok, I've had a look at installing Optifine and MCPatcher side by side, and I managed it, but it must remove the CTM with it - I don't see any difference on default texture between using it and not using it ...

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:23 am
by Katalliaan
Make sure that the "connected textures" option is enabled, and that the pack supports it (Optifine adds support for the defaults). It connects the textures for glass, sandstone, and bookshelves; it used to allow you to have different top and bottom textures for double chests than for single chests, but that was made obsolete when they added the chest animation.

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:40 pm
by Eriottosan
It was enabled, but I found the problem.

As I said, the pack needs MCPatcher's HD fonts to function with all of the animations (I did try it with just Optifine, to no avail, and didn't look at connected textures at this point).
So I followed Dawnraider's suggestion and went to the Optifine site, did some reading, and removed the classes in the for full MCPatcher compatibility. The Connected Textures didn't work.
So then I redownloaded Optifine, and this time only removed the class you need to remove for MCPatcher's HD Textures (which also means using MCPatcher's RandomMobs).
This time, connected textures worked. And I like it, so I will add support, though it may not be in it for the first release (vanilla terrain textures and anims) by the end of the week. But it might be.
Judging from what I can see, I don't need to bother doing the chest ones on the CTM file, just the bookshelf and glass panes/blocks/sandstone, yes?

For anyone wondering, my solution was deleting "aaw.class" file from the Optifine zip, then ticking "HD Textures" and "Random Mobs" on MCPatcher, but unticking "BetterGrass" and "HD Fonts". I imagine it is probably the BetterGrass class which affects Connected Textures, but that's just me making an ass out of u and me ...

However, there seem to be a fair few conflicts between BTW and Optifine. I currently have Optis going last, butif I run into any issues I will let you know. I will also put a summary of the above (well, the solution) when I release the texture pack with Connect Textures :).

EDIT: I am sold on using Optifine (with MCPatcher for animations) now - unless the conflicts cause instability issues with BTW, of course - purely due to BetterSnow.

EDIT: Searched the forums, found that my current installation order causes Steve to have unabletoclimbropeitis, a very rare but debilitating disease. I can confirm this to be true, and am currently performing an Optifineectomy, following by an artificial Optifine (installed before BTW, rather than after), but this disables ConnectedTextures. Any thoughts?

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:00 pm
by Eriottosan
Ok, I've decided that although I like the connected textures and better snow, I won't use it myself as it infects Steve with the aforementioned disease, and I don't want want to risk any undiagnosed symptoms of such a rarely documented disorder.

But I will do a ConnectedTextures file, but it is now almost definitely not going to be done for the first release.

I hope my insanity (which hopefully is not an early symptom of unabletoclimbropeitis - I'd hate to end up like my Steve almost did) is comprehensible :)

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:02 pm
by Jay42
You might be interested in this Post: ... __14191889
tl;dr FC said he'll have a look at it and maybe fix it tomorrow.

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:00 pm
by Eriottosan
That makes me happy, Jay42, thanks for the link :).

And I actually got bored texturing (well, I got to a point where I only had complex and multi-tile blocks to go) and did all the glass and sandstone CTM textures. And as I haven't done bookcase or chests yet, I might as well do their CTM when I do them, so it will probably come out with the first release, too.

To keep everyone updated, I've redone that horrible cobblestone :). I've also done all cobble based blocks - pistons, furnace, dispenser - though they aren't my best work ... On the flipside, the crafting table looks pretty good IMHO, and the jukebox spins with the vinyl having my name in kanji on it :) (If you don't know what I mean, it's the weird characters on my hieroglyph sandstone).

All I have left are:
- The end blocks (eurgh. I hate the end. But that's portal frame, endstone, and enderdragon egg, + the crystal if I can be bothered, but as that's on a different .png I may leave it till another release).
- The 6 leaf textures (which is really the work of three blocks, but I still don't have any idea how to tackle them).
- The brewing stand.
- Bookshelf (+ its CTM version).
- Chests (and their CTM version).

There are a few other textures that need redoing, but they are fine for a first release :). Getting feedback might even help me work out what it is I'm doing wrong on them.

So yes, should be up before the end of the week :).
(Real week, not working week ... ;) So I don't have anyone shouting at me to release tomorrow)

Thanks all!

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:42 pm
by dawnraider
Eriotto, I am doing my second TP (my first was crap) and I can't get good non-solid textures. What I used for my first one was the noise filter, but that looked horrible. I then removed the filter, and tried doing it by hand. That didn't look too good either. And I hate 'smooth' textures. Would you mind giving me advice on how to add slight variations into the textures? Thanks.

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:42 am
by Eriottosan
Dawnraider, what do you mean by non-solid textures?

What programs are you using to create your textures? If you have the money, use Photoshop, but if you don't (who does? :P) be like me and use and Gimp. Download plug-ins for them so that you can do more. But don't rely on filters. I use filters as a base, and then draw from them, but different people have different methods.

The best advice I can give you is to download a few texturepacks that you like the style of (not necessarily that you would use, but that the style is right - it looks the style you want to make, even if it doesn't look how you would make it - and dissect these. Scour the images, work out how they create that style, and then imitate it. Then you can create your own look in that style. Also, look up tutorials for textures and stuff like that - even if it isn't for the program you use, it can still be helpful.

That's a start, I guess :)

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:31 pm
by dawnraider
What I mean by non-solid textures is shapes that have slight variations in the colors, not just the same color for the entire region. I use photoshop for editing. But thanks for the advice. I have been making my textures from scratch, but over an existing TP for reference (Right now I'm using Batto's). But I will look at a few others. Thanks.

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:04 pm
by Eriottosan
Ah, I wish I had photoshop :'(.

For variations in colour, experiment with the many different ways of using the gradient tool :).
Equally, clouds can be useful - not sure where it is in Photoshop, but if it's in the same place as it will be in effects (might be called filter in PS)->render->clouds. Of course, you don't want to use clouds on its own, you need to edit it further, but it's a good starting place for a lot of textures IMHO.

But yeah, familiarise yourself with as many textures as possible, get a feel for shading, etc :)

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:10 pm
by dawnraider
Alright, thanks. I am familiar with the cloud feature in, so I'll experiment with that.

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:08 pm
by Eriottosan
Just play and imitate until you get used to it, then you will be able to do it for your own style, if that makes sense :).

Update for the pack: I have now done everything for .png with the exception of chests and leaves, including a CTM sheet (excluding the chests for it, obviously). Turns out I hadn't done wheat, but that's done now. So really, it's two 'groups' of textures left. Still, dreading the leaves ...

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:23 pm
by Mr_ONI_man
This looks like it's going to be great. Hopefully my poor laptop can handle it. It usually doesn't like 128x textures.

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:35 pm
by Eriottosan
posts: 1


Am I your first post?
*cries with happiness* :').

Fingers crossed for you being able to run it, my man :)

On a separate note, did I mention:
I hate leaf textures!

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack - First release, v 0.10

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:48 am
by Eriottosan
That's the first release up - just has the terrain.png and a few other bits and bobs. Hrm, now what, items or BTW terrain ...?

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack - First release, v 0.10

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:22 pm
by Starshifterxen
Great stuff! :)
  • - The nether is very creepy now. Love the eyes.
    - Love the block annimations
    - Ores are very cool
    - Some real character in there. I can definitely see the japanese influence.
Some constructive feedback for you:
  • - There feels like there is a bit of confusion in the style of the pack. Some bits are very detailed (e.g. fire, wood, portal texture), other elements are more cartoony (dirt, grass, stone, bookshelves). I don't feel these styles mesh together very well. I think the pack would benefit from picking one of these styles or adapting some of the textures to aim for more of a middle ground. (e.g. Stone and dirt definitely need a bit more character/detailing)
    - I love the purple nether brick, but the texture is a bit dark. It's hard to see the detailing
    - I don't really like the new cobblestone texture. It's ok on its own, but look a bit strange on the dispenser, furnance, piston, etc.
    - I like the style of redstone - red when active, purple when not. But it is a bit confusing that when on it "spits" purple sparks and pulses purple. Although this looks nice, it is a bit hard to tell what is going on with the redstone at a glance.
Epic start though. I can definitely see this becoming one of my favourite packs. Congratulations! :)

Oh and i would pick BTW blocks :P

Few screenshots for you too (large!):

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack - First release, v 0.10

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:50 pm
by Eriottosan
Starshifterxen wrote:<snip>
Woah, great feedback, thanks!
  • - I think they eyes are a bit overpowered appearing all at once, but it's that or not have it, so I'm glad you like it. Thought it needed some life as it squeals when ground in the millstone ;).
    - Which block animations is it you love? One of my favourites is the simple jukebox, and another is the TNT ...
    - Thanks, I'm still not sure on the ores though ...
    - Yeah, the style is a bit confused ... it's meant to be somewhere between real and cartoon, but I overshoot it either way a few times. The fire is purely using a GIMP script I downloaded aaaages ago, but I really can't make one so it will have to stay for now.
    - The portal texture I probably won't change.
    - By wood, do you mean the trees, the planks or both?
    - The bookshelves will stay as they are (at least for now) because I cannot work out any way to make the covers detailed at that size.
    - The dirt used to have a tad more texture, I might adjust the levels see if I can bring it back ...
    - By grass, do you mean grass block or the grass plants?
    - The stone I don't like, but it was the best of a bad bunch.
    - I'm with you on the Netherbrick, but that should be easy to fix.
    - I agree with the cobblestone 100%. But I didn't like the old one either.
    - ""spits" purple sparks" ... where do you mean? As for pulses purple, you're right, it's perhaps a bit too extreme - I'll just make it a slight red pulse I think.
Thanks for the feedback, just confirms some of my thoughts to be honest :).
I started looking at BTW terrains, and I've made some progress on the first line of it. But seeing as for a lot of them I can get away with using the vanilla textures as the basis for them, I have decided on a new course of action.
Namely, I am going to work on redoing the stone and cobblestone vanilla blocks, and hence the vanilla textures which use these, so that that I can quickly go through the BTW textures without having to redo a whole batch of textures when I finally redo these base ones.

Can I use a few of your screenshots in this thread/over at MCF?

Thanks a lot! :)

EDIT: Also, what about stone bricks? (All four variants). When I change the basic stone, should these be changed?

Re: Eriotto's 128x Texture Pack - First release, v 0.10

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:16 pm
by dawnraider
The logs except for jungle seem to be split into 4 sections in that don't have neat borders- you may want to clean that up a bit. Also, the dirt looks a little too smudged. Other than that, looks pretty good for the most part. And I think you should do BTW terrain next.