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Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:59 pm
by Folrig
I guess I really got started on my SNES.

Super Mario Kart - My Dad and I easily logged hundreds of hours per summer on this game.
Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past - I once drew the title screen of this on an Easter egg.
Street Fighter II Turbo - I didn't have this one long, but my cousins (both younger girls) and I played this a lot when I did.
Mario RPG - My first RPG. I used to carry the players guide with me everywhere.
Poppycocks wrote: Heroes of Might and Magic 3:
Best TBS ever made. Period. Not even chess can match the wonders that is HoMaM3. Fantasy. Too many good points to mention in one go.
I'm going to go with Heroes of Might and Magic 2 - I actually learned to juggle while playing HMM2 "hot seat" with my Dad.
Doom - No clipping mode!
Sim City - This didn't quite catch my attention like SC4 did. I may have been too young.
Sim City 4 - One of my favorite games of all time.

Goldeneye - Another game my Dad, cousins, and I logged hundreds of hours per summer on.
Perfect Dark - see above (except now we were on the same team mostly)
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - I wonder if I still have this one memorized.
Mario Kart 64 - This game drove me nuts! The computer cheating to keep up was just awful!
Super Smash Bros. - I thought I was amazing at this game...until I played a buddy of mine from school...I beat him the first time, and then never again.

Final Fantasy Tactics - I have still yet to finish it, but it is another one of my all time favorite games.
Final Fantasy X - The only FF game I have ever completed.

Wow, that was a nice walk down memory lane. I think there are more, but this has gone on a little long.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:12 am
by Horizon
Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls. I downloaded the rom earlier, and it is really good.
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. First handheld game, and imo best handheld game ever. Multiplayer was awesome. Anyone wanna play said multiplayer?
Fallout 3&NV. They were some of the greatest games to ever grace the world. Were truly wondrous.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:16 am
by Rasuth
Played a lot of the SNES classics back in the second half of the 90's:
Secret of Evermore
Terranigma, pretty cool, first you raise the continents, then populate the world with flowers, animals, and finally humans. Try it.
Lufia II, Travel the world and fight the evil lords. Loved the random Cave of the Ancients mode.
The Legend of Zelda, A Link to the Past
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country

We used to have a C64 but I can't recall many games from it. There was a SimCity though. And Stars like Dust.

PC Age: Diablo, Dungeon Keeper 2, Baldurs Gate, Warcraft Tides of Darkness + Beyond the Dark Portal, HoMaM3, and so on and so forth

I still have a SNES emulator installed and play some of the old games from time to time.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:34 am
by Ribky
Total Annihilation was probably the most fun I ever had with an RTS.
Civilization 2, I specify that one merely for the air raid sirens when you nuked someone.
FFVI is still the best Final Fantasy ever made.
The first two Suikodens.
Anything Zelda, anything Metroid.
A whole bunch more, but I can't be bothered to just keep naming games.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:38 am
by Flesh_Engine
If by 'old' you mean DOS;
Commander Keen (1-6)
Xenon 2
Blood & Magic

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:42 am
by Horizon
Elder Scrolls: Arena.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:44 am
by DreamsofFury
Ribky wrote:Total Annihilation was probably the most fun I ever had with an RTS.
I need to install that again.....loved it but didn't pick it up seriously until the multiplayer base was all hardcores and/or basically dead.
Check out Supreme Commander, same thing but more advanced, plus the commander is actually useful past building your first lab.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:18 am
by gungad
All Super Bomberman games, for SNES.
Rock'n'Roll Racing, for SNES.
Dino Crisis 2 for PS1.
and Deus Ex for PC, the best game I ever play.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:33 am
by maxsi
Rock'n'Roll Racing, for Snes.
Read Alert for Ps1
Dino Crisis 2 for Ps1.
vigilante 8 2nd offense PS1
The Settlers 3 PC
knights and merchants PC

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:32 am
by kaspermwh
Chrash Bandicoot

A lot of old PS1 and PS2 games :)

also, pokemon blue and gold.

All great games in which some i just dug up from my parents house, they still play nicely on my old PS2 machine ;)

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:42 am
by Itamarcu
Rayman 1 and Theme Park World too!

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:36 am
by Poppycocks
Horizon wrote:Elder Scrolls: Arena.
I still need to play these two, started with morowind.

I've got a GBA emulator somewhere, played Castlevania on it :).

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:05 pm
by TheAnarchitect
Outpost. Not only was it simcity in space, but all the media files were unobfuscated and in standard formats. I exported all the AI sounds and rethemed my OS around them. This was WIN98. I even used the HTML desktop feature to have it play Holtz "The Planets" in the background all the time. I was 15 or so.

SimCity 3000 is better than the versions that have come later.

Civilization: Call to Power. Added way more interesting features than the core series, it has way more imagination than Sid Mier's history simulator.

Diablo 2. Pretty much defines the kill and loot genre, all later games are simply trying to be this game.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:27 pm
by Nexus Trimean
Final Fantasy 3us(6) My favorite game of all time. great story, solid gameplay.
Deus Ex, one of the very few RPG FPS's that are good. Nonlinear environments, designed to accomodate a number of playstyles.
Warcraft 2 and Command and Conquer (the Original, not red alert) Got me into RTS. both soild games in there own right.
Diablo, Hack and Slash RPG :D
Planetside, There has not been a good game on Planetside's scale since.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:32 pm
by DaveYanakov
Roadblasters is the game that my dad and I always stopped to play at this one rest stop way back in the day. It's one of the few that we both enjoyed. There are others but that's the sentimental one.

Final Fantasy 7 will always stick out at the opposite end of the spectrum. Not because it was bad but because some punk friend of my young cousin told me Aeris was about to die. I threw him out the window into the bushes and to this day have never actually finished the game.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:44 pm
by Catox
Wow, most of the games I played have a special place in my heart, from NES Super Mario Bros to Wii Super Mario Galaxy !


So there's Super Mario Bros, probably one of the first video games I ever played when we got our NES for christmass. It was the "deluxe" package with Duck Hunt and it's gun, and also Gyromite and it's robot.
SMB1, SMB2, SMB3, Super Mario World, Mario64, Mario Sunshine, Mario Galaxy ! All of them are good memories.

Then here was Tetris, which gave me my first hallucinations after having only watched it played by someone else.

The Legend of Zelda, of course. I followed my father's adventure of trying absolutely every actions on each and every cells of the entire map. Yup, he burned every rocks, bombed every trees, and fluted everything in the game.
Zelda2 too was a great time, first experience with some "evolved" dialogs.
A link to the past is probably still my best memory of the series.

I have to mention Nintendo World Cup because it was so stupid, yet so funny.

Megaman 2, wonderfull game, wonderfull musics, wonderfull memories.

Solstice, one of those game I had a hard time not to listen to the opining music until it's end. I wished I could have finished it...

Then there are Castlevania 1 and 4 on NES and SNES

Super Mario Kart may win the 'most played ever' price : I kept playing it with friends in Game Cube years.

I believe Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was my first RPG. SNES game, NES graphics, moving musics and nice story. Happy time.

What next... Oh ! Flashback ! You have to mention Flashback in a favorite games thread !

And of course, there's Secret of Mana and it's little brother Secret of Evermore. Just thinking of this one make me want to play it again.

Our first PC had come just before my SNES.
I was stunned when I found out that the "prince" floppy disk contained the famous Prince of Persia with it's rotoscoped animations, and that we could play it on our little 8086.
I could also play Dune on this computer, and that was awesome. I think it's the first game that kept me hooked on it 8 hours in the same day.
Of course Doom is an important game. But my preference goes to Heretic, it's medieval fantastic version.

Then there was the psx.
Final Fantasy 7. When I bought this one I realised I had spent most on the day on it when the game told me to insert CD2.

Can you talk about rpgs without mentionning Suikoden 2 or Grandia ?
I realise many of my "good game memories" have something to do with their musics. But really those were more than just that.

I'll shorten my story here and finish with the One : Ico.

Re: Game nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:17 pm
by Ceunon
[quote="Poppycocks"]Heroes of Might and Magic 3:
Best TBS ever made. Period. Not even chess can match the wonders that is HoMaM3. Fantasy. Too many good points to mention in one go.

This game's just so awesome I still play it (the map editor is incredibly clean and easy to toy with).

Let's see what else I've got...

The Sims (the original one) and all its expansion packs.

Pokémon Sapphire. I've played Red, but Sapphire's soundtrack is so frigging amazing that I can't even describe it.

Age of Empires, both the original one and II (with respective expansions).

Roller Coaster Tycoon (same as above).

As for the consoles, I could name a ton (all for PS1):

Crash Bandicoot 1~3 (plus Team Racing).

Digimon World 1~3

Spyro 1 and 2 (didn't like 3 that much).

Can't remember anything else right now.

Anyways, had a cool childhood lol