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Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:43 pm
by M!C
It's certainly nice to see that there are quite some people enjoying this little "service"!

Makes me want to continue ... ;)

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:04 pm
by Battosay
Sticked ;)

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:04 pm
by FlowerChild
Battosay wrote:Sticked ;)
Nice. I wish I would have thought of that :)

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:45 pm
by finite8
FlowerChild wrote:
logorouge wrote: Oh no, not Fallout3-style repairs... I hate Fallout3-style repairs. :|

(This thread is awesome!)
Hehe...yeah, I've been playing a lot of New Vegas lately, and I agree with you on this one. One nice thing they included in Vegas though, that I don't think was in Fallout 3, was weapon repair kits that allow you to also repair weapons with various parts you find here and there (I think it takes duct tape, scrap electronics, scrap metal, a wrench, and wonderglue if I rember right).

IMO, this makes it a loss let annoying. You can still repair with parts off of other weapons (which does makes some sense), or you have the alternate route described above.

No idea why they didn't seem to do this for armor though (unless I just haven't found the crafting recipe yet).

Granted though, I think this makes a lot less sense for Minecraft items. Like, I could see you salvaging parts from one complex machine, like a gun, to improve the condition of another, but a pick axe? Not so much. Where I think this system really falls apart in Fallout is when you start doing it with simple items like baseball bats, and the stuff in Minecraft is almost entirely of this nature.
Totally agree. This works for things like Armour, but a Sword? No sir... that Dog won't hunt!

Besides, lets say you do repair an item by beating it back into shape and replacing the badly damaged components... the item would be weaker due to having been physically deformed again and again. The only real way to salvage something like armour would be to salvage the metal, melt it down and start again. I think Steves skills would be better spent learning how to IMPROVE his armour rather than somehow taking and two axe heads and turning them into a single better one.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:22 am
by DaveYanakov
I can sort of see it if you think of it more along the lines of pulling the handle from a pick with a damaged face to repair the pick with the handle starting to splinter. It's a bit of a stretch though and does seem far too easy. On the other hand, you'll end up losing three iron compared to the reforging option provided by the crucible.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:49 pm
by M!C
I absolutely don't know what they do codingwise but Jeb seems to do a better job at community contact atm imo. The last of his "q&a sessions" produced quite some interesting tweets and his overall "information to noise" is like almost 40%. Meanwhile Notch just did over 20 tweets and there were only 2 "useful" ones ...

Well, let's just say I know now because of which pers(s)on I'm doing this ... ;)

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:19 pm
by FaceFoiled
02:52 PM
Markus Persson
Proof: [... for no respawning in hardcore mode]!/notch/status/119031614553587713

That is amazing!!! I can really see a proper Hardcore mode be put to use for challanges, events, RP and other things. Great addition! =)

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:38 pm
by FlowerChild
FaceFoiled wrote: That is amazing!!! I can really see a proper Hardcore mode be put to use for challanges, events, RP and other things. Great addition! =)
Well, these kinds of "delete the save" modes are amazing until you die due to a bug.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:43 pm
by FaceFoiled
True, but I am a very easy going person. :p Dying due to a bug in a Hardcore game would be annoying, but a risk that has to be considered when playing hardcore. The same goes for Diablo 2, yet it is a community that works.

In all honesty I don't see myself playing it for a normal playthrough, as I tend to hug creepers as if they were lingerie models, but I would love to make up some challanges and play those. Possibly even create certain playthrough maps, RP adventures and such.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:54 pm
by Urian
The HC mode could be useful for adventure maps since I'm guessing we will still be able to use backed up versions several times.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:42 pm
by M!C
FlowerChild wrote:
FaceFoiled wrote: That is amazing!!! I can really see a proper Hardcore mode be put to use for challanges, events, RP and other things. Great addition! =)
Well, these kinds of "delete the save" modes are amazing until you die due to a bug.
I totally agree there ... and I'm more the builder-type anyway.

Even I must admit though that there is some potential in that addition too.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:07 pm
by M!C
I suppose this one's worth a bump:
M!C wrote:02:57 PM
Jens Bergensten
So @notch did the last commit for the 1.9 prerelease 2, get it here:!/jeb_/status/119395358135693312

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:42 pm
by Urian
It looks like vMC also has cauldrons in the next update:
jeb_ wrote:Potions are delayed because *add to cauldron, pick up, look at tooltip, pour back into cauldron, repeat* was extremely tedious

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:49 pm
by M!C
Urian wrote:It looks like vMC also has cauldrons in the next update:
jeb_ wrote:Potions are delayed because *add to cauldron, pick up, look at tooltip, pour back into cauldron, repeat* was extremely tedious
I put that up here for discussion

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:20 pm
by Urian
Right, didn't see that topic. Although I think this might also be of interest to the modding community (didn't see anything about it):
Notch wrote:There are two more major things we want to add to Minecraft. We'll do a code freeze on the 18'th, then polish for a month before MineCon.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:23 pm
by Battosay
So no updates between the 18th and Minecon ?
Looks like a window for mod updates ?

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:10 am
by screally
No, there will be bugfixing then, so I'm guessing a lot of .1 .2 .3 .4 updates in that period.

I could be wrong though

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:41 am
by M!C
screally wrote:No, there will be bugfixing then, so I'm guessing a lot of .1 .2 .3 .4 updates in that period.

I could be wrong though
There is one advantage though: So long as they don't add anything new, they'll run out of bugs to fix eventually ... (i know wishful thinking ;) )

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:44 pm
by the_fodder
Notch wrote: There are two more major things we want to add to Minecraft. We'll do a code freeze on the 18'th, then polish for a month before MineCon.
I am reading that as Mojang will not be releasing any code updates during that time, sure they will be fixing bugs but will not give them to the public until minecon that way they will get a surge if interest in Minecraft during the CON.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:15 am
by Sajuuk
M!C wrote:
in Antwort auf @Nexusdog_UK ↑
Jens Bergensten
I haven't! In beta 1.9 pre2 milk works like a clear-everything drink!/jeb_/status/119842906528944129
Including your colon for most people in the world.
but since the game is from Sweden we can assume Steve isn't among those people. I guess.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:59 pm
by DaveYanakov
Am I the only one who thinks *add to cauldron, pick up, look at tooltip, pour back into cauldron, repeat* being tedious is a good thing? It's research! It's not supposed to be an instant gratification thing. If you have to work with it and spend time experimenting with different ingredients or cooking times, the reward is far greater than a simple status effect.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:47 pm
by morvelaira
Ugh. The angry BTW fan. Whomever you are on twitter, I shake my fist at thee for making us look bad.

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:54 pm
by M!C
morvelaira wrote:Ugh. The angry BTW fan. Whomever you are on twitter, I shake my fist at thee for making us look bad.
I'd bet he's part of the recent wave of attention BTW got ...

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:32 pm
by M!C
Does anybody have an idea how i should handle older tweets?

I tried having a spoiler within a spoiler which obviously can't work ... /facepalm

Should I delete anything older than a week?

Let the OP grow until it fills an entire page?

Or should I put up one spoiler per month (for old tweets only)?

Re: M!C's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:48 pm
by morvelaira
M!C wrote:Does anybody have an idea how i should handle older tweets?

I tried having a spoiler within a spoiler which obviously can't work ... /facepalm

Should I delete anything older than a week?

Let the OP grow until it fills an entire page?

Or should I put up one spoiler per month (for old tweets only)?

I think that last one is the best idea. Either that or clear them out as they're not needed - I.E. upcoming features that are being tweeted about are fully implmented.