Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

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How should god cycling work?

Gods are changed every week or 2, nothing else changes
Gods are changed every week or 2, and citizens move to a new location
Gods are changed every week or 2, and the map is reset
No votes
Gods are persistent until the story plays itself to an end, then the world and gods are changed
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by BinoAl »

Katalliaan wrote:
Speltz wrote:Haven't really done anything with SMP other than Vanilla worlds. What kind of mods or plugins will us Joe Blows need to grab to play? Or will all that be for the server itself?
I'm pretty sure the mods will all be serverside.
Yup, it doesn't add new blocks or anything, its all serverside mods. It's great to see how many people are willing to try this out :) I was worried about the citizen:god ratio, but it should be good if this many people want to try. Once bukkit and all the plugins get updated, ill get everything working and test it out running the server from my computer. Ill post the IP on here once it gets set up, but i have no idea whatsoever when that will be. If it has a sustained player base, ill start renting from a hosting service and run it 24/7 :)
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by Speltz »

How many player slots on the server are you willing to go for?
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by BinoAl »

Speltz wrote:How many player slots on the server are you willing to go for?
Depend on the activity i get during the test. My computer can probably handle 25-30 people. Ill take how many i get during the test, +5 or so. So far, its looking like i may have to get quite a few slots ^.^
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by Miss_Kat »

Sign one more up with interest of being a citizen! ...That is, if I can play. For some reason, whenever I play SMP, I'm barely able to keep blocks destroyed. They revert on me.
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by walker_boh_65 »

Im honestly really surprised that people weren't more interested in your swapping out system bino
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by diegokilla »

BinoAl wrote:Hm, some of the commands in the god plugin could be useful. I just have to find a way to tie them in with iConomy to charge acts per use. A god of war could spawn weapons for his soldiers, go demigod, and lead a charge >:) I do want to use just one world, separate worlds would make the lack of citizens hurt that much more, and make each god only focus on one world. Sort of like the races in that game of godhood: Everyone tried to make their race flourish, instead of trying to form a world together
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/econ-c ... ost-499946
It can be a bit difficult to get used to, but it serves it's purpose wonderfully.
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by Williamson »

I'd be up for being a citizen! Sounds like a neat idea so far.
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by BinoAl »

diegokilla wrote:http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/econ-c ... ost-499946
It can be a bit difficult to get used to, but it serves it's purpose wonderfully.
You have no idea how much google time you just saved me :) Thanks a ton man, the server should be a cinch to set up now :D
walker_boh_65 wrote:Im honestly really surprised that people weren't more interested in your swapping out system bino
Its less of a system, and more like every week or so (Haven't decided on a length) the gods become citizens and 3 citizens become gods. Volunteer based, of course. I'm not 100% sure how im going to set up the thread yet. Also, should the world reset whenever the gods change? I feel as if after the first week, everyone will be building with diamond blocks. I do plan on making the act cost of diamonds pretty high, but i still think that's almost all the god of stone/riches/whatever will do with his/her turn.
Oh, and something i should clarify: Gods are going to have a LOT more acts than 2 per turn. Things will also cost a lot more. I'm thinking about 100 acts per turn, to allow for very small commands like a single bolt of lightning to not cost half of your acts. Feedback on this would be appreciated, its basically the last thing I need to really plan out besides individual prices.
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by walker_boh_65 »

BinoAl wrote: Its less of a system, and more like every week or so (Haven't decided on a length) the gods become citizens and 3 citizens become gods. Volunteer based, of course. I'm not 100% sure how im going to set up the thread yet. Also, should the world reset whenever the gods change? I feel as if after the first week, everyone will be building with diamond blocks. I do plan on making the act cost of diamonds pretty high, but i still think that's almost all the god of stone/riches/whatever will do with his/her turn.
Oh, and something i should clarify: Gods are going to have a LOT more acts than 2 per turn. Things will also cost a lot more. I'm thinking about 100 acts per turn, to allow for very small commands like a single bolt of lightning to not cost half of your acts. Feedback on this would be appreciated, its basically the last thing I need to really plan out besides individual prices.
im not so sure we should reset the world, it does make sense, but there could be some really nice builds, perhaps we just move to a new location. Such as when the gods and A, B, and C we are at town X, when the gods are D, E, and F we are at town Y, and when the first three gods cycle back, its not like they have to restart every monument build to them. But this part of it needs to be ironed out a bit more. I think we need to figure out how much things will cost, so we can figure out what is fair forthe amount of acts.
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by Speltz »

I don't mind just skipping over the whole citizen/god swapping thing. From what I've heard, anyways, it might just be a bit more disruptive to the story-vibe. It would be cool to have something for citizens to shoot for, maybe a 'champion' or 'hero' kind of thing with a few perks. But all in all, to me it seems like being a citizen isn't a drag, just a different character and play-style. But I can see how others would want a go with the powers.
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by BinoAl »

Added a poll on the god cycling options, to get a feel for how people want it to work
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by walker_boh_65 »

you never included Speltz idea into the poll, unless that is off the table, not saying thats what im voting for, just thats its another option
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by Elensaar »

I think that resetting the world when the gods cycle might be a bit drastic, especially if it's only a week or two.

I'm for not changing things, maybe moving to a new location every now and then to change things up. Or come up with some rules about the density of buildings/monuments and the like. For instance that a city (however we define a city) can only have a monument to one god.

It would be cool to play a citizen in a world such as this, especially if we try to keep it somewhat RP focused (which I think is the point, right?). And if things become too crowded the gods can order their followers to migrate to a new location, to start a new city. A persistent world would help in immersion, and we could all try to keep a persona that we play when we do not have godhood.

You could maybe even extend the period between rotations a bit. If you grant the gods (somehow, haven't played with setting up a server so I don't know how plausible this is) the ability to declare someone a "champion" or "acting demigod", it could keep the players that are waiting for their turn as god interested and give us all something to strive for. Also, there seem to be quite a few of us interested in just playing as ordinary citizens.

[/rant] I think that (maybe) longer periods and a persistent world is the way to go. Would make for a cool roleplaying environment. Still, if this is doable, or if the world becomes so crowded and overfilled with goodies that a new location or a new world becomes necessary, we'll just have to see.

EDIT: Hmm... Thinking about it, if you set up some sort of champion/temporary demigod thing, Speltz's idea might be cool. Would make for a more immersive environment overall. Still, that might make the world too crowded with monuments and stuff...
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by gftweek »

Instead of just moving to a new area, you could have (un)natural disasters periodically (perhaps through a meteorite mod or similar), they may be prevented by the gods if they are on their toes, otherwise a new area becomes necessary and you get some cool ruins in the old city. Perhaps this could trigger the downfall of certain gods if their monuments are destroyed, forcing a new god to rise in their place?

I really like the idea of this, but my limited experiences of SMP have been marred by lag, bugs and childish behaviour. I expected it to act like SSP but with more people, but it's hard to fight creepers when they aren't where you think they are, or mine when blocks reappear randomly.
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by BinoAl »

I didn't include speltz's idea, because i wanted it to feel... fair. If gods regularly cycle, everyone who wants a chance to be a god will get to be one at some point. Although, maybe to let the world develop and feel more persistent, I should make gods last until the story is "ended"? You know, the gods have a big battle, or the world gets destroyed for the sins of the citizens, etc, then reset the world? I'll add that option to the poll. Remember, you can change votes :D
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by Gdnite »

I'm going to use DnD as an example here. If the players are in to the DM's over arching plot then its a good story and generally lasts longer. But if it sucks no one plays it. If the God's create a great story everyone loves it then it should persist. But if they don't and it is dull and boring a new uprising of gods should occur.
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by BinoAl »

Wow, 75% approval for the gods being persistent until the end of the plot :) I don't know how easy it will be for the gods to play through a plot like that, though. Without being able to create original creatures, materials, etc, i have the feeling the stories won't be very different and will become boring after the first one or 2 games
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by Deepsniper »

I think that gods should fall and raise naturally... If a god looses worshipers then he falls if someone has a temple and people start to worship him then there will be some more interesting plot...

If I may be one of the gods I know exactly what I'll be :)
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by duartemad »

Seems like an awsome idea!
Kinda like rpish too.
If you are doing it count me in as a god if possible, if not citizen..
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by walker_boh_65 »

Looks like we just have to flesh out a few more rules and we will be done.

1.) The amount of acts each god is given

2.) The amount each task costs in acts

3.) How many people will have have gods/citizens (based on how many people the sever can hold)

4.) Who will be the first gods (And then what god will they be? and what powers?, in minecraft terms)

5.) How will we mange the regaining of acts (if this is done at all) (based on temples? worship? something else?)

6.) A story or plot to start us of (Triskelli, i think this is your forte)

7.) Anything i am missing?
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by BinoAl »

1.) The amount of acts each god is given
I still have to decide on command/block prices, so this can't be decided yet.

2.) The amount each task costs in acts
See above.

3.) How many people will have have gods/citizens (based on how many people the sever can hold)
3 Gods. We wont have enough people for any more, and any less than 3 would be incredibly lame.

4.) Who will be the first gods (And then what god will they be? and what powers?, in minecraft terms)
This will be decided when the server goes up. The gods will get to decide which gods they are. The matter of who will get to be gods... I suppose ill just choose who would make things the most interesting. Triskelli is a safe bet on being a god, if he chooses to be. After the first game plays through, I'll find a system of choosing gods. Maybe who made the most difference as a citizen, best citizen story teller, etc.

5.) How will we mange the regaining of acts (if this is done at all) (based on temples? worship? something else?)
GM will decide how many acts each temple/monument adds per round. I wont be playing as a citizen or a god to make sure it's fair and unbiased, don't worry :D Also, if the gods decide to do battle, monuments can be destroyed to weaken the gods.

6.) A story or plot to start us of (Triskelli, i think this is your forte)
We'll start every game with the gods being sent to the mortal plane, having the minecraftian world as a "blank slate". Of course, since forming mountains and things like that would be impractical in the minecraft version of godhood, so most of the development will be based on the improvement of civilizations and relationships between gods
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by Triskelli »

Muahaha, is someone calling on my skills?

Heheheh, let's see if I can whip together a basic story. This'll be borrowing heavily from minecraft lore from the Alpha days. If you missed it, I'm pulling ideas from this thread. I'll be editing for quality and content of course, since the last post in that thread was made last December.

In the beginning, all was Chaos. The Beast Gods tore and thrashed at one another in the swirling vortex. Spider, Zombie, Creeper, Slime, and Skeleton fought for dominance of the dark void. That is, until the Mighty Notch appeared. With his Adminium Blade he defeated the Beast Gods and banished them beneath the layer of infinite Bedrock. Then with his sword Notch split the sky in twain, creating both night and day from the morass of light and dark.

Notch then ascended into the heavens to keep constant vigil over the world. As the days turned to months turned to years turned to millenia, life came into the world. Trees, water, grass, the cows and sheep wandered the lush world of Minecraft. It was a peaceful time, without man or beast to mar it. But Notch was displeased. He had accomplished such great works but there were none to praise him for them. So reaching down and taking a handful of clay, the Almighty Notch preformed the first Craft, and created the first Man.

But the Beast Gods raged in their starry prison. They saw this creation and sought desperately to destroy it. Their fury was so great that they were able to crack the Bedrock here and there. They remained trapped, but their essence was able to seep back into the world of Minecraft. Their undiluted rage cracked the earth and melted the rocks. Caves and caverns formed where that power wafted toward the surface. Skeletons and spiders stalked the night, and Creepers wandered the verdant forests in wait.

Notch saw this and was saddened. He knew that his own raw power would rip the world asunder if he were to oppose the Beast Gods once more. So he instead raised a handful of his most loyal Men to the position of Gods, to guard and protect the world of Minecraft, and all its' inhabitants.

^How's that? Not quite what we had in the other thread, but this is more or less what I consider to be Minecraft "canon", with a twist to explain the Gods and Men. When we get some of the more precise details hammered out I'll add on to the story.

(Oh, and I'd love to be a God. Hopefully I can play close to the same character as before, and I have abilities geared towards screwing with people.)
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by BinoAl »

Triskelli wrote: (Oh, and I'd love to be a God. Hopefully I can play close to the same character as before, and I have abilities geared towards screwing with people.)
The only real issue with that is there aren't many commands/blocks that really have to do with "social engineering" ;D The act system will have limited but solid things to do. Unfortunately, i can't think of any real way to work triskel's smooth words into it :0
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by Triskelli »

Heh, just being able to place signs, spawn creepers, and rummage through people's stuff should be enough to spawn the same level of discord. Also interesting would be the ability to log in as different people, but that's WAY too griefable if the same powers were given to someone else who didn't have my particular brand of humor.


Here's a fun little plugin:

http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fun-ad ... 1060.6295/
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Re: Godhood SMP Server - In Planning

Post by joetalbot1 »

I think that you should use the clay soldiers mod to simulate citizens, cause it makes you feel more like a god.
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Cost Flowerchild some sanity. check
Say,"I've seen everything, now to die." why would I?
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