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Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:31 am
by FlowerChild
Stormweaver wrote:Isn't 'voting' for bug fixes just going to result in the exploits...not being fixed?

...wuthfu.'s just silly. It also has nothing to do with prioritizing based on time it will take to fix. Just silly overall.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:09 am
by MaxAstro
I have seen voting based bug reporting work well - Arcen Games, an indie company I have a lot of respect for, does it. However, they also understand its limitations - it is a great way to narrow down which bugs most interrupt the play experience of the most people. And that's about all it tells you.

So Arcen uses the bug tracker to get an idea of which bugs are most bothering people, but also is very good at prioritizing their time, knowing when to ignore the community, etc. Arcen also has an unusually helpful community (exploits get voted up as fast or faster than bugs in many cases, for example).

MineCraft... has ADD developers and an ADHD, super-needy community. I do not forsee this choice working as well for them.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:43 am
by logorouge
@MaxAstro: Another thing, the good people at Arcen actually play their own games once in a while. That's a huge difference right there.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:02 pm
by Anbaric
Minecraft is a fun game, and they _made_ it! You would think they would spend all their free time on it, kinda like we do. :P

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:00 pm
by STrRedWolf
This isn't the first time voting has been used in this fashion. Second Life (by Linden Labs) uses JIRA as well in this fashion.

Also, since Bugzilla has this capability (if a bit more limited, you get a block of votes to use), Mozilla Firefox and more are in this boat as well.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:31 am
by devak
In theory, voting bugs up works because the most annoying bugs get fixed first.

Knowing mojang tho, i am not so sure it's great...

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:22 am
by destineternel
hmm, more bug fixes.
Since there were new issues in 1.4.3, we will not update Minecraft yet. Instead, we'll post a 1.4.4 pre-release, probably tomorrow.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:58 pm
by Stompinlama
This stems from the developer not play-testing his own game.... seriously I wonder why he is the main developer. Though his skill as a programmer is enough, as a game designer I wonder sometimes...

All I can say about the voting bug system is at least there is a system, I'm not sure what there was before...

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:44 pm
by FlowerChild
From Jeb's twitter:
Since there were new issues in 1.4.3, we will not update Minecraft yet. Instead, we'll post a 1.4.4 pre-release, probably tomorrow.
Looks like I have a stay of execution on having to update again, and won't have to do so for another week. That makes me happy :)

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:46 pm
by Biohazard91X
And means you can get some more awesome content done without having to worry about updating ;)

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:41 am
by RezDev
Just read an article from PC Gamer on The Future of Minecraft.

And another one on The Making of Minecraft.

Linked here for your reading pleasure.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:02 am
by Ozziie
From Jeb's twitter:
Jeb wrote:FYI, Minecraft 1.4.4 will be officially released in about 24 hours (Wednesday at 15:00 CET)
Although hard to navigate, there's a summary of fixes for the 1.4.4 prerelease here.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:17 pm
by BinoAl
RezDev wrote:Just read an article from PC Gamer on The Future of Minecraft.
“For the iOS and Android version we’re always looking for how we can use the camera and the GPS,” says Daniel Kaplan, who handles business development at Mojang. “We’ve been thinking about trying to pixelate your surroundings using Google Maps data – it’ll be really cool to try to do it.”
Ok... now that would be pretty cool.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:38 pm
by STrRedWolf
Life is starting to imitate art: Minecraft server on Arduino class hardware (with in-game toggle-able pins!): ... ual-world/

Here's the source code for those interested. Makes me want to port it over to Perl... or maybe DCPU-16. :D

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:04 pm
by CumuloNimbus10
The schedule for Minecon has been posted. They say that everything will be live streamed as well.

There seems to be some interesting topics for some of the sessions, including "The Future of Mod API".

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:36 pm
by Magnavode

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:38 am
by STrRedWolf
Mojang has ported the Pocket Edition to... the Raspberry Pi.

Mojang and Raspberry Pi Foundation release Minecraft: Pi Edition.

For those who don't know what the Raspberry Pi is, or even looks like, have a byte of mine. They cost $35 each. The one on the right is the latest version of the Model B (512M ram, Secure Digital card storage, HDMI and Composite/Audio out, 2 USB, 1 Ethernet 10/100, GPIO expansion ports). The left one is the original, the 256M Model B. No model A yet (no Ethernet, 1 USB) but then everyone's getting the Model B.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:15 pm
by destineternel
The 'Future of Minecraft' panel segment from minecon 2012.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:39 pm
by Gormador
So they actually have some infos to release at the MineCon ? Well, that's neat ! *gone watching*

EDITs with info :
- More focused updates every two months.
- 1.5 will be the "Redstone update" (not before christmas)
__ Will make redstone more predictable and consistent
__ Will change some timings on contraptions
__ Redstone signal strength will matter
__ Addition of a capacitor block (1*In / 1*Out, Output conditional on the input strengths (configurable))
__ Will permit different redstone strength applied by a pressure plate (They want to make redstone analogue)
__ Won't add tubes but will improve Minecarts (YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY) so that they are more practical. (fill/empty storage minecarts, freeriders unloader, linking minecarts)
__ Daylight detector, fireworks for new years eve ( maybe)
__ No New mobs

EDIT 2 : sorry Mason, missed your post :-)

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:49 pm
by Mason11987
talking about 1.5 around 5:35.
  • Redstone changes
  • Should fix NESW bugs
  • Might change timings
  • Most BUD designs won't work anymore
  • Signal strength will matter
  • Capacitor Block, gives full output when output meets a certain strength.
  • Weighted pressure plate, more strength if more pressure. Can use for minecart chests to tell when full based on weight.
  • Improving minecarts - mostly about using storage minecarts to move items around. Improving that process.
  • Filling and emptying minecart chests
  • Track to unload people in carts, plus other stuff
  • Linking carts together so furnace cart is useful.
It's interesting to see them working on things that other mods have done before.

  • Probably add an ore to the nether
  • End changes after you kill the dragon, possibly.
Sorry guys... I couldn't handle listening to more of the questions. So uncomfortable watching people asking things, so awkward.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:06 pm
by Stormweaver
Ugh. Well, at least I can stop watching - I was just starting my own list.

"Hey guys! You know that logic system you've been working with for two years? The really awesome and unique digital control system? LOL LETS MAKE IT ALL DIFFERENT" is not what I wanted to see in 1.5.

Ok, that might be an overreaction but...we need more challenges already, not more stuff to do things we can already do within reason.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:30 pm
by Azdoine
Redstone update? Wow, that's one way to break EVERY FUCKING BUILD ever made (even the vanilla ones). Thanks mojang.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:47 pm
by CumuloNimbus10
At around 6:26:40 in that livestream, one of the people asked about mechanical devices being added to MC. He mentioned Better Than Wolves as an example.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:06 pm
by SterlingRed
Azdoine wrote:Redstone update? Wow, that's one way to break EVERY FUCKING BUILD ever made (even the vanilla ones). Thanks mojang.
There really has been only one thing I never ever ever wanted to see mojang change. That was Redstone. Not cool mojang. Don't fuck with my builds! I'm not even sure I understand what they want to do by having Redstone with variable strengths. Everything works based on off or on. This would have to be a significant rework of literally everything that uses Redstone in order to make any sense. Ugh. Thank god for FC.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:15 pm
by FlowerChild
Let's wait to see more info on this before flipping out guys. Perhaps signal strength is only relevant to new blocks they are also introducing or something, in which case, it won't affect existing builds.

I'll keep my fingers crossed anyways. I don't know wtf is up with this, but I definitely think we need more info.