Flower's Dev Diary (Week of November 12th)

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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of November 12th)

Post by FlowerChild »

Hehe...yeah, I realized my test area was a little cluttered when I snapped that screen...it might be hard to pick out the details I'm referring to.

A couple of notable differences from the old Forge code that made torches sticking to the sides of stuff possible though:

-First, it doesn't require 13 base class mods. You may remember that being the reason why I wanted nothing to do with supporting that kind of code after I left Forge ;)

-Secondly, what I'm specifying is not whether the side of a block is completely solid. What I've introduced is the concept of "hard points" to blocks, to which other blocks can attach to. You'll notice that I have torches sticking to the sides of Pedestals there, while the sides of Pedestals are not actually fully solid. Because of this, it actually allows for more possibilities than the old Forge functionality did. Similarly, you can see a Stake sticking into a sideways oriented Axle, or the Stake sticking out the bottom of a slab, using the same code, so it gives you an idea of the flexibility this provides.

So yeah, it's basically a matter now of if something looks like it should be able to stick to something else, then it likely will. I may have missed a few cases here and there, but they're extremely quick to add in as people discover them.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of November 12th)

Post by Battlecat »

Very cool. Sounds like this approach should provide you a lot more flexibility! Thanks very kindly!
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (Week of November 12th)

Post by dawnraider »

I figured it was a simpler modification than the forge's, but that added functionality is way cool, and more than I had thought it could do, or could have ever hoped it could do. Thanks for all your effort that goes into this mod!
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