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Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:31 pm
by andreinawolf
maxsi wrote:looks like the server is offline
Are you still unable to access the server? I as able to log in at about 12:30 EST and have logged in/out a few times.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:35 pm
by maxsi
andreinawolf wrote:
maxsi wrote:looks like the server is offline
Are you still unable to access the server? I as able to log in at about 12:30 EST and have logged in/out a few times.
yup the server still offline for me

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:38 pm
by andreinawolf
maxsi wrote:yup the server still offline for me
can you access ?

if not, can you ping and do a tracert command and PM me screenshots?

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:31 pm
by maxsi
looks like we have a little endermen problem on top of the endermen farm

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:06 pm
by andreinawolf
Phaizer wrote:ign: Phaize
Added to the whitelist. See you soon!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:09 pm
by RedSpice
Hi, I'm RedSpice!

I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.4. I enjoy the building and redstone aspects of the game (but mostly the technical side). When I discovered BTW I instantly fell in love with the mod. I have read and understand the server rules and will follow them. I hope to actively continue participating in the BTW community, especially the multi player. I am currently under the age of 18.


Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:37 pm
by DaveYanakov
RedSpice wrote:Hi, I'm RedSpice!

I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.4. I enjoy the building and redstone aspects of the game (but mostly the technical side). When I discovered BTW I instantly fell in love with the mod. I have read and understand the server rules and will follow them. I hope to actively continue participating in the BTW community, especially the multi player. I am currently under the age of 18.

The forum rules include;
FlowerChild wrote:New addendum to rules #1 and #3:

Don't use animated avatars. They're very distracting when skimming over a large number of posts, as I often do.
Just saying

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:48 pm
by FlowerChild
He's already gone for other posts :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:54 pm
by theRedSpice
Hi, I'm RedSpice!

I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.4. I enjoy the building and redstone aspects of the game (but mostly the technical side). When I discovered BTW I instantly fell in love with the mod. I have read and understand the server rules and will follow them. I hope to actively continue participating in the BTW community, especially the multi player. I am currently under the age of 18.


Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:59 pm
by andreinawolf
theRedSpice wrote:Hi, I'm RedSpice!
Sorry RedSpice but you didn't read the OP, you broke a BTW forums rule, and now you're reposting with a different account after getting banned. So just to be clear in case you think it makes sense to try again: Your application is denied.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:25 am
by andreinawolf
FYI: Will be doing the update tomorrow. I encountered a problem while decompiling 4.58 (our server is modded after all). It was discussed in IRC and FC should release a patched version on Saturday.

In the mean time, I'm sure most of you will be furiously breeding your villagers ;) I personally won't even start messing with villagers till the update is in place!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:06 pm
by myrkana
Hello! I'd like to join the server if I could ^^

Well the rules said to post a bit about myself so here goes :-p I'm 22 and from Ohio, United States, I've been playing minecraft for a few months (2.4.6 was the update when I started I think) so I'm a pretty new player to minecraft. I started playing with BTW about a month or so after I started playing and am still learning how to use it, I recently made my first windmill and it was awesome :D (I play with my bf and he usually makes them but i made one this time!) I know most of the basics of how to do things with BTW but not much of the hard to do things like automation (never been much into automating things :/ I'd rather just go spiffy up my house while I wait for the chickens to breed, the wheat the grow etc...) And I know not to stroke the bellows when hellfire dust is in the pot xD (I've been warned with immediate world deletion if I ever do this haha) Since I have no idea what an x-ray mod is I assume I don't have or use it. for anything I don't know theres a reason the wiki for both minecraft and BTW are in my bookmarks xD as well as the original thread in the curse forums ^^ and I've read the forum and the server rules :)

I'm kinda excited for villager changes :D I've never done much with them but keep them alive until I've traded for the few useful things they sometimes have.

ummmm not sure what else to say o.O I'm looking to play with others as I don't have many friends who play minecraft. I'll probably be on a lot as I have nothing better to do as I only have one part time job at the moment ):

Looking around the map I think I'll build in the snowy area near the marsh, the one to the right side of the map ^^ or possible one of the other large snowy areas :o with the changes to how snow lands ontop of some things I kinda wanna build a small farm in the snow xD


edit:I keep checking the thread like every 5 minutes xD haha

sorry for the length :-p since I posted it I've been making liberal use of the edit button to add things I feel like adding o.o

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:20 pm
by andreinawolf
myrkana wrote:ign:myrkana
Definitely the most comprehensive whitelist request :)

Added to the whitelist. See you soon!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:22 pm
by myrkana
haha I was worried it wasn't long enough so I kept adding to it xD it was like 5 sentences at first and then i discovered the edit button... well see you in game :D

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:52 pm
by FlowerChild
My apologies for the delay on the promised update man. I almost got it there today but have one tricky issue left to resolve on an unrelated feature I've added, and I'm just too pooped to tackle that right now.

Tomorrow or bust :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:58 pm
by andreinawolf
FlowerChild wrote:My apologies for the delay on the promised update man. I almost got it there today but have one tricky issue left to resolve on an unrelated feature I've added, and I'm just too pooped to tackle that right now.

Tomorrow or bust :)
Roger! Thanks for letting me know! :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:18 pm
by myrkana
why is it we can't chat on the server ):

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:59 pm
by andreinawolf
myrkana wrote:why is it we can't chat on the server ):
Just for the record, Myrkana's multiplayer chat was set to commands only by accident :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:18 pm
by macaber1337

Not a lot to say about myself, aside from being Myrkana's boyfriend. I work at an IT helpdesk as a student worker and am attending The Ohio State University for a computer science engineering degree, am 22 years old, and enjoy being in a social environment even though I may not speak up all that much. More of a doer than talker, I tended to build any of the more complex or complicated structures when playing with Myrkana. Real name is Eddie, which I prefer to go by rather than my IGN. Also I am a very logically oriented person who loves puzzles and complicated structures and I have the color coordination and artistic talent of a colorblind chipmunk.

Yes I have read the rules, none of which would be a problem even if I hadnt they are mostly common sense (I get why you needem tho....some people.....)

Also, yes I am familiar with BTW and Minecraft. As stated above I generally took care of building and crafting things initially and then showed her how it works whenever she wanted/needed to use it.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:26 pm
by andreinawolf
macaber1337 wrote:IGN:macaber1337
Myrkana has been really great so far :) Added to the whitelist. See you soon!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:03 pm
by andreinawolf
Updated to 4.59!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:17 am
by AtomicMeadWolf
Hey I would love to join the server. I've been playing minecraft from early alpha, and BTW mod for a good amount of time now,and love it. I have read and understand the server rules and will follow them. I'm over the age of 18.


Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:45 am
by Mikko_blu
andreinawolf wrote:
myrkana wrote:why is it we can't chat on the server ):
Just for the record, Myrkana's multiplayer chat was set to commands only by accident :)

L2chat nublet

Also Andre, What would you say to me doing some chunky renders of spawn, and slapping them on the OP?

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:42 pm
by Ethinolicbob
Mikko_blu wrote:L2chat nublet

Also Andre, What would you say to me doing some chunky renders of spawn, and slapping them on the OP?
I reserved the second post for such things if you want to use it?

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:14 pm
by andreinawolf
AtomicMeadWolf wrote:Hey I would love to join the server.
Well I gave you a little extra time to notice that you didn't include your IGN but I guess you didn't notice :P

Since you only have one post and since you forgot to put your IGN, please post a more exhaustive (as asked for by the OP) whitelist request. See myrkana's post for an idea of what that might mean.