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Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:58 pm
by ehsanmp

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:07 pm
by william711
andreinawolf wrote:Banned hoshi711 for bloodwood spam at nether spawn. While the auditing logs do not show any other actions around that time that would indicate obvious griefing attempts, bloodwood is very dangerous so I'm going to be precautious here. If you can explain your actions please post a reply here.

Edit: Revised after looking into other logged actions around that time.
I have never griefed before and I certainly wouldn't consider doing it again but that doesn't excuse what I did and I don't expect you to. I know you said post if I have an explanation, but I don't have one. I did want to post however to say that I am sorry for planting the bloodwood trees and the trouble they may have caused you.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:53 pm
by Habsnorre
Is the server down again? I cannot connect to it.


Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:26 pm
by andreinawolf
Habsnorre wrote:Is the server down again? I cannot connect to it.

Yeah looks like there has been some router related issues tonight. Talking with life about it now.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:30 pm
by Habsnorre
andreinawolf wrote:
Habsnorre wrote:Is the server down again? I cannot connect to it.

Yeah looks like there has been some router related issues tonight. Talking with life about it now.
Thanks for the fast respond. Guess I'll go sleep. Are we going to get a rollback?

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:31 pm
by andreinawolf
william711 wrote:I have never griefed before and I certainly wouldn't consider doing it again but that doesn't excuse what I did and I don't expect you to. I know you said post if I have an explanation, but I don't have one. I did want to post however to say that I am sorry for planting the bloodwood trees and the trouble they may have caused you.
Hey hoshi! After I looked over my logs the ban really just became a precautionary measure. Once I have access to the server I'll lift the ban :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:32 pm
by andreinawolf
Habsnorre wrote:Are we going to get a rollback?
Nope :) This is just a network issue. The server is still online but we can't access it.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:37 pm
by andreinawolf
Server is back up!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:35 pm
by Mikko_blu
ehsanmp wrote: If you need inspiration, talk to Mikko_Blu, he is the shit.
I have a looting scroll for you by the way.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:34 pm
by Tsugumi Henduluin

Veteran forum lurker here that would like to get back into BTW, but could use a tad of motivation in the form of company of fellow players.
Have played MC for almost 2.5 years now and started BTW at V2.63, according to my bookmark anyway. So while I'm not completely familiar with the new additions to the mod over the past year or so (although I've kept up-to-date by reading the changelogs and forums), I am at the very least not a completely incompetent walking disaster. In emergencies, I am also known to be able to handle myself fairly well on a wiki.

I made a bit over 25 trips around Sol and would like to think I'm a fairly friendly, helpful and casual kind of guy... though a bit quiet maybe as I tend to keep my mouth shut unless I have something worthwhile to say :p

I must admit that I am not quite the hardcore MC player I used to be though, so I'll probably won't be on for more than an hour or so a day on average, but if that's not an issue, I'd very much like to roll by the server every now and then~ Assuming there's still space on the whitelist of course.

IGN is Henduluin.

Hopefully I'll see you soon, but thank you either way~

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:40 pm
by andreinawolf
Tsugumi Henduluin wrote: IGN is Henduluin
I'm jealous of you. I wish I could be patient enough to not play BTW for a year and then have all this fun content to test out.

Added to the whitelist. See you soon!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 3:47 pm
by andreinawolf
Finally got around to creating a web site for the server at

It's not hosted on the server itself, so I will be able to post a message there when the server has issues and the BTW forums is inaccessible.

Updated the OP to include links to various parts that were moved to the site. Kept the "Getting on the Whitelist" section here since this is the place to post whitelist requests anyway.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:18 pm
by andreinawolf
I had to do a 37 minute roll back just now.

Something changed the session.lock file which MC uses to track if any other server has tried to access the world files. If that happens MC will stop saving chunks, which makes sense. Unfortunately, this also results in MC unloading chunks without making sure they'd been saved first.

I will put in place a change later tonight so the server actually shuts down if it encounters this problem. That will at most lead to 45 seconds worth of lost data.


I've discovered the source of the problem. I made a copy of the server directory to run a separate instance of MC to test a latency issue. I ran it as different user to make sure I did not accidentally mess up the original copy in some way. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I had set up that user so it would also have the same access as the other account.

However, I will still be modding MC so it takes proper action in this situation instead of ignoring it.

If you were online during this time and lost a good amount of work, let me know and I'll slave away in some mines to make it up to you.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:44 pm
by andreinawolf
Updated to 4.57! Enjoy!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:02 pm
by Phaizer
Hi, my name is kaelvin, I'm Brazilian but I'm studying in Ohio, too, am a missionary, I'm a fan of minecraft, and knew better than the wolves just over six months and since then I have kept a home server to play with some friends, though their interest diminished and my rose, so would like to be part of this server, if possible.

IGN Phaize

Age: 22 years

(sorry for the mistakes of grammar, my English is not as perfect as I'd like)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:58 am
by maxsi
Andre something happen to the Overviewer?
the btw blocks are no sowing at the map anymore.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:22 pm
by andreinawolf
maxsi wrote:Andre something happen to the Overviewer?
the btw blocks are no sowing at the map anymore.
When I moved to the server to the new hardware I forgot to put in place your patches. I'll set them up soon :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:27 pm
by andreinawolf

Yet another spawner that my portal was created in when I was making the rail line. This time it looks like it should have been a double spawner but instead one is cobble? Not sure what happened there.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:44 pm
by andreinawolf
Phaizer wrote:Hi, my name is kaelvin, I'm Brazilian but I'm studying in Ohio, too, am a missionary, I'm a fan of minecraft, and knew better than the wolves just over six months and since then I have kept a home server to play with some friends, though their interest diminished and my rose, so would like to be part of this server, if possible.

IGN Phaize

Age: 22 years

(sorry for the mistakes of grammar, my English is not as perfect as I'd like)
Read the OP (original post) Phaize. There are some things you missed :P

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:26 pm
by Phaizer
Phaizer wrote:Hi, my name is kaelvin, I'm Brazilian but I'm studying in Ohio, too, am a missionary, I'm a fan of minecraft, and knew better than the wolves just over six months and since then I have kept a home server to play with some friends, though their interest diminished and my rose, so would like to be part of this server, if possible.

IGN Phaize

Age: 22 years

(sorry for the mistakes of grammar, my English is not as perfect as I'd like)
i ve read all the rules and i agree to the rules in your request!

i do believe this is the only one step that i miss....^^

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:31 pm
by OlbaiD

I would like to join your server.

My resumé:
1. IGN: Ab00t
2. Age: 28 and counting
3. Forum: Not very active, but i visit almost daily
4. Experience:
- I started playing MC 1,5 years ago, first single player and then two small co-op servers (friendly), the last one i was admin.
- I started playing BTW maybe 1 year ago, SP and one small co-op server with my friends until they lost interest in the game
5. About your server:
- I read and agree the rules
- I'm tired of playing solo and thats why i want to join your server
- I may not be the most active player, but i'll be respectful, build in harmony with the community and work together if needed.

Please check some of my previous activity: ... _07_46.png

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:06 pm
by andreinawolf
OlbaiD wrote:IGN: Ab00t
Please check some of my previous activity: ... _07_46.png
Very nice world! Feels very lived in :) Added to the whitelist. See you soon!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:08 pm
by andreinawolf
Skrump wrote:IGN:Skrumpti0uzZ
I missed your post. I think this was around the time of the server outages. Only reason I discovered it was because of Ehsan's confusing "No" post lol. Added to the whitelist. See you soon!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:46 pm
by Phaizer
hi, i was wondering ... I was wondering if you have not seen / read my post yet, or rejected me ... because I really wanted to play lol

anyway thanks ^ ^

ign: Phaize

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:36 am
by maxsi
looks like the server is offline