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Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:34 pm
by EtherealWrath
Given DB's game design abilities; surely we're better off with more fluff (like this livestreaming whack) rather than more "game content"?

Edit- what's this I hear about the MCP guys being hired into Mojang?
(sounds like they hired someone to do dinnerbone's job because dinnerbone didn't do dinnerbone's job.)

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:06 pm
by TheGatesofLogic
EtherealWrath wrote:(sounds like they hired someone to do dinnerbone's job because dinnerbone didn't do dinnerbone's job.)
more like they hired someone to do Dinnerbone's Job because Dinnerbone didn't do Jeb's job who didn't do Notch's Job.

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:18 pm
by nmarshall23
erikdk321 wrote: Also, when you go to this website, you'll understand why Minecraft has gone to shit.
I have to disagree, Reddit came up with item frames. Reddit has had lots of very well put together ideas.. Yes, plenty of really basic and boring idea's do tend to bubble up. It would help that subreddit, if Mojang would step up with some moderation, and give the subreddit some much needed rules. Mojang is responsible, they choose what idea's to implement. Although, I would say it's obvious that Mojang has no clear idea what makes good gameplay..

I should add that I do enjoy, poking holes in people's idea's on that subreddit.. and Pointing out, Mojang's laziness.

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:26 pm
by erikdk321
Well, 1% of the stuff on there is actually good ideas.
But yeah you're right, if they had a system so only good ideas would be there, then that would be great!
But Mojang doesn't know whats quality and whats not, and so doesnt the community either, so i would say that subreddit is bullcrap

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:57 pm
by logorouge
erikdk321 wrote:Well, 1% of the stuff on there is actually good ideas.
Like this one: "Choose how long you sleep for, and colored beds!" Now that's some pretty hardcore bang for the buck. :P

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:23 pm
by EtherealWrath
Actually I just read this thread, and it got me thinking.

FlowerChild wrote: "Would you put this kid in charge of one of the most popular games on the planet?"
As well as a twitter discussion earlier (vanilla portal mechanics/change I think)- ended with dinnerbone saying something along the lines of
and you expect me to tell all these people that their wrong?
Well he's just a kid- in the sense of relatively little experience in the limelight.
He doesn't seem able to say 'No means No' right? Or just didn't know better at the time?

So he's been bullied into a corner, now trying to appease a ravenous beast by pushing update after update.
Doesnt matter the content, he thinks as long as he keeps feeding the beast he'll stay safe.

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 6:35 am
by RandomObj3ct
I was around when /r/minecraftsuggestions was created.

it's effectively a way to just dump all the suggestions in a single place as the main subreddit just got flooded with suggestions, the text only rule is to counteract the plentiful pictorial suggestions that were flooding the subreddit.
it's 'a go here to to say your mind where we don't have to listen to you" area

I would say it's less of a shit hole than what the main subreddit became, there is at least some thought going on there other than; pun, "look I found a dungeon in a graphics glitch", "look at my horse my horse is amazing", trendy build thing, 'realistic terrain', something stupid on a sign, repeat...

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:44 pm
by EtherealWrath
Quick question/thought

Searge was working with the MCP team- which (as far as I understand) MCP is effectively the source code for minecraft.
So the guy building and distributing the source code for a closed source game is now hired into the game's staff.
Unless I've totally gone off the tracks; this sounds like a political/legal nightmare in the immediate future of MCP.

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:11 pm
by FlowerChild
I's completely fubar I'll agree, but from what I know, Mojang seems to view MCP as some sort of official/unofficial modding tool as they have no intention of making the actual source available, so I doubt they'll raise a stink.

They're building their "mod API" with a dependency on a third party tool to effectively get the source code because they don't want to just release the source code themselves for whatever mysterious fucked up reason. The only explanation I can think of for this is that they swear like sailors in the comments and function names of the source or something and both don't want that to affect their public image, and don't want to clean it up, but that's a pretty odd scenario.

Whatever man. I've given up on trying to make sense out of this stuff.

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:46 pm
by Nabetsu122
FlowerChild wrote:[...]they swear like sailors in the comments and function names of the source or something and both don't want that to affect their public image[...]
Gee... Thank you for reminding me of the original code for my FRC team's first official java build:

Code: Select all

private double Joystick;
Joystick BigFloppyDonkeyD**k = new Joystick();

EDIT: Got this WAY off. Fixed.
For some reason, the joysticks would never initialize, and we just got pissed at it. For some reason, that variable made it work.

Back OT:

If I recall, Jeb did state that he was partially OK with the MCP team, since it "wasn't close to the source code" (need to find where that line was, as I may have butchered it a tad). Granted, it's a grey area, but it may be fine for the team to continue working on it.

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:00 pm
by Hipnos
Coming next year (in my dreams), Indie Game Movie 2: starring Mojang, Bay12 games and Flowerchild.
Somebody make this happen.

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:53 pm
by barcode
FlowerChild wrote:because they don't want to just release the source code themselves for whatever mysterious fucked up reason.
Wasn't it for legal reasons that they didn't release the source code? I thought that was the official reasoning behind it so it wouldn't be "open source" and they could still claim copyright. I'm not a legal expert in any way, but I think I remember that from some statement somewhere...

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:54 pm
by Gormador
barcode wrote:
FlowerChild wrote:because they don't want to just release the source code themselves for whatever mysterious fucked up reason.
Wasn't it for legal reasons that they didn't release the source code? I thought that was the official reasoning behind it so it wouldn't be "open source" and they could still claim copyright. I'm not a legal expert in any way, but I think I remember that from some statement somewhere...
They can come up with whatever license they want if I'm not mistaken.
And I'm pretty sure one could find that allows partial modification (even if defining what 'partial' means would be the tricky part) and redistribution of those modifications.

Which is pretty much what happens with modding as it is for Minecraft (amongst other games I'm sure).

I wonder what is Searge's job now that he has full access to the code. Are his days filled with abuse of the Search & replace function of his IDE?

Anyway, it's Mojang. What we care about is FC's sanity. And now that he has detached himself from vMC development constraints, I'm not sure that this thread serves another purpose beside being the go-to place for complaining about things that we know aren't going to get any better...

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:30 pm
by Mr_Hosed
Back to the topic at the top of the page:

DinnerBone, or anyone in a position to deal with stupidly large numbers of people, need to remember that no doesn't actually require one to vocally respond. An ignore is just as good as no, but with the added advantage that people can continue to think good thoughts about their ideas "eventually" being implemented. Positive reinforcement on brilliant suggestions and no reinforcement on ALL the rest.

As to Mojang and their apparent path for the future:

I'm pretty sure Mojang is suffering from "Success Guilt" - For whatever reason, people who succeed start self-sabotaging because they don't think they should have succeeded. The personalities and values at Mojang strike me as people susceptible to this condition and thus the nonsensical decisions, etc. I mean really, there's ZERO excuse to EVER release a version of Minecraft with anything but the most obtuse bugs in it, but every release has show-stopping obvious class A bugs. What the fuck is that about?

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:28 am
by magikeh
Huh apparently along with Searge they got another guy on the team too, TheMogMiner He seems pretty good at saying no to people from reading his twitter feed... I wonder how long it'll take for the hoards to break em. Ohwell I hope he does well with minecraft :)

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:35 am
by erikdk321
Hmm, you're right, he seems very different from the other Mojangsters, instead of saying ill consider it or something similar, its just "No"

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:38 am
by Nabetsu122
I think I may have figured out the sudden hiring kick. Did anyone notice that Warren Loo (EvilSeph) Left at the beginning of October? There has been a lot of chatter on the Bukkit forums, and I noticed that he started working with them again.

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:00 pm
by erikdk321
The streaming in-game bullcrap will apperently come out in a snapshot very soon. Im scared but at the same time excited to see how bad Twitch will get bombared with kids...

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:22 pm
by lostone1993
snapshot 13w47c
change log

One click broadcasting to
Microphone can be recorded too.
Chat integration in the game.
Several new settings
Twitch Broadcast Settings
Quality, Framerate, Bandwidth, Send Metadata, Mic Volume, System Volume and Compression
Twitch Chat Settings
Enable and User Filter
New Mojang Logo shows on game startup

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:45 pm
by dawnraider
This video (especially the part around 4:00) actually pretty accurately describes Minecraft as a whole right now:

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:19 am
by 0player
dawnraider wrote: This video (especially the part around 4:00) actually pretty accurately describes Minecraft as a whole right now:
How is Minecraft a skinnerbox? If anything, it reminds me of Lego Duplo.
(Thanks for reminding me of Extra Credit, tho).

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:48 pm
by dawnraider
Well, it was particularly the element at 4:00 talking about adding RPG elements to the game, but failing. I suppose it isn't so much a skinner box as it was the rest of the video, talking about gaming concepts and what games need to be fun, which MC seems to be doing in all the wrong ways, sacrificing quality for novelty.

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:26 pm
by erikdk321

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:37 pm
by TheYaMeZ
It's like a whole new game

Re: Vanilla Minecraft News Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:46 pm
by TheGreatIntelligence
*shakes head disapprovingly*
I think its time for a Skyrim mod. This one will add two npcs with the likenesses of Dinnerbone and Jeb. *pulls out warhammer* Whos up for some murder?