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Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:04 am
by weldaSB
Antichamber is half off for the rest of the night

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:51 pm
by Lars
Even though it's not a steam sale, I'm still going to go ahead and post this. is offering Torchlight for free for a limited time. Just create an account if you haven't already got one and go to the torchlight store page. There will still be a price on it, but when you put it in your basket, the site will indicate that it's free. Just like all releases, this game is also DRM free.
The limit is set on 20th of june at 19:00ish GMT.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:11 am
by Ulfengaard
Alright. Can't let this go.

Crusader Kings II with a lot of the foo-foo content plus three of the four expansion packs: $19.99 (EDIT: So, it's four out of five expansion packs; I don't really count Sunset Invasion because it seemed like a Paradox 'oops' to me, but you do get it as part of the bundle)

Mount & Blade: Warband: $9.99

If you like CKII and Paradox, Europa Universalis III Complete: $3.74 and Victoria II plus DLCs: $9.99

If you haven't tried CKII and enjoy grand strategy, it's awesomesauce.

M&B:WB is great open-ended low fantasy fun.

EDIT: This is Paradox weekend, folks. So, don't get tempted to buy full-price stuff right away (like the Old Gods expansion for CKII). It all might be on sale at some point between now and the 24th.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:59 am
by obl1terat1ion
Ulfengaard wrote:Alright. Can't let this go.

Crusader Kings II with a lot of the foo-foo content plus three of the four expansion packs: $19.99 (EDIT: So, it's four out of five expansion packs; I don't really count Sunset Invasion because it seemed like a Paradox 'oops' to me, but you do get it as part of the bundle)

Mount & Blade: Warband: $9.99

If you like CKII and Paradox, Europa Universalis III Complete: $3.74 and Victoria II plus DLCs: $9.99

If you haven't tried CKII and enjoy grand strategy, it's awesomesauce.

M&B:WB is great open-ended low fantasy fun.

EDIT: This is Paradox weekend, folks. So, don't get tempted to buy full-price stuff right away (like the Old Gods expansion for CKII). It all might be on sale at some point between now and the 24th.
Yep if you have not bought crusader kings go do it now, be warned however as it makes for some of the strangest video game talk outside of DF IE: How inbred can you get? Will I murder my brother? ect.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:20 am
by Zhel
Ulfengaard wrote:EDIT: This is Paradox weekend, folks. So, don't get tempted to buy full-price stuff right away (like the Old Gods expansion for CKII). It all might be on sale at some point between now and the 24th.
The Paradox games still full-priced are recent release, so you won't likely see them drop in price. What will likely happen is they'll drop other game series further down in price for each day (CK2/etc. was 50% off Thursday). So wait til Monday to buy anything not on the front page. I'd expect Magicka and Mount&Blade to get their own days this weekend, *maybe* Warlock: MoA.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:46 am
by Ulfengaard
Zhel wrote:The Paradox games still full-priced are recent release, so you won't likely see them drop in price. What will likely happen is they'll drop other game series further down in price for each day (CK2/etc. was 50% off Thursday). So wait til Monday to buy anything not on the front page. I'd expect Magicka and Mount&Blade to get their own days this weekend, *maybe* Warlock: MoA.
Warlock: $9.99 (EDIT: Warlock has now dropped to $4.99; Good call, Zhel.)
Magicka: $4.99

And, of course, the earlier mention of Mount & Blade: Warband for $9.99. Napoleonic Wars for Warband is also on sale for $4.99.

I'm telling you, guys: this is a great weekend for strategy players. Keep an eye on it and get the titles you want while the gettin' is good.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:10 pm
by Sarudak
I just want to say I bought crusader kings 2 because of this thread and I find it to be ridiculously awesome. My only fear is that it will consume far too much of my life...

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:53 pm
by FlowerChild
Sarudak wrote:I just want to say I bought crusader kings 2 because of this thread and I find it to be ridiculously awesome. My only fear is that it will consume far too much of my life...
Ain't it awesome?

A friend of mine recently sent me a bunch of games on my wishlist for my birthday (hence why I wound up with some games outside my budget like Kerbal Space Program & Prison Architect), and the Old Gods expansion was part of those. I'm very much looking forward to diving back into that game as a viking and building up my empire from a few centuries earlier :)

My only objection to the game (and I guess the way paradox is going overall now) is how they package their DLC in terms of selling music & graphics separately from the gameplay DLC. It feels like it's going a little too far to me, and may actually hurt them in the long run by encouraging players to just buy the gameplay stuff, and thus decrease their own enjoyment by not experiencing the full intended presentation that goes along with it.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:59 pm
by Sarudak
Yeah I don't have the old gods expansion yet although I believe I'll end up buying it. I've only just started, I'm trying to unite Ireland right now and having a blast. I love the focus on people and politics which makes it different from your run of the mill world conquest game.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:50 pm
by Gormador
Endless Space is on sale this weekend. Over here its price is down to 10€.

And I couldn't say enough good things about that game. It's simply awesome, very well thought out, with one of the best user interface I've seen so far (very important for a 4X).
Its lifetime is incredible, its soundtrack very appropriate, and... it's not an easy game by far. Well, I'm not good at it but still...

Go buy it. :-)

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:17 pm
by FlowerChild
Yeah, I enjoyed Endless Space quite a bit. I'm not sure about the long-term play value of it, but it's definitely worth the price of admission.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:05 pm
by MoRmEnGiL
Note that they just released the expansion, adding fighters and bombers, new techs, more differences between factions and more. ;]

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:16 pm
by FlowerChild
MoRmEnGiL wrote:Note that they just released the expansion, adding fighters and bombers, new techs, more differences between factions and more. ;]
Yeah, I was eying that. Bit too pricey for me at the moment, and I've actually got a surplus of games going right now.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:16 pm
by DaveYanakov
Also of note, Natural Selection II is US$8.50 for the weekend. I'll be picking it up if I find out I wouldn't be rolling it solo.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:09 pm
by FlowerChild
DaveYanakov wrote:Also of note, Natural Selection II is US$8.50 for the weekend. I'll be picking it up if I find out I wouldn't be rolling it solo.
I picked it up a few months ago, and I guess my overall reaction was "this isn't Gloom..."

I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just didn't hook me.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:05 am
by Mr_Hosed
Figures I'd find out about Warlock a week after it went on sale :(

Has Eador ever been on sale? Been watching an LP of it and I'm highly enticed. But $20 is really tight for me at the moment (got over $10k tied up in capital investments in my business at the moment so I can barely pay rent).

EDIT: Forgot to mention, if you haven't already, SPAZ at $2 is WELL worth the purchase. Gets a bit repetitive after 20 hours or so, but christ, 20 hours of fun for $2... can't beat that.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:52 am
by Shengji
Just a quick warning guys, if someone contacts you through the steam BTW group telling you about a free game, the site they will direct you too is a well known phishing site and needless to say, you won't get a free game and your details will get sold to every scumbag in the world.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:04 pm
by Noodlerex
Shengji wrote:Just a quick warning guys, if someone contacts you through the steam BTW group telling you about a free game, the site they will direct you too is a well known phishing site and needless to say, you won't get a free game and your details will get sold to every scumbag in the world.
I just went on gut instinct and rejected the chat invitation all together, good to know I was right.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:23 pm
by Katalliaan
Same here. If I don't recognize a name, I don't accept chat requests.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:31 pm
by Eriottosan
Not technically a Steam Sale, but comes as a steam code: Borderlands 2 + Borderlands 2: Season Pass for £9.99 at ... ason-pass/

May be UK only, not sure.

(on a side note, I've finally got a PC on the way, so will be joining the fun of BTW and other games once again!)

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:54 am
by Detritus
Anno is on sale again, $23-ish.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:52 pm
by sin6il
I think I'm going to be very poor soon. The Steam Summer Sale is here!

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:55 pm
by Tsugumi Henduluin
Fortunately for me, the Civ V expansion is out in a couple of hours. That should keep me away from this dimension long enough to dodge the worst of the storm.

Be sure to pick up AntiChamber if you haven't yet, though. Really interesting experience and quite the mindbender at times. At 66% off, it's more than worth your time and money.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:02 pm
by DaveYanakov
Among all the others, Stardrive is currently 50% off. Does anyone know if it has been optimized at all from where it was three months ago? I tried it on a system slightly better than my own and it ran at around 3 spf.

Even more importantly, Guns of Icarus steampunk airship arena battler is on sale for US$6.79.

Re: Steam Sales

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:35 am
by Tsugumi Henduluin
God fucking damnit. I am NEVER pre-ordering anything on Steam, ever again. Or even paying full price for anything, really.

So, today was the release for Brave New World, the latest expansion pack for Civ V, in Europe and pretty much every other area outside the US.
Not even TEN. GODDAMN. HOURS. after its release (six of which were were asleep), Steam throws it into a freaking flash sale at 33% off.

I haven't felt this screwed by a company, ever. What the hell were they thinking?