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Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:47 pm
by Darken5
orangeweaver wrote:Just stumbled upon this.

An automatic Iron Golem Iron farm: ... AAAAAAAAAA

Not totally sure how I feel about this. Getting iron is great but an automatic way to get iron seems almost too much. What do you all think about it?
some people have no life... the effin thing came out today and someone has aready come up with a way to exploit it... tho something like that (without using creative mode or too many items) should be relatively hard to do...

Edit: forgot npc's can ride minecarts... nevermind... too effing simple to do... meh, theres a farm for everything else... Mojang needs to make em drop iron nuggets to reduce the OP-ness of a auto farm

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:23 pm
by Stormweaver
Darken5 wrote:
some people have no life... the effin thing came out today and someone has aready come up with a way to exploit it...
I'm going to calmy state that I take offence at that. Had I gone on my computer at any point today, this is pretty much the first thing I was going to test, and having not gone on it I spent a fair bit of time considering what the mechanics behind it might be and how best to exploit it.

Good thing about minecraft is that while it seems complicated, most of it's mechanics are so simple that, once you know them, designs like the above are more or less instinctive.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:32 pm
by orangeweaver
Meh. It makes sense to me that you would try and figure this out and I think it is pretty cool that they did. I love farms and automating things, I just don't know how I feel about something like iron? Minecraft is about being put into a world and learning how that world works and controlling it, bending everything to your desires in my opinion.

I'll wait and see what happens.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:53 am
by Blueblade11
So, thats renewable gold, renewable iron, easy roses.
Whats not renewable?

Ah, we're still good. But IRON?

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:02 am
by Darken5
You can never have enough Iron. Soon i'll be able to make that enourmouse iron block phallic symbol i've always wanted

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:00 am
by EvilSheeper
The iron golem farms will probably make minecart systems more common, however I will miss the sense of 'accomplishment' of creating one. Remember those days, 1.7 beta and before? Back then minecart rails, iron armor, or iron blocks were a expensive investment. I once gathered 2 stacks of iron blocks in one of my 1.7 worlds, fully legit. Epic memory. But things change, and iron's value dropped dramatically in 1.8, now it is dirt cheap.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:01 am
by Urian
Being able to recycle iron stuff in the crucible is already quite close to a renewable source so I don't think this is much of a change for BTW-users. By the time you get to steel (the only real drain on iron unless you have tons of minecart tracks) you've probably got enough iron anyway

An also: you don't have to use it just because the mechanic is there.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:10 am
by SilvasRuin
I'm not too bothered by it because of the already stated reason that it promotes track systems (their only remaining use at this point for people keeping up to date with Minecraft inventions is mob transportation and taking less effort to build than the current most effective means of transportation assuming all necessary resources are gathered) and because you're already bound to have made significant progress in vMC by the time you're able to build such a farm. The only vMC use for diamonds is gear, and for anyone that builds mob traps, it doesn't tend to take long to be able to use the Fortune enchantment on some diamond ore, which leaves iron for... well, rail systems, pistons, and specific Golem placement.

I'm rather pleased that it more or less appears to be like the golems from traditional myths (with a Castle in the Sky reference or two thrown in), and this works great for thematic base defense without getting bored from making it impenetrable. I'm wondering how the Invasion mod will handle this now that you can utilize dogs and golems as active protection, cats as passive protection, and snow golems as... quirky... protection. Starting to look like castle defense style mods might benefit from this pretty well. I'd like to see a Bukkit plugin or something that effectively implements PvP teams and allows for designating said dogs, snow golems, and iron golems as belonging to a particular team. THAT could potentially result in some very fun PvP maps.

Hm... you could probably implement them in adventure maps as bosses by requiring the player kill a villager to get them off a pressure plate in order to proceed into the "boss room".

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:07 am
by Katalliaan
Don't be surprised if they change it to be like blazes and blaze rods, so that you need to kill them yourself to get the iron.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:52 am
by Stormweaver
Katalliaan wrote:Don't be surprised if they change it to be like blazes and blaze rods, so that you need to kill them yourself to get the iron.
Aye, I suspect that'll be the case as well. I need to find out what the numbers are for these new villager mechanics: How far away they check to see if houses are occupied (for making an auto breeding setup for villagers), and how far away they detect iron golems before spawning new ones. That way those systems can just be left idle, as opposed to having to babysit them.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:53 am
by morvelaira
The most exciting things from the tweets this morning are photographic evidence of the "upside down" half blocks, and Notch's conversion to the religion of Die Hard. Apparently the air vents are purgatory.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:34 am
by jorgebonafe
Katalliaan wrote:Don't be surprised if they change it to be like blazes and blaze rods, so that you need to kill them yourself to get the iron.
That wouldn't change much... Just use a crushing mechanism and there you go... still OP IMO....

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:15 am
by SilvasRuin
I've realized an additional bonus of the way iron golems work. Adventure maps that have very difficult battles in them, or are in places overwhelming, could provide a certain amount of iron blocks and pumpkins at the start to serve as an aid that can easily be carefully regulated for each map (just supply however much you think your less skilled players would realistically need), and could provide an alternate scoring system to simply hiding diamonds or other goodies around the map. In fact, counting up remaining iron blocks/pumpkins for the score on maps would allow high combat maps to make the score completely centered around the combat and how much help the player had to use rather than scoring on exploration.

Edit: Or just provide iron golem eggs if and when they're added, I guess. Would be simpler.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:21 am
by Husbag3
Has there been any indication as to how far 1.2 is away. I've been hoping to start a new world but I'm hesitant to as I may have to start afresh all over again with the arrival of jungle biomes. I wish they would stop making changes to the terrain generation. :(

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:01 am
by orangeweaver
Sounds like 2 - 3 weeks ... possibly. Nothing definitive.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:21 am
by Husbag3
I way as well start a new world then, I better not to get too into it....

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:29 am
by Battlecat
Still waiting for official confirmation from Mojang but according to the latest post on the Bukkit site, the Bukkit team has officially joined Mojang to develop the Minecraft API.

I use Bukkit extensively on my server and I've always been very happy with its quality and stability. I hope this works out since the bukkit team are painfully aware of the issues in SMP.

Edit: Here's the official confirmation at

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:48 pm
by Mrchaim
I'm going to assume that's a good thing, yes?

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:00 pm
by Zhil
Battlecat wrote:Bukkit team has officially joined Mojang
This is old news. Those in the know have known this for a few weeks now. I think it was even discussed on this forum.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:09 pm
by Battlecat
Gilberreke wrote:
Battlecat wrote:Bukkit team has officially joined Mojang
This is old news. Those in the know have known this for a few weeks now. I think it was even discussed on this forum.
Well it's certainly the first official statement I've seen on the subject. Everything I've read prior to today was totally speculative. Rumors made it sound like it could be anything from a totally internal mojang project to the devil herself. I was particularly concerned about that last possibility considering Flowerchild's pre-locked thread a few days ago.

I guess I'm just not in the know. :-(

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:24 pm
by morvelaira
*sigh* This probably means I should update the OP.


Nope, can't be arsed until something exciting comes in. This topic is one that has been discussed here previously, and so it feels like old news to me.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:27 pm
by Zhil
Battlecat wrote:Well it's certainly the first official statement I've seen on the subject. Everything I've read prior to today was totally speculative. Rumors made it sound like it could be anything from a totally internal mojang project to the devil herself. I was particularly concerned about that last possibility considering Flowerchild's pre-locked thread a few days ago.

I guess I'm just not in the know. :-(
Hmm, perhaps I didn't share it properly on this forum. I've known it since they started drafting up the contract, which was a while back.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:31 am
by Stormweaver

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:19 pm
by morvelaira
Amazing how "sometime next week" shifted into tomorrow. Will update the OP when it actually releases and there's patch notes n' stuff.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:25 pm
by Husbag3
Hopefully they stop making changes to world generation. It's really starting to get on my nerves.....