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Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:00 pm
by kregoth
morvelaira wrote:
kregoth wrote: Off-Topic: Have you thought of allowing someone to donate (I know you don't want money based donations) but I thinking something a long the line of say a mumble server for the community to talk and interact with fellow players of BTW. Or an SMP server dedicated to testing BTW SMP when you decide to start working on it when the API comes out. I am happy to donate in any form really you deserve it.
Heh. Hehehe. I think if you search you will find a plethora of discussion about a donation button. :)
Oh I know and for the most part FC is completely against it. I was thinking like a mumble server with permissions so he could jump in and chat with the turtle members to discuss things he may not want posted on the forums. or a server to help host BTW downloads that could also be used for reliable backups :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:06 pm
by Zhil
kregoth wrote:Oh I know and for the most part FC is completely against it.
Have you been reading the same threads as us? FC basically confirmed he will allow donations soon, or am I missing something?

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:18 pm
by kregoth
Gilberreke wrote:
kregoth wrote:Oh I know and for the most part FC is completely against it.
Have you been reading the same threads as us? FC basically confirmed he will allow donations soon, or am I missing something?
Really? Guess I have to search I just assumed he didn't want donations because he didn't want his name tied to it :( guess I missed something lol sorry Back to topic :P

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:34 pm
by Sarudak
He doesn't want donations cause he's afraid what affect this being about money might have on him.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:13 pm
by DaveYanakov
Don't leave the blood trees growing overnight. I fell asleep after planting one and several hours later I found it had metastasized and now covers most of my nether. It's growing almost as fast as I can explore outward now.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:17 pm
by Sarudak
DaveYanakov wrote:Don't leave the blood trees growing overnight. I fell asleep after planting one and several hours later I found it had metastasized and now covers most of my nether. It's growing almost as fast as I can explore outward now.
I think you're just going to have to accept that your nether is now a blood tree nether... I think if you plant a blood tree outside of a thorough containment unit you just have to accept it will completely reshape your nether.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:21 am
by Blueblade11
kregoth wrote:
Gilberreke wrote:
kregoth wrote:Oh I know and for the most part FC is completely against it.
Have you been reading the same threads as us? FC basically confirmed he will allow donations soon, or am I missing something?
Really? Guess I have to search I just assumed he didn't want donations because he didn't want his name tied to it :( guess I missed something lol sorry Back to topic :P
I remember somewhere he needed help because the donations account would give out the name he signed up with to anyone that donated.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:34 am
by I3loodTeeth
Great mod man.

I came across a problem though, the mod clashes with Xies farming mod, not sure if you are aware or not. When I try to make a kiln by stoking the fire, the extra fire blocks above the hibachi's turn the bricks of my kiln into potash :( Is there any way you can collaborate with Xie and have him disable the feature for bricks to turn to potash? It sucks that I can only play both mods up to the kiln but no further (no steel stuff sucks). Lol in writing this post I have realised that I should ask Xie about this and see if he can do something to update his mod :) Either way sick mod man :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:38 am
by Zhil
I3loodTeeth wrote:Great mod man.

I came across a problem though, the mod clashes with Xies farming mod, not sure if you are aware or not. When I try to make a kiln by stoking the fire, the extra fire blocks above the hibachi's turn the bricks of my kiln into potash :( Is there any way you can collaborate with Xie and have him disable the feature for bricks to turn to potash? It sucks that I can only play both mods up to the kiln but no further (no steel stuff sucks). Lol in writing this post I have realised that I should ask Xie about this and see if he can do something to update his mod :) Either way sick mod man :)
FC does not support mod compatibility

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:11 am
by Phantum
Gilberreke wrote:
I3loodTeeth wrote:Great mod man.

I came across a problem though, the mod clashes with Xies farming mod, not sure if you are aware or not. When I try to make a kiln by stoking the fire, the extra fire blocks above the hibachi's turn the bricks of my kiln into potash :( Is there any way you can collaborate with Xie and have him disable the feature for bricks to turn to potash? It sucks that I can only play both mods up to the kiln but no further (no steel stuff sucks). Lol in writing this post I have realised that I should ask Xie about this and see if he can do something to update his mod :) Either way sick mod man :)
FC does not support mod compatibility
He does actually!

He supports mod IN-compatibility! :P

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:15 am
by Mac
Well, after reflecting I want to I'm sorry for
glitching there.

Back to topic.

Some real incentive to finally start a 1.0 ssp world for serious playing
since I haven`t done that yet.
And to experience the true perils of the new addition.

Again thanks and I'm sorry for back there.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:55 am
by embirrim
Well I've been lurking around this post since it came out and I can say two things:
Thank God I haven't been to the Nether and thank god i didn't decide to try the trees out by myself.

About the automation, I suppose you can make something to release lava into a containment unit, although i have no idea if the saws and hoppers burn... I suppose they're made from wood... Well haven't really thought this out very well.
But you can always limit where you want the tree to regrow by only placing soul sand in certain places.
One question, can the block dispenser light stuff on fire? Like with a flint and tinder, or lava bucket?

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:00 am
by DaWhiskers
embirrim wrote:One question, can the block dispenser light stuff on fire? Like with a flint and tinder, or lava bucket?
No need, just wire up a habatchi :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:08 am
by Flesh_Engine
Feel strange that Battosay hasn't uploaded one of his signature videos...

Maybe his wife saw the ending of his previous video and now he can't come out & play ;)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:09 am
by Ferrus.Manus
The sapling, after planting itself, can catch fire and burn up. This rather annoying as it really reduced efficiency of my experimental farm, since you need to contain the trees (so the space is limited) and only quick way to get rid of leaves is fire.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:28 am
by embirrim
DaWhiskers wrote: No need, just wire up a habatchi :)
Oh. Good point =D the wonders of this mod!
Another question, I suppose the wood cut down by the saw would have to somehow fall directly into hoppers right? because if it doesn't, we have no way to transport stuff in the nether...

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:35 am
by Itamarcu
embirrim wrote:
DaWhiskers wrote: No need, just wire up a habatchi :)
Oh. Good point =D the wonders of this mod!
Another question, I suppose the wood cut down by the saw would have to somehow fall directly into hoppers right? because if it doesn't, we have no way to transport stuff in the nether...

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:52 am
by Trequiche
embirrim wrote:
DaWhiskers wrote: No need, just wire up a habatchi :)
Oh. Good point =D the wonders of this mod!
Another question, I suppose the wood cut down by the saw would have to somehow fall directly into hoppers right? because if it doesn't, we have no way to transport stuff in the nether...
Use a BD to switch between a hopper and a soul sand block.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:05 pm
by RaustBlackDragon
Ah, the blood trees: FlowerChild's special indirect way of saying "No, this will never be multiplayer, and you should be very very very grateful for that."

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:44 pm
by Deepsniper
RaustBlackDragon wrote:Ah, the blood trees: FlowerChild's special indirect way of saying "No, this will never be multiplayer, and you should be very very very grateful for that."
No don't say that! *looks for his happy place* Stupid blood trees have taken it over.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:15 pm
by Sarudak
There could always be a config setting. Blood trees are more of a bonus than an integral part of the tech tree...

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:55 pm
by darahalian
Sarudak wrote:There could always be a config setting. Blood trees are more of a bonus than an integral part of the tech tree...
They are right now, but I think it's highly likely we'll be seeing other uses for soul dust and blood wood in the near future.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:10 pm
by Sarudak
I really hope not considering the disruptive nature these trees would have in SMP....

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:11 pm
by FlowerChild
RaustBlackDragon wrote:Ah, the blood trees: FlowerChild's special indirect way of saying "No, this will never be multiplayer, and you should be very very very grateful for that."
I don't see the connection between the two. If people are playing on a BTW server, they will be aware of Blood Trees as an environmental hazard of the Nether, much like fire and ghast explosions.

The only other issue I can see being performance, and once I take care of the fast-graphics option on the leaves and perhaps a few other tweaks, I don't really see the trees being more of performance issue than grass growing.

I still fully intend to make the mod multiplayer once the MC code-base has been restructured to make that more reasonable. Not sure why you'd think this would change that.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.40)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:15 pm
by misterwuggles
Honestly, I think I may actually prefer to have my Nether overrun by giant Bloodwood tree(s).