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Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:25 pm
by Urian
BinoAl wrote:And my comment suddenly disappeared from top voted? Was it marked as spam, or just deleted?
There's a high turnover on the top posts, they seem to switch every few minutes regardless of thumbs up.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:26 pm
by BinoAl
FlowerChild wrote:
BinoAl wrote:And my comment suddenly disappeared from top voted? Was it marked as spam, or just deleted?
Honestly, I think it just cycles through the most upvoted or something. Mine hasn't shown up in awhile either, but I went back in the history to check its status, and it was still fine.
Hm, weird. Man, this even stresses me out. I can't begin to fathom how pissed you are =/

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:28 pm
by FlowerChild
BinoAl wrote:Hm, weird. Man, this even stresses me out. I can't begin to fathom how pissed you are =/
Yeah, I'm trying to remain zen, but man, I really didn't need this.

It really does amaze me that there's a segment in the community that seems to revel in pissing off the people that give them free shit.

It also strikes me as incredibly ironic that this seems to have happened because I decided to put some extra work into a community standard to make more mods compatible with each other, and thus made this possible.

Yet another reminder that me being nice is almost always a mistake.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:31 pm
by Triskelli
Okay, I just registered an account on Something Awful and put forward a tenative first post. Here's the surprisingly courteous reply:
I mean, I wanted to try out Buildcraft at least twice but couldn't get it all to work for some reason. Same with RedPower. Technic allowed me to play with them both and get around whatever I was doing wrong. i even got to play with the guns mod, mo creatures, and industrialcraft. I had no interest in any of those but now I do. I spent an hour or so on the IC wiki looking up recipes and stuff like that. It's free publicity, the pack is using outdated versions in most cases, no one should be losing any downloads because we're not "stealing" the latest versions.

And that's why it all baffles me that people can be so horrifically stupid about all this.
Does anyone have some choice words for the Modpack creator?

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:32 pm
by Katalliaan
Is sleeplessXthursday one of us, someone from another mod's community, or a random Youtube user with half a brain?

I'd advise you to avoid the masses until this blows over, FC - try to limit your involvement to working with the people who might be able to do something.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:34 pm
by DaveYanakov
Just thought I should share this message from one of the posters who was initially among the most vocal in support of the pack, lcbismesignify, regarding why the pack is detrimental to the modding community.

"Exellent sir thank you for explaining in such a respectful way now that I understand I agree on this point, the better thing for the Yogscast to do was not include the pack but separately install the mods and link."

Reasoned discourse does often work with people capable of thought more sophisticated than 'MINE!'

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:37 pm
by Kwilt
I'm starting to wonder... what the hell does half of this have to do with again? I'm seeing it pop up. And yet, mods like BTW don't even use

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:37 pm
by BinoAl
Katalliaan wrote:Is sleeplessXthursday one of us, someone from another mod's community, or a random Youtube user with half a brain?

I'd advise you to avoid the masses until this blows over, FC - try to limit your involvement to working with the people who might be able to do something.
That's me. I'm about ready to get outta there though. We won't make a bit of difference posting on the youtube video. We either have to ask mediafire to remove the download or somehow convince the modpack author to remove the modpack (which i don't really view as a possibility)

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:38 pm
by screally
Would it be possible instead of stopping altogether (should you decide that) you simply start publishing newer versions of the mod solely on this forum, without giving notice to people elsewhere (so they do not know it is still being continued here, perhaps even say you have stopped publishing it)?

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:38 pm
by Mrchaim
FlowerChild wrote:Yet another reminder that me being nice is almost always a mistake.
Nah, Nice is never a mistake.

What you've done with forge and better than wolves has helped seriously enrich the game experience for a ton of people. Never forget that - Your actions have had worth, no matter what other people do or say.

Sadly, some of these other people dont see that, and are content to be parasites, or to otherwise act without any real moral standpoint. That's their choice, and i sorrow for them, because their lives must be seriously shallow. (Admittedly, this is sort of dramatic descriptors, but i felt hyperbole was an appropriate response to how very shallow this sort of thing is).

At the end of the day though - You've created something of worth and fun. Never, ever, ever forget that.

(As an aside: Would you consider a zip file that contained a script to automatically customize and install everything for you copy-right infringing, assuming it contained no original files and required you to download them from the author's site/etc?)

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:39 pm
by BinoAl
screally wrote:Would it be possible instead of stopping altogether (should you decide that) you simply start publishing newer versions of the mod solely on this forum, without giving notice to people elsewhere (so they do not know it is still being continued here, perhaps even say you have stopped publishing it)?
That might be the way to go, honestly. Hopefully, half of these guys will be too dumb to find this forum and download btw. Although, it may backfire, and cause a ton of people to come here and flame us

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:42 pm
by Kwilt
BinoAl wrote:
screally wrote:Would it be possible instead of stopping altogether (should you decide that) you simply start publishing newer versions of the mod solely on this forum, without giving notice to people elsewhere (so they do not know it is still being continued here, perhaps even say you have stopped publishing it)?
That might be the way to go, honestly. Hopefully, half of these guys will be too dumb to find this forum and download btw. Although, it may backfire, and cause a ton of people to come here and flame us
Eh... I'd say it's worth the gamble.

At least here, we can actively use our fully automatic banhammers.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:43 pm
by walker_boh_65
The best way to go at this might be to lock the MC thread, make one final post about how the yogcast made you stop modding, then stay on this forum until you please,

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:45 pm
by hooktail154
Welp, I'm clocking out of the comments on the video.

My brain may already be rotted. That was painful.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:47 pm
by screally
KWilt wrote:I'm starting to wonder... what the hell does half of this have to do with again? I'm seeing it pop up. And yet, mods like BTW don't even use
Because idiots who use their computers for facebook and "minecraft lululululz" think that sites like adfly can give your computer viruses. Sure they can, if you click on all the bloody adverts on them. Ignore the adds, and no viruses yay.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:48 pm
by Brethern
hooktail154 wrote:Welp, I'm clocking out of the comments on the video.

My brain may already be rotted. That was painful.
Good thing for me the alcohol already pickled my brain.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:51 pm
by AmishGoat
The comments on the video are painful. And I think I'm liking walker_boh_65's idea. Just leave MC forum entirely.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:52 pm
by Kwilt
Whelp, I'm gonna be chugging along until my girl gets back from work. So if you happen to see an EricksHinumaru comment that makes legit sense, thumbs it up.


EDIT: Also, I proclaim this to be the best comedic comment of the night:
Me: Hey Luise you do know that you are distributing illegal intellectual property?

Luise: Don't worry about that.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:55 pm
by Katalliaan
One thing that's very sad about Youtube comments - every minute or so, you see more or less the same exact posts again, but from different people.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:57 pm
by Urian
It's 4am so I'm off for bed. Hopefully this debacle will clear up, mediafire will remove the link and/or the yogscast will remove it from the video description.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:02 pm
by Gdnite
I'm about to start pimp slapping some of these little kids. I can't stand them talking about copyright laws when they don't know shit.

"Well, if Flower Child is so bothered by people posting on his forum topic and asking questions he should probably post information like that he will never include it in a mod-pack and that he isn't going to update to 1.8 OR 1.9. Instead FC doesn't post that on his first post, and it just encourages more people to ask questions over and over and put his topic back on the mod forum Front Page, giving his mod more attention, and he knows this." -Worst argument ever

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:02 pm
by djhag93
Wow...just wow. I've been nothing but a lurker here since I first started playing BTW. I've never had any intention of even communicating with anyone in the community. But when I saw this I was absolutely outraged. Figured I may as well try to help out my favorite mod creator. I tried to help out by posting a few comments on the video but I'm afraid if I stay there any longer I'll pull my hair out. Best of luck to you with all of this FC

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:04 pm
by Battlecat
KWilt wrote:I'm starting to wonder... what the hell does half of this have to do with again? I'm seeing it pop up. And yet, mods like BTW don't even use
My guess would be: "You're making money off it so I can steal it right?"

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:06 pm
by Kwilt
Quick question:

Would anybody be against me taking every video that BlueXephos has ever posted, and posting them on a new account? I mean, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm just redistributing it, and getting the word out about them. And I'm sure losing a few dollars in ad revenue wouldn't hurt.

Re: Illegal modpack with BTW

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:08 pm
by AmishGoat
Go ahead. Won't last long though, it'll be taken down pretty quickly I think.